أزمة الكهرباء إلى تفاقم وباسيل: لا أفهم ماذا يريد ميقاتي

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لم يفض اجتماع اللجنة الوزارية المكلفة درس العروض المقدمة لاستجرار البواخر لتوليد الكهرباء أمس الاثنين إلى أي نتيجة حاسمة في هذا الشأن، وصرح وزير الطاقة والمياه جيران باسيل أنه "لم أفهم على رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي ماذا يريد".

وكشفت مصادر معنية أن الاجتماع أدى الى تظهير الخلاف في وجهات النظر بين رئيس الوزراء وباسيل حيال العرض المقدم من الوزير عن الشركتين الاميركية والتركية اللتين فازتا بالمناقصة.

وأفادت المصادر عبر صحيفة "النهار" الثلاثاء أن ميقاتي اعتبر كلفة المشروع الذي يغطي خمس سنوات والتي تبلغ 450 مليون دولار عالية في حين لا تؤمن ساعات تغذية اضافية بل يقتصر دور الباخرتين على توفير التغذية خلال خضوع معملي الزوق والجية لإعادة التأهيل.

وتحدث ميقاتي في خلال الاجتماع عن عرض بكلفة أدنى، وسأل عن سبل تأمين واردات للخزينة لتغطية كلفة المشروع وطلب دراسة مفصلة عن السعر المقدم والوفر الذي يؤمنه في حال وجوده.

وفي هذا السياق، أوضحت المصادر أن ميقاتي يتجه بعد انجاز اللجنة عملها الى رفع دراسة بهذا الملف الى مجلس الوزراء تاركا للمجلس ان يتحمل مسؤوليته ان باعادة اجراء المناقصة أم باستئجار الباخرتين الفائزتين بالمناقصة، أم بصرف النظر عن المشروع.

وقد أرجئ البحث الى اجتماع آخر يعقد بعد غد الخميس.

في المقابل، أكدت المصادر نفسها أن فريق وزير الطاقة لم يستحسن طرح ميقاتي، خصوصا ان هذا الفريق شارك في المفاوضات مع الشركتين واطلع مجلس الوزراء على النتائج.

كما طرح فريق باسيل امكان رفع سعر ساعة الكهرباء الذي لا يتعدى تسعة سنتات، علما ان المستهلك يدفع قسرا 45 سنتا عن كل ساعة لأصحاب المولدات الخاصة.

وصرح وزير الطاقة لـ"النهار" بأن رئيس الوزراء لم يقل انه لا يريد مشروع البواخر ولم يقدم عرضا جديدا بل قال إنه مشروع ضروري ولا تراجع عنه.

لكنه اضاف أنه "حقيقة لم أفهم على رئيس الحكومة ماذا يريد"، نافيا وجود حاجة الى دراسة جديدة عن كلفة المشروع والوفر الذي يتضمنه.

وقال إن "كل الدراسات انجزت في السابق وجئنا باستشاري دولي لدراسة العروض وليست ثمة كلفة مالية تذكر، فإما أننا نريد انتاج كهرباء وإما أن نطفئ موتورات الدولة ونقول لا نريد انتاج كهرباء".

التعليقات 19
Missing minlibnan 09:41 ,2012 آذار 20

FPM is the real crook behind the electricity.

Default-user-icon Freddy (ضيف) 10:02 ,2012 آذار 20

I dont understand why those power ships cannot supply the whole deficit.
i.e: 1000 megawatts.
why do we need ships to give us only what we have now ? is this logical?

Thumb topgun 10:22 ,2012 آذار 20

anyone following up on this delicate issue knows the reason behind the delay is splitting of the kickbacks which amounts to millions of dollars!

Thumb sevilla 10:29 ,2012 آذار 20

14 hours ago MTV: The panel tasked with studying the issue of power-generating ships has not reached an agreement over any offer and the premier has proposed an offer that is lower in cost than that proposed by the energy minister.

Thumb leblover 11:12 ,2012 آذار 20

من بعد كلمنتين و اللمبات, ما بعرف شو بده يعمل وزير الطاقة

Default-user-icon May7 (ضيف) 12:52 ,2012 آذار 20

Flame thrower who one day will become electricity payer
For someone who supports a non paying electricity party and who doesnot pay for their own electricity.
You sure know a lot about the topic

Thumb kesrweneh 12:58 ,2012 آذار 20

and during the summer, we shall have less ON hours, because Mikati doesn't have a viable solution for EDL, and is also not convinced by Bassils plan. bottom line Mikati sabotages EDL and we the people pay for it

Thumb cedar 15:12 ,2012 آذار 20

They should spend $450 on building hydro electric water power systems and solar panels. not on renting boats.

Thumb kesrweneh 19:08 ,2012 آذار 20

100% and this is the plan (in addition for eoliennes) however meanwhile the boats are here to replace the 2 factories while they are being renovated and made less polluting

Missing anonymoustxusa 15:36 ,2012 آذار 20

This is the most ridiculous problem that Lebanon has.
Electricity consumption and production is the most predictable commodity in the world. It is the easiest to forecast how much power generation is needed, and how much it will cost to generate it. And it is the easiest form of product to bill.
Yet polititians in Lebanon have for over 2 decades simce 1990 haven't done anything to resolve it.
Never mind going green with renewal Wind, Solar, or Hydro power - that is too much to ask, and goes against their mafiosi oil interests.

Thumb kesrweneh 19:08 ,2012 آذار 20


Default-user-icon Everyday citizen (ضيف) 15:45 ,2012 آذار 20

Prime suspect this is part of the investment into a durable and long term electricity project for the Lebanese, this will only provide the already little electricity that two of our obsolete power plants are already providing, as to not have any further electricity cuts while they are being refurbished and revamped into a modern day power generating plant.
I really find it very amusing how every person that has no idea about what is happening in our godforsaken feels the urge to leave a comment on a topic he/she has no clue about, just for the sake of making the party he/she does not "follow" (as support is not a word that can be used in Lebanese politics) look like the bad people.

Default-user-icon Everyday citizen (ضيف) 15:46 ,2012 آذار 20

The Lebanese population needs to wake up anymore, we have been deprived of our natural rights by our politicians for too long, and as it seems to me we have gotten used to being treated as inferiors by our politicians, we are an audience that does no more than clap to everything we hear, we have been blinded just as they blind horses to see in only one direction.
We have given the old regime too many chances all the way up until 2011 and we have seen nothing from them other than $60 Billion in deficit and we don't even have the basic infrastructure that people need.

Default-user-icon Everyday citizen (ضيف) 15:46 ,2012 آذار 20

We take to the streets for the Syrian revolution, but when it comes to our lively hood we rather stay at home and cry on our own, because the politician we follow says otherwise. Go take a look at their accounts ask the people that you vote for and follow blindly to expose the amounts they hold in their accounts, and then you'll know why Clemenceau, Maarab, Center house, and many others were possible.
Wake up people get rid of those horse blinds.

Missing minlibnan 17:23 ,2012 آذار 20

They don't want to solve this problem it's a big cash cow. For 40+ years now we have had this power problem. Granted 15 years are war years. But what grid in lebanon actually works? Power-no water-no transport-no etc......... Screw this M8 gov, and m14 is not tge answer!!! We must replace them with only 40 MP's and 12 ministers. They must have a university education and never been in politics before. Just professionals in their fields. If you are building a company you will hire the best trained/educated person for that position, we need to do that as well.

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 17:39 ,2012 آذار 20

are you kidding me ? what kind of country we are living in ? this government has been talking about electricity since it came to power and nothing has happened , as a matter of fact it has gotten worse . this is a basic need and it is the job of any government to provide the basic for it.s people . this government is so useless and has failed so bad to the point that they have no clue on how to provide the basic needs . in a country like Lebanon of course it is about kickbacks and money it always has and it always will be and the hell with people ... what a disgrace ?

Thumb primesuspect 21:00 ,2012 آذار 20

This legislature is almost done... Wait for 2013. If not consensus can be achieved... The we should look to privatize this sector. Personally, as I said it before, I'd appreciate a Governement of technocrats much more than m14/8 whom just enjoy filling up their pockets with (our) money. With Technocrats in power, things would get done and nobody could veto their decisions unless both sides agree on 1 veto.

Default-user-icon Snatch (ضيف) 04:43 ,2012 آذار 21

start by collecting electricity bills form hizbollah s thugs bil mosata7 el amne

Default-user-icon clint (ضيف) 07:27 ,2012 آذار 21

flims do u really believe what you wrote?
who has been in charge if the ministry the last 20 years?
Who are they the ppl who never pays electricity bills?