جنبلاط: لن نردّ على "شبيحة" البعث وسنكشف زيف "إدعاءات الممانعة لتحقيق مآرب إسرائيلية"

Read this story in English W460

شدد رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الإشتراكي" أن حزبه لن ينجر "للرد على بعض الشبيحة الذين يرفعون صورا ولافتات لا تعكس سوى إفلاسهم" في إشارة إلى حزب البعث العربي الإشتراكي كاشفا أنه سينشر أمورا تكشف "عن زيف إدعاءات الممانعة (...) لتحقيق المآرب الاسرائيلية".

وقال جنبلاط في تصريح لصحيفة "الأنباء" الصادرة عن حزبه ينشر الثلاثاء "تبيّن أن الاعتصامات الرمزيّة والحضاريّة التي شاركنا فيها عبّرت بهدوء ومسؤوليّة عن دعم الشعب السوري في محنته وفي مواجهة البطش والقتل اليومي، في حين تبيّن أن الاعتصامات الأخرى التي تنفذّها فرق الشبيحة تعكس سلوكيات من تعبّر عن دعمها له".

وأمس الأحد أحرق عدد من مناصري حزب البعث في وسط بيروت صورا لجنبلاط وحملوا صورا أخرى توجه إهانات لقطر والسعودية احتجاجا على سياستها ضد سوريا وتوجه رئيس الحزب إلى جنبلاط قائلا "بابا عمرو عطاك عمرو" ومتهما إياه بالتحريض لتظاهرة الشيخ أحمد الأسير المناهضة للنظام السوري التي تمت أمس أيضا.

وعليه قال جنبلاط في تصريحه "إننا لن ننجر للرد على بعض الشبيحة الذين يرفعون صوراً ولافتات لا تعكس سوى إفلاسهم، في حين أثبتت الأحداث تبعيّة سياساتهم لاسرائيل بعكس شعارات الممانعة التي رفعوها طوال عقود".

وسأل في هذا الصدد "هل يتناسى البعض بأن حافظ الأسد لم يكن يعترف بوجود فلسطين الى جنوب سوريا، وهو طبّق هذه النظرية في كتب التاريخ التي كانت تُدرّس في المدارس السوريّة لسنوات وسنوات وهذا يتقاطع مع رفض الصهيونيّة الاعتراف بفلسطين والحقوق المشروعة للشعب الفلسطيني؟".

وأضاف "هل يمكن أن نتناسى أن الأسد الأب، عندما كان وزيراً للدفاع السوري، وقبل أن ينقلب على رفاقه ليمسك زمام الحكم، إعتقل الرمز الوطني الفلسطيني والمناضل التاريخي ياسر عرفات سنة 1966؟".

وتابع "إننا سوف نجيب على طريقتنا في هذا المجال من خلال العودة الى التاريخ الحديث وإلى مسارات الصراع العربي- الاسرائيلي والمحاولات المستمرة من قبل نظام البعث العبثي للاطباق على القرار الوطني الفلسطيني المستقل".

وكشف أن "هناك الكثير من الأمثلة والوقائع التاريخيّة التي سوف ننشرها تباعاً، وبشكل أسبوعي، للكشف عن زيف إدعاءات الممانعة وعن حقيقة أعمال هذا النظام في الاغتيالات السياسيّة وإستخدام الساحات وإستغلال المواقع لتحقيق المآرب الاسرائيليّة".

كما جدد رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" دعوة الحكومة لمساعدة النازحين السوريين "مع تأخر دخول الهلال الأحمر والمساعدات الانسانيّة الى بابا عمرو وسائر أنحاء حمص".

التعليقات 42
Thumb geha 16:52 ,2012 آذار 05

there is no denial the syrian regime , iran and israel complete each other to drain the region's resources under the cover of war being imminent between them :)
we reject them all, and we want to live in peace.

Missing niqoula 17:49 ,2012 آذار 05

You are right but the arab kings and emirs and princes arent better in any way whatsoever.

Default-user-icon nicolas (ضيف) 20:05 ,2012 آذار 05

actually they are much better I don't see any of their citizens leaving their families and coming to works backbreaking menial jobs for low pay because of their rule. Syria is rich enough to provided for these people just ask Assad and his extended family. Besides the arab kings and emirs and princes never used their armies to murder Lebanese and to occupy Lebanon, but your idiotic rhetoric precludes you from seeing that.

Thumb primesuspect 23:10 ,2012 آذار 05

That's the Walid we like, he spoke the truth for once. You're right, all extremists (Baath, Hezbollah, anf israeli ultra nationalists) wouldn't be able to legitimize their own existence without creating those tensions on purpose. For once, I'll quote George Bush Junior. On this one he was right: "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!". So, we won't be fooled again dear extremists.

Default-user-icon 4G (ضيف) 17:02 ,2012 آذار 05

Wow Walid,what's gotten in you lately you seem to have a spring in Your step last couple months or so..That seismic shift of yours is worrisome could you please explain.Any how i have no choice i will have to go for the ride i guess .I better sit down put the seat belt on and shut up.But what ever the outcome might be good luck in your new adventure .

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 17:03 ,2012 آذار 05

what is a Man what has he got
if not himself then he has not
to say the things he truly feels
and not the words of one who kneels
so mr joumblat in which categorie you belong too
in oeder to have the right to talk about the bad deeds of the syriens , give back the power you took from them when you used to sit in their lap

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:14 ,2012 آذار 05

roulette russe: a race/gamble between murdering walid beik and the life of the regime.

Default-user-icon Noreply (ضيف) 17:29 ,2012 آذار 05

Bravo slash... What a courageous stance! That is the answer, right: blow up all those who don't share your narrow views? Don't you realize that you sound like a brainwashed idiot when you say someting like that? The worse is that i doubt you are. Just blinded. What's wrong with living in peace without killing each other's? I am tired of all that crap, seriously.

Thumb beiruti 17:32 ,2012 آذار 05

Good for Jumblatt. And the history books will also show that Hafez al Assad was in charge of the Golan in 1967 when the Israelis took it without much of a fight being put up by the Syrian Army. In fact, the Syrian Druze who live there put up more of a fight, even though Israel sent Israeli Druze at the head of its lines in an effort to neutralize the local Druze fighters in the Golan.
And what a coincidence that after Assad gave up the Golan without much fight in 1967, that Assad came to supreme power in Syria in 1969.
And now, as little Assad goes about slaugtering Syrians, who holds the world back from stopping him, but Israel. They wish to keep him in power to keep peace on their northern border.

Thumb antizionist 14:14 ,2012 آذار 07

ya beiruti...Israel captured the Golan Heights during the six-day war,during which Israel devastated the Egyptian, Jordanian, and Syrian military simultaneously with minimal effort because of their (long gone) air superiority. Syria along with the other Arab countries were at the mercy of the Israelis, so in your extensive opinion, are you saying that while Syria and Hafiz AL Assad were under the mercy of Israel, they should have attempted to reclaim the Golan Heights? Don't you think that would have made matters much worse for Syria? but off course not!! You think that Hafiz AL Assad and Bashar are both supported by Israel...yup I see the logic in what you are saying...might I suggest you become a war tactician? As I'm sure you would make an excellent General!!

Thumb antizionist 14:15 ,2012 آذار 07

Similar to the Shebaa farms, any attempts to reclaim the Golan heights is a provocation to Israel. Which believe it or not nobody wants. Rather, Syria,Lebanon, and Iran (God Bless Them) are in a self defense mode. i.e. any attack on these countries is when Israel and all those who support it will be wiped off!!

Missing minlibnan 17:40 ,2012 آذار 05

Slash don't you worry about him. But at tge same time you should be very worried. If he is hurt or killed, lebanon is at war 100%. The Druze react and look for blood. Our country will be destroyed. Remember when they killed his father!?? Not like even when hariri died tge reaction was still a peaceful demo. You joke about TNT now, you will cry when you see what that will do to our country.

Thumb antizionist 14:20 ,2012 آذار 07

lol..slash I advise you to slash your tongue..leave it to people like you to not be able to read between the lines and see that this is exactly what Zionists want you to believe...they do the killings knowing fully well who shortsighted people like you will blame

Missing minlibnan 17:59 ,2012 آذار 05

Galiboun! We will talk when they are dragging bashars body in the streets of Homs.

Thumb antizionist 14:22 ,2012 آذار 07

that means you will never talk :)

Default-user-icon Henri Khabbaji (ضيف) 18:00 ,2012 آذار 05

So the embodiment of filth, a scum bag by all norms, is talking about thugs. Did those thugs commit more crimes than this thug? Who's counting anyway? The criminals have been absolved of their crimes and now they outdo each other with their benevolence! No? Only in this damned country do we have jerks, keep re-electing those who trampled on your rights, robbed them and are still at it. Jerks, don't forget to call them sheikhs and beiks and all the other rotten names while they shake and bake you and your future.

Missing vaclav_havel 20:44 ,2012 آذار 05

I agree with you sir. Our politicians are all bad in some way. However there is no problem supporting an idea or a group or party. I would even say "Good to be engaged". Even in a very developed country politicians are corrupt.
The real problem is to follow blindly someone, is to have no principles and systematically support the person without even standing back.
Ignorance is the problem and not commitment!

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 18:14 ,2012 آذار 05

Why do everyone atack the Arabs every time Jumblat speaks about Syria? The Arabs never interferred in our own affairs, save Saddam who was a Baathist. The Arabs have opened their Doors wide open to us the Lebanese and we became rich because of their benevolence. No other countries treated the Lebanese like their own better than the Arab states. We owe it to them because with all honesty they appreciate us for our education and treat us like equals while the Syrians regime (not the people) have always wants to rip us off and demonate us with their tactics that they now use on their own people. The Arabs are our brothers and sisters and when we talk about them we should be careful not to hurt their feelings. I am a Christian who worked in the all the Arab Gulf states and honestly I always felt part of them and they let me feel like them: no religious discrimation at all. They were civil and really how all of us as Arabs should be. God bless the Arabs of whom we are one.

Thumb antizionist 14:34 ,2012 آذار 07

trueself you brought tears to my eyes (sniff sniff) tell me something when you speak about Arabs do you speak about the people or the governments? Because my dear trueself, let me make you even more truer to your self, to comment on what you said "We owe it to them because with all honesty they appreciate us for our education and treat us like equals" they appreciate our education BECAUSE THEY AREN'T EDUCATED OR INCOMPETENT!!! Are you living on a different planet? Didn't you hear of a recent statistic that showed that in KSA alone 60% of the workforce are foreigners? i.e. its the Lebanese and other foreigners building their country. Did you know they have a 40% unemployment rate of young Saudi nationals? Remove the oil, and they will go back to riding camels and living in their tents..

Thumb antizionist 14:34 ,2012 آذار 07

so off course they appreciate us more (sniff sniff)it costs a company in KSA an average of $2500 to employ a Lebanese, whereas it costs an average of $6000 to employ an American, and both are extremely educated and capable workers, but off course the Lebanese is cheaper, so off course they will appreciate you more (Sniff Sniff)..I also support Flamethrower in everything he said!!

Thumb antizionist 14:36 ,2012 آذار 07

And another thing, I think you need to remind yourself of who brought the Syrians to Lebanon in the first place.

Missing abou.ali 18:19 ,2012 آذار 05

Here we go again with the conspiracy theories. Now it is Israel that keeps Bashar in power???? Are you crazy? Israel knows that the removal of Bashar will mean the end of the Hezbollah-Syria-Iran Axis. So why leave him there? No, the real problem is the Arab League! They do not know with whom to identify, the SNC, Al-Quaeda, El-Salafis, The Muslim Brotherhood? Where is the opposition? What kind of opposition exists. That's the real concern of all those who what Bashar to step down... Israel, for once, has nothing to do with this scenario, although it must be following up the situation very closely...

Thumb antizionist 14:38 ,2012 آذار 07

Yislam hal tim ya abou.ali!!!

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 18:23 ,2012 آذار 05

I am coming to appreciate Jumblat every day for his bold stances and honesty. Jumblat doesn't owe the Syrian people anything and he could have opted to shy himself from the dangers of the Syrian crisis; but he didn't because with all honesty, the tragidies that are happening to the Syrians could not be even thought of in this day and age where human rights are protected. It is unfortunate for the president of Syria to have chosen the route of blood. I for one could not kill a bird; how could a president kill men, women and children and still be able to sleep? Is it so important to a president? Couldn't he have stepped down peacefully and went lived in another country? His people may have accepted him staying if he gave them their rights, but he turned his blind eye on them and decided to kill them. Jumblat is human being and his nearness to the Syrian people could not but be admired on a human scale.

Missing Cyanide 11:27 ,2012 آذار 06

thats how you build a country

Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 18:46 ,2012 آذار 05

How nice Israel is blamed for all the Arabs' troubles.
Time to grow up and take responsibility.
Once Habib Bourgiba said, if we want to have victory on Israel, let's keel them with peace as with wars we failed.
But think that if no Israel to hate you, Arabs would have eaten on the other much earlier.
As for Syria and all other so called Arab spring, we fear that the only party gained from the revolution in the Arab world are the fanatic Muslims and El Quaida.
Same will happen in Syria. 1st of all the Alawi party in Syria will be slaughtered and El Quaida will come to power their.

Thumb lebneneh 19:11 ,2012 آذار 05

Some of the conspiracy theories in the comments here are amazing...I praise the Lebanese people for their rich imagination but I'm not surprised since we all grew up being fed such conspiracies!

The only view that I agree with is Henri Khabbaji's view but I stretch it cover all Lebanese politicians with no exception...They are all filth and scumbags!

Default-user-icon Murad (ضيف) 19:48 ,2012 آذار 05

What lies! Syrian history books have full maps and mentions of Palestine. I know because I went through the Syrian school system. Also if the coward Yasser Arafat is the "symbol" of Palestinian resistance, then the Palestinian people will never have a homeland.

Missing allouchi 20:15 ,2012 آذار 05

Baath Thugs, who are these people? Assad's enforcers in Lebanon I guess...what a bunch of trash...

Default-user-icon DCNZogh (ضيف) 20:41 ,2012 آذار 05

Nothing like the machinations of the irrelevant (Jumblatt) trying to make himself relevant.

Default-user-icon Tony (ضيف) 21:04 ,2012 آذار 05

abou.ali, Israel is benefiting from Hezbollah's existence in Lebanon. Israel wants Lebanon without a true government, with militia's arms and internal problems. You think Israel in not happy with what's happening in Egypt with the Islamist taking over? badoun yena nerja3 la wara mesh net2adam la 2eddem

Thumb antizionist 14:45 ,2012 آذار 07

I must admit this is one of the funniest statement I have ever heard!! OMG this is hopeless!!How ignorant are you people? Israel wants the existence of Hizbullah? the only threat against Israel is Hizbullah/Syria/Iran, and you are saying they are benefitting from Hizbullah's presence?? All you ignorant,stupid,foolish, and cowardly pro-zionists go read well instead of listening to cheap News broadcat stations like Mustaqbal and LBC, what do you all know of the New World Order? PATHETIC!!

Default-user-icon Tony (ضيف) 18:11 ,2012 آذار 07

lol. Can you explain to me how is Hizbullah a threat to israel right now? I'm not saying that israel and hizbullah are allies. But Israel is benefiting from Hizbullah's existing and i can assure you my friend that the Israeli government does not want extremism to vanish from the middle east because first, it is itself based on extremism values, second she wants Arabs not to evolve and last but not least she wants to attack us from time to time, with the excuse that it has a terrorism threat behind its border.
Anyway this is my opinion, you can have a different one. You don't need to attack me because we don't agree.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 23:42 ,2012 آذار 05

@primsuspect: Bush screwed up that line and it's not his quote, that's a known saying that's been around for a long time. Bush was an idiot.

Jumblat forgets to mention that Assad tried to kill Arafat on several occasions and intervened against him twice in the war (76 on the Christian side) and in the early 80s in the camps war.

Assad, Baath, SSNP and others claim to be fighting for Palestinian rights but they do nothing to actually get to an independent Palestinian country. They're very good at talking big though.

Thumb shab 00:53 ,2012 آذار 06

Baath is a dying party. They know it

Thumb antizionist 14:46 ,2012 آذار 07

And so is your Israel!!

Default-user-icon TruthHurt (ضيف) 04:44 ,2012 آذار 06

God bless the Israeli defense army which will bomb Iran soon.

Thumb antizionist 14:47 ,2012 آذار 07

hahahahaha!!! You think Israel has the balls to bomb Iran??hahahahahahahaahhahahahahaha

Default-user-icon old news (ضيف) 08:03 ,2012 آذار 06

Considering that Jumblat is taking such a strong stance against Bashar Assad's regime, history tells us that there will be change. More importantly, please take a look at the media picture around the world, and compare it to other regime falls, and you will see that this is no doubt this will happen. Most media channels in USA and Europe, Asia..., are politicized, but they still let's us know in clear writing that Assad will be gone. One of the many challenges in Lebanon is that information outlets are distorting objectivity heavily. However, if you manage to take a good look outside your usual information sources, and setting your personal feelings aside while thinking it through, then you'll know.

Missing Cyanide 11:33 ,2012 آذار 06

innal 7ayat lil aqweya2i fi nufusihim wa laysat lil do3afa2

Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 16:19 ,2012 آذار 06

Tony (Guest), you are wrong.
Israel will much more benefit if in Lebanon will be a government who will keep the mutual border quiet same as was from 1948 till early 80s when Lebanon let PLO building a terror base against Israel.
All blame is on Lebanese side, you started with it, handle with the consequence.
Same for Egypt Jordan Syria or any other country who will be responsible for violation of Israeli borders.
You can't kill your parents and cry for mercy as you are an orphan.

Thumb antizionist 14:21 ,2012 آذار 07

Well Said!!