"كتائب عبدالله عزام" تنفي ارتباطها بـ"الخلية التكفيرية"

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أصدر تنظيم "كتائب عبدالله عزام" بياناً على المواقع الالكترونية، نفى فيه ارتباطه بـ"الخلية التكفيرية" التي كانت مخابرات الجيش قد اعتقلت كافة اعضائها وأحبطت مخطط الخلية باستهداف مراكز عسكرية عدة.

وكانت تقارير صحفية قد كشفت ان الخلية ضمت سبعة اعضاء وهم رتيبان من الجيش اللبناني واربعة اشخاص لبنانيين ينتمون الى كتائب عبدالله عزام الموالية للقاعدة اعتقلوا جميعا باستثناء مسؤول المجموعة وهو ابو محمد توفيق طه والموجود داخل مخيم عين الحلوة، الذي طلب الجيش "رسميا" من الفصائل الفلسطينية تسليمه.

يُشار الى أن مسؤول المقر العام في حركة فتح في لبنان العميد منير المقدح أكد ان القرار الفلسطيني متخذ لجهة تسليم طه للجيش اللبناني ومعرفة مكان وجوده، على الرغم من اشارته الى أن اعتقال طه ليس سهلا، لكنه اكد بأن "هناك عدة طرق لانهاء الموضوع واعتقاله وتسليمه للسلطات اللبنانية والامر سيتم في النهاية سنعتقله بطرقنا".

وأشار البيان الصادر عن تنظيم "كتائب عبدالله عزام"، ووفق ما نقلت صحيفة "النهار"، فإنه تلقى عرضاً بـ"أن نغتال زعيم الدروز في لبنان (رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي النائب) وليد جنبلاط مقابل اطلاق بعض قيادات المجاهدين من سجون النظام السوري".

واستهداف الجيش اللبناني والاعتداء عليه ليس الاول من نوعه عبر "الخلية التكفيرية"، فقد نجح الجيش بالقاء القبض على المطلوب محمد اسماعيل في البقاع، المسؤول عن الاعتداء على دورية للجيش في 2009-4-13، مما ادى الى استشهاد 4 عسكريين وإصابة ضابط بجروح بالغة وفراره الى سوريا التي لم تسلمه الى السلطات اللبنانية آنذاك رغم مطالبتها بذلك.

هذا الى جانب مسؤوليته عن سلسلة عمليات خطف، منها خطف أحمد زيدان، أحد مدراء معمل "ليبان لي" الذي اختطف في 30 تشرين الثاني الماضي لدى دخوله مقر مصنع الشركة في بلدة حوش سنيد في قضاء بعلبك. وقد طالب الخاطفون حينها بفدية. إلا ان الجيش تمكن صباح الأحد 11 كانون الأول المنصرم من تحرير زيدان في عملية عسكرية له في جرود بريتال في البقاع.

والعصابة التي وقفت وراء عملية زيدان مؤلفة من 4 أشخاص هم محمد فياض اسماعيل الذي اعتقل الخميس الفائت، محمد مرشد اسماعيل، حسن طليس، وعبد الله الكردي وهو سوري الجنسية. ومنذ ذلك الوقت استمرت عمليات الدهم جارية لتوقيف جميع المشاركين في عملية الخطف.

التعليقات 12
Missing helicopter 09:10 ,2012 آذار 18

It revealed however that it had received an offer by undisclosed sides to “assassinate Druze leader MP Walid Jumblat in return for the release of a number of jihadists in Syrian jails.”
Sounds and smells like a similar deal that resulted in the nahr elbared war (same plot.... release Jihadists in Syrian jails to cause trouble in Lebanon). The Syrian regime is a master of such deals.

Thumb jabalamel 09:34 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist have some kind of weird hallucination about something but not worthy to analyse in details.

Missing samiam 21:56 ,2012 آذار 18

The current and past Syrian regimes are not a friend to Lebanon. Ask the thousands of people whose relative suddenly disappeared.

Thumb shab 11:49 ,2012 آذار 18

Clear the camps. Export them all back to Gaza. We need parking spaces

Missing samira_saidawi 15:14 ,2012 آذار 18

Shab, the only pals in lebanon who are from gaza r the ghazzaoui family and a few others, all of them have lebanese passports and do not live in the camps. The Pals in the camps r from the galilee area of palestine. Clearing would not solve the problem as the jihadis would only pop up elsewhere. There r even villages which r majority supporters of jihadis. The problem with jihadis is not pals, its certain governments and political groups who arm them for their own purposes. Jund el shem as an example which is based in ain el helwi, is a jihadi group with mostly lebanese jihadis in it, where should we put them and other lebanese jihadis who are the majority in such jihadi groups? Its easy to drop such an irresponsible comment online but in real life, your little advice makes no sence at all. You arent the one suffering from these jihadis, its the lebanese soldiers and the Palestinian refugees who r. So if u dont have something logical to say, at least have the decency to be quiet.

Missing mansour 15:28 ,2012 آذار 18

lol i dont give a shit who in those dumps are allied with all i want is to see it Levelled like Nahr el-Bared and anyone who wants to support them can follow them to there Allah!

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 16:15 ,2012 آذار 18

Yes which is why the Palestinians should have never been allowed to become armed groups in Lebanon and especially outside the camps. When was the last time a Palestinian group in Lebanon did anything to try and gain Palestinian independence?

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 16:20 ,2012 آذار 18

“assassinate Druze leader MP Walid Jumblat in return for the release of a number of jihadists in Syrian jails.”

I wonder who this could be? Maybe the Assad regime or their supporters in Lebanon? Syria has used 'Jihadis' to cause chaos in Lebanon for decades.

@Samira: You are right that there are Lebanese Jihadists but they are almost always headquartered in the camps (Nahr Al Bared before and Ain Al Helweh still) because the Lebanese military can not reach them there. The camps have become safe havens for terrorists who have nothing to do with the liberation of Palestine.

The 'mainstream' Palestinian groups don't have the will to get rid of these groups despite the fact that they are small and lets them grow and expand so it should be allowed that the Lebanese army enter the camps and hunt them down.

Lebanon has paid the price for 'Palestinian independence' for 50 years and it's enough.

Default-user-icon Imad (ضيف) 20:20 ,2012 آذار 18

Like I said you Lebanese don't deserve Lebanon. You are ignorant little people fighting your secretarian wars, while the Americans and Jews take your wealth and resources. What a joke you Lebanese are. Shattreen tshabhu abadkun. LOL. What a joke. Keep on fighting among yourselves you little morons. Our American and Jewish weapons are going to find all of you. An we don't care if you are Christian or muslim or wether you are with the hizb or not. To us Jews and Americans you are all the same to us and our bombs won't discriminate. So keep on Fighting among your selves ya Lebanese while the world laughs at you pathetic ignorant camel Jockeys.

Thumb jabalamel 02:35 ,2012 آذار 19

the filthy zionist scum is now pretending to be patriotic lebanese by "defending lebanon from palestinian groups".

but when they propose their "solutions", you see it's a zionist "solutions".

you cannot hide how much scum you are.

Missing mansour 08:32 ,2012 آذار 19

jabalamel why do you keep calling everyone zionist??cause we call for the destruction of syria and palestinians?maybe i and everyone else wants there destruction cause of the war they commited on the Lebanese,do you see anyone say death to jordan or anyother arab state?so just keep listening to your Leaders that keep promising that your great ALLAH is coming on his white horse to save you,his coming but it anit on no horse its called ROCKETS from the WEST :)

Default-user-icon Klaus (ضيف) 01:50 ,2012 آب 21

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