المرصد السوري: القوات السورية تقصف جسرا يستخدمه اللاجئون إلى لبنان
Read this story in Englishقصفت القوات السورية اليوم الثلاثاء جسرا يستخدمه الجرحى واللاجئون للعبور من قراهم السورية الى لبنان.
وقال مدير المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان رامي عبد الرحمن لوكالة فرانس برس إن القوات السورية "قصفت جسرا يمر عليه كل الجرحى في طريقهم الى لبنان قرب مدينة القصير (محافظة حمص) وهو قريب جدا من الحدود اللبنانية".
وفي بيان لاحق، اوضح ان الجسر المستهدف "كان يستخدم لعبور الجرحى من المدنيين والمنشقين والنازحين الى الاراضي اللبنانية خوفا من اعتقالهم من السلطات السورية على المعابر الشرعية" بين لبنان وسوريا.
وقال عضو الهيئة العامة للثورة السورية هادي العبد الله في اتصال من حمص مع وكالة فرانس برس ان "القوات السورية قصفت بالمدفعية الجسر الذي مرت عليه (الصحافية الفرنسية) اديت بوفييه والذي يمر عليه كل الجرحى ويصل الى نقطة قبل الحدود اللبنانية مباشرة".
واضاف "كان المنفذ الرئيسي لعبور الجرحى من منطقة حمص الى لبنان، ولم يعد قابلا للعبور".
واكد مسؤول محلي لبناني يتابع شؤون النازحين السوريين في المنطقة الحدودية في شرق لبنان الخبر، استنادا الى معلومات وصلته من سكان في قريتي الجوسية والربلة في الجانب السوري.
ويمر الجسر فوق نهر العاصي ويصل الربلة بالجوسية الحدودية مع منطقة القاع اللبنانية في البقاع (شرق).
ومنذ بدء الاضطرابات في سوريا في منتصف آذار 2011، عبر الاف السوريين النازحين من اعمال العنف الى لبنان عبر معابر شرعية او غير شرعية، وكذلك اعداد كبيرة من الجرحى.
وتتداخل الاراضي اللبنانية والسورية في نقاط حدودية عدة، ويرتبط السكان على جانبي الحدود بصلات قرابة وصداقة وزمالة.
great news maybe that will stop the grubs crossing over into Lebanon.Now they can stay where they belong.
Shame on you! I do hope whenever a drama occurs, nobody will help you or your family. Ya 3ayb el shoom 3aleik.
Yesterday armed thugs used this same bridge to attack the Lebanese army, so for Lebanon this is good news, sorry for the wounded but ...
bel ro7 bel dam yafdouk ya sheikh sa3d. And cheikh Saad is busy skiing on the alps or traveling is his private jet or busy playing mortal combat video game and decimating his enemies while someone is massaging his shoulders.
If Saad dares to step a foot in Lebanon HA already has his grave waiting for him so leave him out of the picture. And Mansour...how can you call your fellow brothers 'grubs' who are seeking the same freedom that us Lebanese are fighting these scums aka HA. Both the Lebanese and Syrian people are fighting the same enemy - HA & the Syrian regime! If we get rid of Assad and his organization, HA will crumble and inshallah we all will live in peace & harmony between two of the most beautiful & resourceful countries on this planet!
Assad regime and his minions (most of them M14 now) throwed me in military jail for 13 days back in 2003 so I will probably be the happiest person on this forum if they fall. But to be replaced by Salafis just like it happened in Egypt, Tunisia and Lybia: no thanks. Having Israel on our border is bad enough but having the political arm of Al kaeda on the other border this will mean certain death to the country!! So sadly I second the churches (catholic and orthodox alike for once) choice
On this one, I must admit I'm disappointed by Hariri Junior. He's exactly doing like the terrorist leader Nasrallah, which is hiding.... Sheikh Saad, your country and, more importantly, your people need you!
and nasralah is bussy chasing mice in the slums of da7iye and being vitamin D defficient lol. I think saad has it better.
i learn more and more everyday how the lebanese are just as racist as the israelis. People like you enlighten me with their glow. How about them filthy she3a crazies in the da7iye? why are these ones 7alal and the others 7aram, they both should be banned and disarmed. It is people like you who are breeding salafism in lebanon btw.
Unfortunately, Lebanon has become the rubbish bin and theater of muscle stretching of the Middle East.
What next?
a wall the same as between israel and west bank should be built on all our borders with syria and israel
Unfortunately, the Lebanese have a very short memory. They forget they were in the same situation in the seventies and eighties fleeing the same army which seems so efficient in killing civilian.
Lol, so the bridge is not used for smuggling of arms and terrorists? The media today has become a real farce.
the article says refugees not armed thugs, if you disagree with this site and ts journalists then why bother reading it and posting stuff that wasn't even mentioned ( irrelevant in this context ) you just ignorant!
The ones that doesn't grant mercy should not expect it in return when the time comes. Assad will fall and his begging for mercy will not help.
@Kesrweneh: Hope you're not a Aoun supporter then because he completely forgot about Lebanese prisoners in Lebanon after they gave him power...
I guess the families escaping are also terrorists that's why the Syrian military destroys the bridge? Defenders of the Syrian people indeed.