جنبلاط بعد لقائه جوبيه في باريس حذر من تسليم الناشطين السوريين الى نظام الاسد
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" أنه دعا ووزير الخارجية الفرنسي الان جوبيه "غالبية الاجهزة اللبنانية الى عدم تسليم اعضاء الجيش السوري الحر والناشطين السوريين الذين يلجأون الى لبنان لأن مصير الذين سلموا (سابقا) الى اجهزة النظام كان الاعدام".
واثر لقائه جوبيه خلال زيارته فرنسا طالب جنبلاط السلطات اللبنانية بـ"التزام تطبيق العقوبات الدولية المفروضة على النظام السوري"، وفق كا نقلته عنه صحيفة "النهار". يُشار الى أن مجلس الامن الدولي قد فرض عقوبات دولية على النظام السوري.
وقال أنه اتفق وجوبيه على "ضرورة تقديم كل الدعم الى هؤلاء النازحين لان هناك أوساطاً لبنانية قريبة من النظام السوري مترددة في تقديم المساعدات اليهم".
وكان جنبلاط قد أعلن في تصاريح صحفية سابقة أنه "اذا لم تتسع المدارس والمؤسسات لإيواء هؤلاء النازحين في الاراضي اللبنانية، فلنفتح لهم منازلنا إذا دعت الحاجة ونقدم اليهم المساعدات الصحية والاجتماعية"، موضحاً أنه "مع إعطاء كل الضمانات والمساعدات الاجتماعية للنازحين السوريين أياً يكن عددهم".
وارتفع عدد النازحين السوريين في الأشهر الاخيرة الى منطقة وادي خالد وطرابلس وبلدات في الشمال، وازدادت أعداد هؤلاء في الجنوب وخصوصاً في الزهراني.
ومنذ منتصف تموز، شددت القوات السورية الاجراءات الامنية على الحدود مع لبنان بحجة وقف تهريب السلاح، فيما تؤكد تقارير اخرى انها تسعى ايضا لمنع تسلل معارضين وجنود منشقين.
وقال جنبلاط لـ"النهار" عقب اللقاء أن "الوزير جوبيه كان من الساسة القلائل إن لم نقل الأوحد بين الغربيين الذين لم يصدقوا أسطورة ان (الرئيس السوري) بشار الاسد اصلاحي".
وفي تصاريح صحفية سابقة، وصف جنبلاط الأسد بأنه "مصاب جنون العظمة". وعما إذا كان "الأسد إصلاحيا والقريبون منه هم من منعوه من إكمال هذا التوجه"، قال جنبلاط، في وقت سابق "إن هذه هي الكذبة الأكبر التي تم اختراعها هذا "الإصلاحي" لم يستطيع أن يتحمل مجرد حد أدنى من التغيير إبان ربيع دمشق".
Jumblat is one heck of a man whose stances are so bold and timely one can't but admire him for his courage and steadfastness. I am one who is fond of Jumblat. This man is really humane and fears nothing. One could say that Jumblat could have opted to duck down until the situation in Syria clear up, but this has not been the case. Look at our Christian leaders (I am Christian) who lick the butt of Bashar and side with him blindly even though he is killing his own people whom he classifies as terrorists. I wonder whether these people are really Christians. Jumblat we all love you. Please stay the course and never fear. But please do take care of your security and safety. God bless you.
Jumblatt is usually the compass of where the wind is blowing, and it is obviously not in your flame's favor lol.
just send these syrian refugees to the countries that sent them arms ie saoudieh and qatar
or mr joumblat you can put them and divide them betwween your mutiple catles and mansions u have and you can give them money from your own that you made when you was sitting in the lap of the syrian army in lebanon
Why should Lebanon return these people to Syria when the Syrians sent assassins, murderers and terrorists to Lebanon to commit various acts of violence over decades? Who arms Palestinian groups in Lebanon and the fake resistance?
sorry mr joumblat forget to tell you
start by bringing back all mouhajaro el jabal to their villages and pay them compensations from the fortune you made when yiu used to collaborate with the syrian occupiers
walid beik is back, and he is the couragous master of the game.a COURAGOUS politician is very rare,even with the syrian coakroches in bilad el arz.
"the genuineness of other people's reforms"
You have sunk to a new low FlimflamThrower, you have to be the biggest idiot ever to post comments here.
Jumblat, the piece of filth, lecturing about reforms is like Geagea, the piece of scum, lecturing about the best interest of Christians of the Middle East.
@Hasty! its not worth it to respond to your post! we all know from where did you came from!!
Folks lets nt forget how he chickened out a year back against the " black shirts" and flipped on the cedar revolution, went to bashar, and hassouna!
Not i dint give him credit cuz i know he will flip again, he is a feodal and his word is worth nothing! No, saad did not flip, geagea' s courage was 11 years in a dark donjon!
Sorry folks, co credit given, no courage exhibited... He will flip on oir revolution again and again as long as he is sustaining his leadership! Two constants for jumblatt:
1) the druze has to always be sharing power no matter how small their number is
2) jumblatt 's family has always to be on top of the druze sect
These are his only constant political positions, beyond that, all he says is thin air!
Folks lets nt forget how he chickened out a year back against the " black shirts" and flipped on the cedar revolution, went to bashar, and hassouna!
Not i dint give him credit cuz i know he will flip again, he is a feodal and his word is worth nothing! No, saad did not flip, geagea' s courage was 11 years in a dark donjon!
Sorry folks, co credit given, no courage exhibited... He will flip on oir revolution again and again as long as he is sustaining his leadership! Two constants for jumblatt:
1) the druze has to always be sharing power no matter how small their number is
2) jumblatt 's family has always to be on top of the druze sect
These are his only constant political positions, beyond that, all he says is thin air!
Folks lets nt forget how he chickened out a year back against the " black shirts" and flipped on the cedar revolution, went to bashar, and hassouna!
Not i dint give him credit cuz i know he will flip again, he is a feodal and his word is worth nothing! No, saad did not flip, geagea' s courage was 11 years in a dark donjon!
Sorry folks, co credit given, no courage exhibited... He will flip on oir revolution again and again as long as he is sustaining his leadership! Two constants for jumblatt:
1) the druze has to always be sharing power no matter how small their number is
2) jumblatt 's family has always to be on top of the druze sect
These are his only constant political positions, beyond that, all he says is thin air!
Folks lets nt forget how he chickened out a year back against the " black shirts" and flipped on the cedar revolution, went to bashar, and hassouna!
Not i dint give him credit cuz i know he will flip again, he is a feodal and his word is worth nothing! No, saad did not flip, geagea' s courage was 11 years in a dark donjon!
Sorry folks, co credit given, no courage exhibited... He will flip on oir revolution again and again as long as he is sustaining his leadership! Two constants for jumblatt:
1) the druze has to always be sharing power no matter how small their number is
2) jumblatt 's family has always to be on top of the druze sect
These are his only constant political positions, beyond that, all he says is thin air!
Folks lets nt forget how he chickened out a year back against the " black shirts" and flipped on the cedar revolution, went to bashar, and hassouna!
Not i dint give him credit cuz i know he will flip again, he is a feodal and his word is worth nothing! No, saad did not flip, geagea' s courage was 11 years in a dark donjon!
Sorry folks, co credit given, no courage exhibited... He will flip on oir revolution again and again as long as he is sustaining his leadership! Two constants for jumblatt:
1) the druze has to always be sharing power no matter how small their number is
2) jumblatt 's family has always to be on top of the druze sect
These are his only constant political positions, beyond that, all he says is thin air!