جعجع يرد على عون: هو آخر من يحق له الحديث عن الشرف
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع أن رئيس "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون "آخر من يحق له التحدث عن الشرف"، مشيرا إلى أن ممارسته في الحكم عي الأفشل.
ورد جعجع على عون في حديث لإذاعة "لبنان الحر" اليوم الأربعاء، مشيرا إلى أن "من بيته من زجاج لا يرشق الناس بالحجارة".
وكان قد أبدى جعجع استياء واضحا من كلام البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة الراعي عن سوريا فرأى أنه يضع المسيحيين في المنطقة "بخطر" ويحّور تاريخهم.
وأثارت هذه التصاريح موجة امتقادات بالأخص من عون ورئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان اللذان أكدا على عدم التعرض لشخص الراعي.
واعتبر عون أمس الثلاثاء أن جعجع "ليس من يحدد معالم الشرف" في كلام الراعي، فيما أكد سليمان تأييده "ما يقوم به البطريرك على صعيد الكنيسة وتجديدها وعلى صعيد حرصه على الاقليات عموما ولا سيما منها المسيحية".
أما الراعي، فرد مساء أمس بعد عودته من قطر "إن الذين أشادوا بكلامي قرأوا النص كاملا، ومن يقرأ النص الكامل عنده كل الاجوبة. أما اجتزاء قراءة النصوص فهو كما اولئك الذين يقرأون كلمة "لا اله" من دون "الا الله". وقول "لا اله" قول الجاهل، ومشكلتنا في لبنان أن النص لا يقرأ بكامله".
ورد جعجع "قرأت كل شيء، ولم أقرأ فقط "لا إله"".
وذكر في حديثه اليوم عون "عندما اختلف مع البطريرك مار نصر الله بطرس صفير عام 1989 وأرسل جماعته واحتلوا بكركي، ورأينا كيفية تصرفهم مع البطريرك".
وبالتالي، "آخر من يحق له التحدث عن تهذيب بالكلام عن البطريرك هو العماد عون".
من جهة أخرى، رأى جعجع أن "ممارسة عون في الحكم أفشل ممارسة فاسدة وكارثية، من كهرباء واتصالات، وأي جانب من الجوانب المعيشية والحياتية نعرف كيف أصبح رأي المواطن اللبناني بها بعد كل الأحاديث عن الإصلاح والتغيير انتهينا بأسوأ ممارسة في تاريخ الجمهورية".
ALthough it is well said, it's time to turn the page. All the people that took part on the civil war (Geagea, Aoun, Berri, Jumblatt, Gemayel, Nasrallah, and the others) should retire for good and allow the newer generations to lead the citizens. Let's not dream, there won't be trials for those who killed... They should have the decency to leave though.
@benzona.It is us who should not elect them any more. Hinni ma ra7 y7ello 3an sama rabbna.
What kind of poeple take the same leaders who made ALL the wars in Lebanon and bring them back for the time of peace? Even one of the gratest leaders who ever existed in modern history: churchill, was kicked out on the first elections after the second world war.
@wakeuplebanon: the old crocodiles have tough skin... They stick around until they die. That's typical in Arab politics... They have to be removed by force. Good luck with that. +1 for benzoni
John 101 - Geagea is a criminal only in the eyes of the tyrannical Syrian Baath who jalied him and in the blind eyes of the Baath followers.
Couldn't have been said better Mr. Geagea... i'm ashamed to have Aoun as an MP in my country.
Yes, it could have been said better. I am sorry.
To win the Aounists Geagea should have said what the Patriarch, a religious supreme righteous figure could not say as his Eminence's mission is to talk to the dictator and the mischievous at the same time:
Maybe I can do the same :)
Geagea shoud have said: We understand the danger of a civil war in Syria, but we believe that the Syrian rebels are well aware of this danger and have the right to defend themselves from the monster, just like the Lebanese Forces and Aoun had the right to defend themselves from the same monster.
Note that I did not define "mischievous". That needs another paragraph.
Aoun is so honorable that he forgot about the Lebanese prisoners in Syria after the Syrians brought him to power with their fake resistance allies. He's so honorable that he ran away to france and said Huzb Allah should disarm, but after returning and being promised power says their weapons are sacred.
He's so honorable that he is supporting the continuation of the Assad regime that hunted him down, destroyed his government and kicked him out of Lebanon and annihilated his forces or imprisoned and tortured them.
People talk about Jumblatt switching sides, but this is obvious he switches sides whenever it helps him. Aoun switched sides once and went to join his enemies to get a presidential title. Hopefully he'll never see that day and dies old and begging for power.
I used to support Aoun,go to Baabda etc,... I have even visited him in Paris 1n 1995.
For me Geagea was just a militia man working to undermine the state.
How blind we were, now the fact is since Geagea went out of prison (which at least he faced with courage contrary to the other coward) he did not make any mistake..contrary to Aoun who is now supporting a militia, a butcher regime responsible of murders assassinations in Lebanon and working to undermine the state.
How time change..some get old, other mature
anyone who read your username,he or she dont read your comment, they just click disslike buton, mr F.M.
FokingTurd really Geagea attacked the Lebanese army while the Syrians bombed Baabda, were did they attacked them from. The Syrian invasion was three pronged, from the upper Metn, from Dahieh and from the Alley-Dahr el-Wahsh, and according to the French ambassador's memoirs Aoun called him less than 45 minutes after the Syrian aerial bombardment began to surrender, when Ala told Hrawi he insisted on Aoun do it publicly. That's how he ended up at the French embassy he did want to be captured and knew he would be safe there. He deserted his army and let his soldiers face the fate he deserved. You can also read General Kallas version of the events which is similar to Ala's. Next you're going to tell us that Aoun did not run away but was martyred, resurrected and reappeared on the right of Ala the French ambassador. Damn you guys are so dence
It's a pity you weren't there Lady Gaga we would of hung you by testicals over the Bkerke balcony. You're a disgrace to all Christians in Lebanon let alone the Middle East. You are a criminal and junkie and deserve to rot in jail. It;s people like you show should be disgraces of their regional allies who know nothing about applying democracy in the Middle East. You are pure Evil and filth. The General should not respond to your comments as they don't deserve a response.
I bet all aouniye are proud of their desecration of bkerke just like you hanna.another intelligent argument by the sheep, very factual and informative.you are right however Geagea should have only defended his followers and let the rest be murdered by assad, the guy you now follow via old man aoun. at least that would have provided you some substance for your very educated rant. You support a guy who contributed to the deaths of thousands of lebanese under the guise of dissarming the militas, then comes back and joins a milita who sides with two killer regimes, as for regional allies and democracy i didn't understand your mumble
He is not senile he is just a syrial stooge
How could he be credible if he is always his master's voic?e
How cute Skippy McDumbass speaks again not knowing how much Christian blood is on his hands. Geagea keep your mouth shut, we all know that truth of what happened in Bkirki in 1989.
WATCH FOR THE WORLD TO SEE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aU8j9OluwfU
sure bob the LF guys in the video came with their cousins holding aoun posters and asking Sfeir to kiss it, then they stuck his pictures on Sfeir's seat under the pope. Man you are a blind fool, what real impact did this guy if he was sent by the LF really have on the outcome of the invasion of bkerke, did he climb the walls wearing a soliders uniform. The ones manhandling sfeir are clearly aoun supporters that is the truth, if you are telling me one LF member sent to cause trouble insighted all of this and was the cause as you are alluding to in your coment then you are a BIG MACDUMBASS looking for excuses to defend the underfendable aoun.
“He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones at others,” said Geagea.
I disagree vehemently on this with Geagea! This remark resembles nothing in Aoun, it's plain wrong.
The facts are Aoun is too much a coward to ever live in a glass house. He actually lives in the steel and concrete fortified shelter deep under the glass house. Then he has his duped naive clueless supporters throw stones at others. When the others threaten to Attack the glass house under which Aoun hides, he dares them then runs away leaving his duped naive clueless supported to their unfortunate fate to be murdered, arrested and executed, or shipped off to far away prisons never to be heard of again.
Dr Geagea,you are the light on the hill for the true believers,you have proven time again that you are brave,honorable,loyal and fearless.You keep the dream alive for many I thank you and salute you Dr.
You and Aoun are both criminals, you shoud go back to jail and aoun should be sent back to france.
I agree with you rastafarian
And if they can take Jumblat, Seniora, Harir, Nasrallah, Berri and the rest...that would be great... :)
rastan, I was about to agree with your comment but then I remembered your other comments (here is one of them).....
We should have a Khilafa state, .... just like in the past, if u as an arab and muslim want to ever succeed follow the Quoraan and the word of Allah, ........Thats what Allah taught.
Given how fanatic and backward your thinking is, I prefer either one of them over what you are offering.
Flamer maybe it's time you get out of the video game world and "refocus" into reality.
No better, Oun should be sent to Asfouriyeh. Yes, I hated Geagea among others who participated in destroying our lives, but at least now when Geagea talks, he makes a lot of sense, while when Oun talks, nothing he says means anything. May God forgive them and us for what we are doing to our country!!!
that substance flame is the manour that is coming from aouns mouth, it does get a little bit over whelming, you have to agree
chou l fare2 enna ne7ki 3an ja3ja3 aw 3on iza hayda bi ra2btou dam l tani 3am eydafe3 3an yalli 3am eya2tel cha3bou aw hay mamenchoufa wu ba3kel nas kermal kerssi wu 3anjad aswaa 7ekoumet chefneha bitarikhna ka lebnaniye so 7ajee moukebara ya 3ayniye wu kuwatjiyee wu 3terfou ennu l 2 ba3oukon kermal masale7kon wu sertou ghanam metel ma saba2oukon jama3et l hariri
@Flamethrower, always protecting your master's treacherous acts, wlek jaben malyoun marra metel m3almak ya wateh, Geagea is not the best man there is for the christians but at least he was man enough to face prison while your little chicken ran away at the speed of sound. Wlek fachar 3a ra2ebtak e2bal aw 7adan tabi3e ye2bal enno hek jaben yale tarak jnoudo ta7et el madefe3 el souriye enno nel7a2o. Tfeh 3alek shou wateh you are not even a scumbag , you are the deepest filth of this earth. Im not with geagea at all, but definetely not with a coward, Forgive but never forget, we will never trust him again.
When was the last time Doctor Who made sense? Perhaps when he first uttered the word: mama?
But he was not criticizing Aoun, he was only responding to Aoun's criticism of him. It is hard to know the exact facts of the Civil war, we will do great if we can discern today's facts and based on today's facts I would like to see demarcated border and an army that controls all of Lebanon and a constitutional Government and I will side with whoever supports that and against whoever hinders it.
Rudes... i think you should read on your history and not lecture others about history... every one of them has blood on their hands whether you like it or not. only difference is some paid for it and others just ran away.... Fictional bullox my .... aouns whole ideology is a fictional scene from his mind... what is the fpm ideology if you dont mind clarifying it for me? is it the same as when he came back to Lebanon and was against Syria or is he still shapeshifting to find the best position to get the presidential seat?
its time for these guys to retire, respect for both of them Geagea, Aoun, Berri, Jumblatt, Gemayel, Nasrallah, and the other but please back off, you look really bad with situations likes HE SAID SHE SAID all over again...
Politics is becoming a joke in Lebanon, we have much more problems then their relationship...
Geagea responds to Aoun, Aoun responds to Geagea, geagea responds to Aoun, mowaten responds to Geagea, Geha responds to mowaten, FT responds to Geha, allouchi responds to Ft............. Lebanon, 1980's-onwards. Maybe salafists can bring them closer, or remove them both. Lebanese obviously failed to do that.
allouchi i love ypur humor and agree with you. give Aoun a new pair of pyjamas and send him running to the Iranian Embassy blease
Aoun and Geagea both evil brought the nation into its knees, and they continue to do so with their war criminal style against the nation, too bad the Lebanese people are fooled with them and they keep them in power.
Where is the electricity you both leaders of lies and hate against your own people just like the Zionist and Syrian regime.
while these people that were involved in lebanons sad past are still in power and throwing sh!t at each other Lebanon will never move forward, its a shame 4 million Lebanese people dont see it
Mr. Aoun spent 15 years in a villa in France with his pension fund from the Lebanese Army.
Geagea spent 15 years in solitary confinement.
spoken like a true aoun follower, wearing blinkers and charging ahead. the differences between the two are many, the more noteable are Geagea stood by his convictions and morals, refused to be part of a syrian government and chose prison. He is the difference between lebanon today and lebanon a state of syria if he wasn't around. like him or not he has done some good things. We are not proud of his history in a civil war without rules but he was the only one ready to stand up for the christians when even mishoo was sitting on his hands under gemayel.he has publicly apologied for the atrocities committed by lf members during the war. sure a lot of lf members committed crimes, i am the first to admit this, but lets try to make a differentiation between leaders and followers, other bkerke would be an embarrising episode for aoun
flame, Geagea is only doing one thing in opposition and has only one thing to bring to the table, he is seeking to have the right of veto so he can cripple the government and blackmail them at every turn.. oh wait that has been done i think. your a dumb ass who thinks he knows a lot about nothing either say something intelligent or not at all, there were at least 2 thousand (if not more) in bkerke i'm sure he had some knowledge. that is unless you say otherwise