"التكتل" يتحفّظ على حق المرأة اللبنانية اعطاء الجنسية خلافا لـ"حزب الله"
Read this story in Englishحق المرأة اللبنانية اعطاء الجنسية لزوجها واولادها كان محل نقاش بين الوزراء الذين عقدوا جلستهم أمس الاربعاء، حيث اعتراض وزراء تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" على مشروع القانون الذي يستثني المتزوجات من فلسطينيين، وبعد النقاش، ارتئيت إحالة هذا الأمر الى لجنة وزارية برئاسة نائب رئيس الحكومة سمير مقبل.
ولدى طرح الموضوع، مستثنياً المتزوجات من فلسطينيين، سجلت اعتراضات من جانب وزراء التكتل، في حين نأى وزراء "أمل" و"حزب الله" بأنفسهم عن هذا الموضوع، فيما أكد وزراء "جبهة النضال الوطني" والحزب" القومي" أنهم يؤيدون إعطاء المرأة هذا الحق، من دون استثناء المتزوجات من فلسطينيين تجنبا للغرق في مستنقع العنصرية، على ما افادت صحيفة "السفير".
الا أن صحيفة "الجمهورية" لفتت أن وزراء "حزب الله" وافقوا على الموضوع خلافاً لوزراء التكتل الذين برز تحفظهم على الموضوع، مطالبين بضوابط اضافية للمشروع.
وأعلن وزير الداخلية مروان شربل لـ"السفير" إن "القوى السياسية في مجلس الوزراء لم تعترض على مبدأ منح الأم جنسيتها لأسرتها خلال أكثر من نصف ساعة من النقاش، بقدر ما توافقت على ضرورة وضع صيغة موحدة لقضية الجنسية ككل".
وأشار إلى انه اقترح تشكيل اللجنة الوزارية بعدما "تبين أن طرح مشروع القانون للتصويت لن يلقى التوافق المطلوب"، مؤكداً أنه سيتابع عمل اللجنة بـ"جدية"، حرصاً منه على "حق المرأة".
وسأل وزراء عما اذا كان هذا الأمر سيشمل المغتربين الذين يريدون استعادة جنسيتهم،على ما قالت صحيفة "النهار"، علماً انها تحق لهم من طريق الاب وليس عن طريق الأم. وبرزت آراء تطالب بتفاصيل وايضاحات، فعمد رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي الى سؤال كل وزير بدوره عما اذا كان يؤيد المشروع او يتحفظ عنه، ما اسفر عن تأليف لجنة وزارية بناء على اقتراح وزير الداخلية مروان شربل لوضع دراسة مفصلة وشاملة عن المشروع قبل اتخاذ القرار النهائي فيه.
واللجنة يرأسها مقبل وعضوية شربل ووزير العدل شكيب قرطباوي ووزير الشؤون الاجتماعية وائل ابو فاعور.
وكانت قد انطلقت حملة عبر موقع التواصل الاجتماعي الـ"فايسبوك"، بعنوان "من حقي منح جنسيتي لزوجي واولادي"، تدعو مجلس النواب الى إهداء الأم في عيدها في 21 آذار، مشروع قانون يتيح للمرأة اللبنانية اعطاء الجنسية لأولادها.
وأحالت وزارة الداخلية التعديل قبل حوالي اربعة اشهر الى مجلس الوزراء، في صيغتين اثنتين، ويتيعن على أعضاء المجلس اختيار واحدة منهما. والصيغتان المطروحتان مختلفتان عن مسودة اقتراح القانون الذي أعدته الهيئة الوطنية لشؤون المرأة التي تترأسها السيدة الولى وفاء سليمان.
وتنص الصيغة الاولى على انه "يضاف إلى الفقرة الأخيرة من المادة الرابعة من القرار الرقم 15 تاريخ 19/1/1925 النص الآتي: "وكذلك يحق للمرأة اللبنانية المتزوجة من أجنبي أن تمنح أولادها الجنسية اللبنانية". على أن "يلغى كل نص مخالف لأحكام هذا القانون"، وفق المادة الثانية من الصيغة نفسها.
أما الصيغة الثانية فتنص في مادتها الأولى على أنه "خلافاً لأي نص قانوني آخر، يعدُّ لبنانياً كل شخص مولود من أم لبنانية، شرط أن تكون جنسية الأب صادرة عن دولة معترف بها، أو لا تتعارض مع أحكام الدستور لجهة رفض التوطين"، بما يفيد باستثناء الفلسطينيين.
The Lebanese Government Should Pass this Law that Rightfully Grants Children with Lebanese Mothers married to Foreign Husbands the Lebanese Citizenship IF AND ONLY IF their Fathers are From Countries that Does the Same.
The Law of Reciprocity Must be Applied.
the Lebanese government should take a stand, not wait for others give equality to their own citizens. Not another day should go by where a Lebanese mother gives birth to her child and cannot even pass something as pure and personal a her citizenship to her child!
Kanaan, if your not lebanese then the lebanese citizenship is not for you. Whats so strange about that? Why do you want to loose your origin and deprive your children of their roots? I dont get it. The lebanese passport is for people of lebanese origin. Lebanon is not france or the USA, we cant afford giving out citizenship to non lebanese bcuz of religious, political and economic reasons. If your wife wanted her children to be lebanese then she should have married a lebanese instead of whatever you are. Stop throwing yourself at us when we have made it clear we do not want you. Have some dignity.
Why exactly are women not of Lebanese origin? Your argument does not make sense. A woman does not choose whom she falls in love with, marries, and has a child with. However, if she is Lebanese, why should the Lebanese law treat her any different than a man? Why should her child not be entitled to the same origin of his maternal ancestry? It should not make any difference who the father of the child is. A mother -- any mother from any country -- should have the right to pass down citizenship to their own children. And a Lebanese citizen -- any citizen be it man or woman -- should have equal rights under Lebanese law.
"If your wife wanted her children to be lebanese then she should have married a lebanese instead of whatever you are. Stop throwing yourself at us when we have made it clear we do not want you. Have some dignity."
Are you for real? Maybe she thinks most Lebanese men are like you. This is why she married a foreigner.
Anobserver, are you serious? Unless she was forced to give birth to non lebanese children then yes she CHOSE who to marry and who to have kids with. The father of her children should make sure his country gives them the nationality he has instead of trying to impose them on lebanon. I never said lebanese women arent lebanese, what i said was that in order to be lebanese you have to have a lebanese father, it has always been like this in lebanon and elsewhere and always will be. Do you think a gambian child will be viewed as lebanese just bcuz his mother is? Dont be silly. I know ur trying to sound politically correct but come on who are you trying to fool? I for one dont want 1 million saudis to become lebanese citizens just bcuz their lebanese mother decided to have foreign kids.
Who's we?! Don't speak on behalf of the Lebanese people. Nationality should not prevent people from marrying each other and having children. Some of the greatest minds have been the children of parents from different backgrounds, such as Edward Said. And dignity is not going to make anyone's lives easier.
This is also a problem in Jordan. My father is Palestinian and my mother Jordanian. I cant get any kind of Palestinian identification because my fathers hawiyeh (ID card) was taken away from him, as was his Jordanian passport at somepoint (from when the West Bank was occupied by Jordan). My mother cant give me Jordanian citizenship because shes a woman. Where is the justice? Ridiculous.
C est encore le moyen âge au Liban , il ne suffit pas d obtenir la nationalité pour les enfants mais aussi pour le mari !!!! L un ne va pas sans l autre , c est encore incroyable de ne pas les citer
giving women right to pass their citizenship should only be granted as part of a complete change of our citizenship laws. The biggest problem with this issue is the fact that citizenship through marriage is too easy and this must be tightened before allowing women to pass citizenship to their husbands. Canada for example, requires at least three years of residency and the foreign spouse passes through two background, security and health check before getting a passport. In Lebanon all you need is a one year old marriage certificate.
Seriously!!! Just hearing some of these chauvinistic comments makes me wonder what is behind these people's closed doors. As women we should have the same legal rights as the men. Why is it ok for them to Marry foreigners and grant citizenship to their spouses and kids?! Give me one really food solid reason. Get off your all mighty thrown.
Are you serious! Just hearing some of these chauvinistic comments makes me wonder what is behind these people's closed doors. As women we should have the same legal rights as the men. Why is it ok for them to Marry foreigners and grant citizenship to their spouses and kids?! Give me one really food solid reason. Get off your all mighty thrown.
i want to know if the palstinianse will take the nationality of lebanon if their mother is lebanese ??? and i hope that this will be achieved
why the lebanese men marry the philippina and ethiopean maids and russian dancers can grant the wife and kids the honor of lebanese natinality,and the lebanese lady who cannot find the lebanese hero who search for wow beauty girl,who looks to have nice respectful family,you let her lose her family by your nice law,what is your religion who think in selfish,I have idea for all foreigners who married lebanese to divorce there wives as a law,so what do you think will happen,a big problem for lebanese authorities.take your decision lebanon government before you leave your chairs.