كنعان جدد المطالبة بتقديم قطع حساب حول الـ11 مليار

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جدد رئيس لجنة المال والموازنة النيابية ابراهيم كنعان مطالبة، قوى 8 آذار وبالاخص تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح"، بأن يقدم قطع حساب حول انفاق الحكومات منذ الـ2006 الى الـ2010 وليس تقديم اجازات صرف.

وفي مؤتمر صحافي حول الانفاق المالي، قال كنعان أن التأخر الذي حصل في تقديم الموازنات في السنوات الفائتة يعني أنهم كانوا يصرفون ثم يأتون إلى مجلس النواب كي يقولوا له نحن صرفنا وليقم المجلس بالبصم. على سبيل المثال، موازنة الـ2005 قدمت بعد أن أكثر من سنة وشهر على المهلة الدستورية.

وشدد على أن إعتماد الـ8900 مليار أرسل إلى مجلس النواب وصرفت هذه الأموال عبر سلفات خزينة بعد أن كانت قد ارتكزت الحكومة على وجود هذا المشروع في مجلس النواب ويتم مناقشته، المشكلة مع الرئيس فؤاد سنيورة أنه حتى ليس هناك إيجاز للصرف.

وتابع أن اقتراح قانون الـ11 مليار غير جدي ولا يمكن القبول به، واصفاً اياه بالفضيحة الدستورية القانونية. وقال: "تقدموا به فقط لتعطيل المجلس النيابي".

وتابع ان الكلام عن أن اقفال مجلس النواب هو سبب المشكلة غير صحيح، فالمشكلة تكمن في عدم الإعتراف في أن هناك إيجاز للصرف يجب ألا يتم تخطيه.

وكان قد أقفل مجلس النواب بين الـ2006 والـ2008 اثر خلافات بين قوى 8 و14 آذار.

أردف كنعان بالقول "نتنافس في السياسة لكن علينا احترام الحقائق والقانون"، مشيراً الى ان البعض جعل القانون والدستور وجهة نظر. وقال نريد الاصلاح وعودة من يهاجر.

وكان بري قد طرح أن يتم التصويت على الـ8900 مليار ليرة على أن يتم في ما بعد التطرق الى الـ11 مليار ليرة، الامر الذي ترفضه 14 آذار، وتشترط أن تتم قوننة الـ11 مليار دولار مع الـ8900 مليار ليرة معا لأنها تعتبر أنهما متماثلان من حيث طريقة الصرف وبالتالي ليس هناك من داع لكشف حساب للـ11 مليار لأن كل شيئ واضح.

وكلف وزير المال محمد الصفدي أمس الاثنين، بإنجاز مشروع قانون يتعلق بتسوية النفقات بين الاعوام 2006 و2010 أي في عهد حكومات الرئيسين السابقين فؤاد السنيورة وسعد الحريري، لاقراره في مجلس الوزراء الوزراء واحالته على مجلس النواب، في حين أن قوى 14 آذار تتمسك بمطالبتها بحل شامل لمجمل الانفاق أي من 2006 الى 2010 الى جانب الانفاق في عهد رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي.

التعليقات 19
Thumb jcamerican 13:21 ,2012 آذار 06

What do you think, you are in a democratic country to demand anything?

Default-user-icon Gabriel (ضيف) 13:50 ,2012 آذار 06

How about your accounting records of all the bribes you accepted from the Satan Ali Khameini ? How about all the accounting records of Aoun in Paris and all the money he embezzled from the Government ? Mr Kanaan you preach best of what you need to learn most .

Thumb kesrweneh 14:11 ,2012 آذار 06

Finally numbers and law, not just poetry and tears as Mr.Siniora and co are used to throw at Lebanese citizens. Frankly I think accountability won’t be in courts but in votes: Eagerly awaiting 2013

Default-user-icon cash cow (ضيف) 14:55 ,2012 آذار 06

This little boy claims that “We cannot fabricate legal matters. The law must be respected,” he stressed... yet a couple of weeks ago this same little boy agreed the decree that Charbel Nahhas was asked to sign was illegal but then Aoun, their boss, was ordered by Nasrallah, the legal scholar and expert, that the decree was legal and must be signed and then it was.

Nahhas was dropped like an old smelly shoe, obviously the legality of the decree was not longer an issue.. was that a fabricated legal matter and was the law respected, ANSWER LITTLE BOY!

Thumb primesuspect 15:11 ,2012 آذار 06

An audit is necessary. If money has been stolen -no matter which side did- the people behind the theft should be judged. We shouldn't stop at money theft, everyone who's got blood on his hands (armed militias) that has turned his weapons against people should be judged and sentenced for life. Screw the amnesty law. Geagea's sentence was too short, but Amal leader -Berri-, Hezbollah leader -Nasrallah- General Aoun whom illegally seized the power in 89, Jumblatt, the Phalangist ex president ALL ALL ALL should be judged for the sake of the country. Roumieh prison can welcome all of them. If Saad Hariri also stole, then he shall join them.

Thumb primesuspect 16:18 ,2012 آذار 06

Aoun decided to to at war against Ex foe Syria and massively shelled Beirut, killing huge amount of Lebanese citizens with the army's weapons. Hezbollah blew up the US and French embassies in Beirut, that's for the old stuff they didn't pay for. More recently, they triggered a war that killed 1000+ Lebanese citizens and cost us billions in infrastructure. Later on, they terrorized Lebanon on a bloody month of may.vthe governments that legalized the Hezbollah weapons served nothing but themselves regardeless of M14/M8. They are about to get away with stolen billions of dollars. This cannot go unpunished. Iceland's judicial system set the example. Their ex prime minister is accused of negligence that caused the bankruptcy of the country. He'll most likely get jailed for this. Nobody is untouchable. Our Lebanese ''leaders" are covering their illegal activities by elaborating new laws thinking they are safe. They are fools!

Thumb benzona 16:38 ,2012 آذار 06

I agree, TOUS des voleurs! They must face justice whether they are pro syrians, pro-iranians, pro american, pro french, pro mongolian or pro united colors of benetton. HANG THEM ALL!

Thumb beiruti 15:58 ,2012 آذار 06

It is a basic tenant of law that one cannot obstruct and the accuse the other of breach of duty caused by one's own obstruction. M8 seems to be attempting to accomplish this feat by holding M14 accountable for 2006-10 spending without the benefit of a budget approved by Parliament, which of course was and is controlled by the M8 Speaker Berri.
But this is all a ruse. M8 is actually attempting to sanction its illegal spending in 2011 of $5.9 billion without incurring any sanction for the irregularities that occurred then. The 2006-10 bill is to gain leverage over M14, to gain parity, so that in negotiations each side will let the other side be excused for their actions.
M14, if it could trust those performing the audit should show the books, then challenge M8 to do the same. I doubt that M8 can justify Aoun's family spending from the nation's treasury.

Thumb beiruti 15:58 ,2012 آذار 06

It is a basic tenant of law that one cannot obstruct and the accuse the other of breach of duty caused by one's own obstruction. M8 seems to be attempting to accomplish this feat by holding M14 accountable for 2006-10 spending without the benefit of a budget approved by Parliament, which of course was and is controlled by the M8 Speaker Berri.
But this is all a ruse. M8 is actually attempting to sanction its illegal spending in 2011 of $5.9 billion without incurring any sanction for the irregularities that occurred then. The 2006-10 bill is to gain leverage over M14, to gain parity, so that in negotiations each side will let the other side be excused for their actions.
M14, if it could trust those performing the audit should show the books, then challenge M8 to do the same. I doubt that M8 can justify Aoun's family spending from the nation's treasury.

Thumb geha 16:35 ,2012 آذار 06

yes a syro/israeli agent :) you make me laugh!

Thumb kesrweneh 16:39 ,2012 آذار 06

Just as a reminder Prime, late mufti Hassan Kahled said( “ gharbye is being bombed form gharbieh) right before he was killed by the syrian occupation army or their mignons in Lebanon (current Harriri supporters) so no the Lebanese Army never bombed Beirut

Thumb kesrweneh 16:45 ,2012 آذار 06

Again why are we drifting away from the main subject, all cabinets headed by Siniora or Harriri broke the law and did not submit their accounts to the parliament approval thus they deserve to be legally punished. This is called: accountability, a term long forgotten in Lebanon, but recently brought back thanks to people such as PM Kannaan and Minister Sehnaoui…

Missing kuluna_lil_watan 17:16 ,2012 آذار 06

I agree with Benzona... HANG THEM ALL. ALL Lebanese political parties are thieves

Missing kuluna_lil_watan 17:22 ,2012 آذار 06

@primesuspect: I agree 100% with you

Thumb primesuspect 18:23 ,2012 آذار 06

Hezbollah by his actions brought back the specter of civil war, it's time to finish off with all the actors of that era, they need to face justice. We need that to completely move on with our lives.

Default-user-icon Rocky (ضيف) 19:09 ,2012 آذار 06

He looks like a raccoon!

Default-user-icon Meryl (ضيف) 20:10 ,2012 آذار 06

BRAVO, and the Oscar goes to.. this is exiting.. BIBO! BIBO KANAAN!

Missing aris 22:59 ,2012 آذار 06

how much money is he stealing

Missing th21 12:10 ,2012 آذار 07

Ok seriously now,

look at his face: http://images3.naharnet.com/images/19078/w460.JPG?1320410679

Does this guy inspire any form of trust in you?
