الجهاد الإسلامي: قادرون على استهداف العمق الإسرائيلي وحزب الله داعم أساسي لنا

Read this story in English W460

كشف مسؤول عسكري كبير في حركة الجهاد الاسلامي ان حركته تمتلك آلاف الصواريخ وانها قادرة على استهداف مدن في العمق الاسرائيلي في حال قامت اسرائيل بعمليات اغتيال جديدة في قطاع غزة، جازما ان حزب الله "داعم اساسي" للمجاهدين في الحركة.

وقال ابو ابراهيم احد ابرز قادة سرايا القدس الجناح العسكري لحركة الجهاد في مقابلة لوكالة فرانس برس "اذا استهدف الاحتلال اي قيادي من اي فصيل فلسطيني او اي مدني سترد السرايا بقوة وستوسع دائرة الرد الى ابعد من اسدود".

واضاف ان "العدو يدرك الى اي مدى تصل صواريخ السرايا".

واكد المسؤول العسكري نفسه ان قدرات حركته العسكرية "زادت تطورا كما ونوعا" موضحا ان الحركة تمتلك "الاف الصواريخ".

واشار الى ان هذه الصواريخ تتمتع "بدقة كبيرة بفضل السلاح المتطور" الذي حصلت عليه السرايا مستغلة "بعض التسهيلات بسبب الثورات وخصوصا سقوط النظام المصري".

وتفيد مصادر قريبة من الفصائل الفلسطينية في غزة ان هذه الفصائل "ومنها سرايا القدس تمتلك عددا من الصواريخ من نوع فجر-3 وفجر-5 يصل مداها الى ستين كلم وحتى 110 كلم".

واشارت المصادر نفسها الى انه بعد "اطلاق صاروخ سام-7 على مروحية في اب/اغسطس الماضي غابت المروحيات عن الجو في المعركة الاخيرة".

والمح المسؤول العسكري في سرايا القدس الى ان حركته لديها ما يمكن ان يجبر الطائرات المروحية على الامتناع عن التحليق في اجواء غزة، لكنه رفض تاكيد امتلاكها صواريخا مضادة للمروحيات الهجومية.

من جهة اخرى، قال المسؤول نفسه ان "غزة تحملت حربا شرسة (نهاية (2008- بداية 2009) ولن تنكسر والمقاومة تستطيع الدفاع عن نفسها وشعبها"، مؤكدا ان حركته استفادت من "التجربة والخسائر (...) استطاعت دعم وتطوير وحدتها الصاروخية بصواريخ بعيدة المدى".

واضاف ابو ابراهيم الذي كان يرد على سؤال عن الرد الاسرائيلي المحتمل في حال اطلاق صواريخ على مدن اسرائيلية انه "في حال تطور العدوان ممكن ان تستخدم صواريخ تصل المدن ما بعد بعد اسدود" التي تبعد نحو 35 كلم عن غزة و نحو 30 كلم عن تل ابيب.

وتابع "لكل معركة ظروفها. نستخدم صواريخ محلية او هاون او عبوات موجهة حسب حجم العدوان".

واوضح ان سرايا القدس قامت "بتعديل احداثيات الصواريخ" للافلات من نظام الاعتراض الاسرائيلي المعروف بالقبة الحديدية الذي اسقط عشرات الصواريخ.

وتابع ان السرايا تستخدم "70 بالمئة من الصواريخ المصنعة محليا في وحدة الهندسة الخاصة بسرايا القدس والان لدينا صواريخ موجهة ودقيقة توازي صواريخ غراد تم استخدامها في الرد على العدوان الاخير واعتقد الاحتلال انها غراد".

وكانت اسرائيل شنت سلسلة غارات خلال اربعة ايام على قطاع غزة اسفرت عن سقوط 25 قتيلا بينما اطلقت سرايا القدس اكثر من مئتي صاروخ على اسرائيل، قبل التوصل الى تهدئة فجر الثلاثاء بوساطة مصر.

وعبر المسؤول العسكري في سرايا القدس عن اعتزازه "بتوازن الرعب" الذي حققته حركته مع اسرائيل في جولة العنف الاخيرة.

وقال "لا نسعى لايقاع قتلى اسرائيليين من صواريخنا. نحن نبحث عن توازن الرعب فقط. رسالة الرعب اهم لدينا من القتل: ان يبقى مليون ونصف في الملاجئ ونسمع استغاثاتهم انهم يتوجعون مثل شعبنا".

واوضح ان سرايا القدس ردت في التصعيد الاخير "اغتيال زهير القيسي" امين عام لجان المقاومة الشعبية التي تعتبر حليفا لحركته.

وقال "لم ننتصر على اقوى رابع جيش في العالم لكن الهزيمة اقر بها العدو فهو لاول مرة يتعهد" للوسيط لمصري "بوقف الاغتيالات بعدما كان في السابق تهدئة مقابل تهدئة".

واضاف "لا نثق بالاحتلال وندرك انه لا يلتزم لكننا سنفاجئ الاحتلال اذا ارتكب حماقة بتوسيع دائرة الرد".

وحول عدد عناصر السرايا، قال انه "بالالاف ولدينا سرايا ومجموعات عسكرية وعناصر مجهزة ومدربة بالتدريبات المتطورة جدا ولديها الاحتياطات الامنية اللازمة لادراكنا بغدر العدو".

واكد ان حزب الله "داعم اساسي" لحركته خصوصا "بتسهيل التدريبات للمجاهدين".

كما اعترف بالدعم الايراني "الكبير" لحركته. وقال ان "ايران هي الداعم الاوحد في بعض المراحل خاصة لاسر الشهداء والجرحى وجمعيات خيرية تابعة للفصائل بما فيها الجهاد"، مؤكدا ان "الاحداث في سوريا لم تؤثر على علاقتنا او الدعم من ايران".

لكنه نفى حصول حركته على اسلحة ايرانية، قائلا ان "العدو يعرف الاسلحة التي نملكها ومنها صواريخ روسية". كما نفى وجود "اي تنسيق مع جهات او مجموعات في الخارج سواء في سيناء (بمصر) او غيرها".

وحول تكهنات باحتمال شن هجوم عسكري على ايران، قال ان "ايران ليست بحاجة لنا ولا لغيرنا. انها بلد قوي عسكريا ونستبعد ضربها عسكريا بسبب الظروف الاقليمية".

واضاف ان "معركتنا الاساسية في فلسطين لكن اذا ضرب العدو الصهيوني ايران وغزة معا فسنرد بقوة".

التعليقات 60
Default-user-icon John Marina (ضيف) 15:38 ,2012 آذار 16

I fail to understand what the Palestinian authority and Israel are waiting for to wipe out those sub-human fossiles

Missing freemaronite 18:27 ,2012 آذار 16

John, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and be brave, stop asking israel to do your dirty laundry. Why should others die for your sake?

Missing ramezhalabi 18:37 ,2012 آذار 16

Anyone asking israel to wipe out anyone is the same as the devil.

Thumb jabalamel 09:01 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist fails to understand.
of course, one single brain cell cannot control breathing and think in same time.

Thumb Bandoul 22:43 ,2012 آذار 18

I am proud to be a zionist are you proud to be an Irani slave?

Default-user-icon Citizen (ضيف) 15:57 ,2012 آذار 16

you are the only one confused here flame.you are against the islamist brotherhood in Syria cause they are fundamentalist who in ur opinion needs to be crashed , but on the other hand you are for a reconciliation between the chiaas and the fundamentalist group in palestine.
puzzled or hypocrite .
Make up ur mind

Thumb primesuspect 17:45 ,2012 آذار 16

Hezbollah is trying to buy in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in any way they can to preserve their ass. Fortunately, the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon won't fall for that at all. Should anything escalate between the Hezbollah-Amal against the Sunni community in Lebanon, the refugee camps will go wild and give a taste of blood to the Iranian hand in Lebanon. Hezbollah is a terrorist faction, nothing less. The Palestinians might be armed as well but they are refugees... Contained in open air prisons such as Ain el Helweh. They should be sent back to the west bank and Gaza but until that day, they are a deterrent.

Missing lebanesedude 18:21 ,2012 آذار 16

Most of them are not from the westbank and gaza, they are from other parts in palestine.

Thumb benzona 19:52 ,2012 آذار 16

You're right prime suspect. I totally agree with you. FT: a group that uses terrorist tactics by operating in civilian areas which is against international humanitarian laws and in contradiction of UN resolutions (more than 5 countries as you claim). A group that kidnapped a killed foreigners in Lebanon...
Isn't this a terrorist act? You have a very selective memory FT, but we don't forget all the bad things it has done to us, lebanese. HEZBOLLAH Is a TERRORIST group. And as someone said yesterday if you admire them, then you're following the djin....

Thumb jabalamel 09:04 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about many many things, but it's so retarded that it's not even worth commenting.

Missing freemaronite 18:31 ,2012 آذار 16

Honestly, it doesnt seem like he is snitching, it seems he is trying to scare the zionists by telling them that they have been helped by hezballah. He himself is part of the group he says hezballah is helping. He is obviously proud of it so i dont see any anti chia feelings in this.

Thumb Bandoul 07:55 ,2012 آذار 17

Please get a life, preferably away from this forum.

Thumb jabalamel 09:03 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists cannot understand.

that's because you can't make single brain cell to type what has been ordered to type and to think in same time.

Thumb geha 15:58 ,2012 آذار 16

Stupid guy! learn to read and understand what is said:
this guy is gloating and threatening israel like his masters do :)
he is confirming that hizbushaitan are training them here in lebanon in the so called Palestinian camps(the ones under syrian control).
he is confirming the support of hizbushaitan to some extremist sunnis which explains why hizbushaitan were against nahr el bared, and now against getting that guy from the saida camp.

Thumb ado.australia 16:50 ,2012 آذار 16

Geha. My interpretaion of the naher bared incident is... When nassrallah spoke of a red line, it was because of the obvious attempt at sectarian war. Fateh el Islam is a salafist, financially backed by the Saudis. I think that it was an attempt to avert the sectarian tension within the Muslim community. Maybe I'm wrong, but at the end of the day, these terrorist were rooted out. Just as every non Lebanese militia should be. Every inch of Lebanese territory should be controlled by the Lebanese army.

I as a Christian Lebanese, want only the state of Lebanese to control all arms in Lebanon. But to do so means to build trust and support our fellow southern brothers and sisters who have sufered greatly at the neglect of the central beirut government for years.

It's now our responsiblity to build trust and show loyalty with our brethren, if we have any chance of building our state. Hezbollah is powerfull and orgainized and we should take advantage of their achievements.

Thumb geha 17:45 ,2012 آذار 16

if you are truly meaning what you are saying, then you should not be OK with hizbushaitan arming certain sunni extremists in the north too?
you should be Ok with with dismantling all camps outside the official palestian camps?
you should be OK in dismantling hizbushaitan because they are an iranian arm with an iranian agenda as so much declared by them at lots of occasions?

Thumb jcamerican 11:16 ,2012 آذار 17

Well said ado.

Thumb jabalamel 09:07 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist have put great efforts to react on news that is not related to lebanon.

and they claim to be lebanese. hillarious.

also, they are using this article to repeat all they lies according to their big icon goebels who said that you have to repeat the lie as much as you can.

Default-user-icon snatch (ضيف) 18:24 ,2012 آذار 16

Yes Ado.

Let us all celebrate their 2006 achievement among other achievement and ignore their crimes ,the killing of Samer hanna,3irani,Antoine ghanem,Harrir,3ido etct etc ,at the same time ignore the achievement of others and always highlight their failures or even crimes if there are crimes.
Well done Ado,obviously you are not an M8 ....
Btw let us all agree on on history book calling a terrorist group freedom fighters and the real freedom fighters militiamen .
Let s all applaud Ado.

Thumb jabalamel 09:10 ,2012 آذار 18

and this zionist media terrorists, geha and snatch have some kind retarded and totaly unrelated hallucinations.

one would try to answer them, but you cannot answer to lunatic because normal people don't understand what lunatic says at first place.

Thumb geha 19:06 ,2012 آذار 16

you are as dumb as your comments :)
- I have 1 account and do not care about the stupid voting cntest :)
- you must be certainly the only one who does not know that hizbushaitan are arming some factions in the north and in other places :)
- you must be the only one who does not know that hizbushaitan is arming FPM (by the way come to kesrouan and get an iranian AK47 for less than $500).
either you are blind or want to be blind.... :)
as for the extremist israelis, hisbushaitan needs to have extremists facing them so it justifies their extremism. old game that does not work anymore :)

Thumb jabalamel 09:12 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate a lot, including some iranian ak47 (whole people thinks russians made those, but zionist have their own version of history).

and some other stupidities, too retarded to waste letters to answer those.

Default-user-icon Muhamada (ضيف) 19:28 ,2012 آذار 16

Hariri killed by Hezbollah and Syrian regime including terrorist groups

Thumb jabalamel 09:13 ,2012 آذار 18

go take a pill and than get back and try to make decent sentence.

Missing anonymoustxusa 22:37 ,2012 آذار 16

To FT - you don't you understand why a faction would snitch on the other to the Israelis?
Don't you know that when Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, The Shiaa villagers in the south greeted the Israeli invaders with cheers rice and roses (It is documented on video so don't try denying it) and they were snitching on the Palestinians fighters among them - Do you know why? Because the Shia villagers have had it with armed Palestinian thughs ruling them, roaming around, acting like they owned the place and mistreating them on several levels. So when the Israelis came and drove them off, they cheered (Later when Israelis started mistreating them too - cheers turned to resistance).

Thumb jabalamel 09:14 ,2012 آذار 18

yes yes, come back and you get more flowers you idiots.

Missing anonymoustxusa 23:02 ,2012 آذار 16

Same thing is happening now with Hizbullah
Up to 2005 Hizbullah was respected and honored by most Lebanese for their previous acheivments and sacrifices.
But after that Hizbullah made some serious mistakes that made him hated by the majority of all other Lebanese communities
1-He sided with Syria against his follow Lebanese in 2005.
2-He caused the 2006 war for no convincing reason - All Lebanon suffered.
3-He refused to hand his arms to Army while the rest already did so in 1990.
4-He is accused of committing assasination on behalf of the Syrians
5-For Its own self preservation and not in defense of country of community) - He turned his weapons against his fellow lebanese - and invaded Beirut and Chouf.
6-He practically made a coup d'etat by putting a gun on Jumblat's head, and seized power by force even though M14 won the 2009 election fair and square.

Thumb Bandoul 08:00 ,2012 آذار 17

I am not happy that I am agreeing with you...ghasb min 3anneh, but I have to be fair.

Thumb jabalamel 09:15 ,2012 آذار 18

you do not agree with anyone because you first have an opinion to agree with someone.

and you don't have opinion, you only have hallucinations.

Thumb jabalamel 09:15 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate what happened with our glorious resistance after 2005.

mossad gave you wrong report again.

Thumb Bandoul 22:54 ,2012 آذار 18

Glorious peace of worthless immoral anti humanity, terrorists, morons, thugs, sewer rats, hzb el kzb and terror, Iranian lap dogs, liars, propagandists, oppressors, tyrants, less than human, electricity thieves, telecommunication thieves, airport and port marauders, toxic waste, poor excuse for a human beings, irrelevant fools, free loaders, live off of other people's hard work, will do anything Hassouna tells as long as Iran pays you...need I go on?

Missing anonymoustxusa 23:02 ,2012 آذار 16

Basically Hizbullah turned itself into a Tyrant party - ruling other Lebanese communities by force, and they don't like it, and they will even cheer Israel if it comes in to take them out...Just like the Shia cheered the Israeli when they took the palestinians out...Capish.
Is this how the Hizb wishes to be remembered

Thumb jabalamel 09:16 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist hallucinate about what happened with our glorious resistance.

Thumb Bandoul 00:21 ,2012 آذار 19

Glorious piece of worthless immoral anti humanity, terrorists, morons, thugs, sewer rats, hzb el kzb and terror, Iranian lap dogs, liars, propagandists, oppressors, tyrants, less than human, electricity thieves, telecommunication thieves, airport and sea port marauders, toxic waste, poor excuse for human beings, irrelevant fools, free loaders, live off of other people's hard work, will do anything Hassouna tells you to do as long as Iran pays you...need I go on?

Default-user-icon X-ray (ضيف) 00:18 ,2012 آذار 17

Flame sirmeye.
Who killed Samer Hana?
Have A Ct Brain Scan.

Thumb Bandoul 07:54 ,2012 آذار 17

Dude you're so incoherent ist not even funny. What are you babbling about? Don't you have anything better to do?

Thumb jabalamel 09:00 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist bandoul has learned words "incoherent" and he is now using it to show how smart is he.

no matter how many words you learn, you are still common zionist idiot

Thumb Bandoul 00:19 ,2012 آذار 19

@jabalhabal, at least I have the capacity to learn something. You on the other hand were taught by Hassouna to say "filthy zionist" and that is all you know how to say to get paid Iranian money and get free electricity and free Aspirin. Yalla 3eineh yalla, 7iss 3a dammak ba2a wrou7 l3ab barra.

Thumb Bandoul 07:58 ,2012 آذار 17

Crack is involved for sure...and you're the one on it. I am so sick of people like you who have nothing intelligent to say but open their mouth anyways for the sake of asserting they are alive. I have a better idea for you, try razors to pass the time instead of antagonizing us on this forum.

Thumb jabalamel 09:12 ,2012 آذار 18

yes i know that you had too much crack...and that you are sick of yourself.

Missing realist 08:52 ,2012 آذار 17

This is just a media ploy after Hizbustan/iran lost hamas, they ahve turned to "jihad" the other business enterprise for empty propaganda. It is really sad how the resistances converted into pure business. Who knows, the next thing you know the "jihad" business gets funds from egypt/qatar and decides to leave iran as well.

Thumb jabalamel 09:18 ,2012 آذار 18

commenting all the crap you wrote here, i forgot what is article all about.

now i remember: it's zionist pretending to be lebanese getting angry because someone is helping palestinians.

Thumb Bandoul 00:21 ,2012 آذار 19

Glorious piece of worthless immoral anti humanity, terrorists, morons, thugs, sewer rats, hzb el kzb and terror, Iranian lap dogs, liars, propagandists, oppressors, tyrants, less than human, electricity thieves, telecommunication thieves, airport and sea port marauders, toxic waste, poor excuse for human beings, irrelevant fools, free loaders, live off of other people's hard work, will do anything Hassouna tells you to do as long as Iran pays you...need I go on?

Thumb shab 11:27 ,2012 آذار 17

History will be harsh on the filthy Persian militia. Pure evil.

Thumb jabalamel 09:20 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist hallucinate what will history say.

so did hitler.

Thumb Bandoul 00:22 ,2012 آذار 19

Glorious piece of worthless immoral anti humanity, terrorists, morons, thugs, sewer rats, hzb el kzb and terror, Iranian lap dogs, liars, propagandists, oppressors, tyrants, less than human, electricity thieves, telecommunication thieves, airport and sea port marauders, toxic waste, poor excuse for human beings, irrelevant fools, free loaders, live off of other people's hard work, will do anything Hassouna tells you to do as long as Iran pays you...need I go on?

Missing mansour 12:58 ,2012 آذار 17

i say we put all the palestinians on a boat and send em on there way with a couple of hundred KGs of C4 on the ship and blow it till they reach there allah!

Default-user-icon BS (ضيف) 21:59 ,2012 آذار 17

What a racist...you have no human values whatsoever

Thumb jabalamel 09:19 ,2012 آذار 18

dont' be naive, you know zionists think that way.

Thumb jabalamel 09:19 ,2012 آذار 18

lol...just replace palestinians with zionists and you predicted the future.

Missing aris 13:31 ,2012 آذار 17

yeah include hezbola on the same boat as the balestinians and then we have beace in mid east

Thumb jabalamel 09:22 ,2012 آذار 18

lol yeah please send your genodical militia and make it happen

Thumb KiLLeR_313_InStiNcT 08:53 ,2012 آذار 18

The Cursed Ones Going To Get Bloody Bruised :)

The Israeli's should expect the worst
If they attack the Iranians first
Cause what they’ll learn
As Six Million Fake Jews burn
Is this time, they really were cursed!

As soon as the zionist bomb flies
And an innocent Iranian dies
The Persians will strike
In ways Jews won’t like
And Israel will have no allies.

Fire will rain from heaven knows where
On to every Israeli town square
Rabbi,it’s too late for prayer..
The Iron Dome will let thru
A radioactive residue…
Matching their Death Flag of Cobolt Blue!

They’ll burn alive from the inside out
In the distance, a Muslim victory shout
The few living in the land
Will begs for Death’s hand
It’s then Rocks and Trees will cry out!

Default-user-icon Danny B. (ضيف) 10:43 ,2012 آذار 18

KLiller_instinc: Contrary to most of Arabs who claims that they have nothing against Jews only Zionist they hate, you don't try to hide it.
If the holocaust was fake, why don't you replace my family who went to heaven from Auchwitz chimneys ?
In addition only one thing want to tell you.
To your disappointment, many in the past tried to liquidate the Jews and failed.
We were much before Muslims and we'll remain much after you.
At least we have contributed to the world from our deep knowledge and many of our inventions you are using, contrary to Muslims who contributed terror and bloodshed to the world.
Just remember if no Jews on earth you have been sleeping with your sheep same cave.

Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 16:15 ,2012 آذار 18

TO: Killer_instinct: I prefer dealing with scum like you that Hate Jews than those double face who will tell all the world that Arabs have nothing against Jews only against Zionist state.
Thank God I'm aware not to turn my back to people like you.
Wish only thing that you and scum like you would have replaced 1.5 million children who went to heaven from Auschwitz chimneys.

Thumb jabalamel 09:17 ,2012 آذار 18

i really can't understand how come naharnet editors let this particular zionist to urinate and masturbate on their forums.

Thumb Bandoul 00:06 ,2012 آذار 19

Glorious piece of worthless immoral anti humanity, terrorists, morons, thugs, sewer rats, hzb el kzb and terror, Iranian lap dogs, liars, propagandists, oppressors, tyrants, less than human, electricity thieves, telecommunication thieves, airport and sea port marauders, toxic waste, poor excuse for human beings, irrelevant fools, free loaders, live off of other people's hard work, will do anything Hassouna tells you to do as long as Iran pays you...need I go on?

Missing mansour 15:20 ,2012 آذار 18

the only thing i dont understand is why the hell you jabalamel still come here and post your rubbish why dont you stick to your fellow shiitt sites where your glarious leaders promise you false victory from your Allah thats coming on his white horse you dope!the only thing thats coming is the rockets that will be landing on all your heads and that i am positive of.Thank you

Thumb Bandoul 00:07 ,2012 آذار 19

God bless Israel and may it exterminate all the vermin eating the roots of Free Lebanon.

Thumb Bandoul 00:08 ,2012 آذار 19

M8 = Glorious piece of worthless immoral anti humanity, terrorists, morons, thugs, sewer rats, hzb el kzb and terror, Iranian lap dogs, liars, propagandists, oppressors, tyrants, less than human, electricity thieves, telecommunication thieves, airport and sea port marauders, toxic waste, poor excuse for human beings, irrelevant fools, free loaders, live off of other people's hard work, will do anything Hassouna tells you to do as long as Iran pays you...need I go on?