ميقاتي يؤكد الكشف عن خلية كانت تخطط لاستهداف الجيش
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أعلن رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي أن الجيش اللبناني وضع يده على الخلية الإرهابية التي كانت تخطط لضرب ثكناته ويقوم بالتحقيقات اللازمة، نافيا أي علاقة لها بالشأن السوري.
وكشف ميقاتي في دردشة مع الصحافيين المعتمدين في السرايا الحكومية اليوم الاثنين، أن لهذه الخلية تشعبات في منطقة الشمال والمخيمات الفلسطينية في عين الحلوة وسواها.
وكانت قد أشارت صحيفة "الأخبار" اليوم إلى أن "الجيش كشف خلية سلفية في عدادها عسكريان كانا يخططان لتنفيذ تفجيرات داخل الثكن، مرتبطان بكتائب عبد الله عزّام".
وتحدثت الصحيفة عن نشرة توجيهية وزعتها قيادة الجيش منذ بضعة أيام جاء فيها أن الجيش "سيضرب بيد من حديد أي محاولة لاختراقه أو النيل من تماسك جنوده وولائهم، وسيتابع بحزم وقوة ملاحقة العابثين بالأمن وبصيغة العيش المشترك بين اللبنانيين أينما وجدوا، وإلى أي جهة انتموا".
وتتألف الخلية من سبعة أعضاء يرأسها أبو محمد توفيق طه وهو فلسطيني الجنسية، وتمكن الجيش من القاء القبض على 6 منهم فيما لا يزال طه هاربا من العدالة، بحسب ما نقلت "الأخبار" عن التحقيقات.
ومن جهة أخرى، سحب الرئيس ميقاتي موضوع كتاب التاريخ من التداول الإعلامي، مؤكدا أنه "لا أوافق على كتاب تاريخ إلا إذا كان محط توافق بين اللبنانيين جميعا".
وجزم أن "أي بلد لا تاريخ له، ليس له مستقبل".
وكان كل من ميقاتي ورئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان أسف للحادث الذي وقع السبت بين طلاب من "الكتائب" و"الأحرار" وبين عناصر من قوى الأمن أمام السرايا على خلفية التظاهرة التي قام بها الطلاب ضد كتاب التاريخ.
وفي مجال آخر، كشف ميقاتي من السرايا عن "مساع حميدة" يقوم بها البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي لحلحلة أزمة التعيينات الإدارية، قائلا إنه "لا بد أن تثمر نتائج إيجابية".
وأوضح أن "سليمان ليس فريقاً، لكنه يعطي رأيه في موضوع رئاسة مجلس القضاء الأعلى استناداً إلى مبدأي الأقدمية والكفاءة".
ولكن كانت قد كشفت صحيفة "السفير" اليوم عن تجدد الخلاف بين سليمان ورئيس "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون على الاسم المرشح لرئاسة مجلس القضاء الأعلى، مشيرة إلى أن اللقاء الأخير الذي جمعهما برعاية الراعي لم يؤد إلى نتائج إيجابية.

closure of the 12 palestinian camps shouldve been done long time ago
always big sparks comes from these camps , just shut them down and send the innocent refugees to an arab country that is rich enough to cater for them

That wont solve the problem as crimes take place all over lebanon. In this case only one guy was from the refugee camp, the rest were all lebanese, shall we shut down the poor areas as well? The army can enter the north freely, yet still terror cells exist there. I think we need to see this as a problem but without secterianism and racism. The lebanese army has been attacked by all sects/groups at one time or the other yet it prevailed each time.

I think Bashar sent them to divert attention from Syria. He is trying to finish what he started in the camp of Naher el Bared.

Chaker el Absi was in Syrian prison for committing terrorist acts on Syrian soil and was release 2 years later while Albert Kilo a journalist was inprisoned for 10 years just because he wrote an article critisizing the regime.
So Syrian regime released a condemned terrorist only 2 years after his capture - who then immeadiatly goes to a Palestinian camp in Lebanon and became part of a Pro-Syrian Palestinian faction, before splitting that faction into a separate cell called Fath El Islam. If all that doesn't indicate a Syrian implication then i seriously doubt if you have any logic.

Anyone who dares traget the Lebanese Army should be struck down.
I can't resist but notice how easily the ring-leader sacrfices his stooges. Ring-leaders always find a way to get away while leaving his stooges behind to get caught or killed. Haven't these stooges learned by now that these fanatic leaders have no remores at sacrificing morons who follow them, while they flee with the goodies to enjoy a lavish life and forget about the "Cause" that they had their stooges sacrifice their life for.

Am glad that we have a strong unified army that protects democracy in our country...I wish all arab worlds have the same, not armies to protect their own chairs.
They don't let us move them out because they need them so to keep trouble in our land that they can trigger anytime they want...but this time we have TIGERS rulling to prevent this from happening

if you are referring to that tiger who ran in a woman's dress leaving his family behind, and leaving his officers and soldiers be slaughtered at the very hands of the ones he is licking their boots now, then you can keep him :)

Have you been there when this event happened apparently you know details!?
I bet if he licked once he would have been president long time ago...However this part will leave it to the professionals that their history is full of it n not just. :)

How interesting...
I think we have a fanatic salafist in our midst...he disliked all our comments

Ya Mowaten: What a PARADOX you mentioned: Fath el islam funded by Hariri and Hassan Nasrallah warned that attacking the Camp is a RED LINE ;)

Now he confirms what the minister of defense has been saying since few months now, let`s see what they will do about these terrorists...
once and for all, these palestinian camps must be organized, under the army`s control, like in jordan and syria, thye can have militant groups but their arms must be under the control of the lebanese government. but wait a minute, it`s not about they aren`t able to do that, but politically who will be then armed against the shiaa? that's the only reason palestinian camps are still out of the lebanese gov control..

Those Salafists are probably sent by the Syrian regime to scare the Lebanese into believeing that Assad is the only one capable of preventing them from taking over.
Lebanon has no "Nursing environment" for extremism especially the salafism. The only one's to benefit from salafism in lebanon are hezbollah and the syrian regime who both claim to have the necessary power to confront them.

Michel Aoun September 12, 2002: There are about 11 organizations of terrorism in Damascus. Among them, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the Democratic Front and the General Command Front, all of them are listed in the United States as classified as terrorist organizations... since Lebanon was occupied by Syria, they extended the base of their terror operations to Lebanon, and they are stationed in Syria, but they act from the Lebanese territory... That's what we call in military terminology "indirect strategy." You make a problem and then you come to solve it.

A convicted terrorist is released early from a prison in Syria, next we find him a leader of a new group controlling a pro-Syrian Palestinian faction in a pro-Syrian Palestinian camp...

He's a masochist... But from time to time he relay information that contradicts his principles in order to be rewarded with positive votes. What a sad man....

Salarfists and Hezbollah terrorists should be target practice for the army.

I do not think they work for Syria but I think the Syrian regime uses them when convenient to destabilize and weaken anti-Syrian Governments in Lebanon. They are a tool of convenience and they are able to do it because the Syrian regime has mastered this art over five decades.

I hope so, and along with them hand those who downed their helicopter in the South. Two birds with one stone and Lebanon will be twice as nice.

Do not confuse Salafists & Hezbollah, they are almost opposite. Not to mention,Hezbollah is Lebanese.