جنبلاط: وضع علم الثورة السورية على ضريح والدي أخرجني من السجن السوري الكبير
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس جبهة النضال الوطني النائب وليد جنبلاط أن وضعه علم الثورة السورية على سجن والده في مناسبة ذكرى مرور 35 عاما على اغتيال كمال جنبلاط، أراح ضميره وأخرجه من "سجن النظام السوري الكبير"، رافضا نظرية الأقليات التي "استخدمها النظام"، معتبرا أن "النظام السوري قد انتهى".
وقال جنبلاط في اتصال عبر قناة "العربية": "منذ اللحظة الأولى كان الشعار الذي انطلق من درعا وعم كل سوريا واحد واحد واحد الشعب السوري واحد، مؤكدا أن "القضية ليست قضية أقليات وأن هذه النظرية سقطت لأنها لم تكن موجودة أبدا,
وأوضح أن " النظام السوري حاول استخدام نظرية الأقليات، إلا أن الشعب السوري موحد في مواجهة الإستبداد والطغيان. كل الشعب السوري من جبل العرب الى جبل صالح العلي الى مناطق الرقة ودير الزور وغيرها الى كل مكان الى حمص وحماه الى دمشق".
وأضاف: "سقطت وستسقط نظرية الأقليات، لافتا الى أن " حتى في سوريا هناك أكثريات لم تلتحق لظروف موضوعية و لظروف الخوف".
وأردف: " كل الشعب السوري سيثور وقريبا ، أعتقد وواثق أننا سنشهد كتيبة أو فرقة لفارس الخوري ستلتحق وستثور على هذا النظام الإستبدادي".
وإذ رأى أن هناك مطلب واحد الخروج من الإستبداد من أجل الكرامة والحرية والعيش الحر الكريم"، أكد جنبلاط أنه سيدعم " كل مواطن سوري حر في مواجهة الإستبداد أينما كان بقدر ما أملك من إمكانيات من أجل الحرية والكرامة والعيش الحر".
كما وجه جنبلاط التحية الى "هؤلاء الذين إلتحقوا بركب الثورة السورية". وقال: "هذا ليس بغريب عليهم, هم ورثة سلطان باشا الأطرش وهم الذين التحقوا بالوطنيين السوريين ، بصالح العلي آنذاك وابراهيم هنانو وغيرهم من المواطنيين".
وعن وضعه علم الثورة السورية على ضريح والده ، قال جنبلاط: "أعتقد أنني عندما وضعت علم الثورة السورية على ضريح كمال جنبلاط الذي اغتاله النظام السوري, وتلك الأقلية المتحكمة بمصير سوري ، أراح ضميري وخرجت من السجن الكبير الذي سجننا فيه النظام السوري أو الأقلية الأسدية عبر عقود".
ووجه جنبلاط "رسالة الى أصدقاء النظام السوري الى روسيا التي هي تدعمه بالعتاد والسلاح والفيتو في الأمم المتحدة". قائلا: " آن لها أن تلتحق روسيا, وتعتبر أن الشعب السوري هو الذي يريد الحرية والكرامةوأن تقف عن مد هذا النظام بأدوات القمع والقتل والإستبداد".
وأضاف: "آن الأوان لروسيا أن تخرج من عزلتها وتلتحق بإرادة الشعب السوري والعربي". خاتما: " لقد انتهى هذا النظام".
Good move by Walid. He is a well-lubricated weathervane and knows a crumbling house of horror when he sees one.
Oppps...now hassouna is all alone and now back up....cant wait till every m8 is hung ...
Good Job Ya Walid. You might have freed yourself from the Syrian prison but you have Also placed the Revolution flag on your own Tomb. Y'alla let's incourage the Muslim brother hood to take power in Syria. Than maybe they will start killing off the minority Christian and Druze population. Good job Ya Walid. What you don't realize ya Walid is the Americans don't give a shit about you or the Lebanese. They will stab u in the back like they is all their allies. That is if Syria doesn't lie you done next to your father.
hakim and walid beik are the most couragous politicians in bilad el arz, and the individuals who are still playing the song of division between lebanese are playing the same old recipes of the criminal assad regime.
I side with M14, yet I agree with FlameThrower. You can't free your conscience on the cheap when you have killed hundreds of innocent people in the process. While it is legitimate to support a free Syria, the least Joumblat can do is honor the memory of all the poor people he slaughtered.
I support M14 yet agree with FlameThrower. One can't clear his conscience on the cheap and get away with murder. You cannot blame murderous Assad, and murderous he is, yet show self-indulgence when you were responsible for the murder of hundreds of innocent people.
Flame not that we disagreed with you so much as objected to your m14 references to everything and sundry. We don't like this guy and don't trust him either, however I do recall m8 welcoming him in with open arms when he flip flopped his way back into their arms, so i guess the glass house theory applies here also.
the filthy zionist slime and trash would like to agree or disagree something, not realizing his irrelevance.
one cannot agree nor disagree with nothing.
This Cookie lover or looser is a master to dig history when he feels like and ignore it whenever he feels like it, it is OK to ignore the fact that certain militias remain armed same as 30yrs ago during the war under fake slogans and serving foreign masters, but others should not and must not carry any weapons otherwise they are labeled salafit, terrorist, Leb forces, extremists and etc..As one of them said get a life and a girl.
common guys he wasnt killing christians at that time just because of his father's death...there was a a civil war blowing the country ..and innocents were being killed from both sides..so let's forget that shamefull past and live together in this lovely country..and christians common be reasonable....do you realy like Asad's system
Looks Mowaten has negotiated a better schedule with her bosses than flamethrower. She does not work weekends since she has absolutely zero comments on the weekends and she floods this site with negativity on the weekdays. Flamethrower isn't smart enough to negotiate the same work terms as Mowaten and has to be here on the weekend desperately trying persuade people on this site that his terrorist bosses are not murderers but victims of society. Truly pathetic!
Hahaha. Identical comments by the same guest with two different nicknames agreeing with flamethrower. Gee I wonder who could that be. You should be fired by your terrorist bosses for being a bigger idiot than they are.
Even the placing of dung by anybody on the grave of Kamal Jumblat is more honorable than a million flags or flowers placed by the embodiment of filth Walid Jumblat even if then thousand "macheyekh" walk behind him like the jerks that they are instead of him crawling like the snake that he is all the way in the back behind them and behind the last Druze on the face of the earth. But what can you do when people who glorify filth are even lower lives than this embodiment of filth?
You are a depraved sycophant lacking any moral code. Your parents, much to their credit, raised you right, and worked hard to instill a moral code into your decaying brain but unfortunately they failed miserably as the result before us here and now is the depravity that is you.
throw all the politicians in the sea! ESPECIALLY the ones close to your hearts! (brainwashing therapy).
no he's ok.
i was thinking about calling you pathetic creature, but that would be insult to pathetic creatures.
I gave you thumbs up on both posts. I am one M-14/15/16 who evaluates the merit of each message. We all are right at one point and wrong at some points.
The time the Christian massacre took place at the hands of the Druze walid jomblat had no real say. He was out on his Harley. And he had no control over the reaction of the people. That is the truth you will find in the history nooks. But sure as hell doesn't make the next 10 years go away in the civil war but the time after the assassination was not in walid's control. Today the flag of the free Syrian people is a great symbol of reaching out against a hateful regime but embracing the citizens of Syria.
Ya neon il3omallah are 9 times out of 10 from your beloved moqawama. The other 1 time it's FPM!
Jump-a-Lot, You are the king of the slime balls. The master of the sess pool farts. You sure are no Kamal; step aside and give Taimour a chance.
If the syrian regime killed you father as you said and then you were their friends for the next 20+ years killing for them, then what does that make you bozo?
The person I disrespect the most in the world at this momemnt is this jump-a-lot fart. Even lady geagea is more respectable then him.
Walid Jumblat, a phenomenon, a incredible jukebox with so much songs, yet you have to pay him to hear the song you like. I dont agree with people saying this man has courage, or even principles. His positions are clearly those of someone that takes advantage of a situation for his community only ( sometimes for his own life ) . Before placing the syrian revolution flag he should have placed the Lebanese flag a long time ago. Now you admit who killed your father, after all the massacres you commited , and the betrayals. If you were not a pillar of the druze community, and if people from march 8th and march 14th didnt need you as a + for legal power in the parliament, i guess both would definetely agree on ending your worthless existence.
I recall some people here with march 14th or march 8th beeing happy when jumblat was on their side. Having power doesnt matter when its in the hands of people like Jumblat. I just want to say to everybody that they should value more a man for his convictions and cause, then for the power he might give you with flipflopping positions that caused the lives of many, because of beeing too scared to die himself. The druze community has been here since the birth of Lebanon and before. It will always stay no matter what, and Jumblat has portrayed them as cowards needing to change positions according to supposedly regional interests rather than sticking to the lebanese first scheme. I hope one day they will have a leader that gets them back to their old patriotic position, as for all Lebanese as well.
Does anyone remember that upon the murder of Kamal Jumblatt, hundreds of Christians were slayed in one of the most horrifying genocides in Mount Lebanon history? Back then the PSP claimed the Christina militias were behind Jumbaltt assassination… sometimes histories dark humor is unbearable
@ FT, I have to say, even though I don't agree with some of your comments, this one has caused me to think about Jumblat's motives behind his behavior. This does make sense. Good job
Apparently jump-a-lot seeking with M14s to win 2013 elections...They can always try ;)
Kaserwaneh: you also remember when hariri was killed how all tge Syrian workers got beat up and some killed. Little we knew at tge time it was hisballah that killed him! With tge help of at the time interior minister franjiyieh and the puppets wahab and Nasser kandeel. Yet today things look much different than that dark day. Syrian people are not the enemy, but a common human fighting for their rights. Jomblat is hated because he is not taking a side.