الجميل: المسيحيون قلقون ونقبل التفاهم مع "حزب الله" وعليه أن يتفهمنا
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس حزب "الكتائب" أمين الجميل أن القلق على المسيحيين قائم حتى في لبنان، ولذلك كان الكلام عن المناصفة من أجل طمأنتهم، مشيرا إلى أن المعالجة تكون بالحوارات والتواصل بين كل الأطراف.
وأوضح الجميل أنه يجب أن نبدأ اولا من بلورة منهجية تضعها الجهات المعتدلة والمدركة لأخطار أي صراع أديان ومذاهب وثقافات في المنطقة.
وأشار في حديث لصحيفة "النهار" في عددها الصادر صباح الأحد إلى أن "ما يشجعني هو تجاوب العديد من القوى الاسلامية والمسيحية لاعتماد هذا النهج، والا فالبديل هو الاقتتال والصراع الدائم والانتحار".
وفي سياق آخر، أكد الجميل أنه مستعد للقبول بوثيقة تفاهم مع "حزب الله" "لأنه يمثل فئة كبيرة من اللبنانيين لديها تطلعاتها وأهدافها المشروعة".
وأوضح أنه "يجب أن نتفهم هذه الفئة مثلما يجب أن يتفهمونا ويتفهموا هواجس اللبنانيين من نهجهم وممارساتهم وترسانتهم العسكرية".
وبالتالي، "اليوم القريب أفضل من البعيد على تصور مشترك حول مستقبل لبنان الذي لا يقوم إلا على احترام الاخر والاقتناع بأن مؤسسات الدولة فقط تحقق الاستقرار وتؤمن الحماية للجميع، تحمي وتحفظ سيادة البلد".
This is the best statement, I have heard. Finally the voice of wisdom. Lebanon is a unique country. I had been there many times. Had been to many places, some lebanese consider unsafe. My opinion is lack of trust and paranoia. Having different alliances in Lebanon shouldn't be frowned upon. This is how you keep the power balance in check.
Balance of power (military or otherwise) should be granted by the constitution and the law of the land, not by individual politicians whose loyalties are often bought by foreign power, armed by foreign powers, weilding arms and capable of sparking a civil war as they please whenever they please.
it's a sad day when we have to ligitamise an illegal terrorist cell that the only reason still exists is so we avert any further blood shed in lebanon ie. held at ransom . To provide such institutions any concessions/legitimisation or avenue for integration into the mainstream as we have been forced to do is the beginning of the end.
very big step forward and a huge slap in the face for the plan of domination of some .........
the best way to handle it is that lebanese voters wake up and stop voting for the same people over and over again. It's time for the educated elite to rule.
It is wise only if it result in HA moving in the direction of building the state and its army, otherwise it is a step in the wrong direction and it will work against the rise of the state. I think the Hezb is thinking of post-Assad Syria and is hedging its bets on fortifying itself of a perceived Sunni domination. I am praying for a Lebanon that is free from the bondage of dictators, sects, corruption, bribe and for a Lebanon that is sovereign and guarantees equal rights for all its citizens.
yes we want our own independent maronite country with all middle east christians living with us.
yes we want our own independent maronite country with all middle east christians living with us.
This leaves Dr. Mustafa Geagea Abdullatif as the only one who is not concerned. But then, during his last visit to Qatar, he was circumcised (and I am told there was nothing left down there) and admitted into the Sunni Club of Nuts by Sheikh Zoulfiqar Hulubulu.
Where is everyone? Don't you want to trash Amine Gemayel for saying he would sign a memorandum of understanding with Hizb Allah?
Years ago, I would have not agreed with Aris' statement, but I think it is time for an independent Maronite Lebanon...call it North Lebanon or whatever you want to call it but it's time, and yes, it will be for ALL Middle Eastern Christians to join and live with us...enough of this crap....
I would think aris was being sarcastic or just being an idiot... If you want to live in a purely Christian country, there is plenty of them around the world. "Lebanon is more then a country, it's a message" Pope John Paul 2. We are a people of 18 different sects.
"christain north lebanon" ? What about tripoli region? Should they join with Homs in Syria? Marjayoun can join the Goan heights or jabal druze. Jezzin residents can convert to Shiite, chouf residence cant convert to Druze so they will have to re-displace themselves or convert to sunni. What about the bekaa christains??
One united Lebanon wa bass.
see now arzz your kind is the problem with lebanon. you fail to come out from under your rock and look to the future for the sake of the country you all love so much and are happy to tell everyone about. Yes LF committed crimes during the war, so too did every one else. Dr Geagea has apologies for these atrocities publicly in 2008, i don't recall reading any other addmitions from anyone else. So lets give a little acknowledgment where it is warranted and act like civilised people not arabs burning tyres for a change. If we can't move on we forfeit our right to an opinion.
More than the quantity of Christians in the East, I am concerned about the Quality of the Christians in the East. If we had higher quality Christian political leadership, the quantity number would solve itself. But where the quality of leadership is poor, as it is in Lebanon, then the Christian people vote with their feet and they leave for better places.
The drop in numbers is not the disease, it is the symptom of the disease. The disease, in Lebanon at least, is called - Aounism.
Although many of the comments are irrelevant to the subject matter as they don't relate to the theme of what Gemayel said, I still believe that what's been suggested could be a frameword for a proper settlement to the Lebanese crisis in specific and the the Christian crisis in the ME in general. If most of the Christians in Iraq, Syria and some of those in Egypt (as they are many) could come to Lebanon in exchange for the Muslims taking their place in their countries, the crisis could easily be resolved. I also think that groupong of such a kind between Sunni and Shai in teh Arab world as well as Iran could also release much of the tension between these two muslim branches. If this is ever going to happen, the Arab world would be restruction on a solid ground and their would be no melting pot of many religions in one nation which would solve all the problems plaguing the Arab world.
What are you on brother? please re-read your comments then ask your self will i do drugs again?
All religions are rightful citizens of Lebanon. None should join fanatics for survival. One never knows when they'll turn. Religion is poison.
No No No. No memorandum of understanding with Hezbollah. No more compromises.
If we want to build a real country for the future, we need ONE army, ONE state, ONE people. Otherwise, please let's divide this country already w khlosna.
For God's sake, it's 2012 and the world is passing us by. We were more civilized and advanced in 1960 than we are today. We were leading the arab world, now we're begging them for jobs and financial assistance. What a waste..Lebanon has such potential, if only its people would wake up.
That is all.
I am with shab. Send all the fanatics (of all religions) out of Lebanon and bring in all the moderates of all religions...... then you can build a truly secular state. Even though the opinions expressed by aris and cedar is due to the frustration when they see what is actually happening in Arab countries and they lost hope of coexistence.
He says this 6 years after the Historic Memorandum of Understanding with General Aoun and Sayed Nasrallah (Amine spent 6 years attacking it).
As always too little too late.
Sending all the Christians out of their countries and into Lebanon is a bad thing. I use to think that might be a good idea but there is something called culture and history. It's the same as saying give Lebanon to Muslims as all the Lebanese christians can live in peace under a new Christian country that they will allocate that is 100mtrs long. And even if that did happen- the Muslims would want that 100mtr long piece of land down the track anyways...