سوريا تطالب بتسليم المسلحين السوريين الفارين إلى لبنان لاعتبارهم "خارجين على القانون"
Read this story in Englishوجهت وزارة العدل السورية كتاباً رسمياً الى السلطات اللبنانية تطلب فيه "تسليم العناصر المسلحة الذين تم توقيفهم في لبنان الى السلطات السورية".
وأوضحت مصادر مطلعة عبر صحيفة "السفير" اليوم الجمعة أن هذه المذكرة جرى تسليمها، أمس الخميس، الى مدعي عام التمييز القاضي سعيد ميرزا، الذي بادر الى تسليم نسخة منها الى وزير العدل شكيب قرطباوي.
وصرحت المصادر أن الإعلان في لبنان عن توقيف تلك المجموعات المسلحة من قبل الجيش اللبناني قبل أيام، شكل "وثيقة" استندت إليها السلطات السورية لتوجيه كتابها الى السلطات اللبنانية بخصوص المسلحين الفارين.
وكانت القوى الامنية قد ألقت الاحد القبض على 35 مسلح كانوا في عداد النازحين السوريين، وحققت معهم، وقد أخلي سبيل 28 منهم الاثنين تبين أنهم كانوا يحملون أسلحة لكنهم لم يطلقوا النار لا في الاراضي السورية ولا في الجانب اللبناني، وأبقت قيد التوقيف سبعة مسلحين سوريين أطلقوا النار في الجانب اللبناني الأحد وأصيب نتيجة لذلك جندي لبناني.
وبالتالي، اعتبرت المصادر في "السفير" أن هذا الإجراء يلقي على الدولة اللبنانية مسؤولية الاستجابة للطلب السوري، خاصة أنه يندرج في سياق الاتفاقية القضائية الموقعة بين البلدين في العام 1951، وملحقاتها الموقعة في العام 1991، بالإضافة إلى الاتفاقية الدفاعية بين البلدين (1991).
"علماً أن المسلحين المطلوب تسليمهم وفق المذكرة السورية هم "خارجون على القانون" من منظور السلطات السورية".
وشكل الموضوع الحدودي، عنوان الاجتماع الاستثنائي الذي عقده المجلس الأعلى للدفاع أمس الخميس في بعبدا، بدعوة من رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، وقال أحد المشاركين في الاجتماع لـ"السفير" إن موضوع النازحين السوريين شكل نقطة تدقيق من قبل المجتمعين.
وتبين بحسب المصدر أن "النسبة الكبيرة ممن نزحوا جراء المواجهات في سوريا عادوا اليها، فضلاً عن أن المسلحين الذين أوقفهم الجيش اللبناني قد تمت إحالتهم الى القضاء المختص لاتخاذ الإجراءات التي تتوافق مع حالة كل منهم".
"Syria Demands Lebanon to Hand over Armed Men, Describing them as ‘Outlaws’ "
Huh?? They want us to give em hezbothugs?? Mmmmm......OK!
it aparently took you no time at all to come up with your lines since you "borrowed" them...way to keep the discussion useful!
Wow dude. You guys are touchy and easily get defensive. Not everyone thinks like you. Majority of Lebanese disagree with you. Just like the majority of Syrians are against Bashar the butcher. Sorry to burst your bubble.
let lebanon exchange these armed syrian with the lebanese held in prisons in syria or the syrian authority give them details of their fate
How about Huzb Allah hands over the 4 hariri assassins first and Ahmad Jibril is arrested (a Syrian sponsored murderer) and how about those Lebanese prisoners that disappeared in Syria? Aoun forgot about them since getting power, but others haven't.
we do not need another naher el bared send all these fanatics to where they came from if not to syria send them back to saoudieh or qatar
these are considered freedom fighters. respect them please, especially for the sacrifices they are making.
I do not accept the fact they exchaanged fire with the lebanese army, but that does not mean to send them to their death to the syrian regime.
by the way guys, especially those in the south and bekaa, watch out because very soon israel is launching an all atack to destry hizbushaitan.
do not bother to come to other regions because you will not be welcome.
your days of muredring lebanese are close to be over
You sound like an idiot. Your chances of being killed by the Israelis are much higher than any of HA fighters. Plus you don't sound like a hospitable or friendly type to help anyone.
You figured all that out about this individual by just reading their comment? Wow!!! Either you are real good or have a crystal ball. Or you are just a bigger idiot.
Hey Neon .
Thank you for your answers in regards to Hizb and the court,
What about those kidnapped in Syrian Jails?Any comment?
long live syrian people they defeated wahabi missionery thugs in homes suported by zionist nato criminals ! we sri lankan proud of the great syrians
Here's the ultimate test that will play a major role in what will happen in Lebanon: Will HA interfere and find a way to help the Syrian regime in turning these people over. That will be quite interesting and could be the spark to light the fuse of renewed instability within Lebanon.
To be continued....
The most trouble free solution: arrest those with the arms and then hold them indefinitely until the situation in Syria resolves itself. No way should they be free and no way should they be turned over the Syrians.
I want to see Mansour go on public TV and demand from Syria to work harder at the borders to stop any illegal infiltration into Lebanon. Is it not the Syrian ambassador last week went on TV and ask the Lebanese Gov to control the borders from infiltration into Syria?
Lebanon should hand over anyone to the Syrians...let them bang their heads against the wall.....stand up to Syria, once and for all and finally after 40 years..enough...!!!!!
flamethrower: why don't you go to syria and fight for your boy bashar....you can hang with him when it's time...
Funny when Arabs speak of democracy or when GG says its the only way to protect Christians. Stupid! One, it takes 100's of years to learn and establish democracies... In that meantime, it's chaos. Two, for a democracy to work, everyone should be equal. In the ME, a Christian will vote for a Christian, a Sunni for the Sunni and the chiite for the chiite. So, minority rights are non existent as long as religion is key. For a democracy to work, there must be an understanding, a secular system based on merits. You are not going to get a democracy in the ME until people think about themselves first and their religion plays no role in politics, society and decision-making. So, dream on... We will all be long gone from this world before a true democratic ME is founded...