قاسم: 14 آذار تنتقل من فشل إلى آخر والحكومة مستمرة رغم الحسابات المتفاوتة لأطرافها

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أكد نائب الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" الشيخ نعيم أن الحكومة مستمرة رغم الحسابات المتفاوتة لأطرافها، معتبرا أن فريق 14 آذار ينتقل من فشل الى آخر على المستويين اللبناني والسوري، مشيرا من الوقت عينه أن " أي مخيم للاجئين السوريين في لبنان سيتحول إلى بؤرة عسكرية تنطلق ضد سوريا ثم تنطلق ضد لبنان".

وقال قاسم في كلمة ألقاها في لقاء سياسي في الغبيري: " في لبنان الحكومة مستمرة رغم الحسابات المتفاوتة لأطرافها وبعض اللعب على الحبال، ذلك أن الجميع يرى هذه الحكومة ضرورة إلى الانتخابات النيابية، ولكن كل من منظاره سواء من كان داخل الحكومة أو الدول الخارجية التي تراقب مسار لبنان ووضعه".

وأستثنى قاسم "المستوزرين الذين هالهم أن يكونوا خارج الحكومة، لكن هؤلاء لا يستطيعون فعل شيء، ولو كانوا قادرين لاستوزروا قبل ذلك، ولكن الآن مع كل التطورات فالأمور أصعب".

وتطرق الى مسأة 11 مليار دولار، والتي "صرفتها" حكومات رئيس كتلة المستقبل فؤاد "السنيورة" و رئيس الحكومة السابق "سعد الحريري"، قائلا: " لا يمكن إعطاء صك براءة بمصروفات غير واضحة وغير قانونية".

وأوضح قاسم انه "عندما أرسلوا معلومات لديوان المحاسبة عن ال11 مليار بناء لطلب ديوان المحاسبة منذ فترة من الزمن، أرسلوا نصوصا ومعلومات، فطلب منهم ديوان المحاسبة بعد حوالى ثلاثة أسابيع أن ترسل المالية نسخة أخرى"، لافتا الى أنه "تبين أن النسخة الأخرى معلوماتها مختلفة عن النسخة الأولى لأنها معلومات غير مستقرة وغير صحيحة".

وأضاف: "نحن لسنا مع معالجة على قاعدة عفا الله عما مضى، مطالبا "بمعالجة قانونية" للأمر.

وأردف: "فإذا تبيَّن أن هؤلاء أبرياء من الأخطاء المالية أو الفساد المالي فليس لنا شيء، وإذا تبيَّن أنهم مرتكبون فبحسب الأنظمة والقوانين المرعية الإجراء، لا نريد التشفي ولا نريد تجاوز الواقع القانوني".

ورأى قاسم أن المراهنين على تطورات سوريا قد فشلوا فشلا ذريعا، معتبرا أن "14 آذار اليوم تتخبط بخياراتها السياسية وطروحاتها وتنتقل من فشل إلى فشل على مستوى لبنان وسوريا والمشروع الذي تفكر فيه"، سائلا "أما آن لهم أن يتعظوا ويراجعوا حساباتهم لهذه الخيارات الفاشلة".

وتابع: " كانوا يتوقعون أن يتغير النظام في سوريا وينعكس التغيير على لبنان لقلب المعادلة في لبنان من الخارج، فلا هم حصلوا على قوة الداخل ولا على قوة الخارج، وكما فشلوا من 2005 إلى 2011، كذلك اليوم فشلوا في الرهان على سوريا والانغماس خارج دائرة مصلحة لبنان".

وإذ ذكر أن أن السفيرة الأمريكية مورا "كونيللي تجاوزت حدودها وأرادت أن تعطي أوامر للبنان بأن يحمي المسلحين السوريين ضد النظام"، تةجه قاسم اليها بالقول: " انتهى الزمن الذي تصدر فيه الإدارة الأمريكية أوامر في لبنان وترى من يطيعها، اليوم زمن أن يأخذ لبنان قراراته، وألا يكون هناك وصاية عليه ولن نقبل بمثل هذه الوصاية على الإطلاق".

وحول اللاجين السوريين الى لبنان ، قال قاسم "لا يمكننا أن نقبل بمخيمات للاجئين السوريين في لبنان، لأن أي مخيم للاجئين السوريين في لبنان سيتحول إلى بؤرة عسكرية تنطلق ضد سوريا ثم تنطلق ضد لبنان أيضا".

وأشار الى أن "هذا النوع من الجماعات هم عابرون للقارات وللبلدان، ولا يعملون على أساس الانتماء إلى بلد واحد، وينتقلون مع جنسيات مختلفة من محل إلى آخر"،.

وسأل: "ما هي مصلحة لبنان أن يجعله البعض مقرا أو ممرا للاضرار بسوريا ولبنان في آن معا؟ ما المصلحة أن يكون لبنان ساحة لهؤلاء؟" رافضا " نشاء مخيمات اللاجئين، وعلى كل حال يوجد شبه إجماع لبناني على رفض استخدام لبنان ساحة للاضرار بسوريا، أما المعالجات الإنسانية فلها طريقتها الاعتيادية المعروفة التي لا تحتاج إلى مخيمات ولا إلى طريقة تعزز حالة العداء ضد سوريا".

وشدد قاسم على أن المقاومة "جاهزة ليل نهار لمواجهة التهديدات الإسرائيلية، مؤكدا أن " لولا جهوزية المقاومة لضربت إسرائيل لبنان واحتلته مجددا، وإسرائيل أعجز من أن تقدم على حماقة".

التعليقات 44
Default-user-icon Formidilosus (ضيف) 16:17 ,2012 آذار 10

Go to your hole and hide with your master

Thumb beiruti 16:28 ,2012 آذار 10

I hope this is a recent picture of Kassam because he looks desperate weak and pleading like a begger man. The taking down of Syria is the weakening of Hezbollah. So of course, Hezbollah will not participate or aid in the taking down of Syria and Hezbollah will insure that its captive government in Beiruit, likewise will not so assist.
We know the game. Weaken Syria, or bring down Assad, which isolates Hezbollah in Lebanon leaving it vulnerable to Israel, which causes Iranian capitulation to the IAEA on its nuclear weapon ambitions.

Hezbollah is armed in Lebanon, backed by Syria supported by Iran as a failsafe deterrent to keep Israel at bay while it develops its nuclear weapon capability, which will render the Iranian theocracy invulnerable. Hezbollah, a Lebanese party?? Such a joke, it is a power projection tool of Iran pure and simple.

Missing ellebsd 20:35 ,2012 آذار 10

No offense, but he looks like everyone else from that group-how can you tell them apart? I think I have seen this guy in a movie before. I think it was called, "Planet of the Apes."

Thumb jabalamel 22:19 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorist have a very long hallucination, not worthy of commenting in details.

Thumb falanges 07:52 ,2012 آذار 11

hey jabal why dont you come to lebanon and open your mouth instead of hiding behind your computer abroad

Default-user-icon Jessica (ضيف) 14:48 ,2012 آذار 11

Jabalamel- is "filthy zionist" your required word of the day? I see you comment on that on almost every article! Give it up!

Thumb falanges 07:50 ,2012 آذار 11

that is not a lebanese face

Thumb shab 17:14 ,2012 آذار 10

Step down and let the horonble true Lebanese Tufeili back as the chief

Thumb jabalamel 22:20 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorist hallucinate about true lebanese tufeili.

Missing allouchi 16:05 ,2012 آذار 11

Ya blower, are you the only one who does..right??? your are a joke :)

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 18:08 ,2012 آذار 10

Are these turban wearers elected officials? This is not Iran where they elect a puppet parliament and the Ayatollah's run the country. Qassem and Nasty can shut up now.

Thumb jabalamel 22:22 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about iran iran iran, and something else.

Default-user-icon hmorsel (ضيف) 18:52 ,2012 آذار 10

more and more lebanon is looking like Iran… i'm ashamed to be called lebanese

Thumb jcamerican 19:06 ,2012 آذار 10

Have you been to Iran? Lebanon looks like shit compare to Iran.

Default-user-icon Bubba (ضيف) 19:39 ,2012 آذار 10

jcamerican yep but unlike in Iran in Lebanon you can still give your opinion without being murdered by the state, that is unless you try to make fun of hassan on tv them you and people like you will be attacked by the Iranian funded militia.

Default-user-icon Horus (ضيف) 00:57 ,2012 آذار 11

bigdig, I bet you have been to the cabarets more than any one here. Iran is a backwards country like it or not, and buildings and and its defunct Nuclear or Space proagrammes dont make it modern as well.
These are set up to try and challenge the Western World, in which they will fail. IF you looked closely when you were in Iran you would have noticed many places like the Maameltin except you chose to ignore this fact.

Missing helicopter 09:12 ,2012 آذار 11

I have not been to Iran, but I have been to all places in Lebanon. The worst looking towns in Lebanon are those controlled by Hezb and Salafis. Crowded, unsanitary, unlicensed buildings in violation of all civil laws and backward mentalities that can not tolerate diversity.

Missing zwilliamfarhat@gmail.com 19:07 ,2012 آذار 10

Such a jackass... desperate because his violent and useless world is about to collapse and drag him down the sewers where his boss Ali baba nasrallah and his outlaws hide... No room in the civilized world for such poor excuses for human beings...

Thumb jabalamel 22:22 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorist have ali baba type hallucinations.

Default-user-icon Jack (ضيف) 19:13 ,2012 آذار 10

I have a tendency not to listen or pay attention to men wearing dresses.

Default-user-icon Jill (ضيف) 19:41 ,2012 آذار 10

or and erykah badu turban

Default-user-icon Ayatollah Hajj Qassem (ضيف) 20:15 ,2012 آذار 10

bigdig I order you if you see one wearing pants stone her then rape her she brought it upon herself.

Missing ellebsd 20:31 ,2012 آذار 10

Just put some pants on yourself and you will feel more like a true man instead of a historical relic. This is 2012, not 712.

Thumb jabalamel 22:25 ,2012 آذار 10

yes yes that explains why mossad never learns anything

Missing helicopter 19:51 ,2012 آذار 10

Have you been to America Mr. jcamerican? Iran looks like shit compared to america. Have some patriotic feelings and call for a civilized and secular Lebanon not a Lebanon ruled by Mullahs promoting a Shiite Umah. If you can not do that at least change your name to jciran.

Thumb jcamerican 21:04 ,2012 آذار 10

To your knowledge no one can rule Lebanon. Even Lebanon cannot rule Lebanon. You guys don't function like a normal country. Any country would have collapsed a long time ago, with all the bullshit you have. Yet still you survived. Don't waste your time labeling me M8 or M14. I have no interest in your camps. I comment here, because I have a soft spot for Lebanon. Plus I don't like our foreign policies. You preach democracy, yet you brush away comments you don't like, and label them HA or Iranians.

Thumb jabalamel 22:26 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about mullahs, and also, about usa standard

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 20:06 ,2012 آذار 10

A military base that will turn against Lebanon eventually,” Qassem noted

There atready is an Iranien military base in Lebanon That has turned on the people and are in bed with the Assads... Your only concern is with keeping the Assads in power, so that your armaments keep rolling in.

Default-user-icon Imad (ضيف) 20:11 ,2012 آذار 10

Gaby are you Christian? Cause last I checked your priests wear turbans too. Don't forget that nuns are also covered from head to toe with only their face showing. Covering and turbans are not religion specific but more modesty in General. Long live the resistance.

Missing aris 20:15 ,2012 آذار 10

Burn his shitty turban

Thumb jabalamel 22:28 ,2012 آذار 10

why don't you send your genocidal militia to do that?

oh i forget, you are afraid.

Missing ellebsd 20:29 ,2012 آذار 10

Why is having ANY Iranian involved in Lebanon a good idea? Hezbollah is turning back the hands of time. If this keeps up, you can kiss life as you know it good-bye. We will all be back to the days of cave people.
Don't let the costume fool you, even the Iranians can't handle living that way. This is all an act to suck more money out of the more civilized countries in the Middle East.

This is ridiculous.

Thumb bigdig 01:19 ,2012 آذار 11

Yes, their plan is to suck money out of the more civilized countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc. I knew you are a genius the minute I saw your first post. But I never figured out you are geha posting under another login.

Thumb jabalamel 22:29 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate iran this iran that, and some mumbling after that.

Missing peace 01:05 ,2012 آذار 11

if yo had an ounce of intelligence little worm you would give us your arguments instead of bull shit as usual, but i guess living on one neurone is difficult, or you are soooo weak you cannot build a useful comment....

Thumb jabalamel 02:31 ,2012 آذار 11

the filthy zionist media terrorists is describing himself

Missing forces 01:22 ,2012 آذار 11

jabal amel..aka lice mountain let me take you to the quote of the day from old man fart “Lebanon will not follow the U.S. administration’s orders… Lebanon is capable of taking its own decisions.” he should have then gone on to say Lebanon will not follow the iranian/Syrian regime's orders.. Lebanon is capable of taking it's own decisions. Me thinks some one is smoking their own stash in sunny bekaa.. who is hallucinating now lice farm?

Thumb jabalamel 02:35 ,2012 آذار 11

the filthy zionist media terrorist is asking me who is hallucinating.

while i spend all day saying publicly that he and his information war department are hallucinating.

how do you talk to someone who can't remember anything?

Missing forces 03:10 ,2012 آذار 11

all you do lice farm is talk of hallucinations, smoking too much of what you grow makes you paranoid and hallucinate. either say something constructive or shut up. would you like me to order you a pizza?

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 07:14 ,2012 آذار 11

I am sooo disappointed at JabalZeft ... I thought after being away for a while he would have learned some new words to add to his comments... bas who am I kidding ... danab el kalb khaloo bel 2aleb 40 yrs w dallo 2a3waj!!!!!

Default-user-icon Boredoflebanon (ضيف) 09:18 ,2012 آذار 11

These comments are pathetic. You deserve the country you have and I wish you another civil war to wipe each ther out while watching the countries around you profit off your stupidity.

Default-user-icon hmorsel (ضيف) 09:30 ,2012 آذار 11

iran is a hell hole controlled by turban wearing, bearded morons who think god have them power to rule they way they want. these idiots and their religious relics belong no where but in a mosque, they shouldnt tell people how they live, they need to shut up and crawl back under the rock they came out from under. I dont want one of these morons speaking on my behalf, i dont want theseknuckle heads to mention to the world that they are lebanese, because in reality they are not, they are kohmeiny peeeeaarsians and they need to go back

Missing alah 12:22 ,2012 آذار 11

all ambassadors think or said the same thing... it is merely a humanitarian aproach... thare is no need to politicize everything... to welcome syrians is a duty, just like welcoming anyone who needs some kind of assistance...

Missing aris 14:42 ,2012 آذار 11

Ya neon pizza is halalmeat ya ahbal...bon appetite ya