منصور: الجيش السوري لم يقصف المناطق اللبنانية وقد يضطر لملاحقة مسلحين

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رأى وزير الخارجية والمغتربين عدنان منصور أن الجيش السوري لم يقصف المناطق اللبنانية مشيرا إلى أنه "قد يضطر إلى ملاحقة مسلحين".

وقال منصور في حديث إلى قناة الـ"MTV" مساء الجمعة "ليس هناك من انتهاكات سورية للسيادة اللبنانية بل عمليات عسكرية ولا أتصور أن الجيش السوري يقصف المناطق اللبنانية وليس هناك في سجل الجيش ما يؤكد ذلك".

وكانت قد أكدت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" ووكالة "فرانس برس" العالمية أنه مواقع الجيش السوري في بلدة العريضة الحدودية اطلقت ليل الأربعاء الفائت "قنابل مضيئة فوق النهر الفاصل بين البلدين اعقب ذلك اطلاق نار كثيف وقذائف ار بي جي باتجاه الاراضي اللبنانية".

وتابع منصور حديثه بالقول "قد يضطر الجيش السوري إلى ملاحقة مسلحين داخل الأراضي اللبنانية".

وذكّر أن "هناك عناصر (سورية) مسلحة تسللت إلى لبنان وأوقفتها الأجهزة الأمنية" رافضا الكلام عن أنه يحمل الموقف السوري في لبنان.

وأعطى مثالا أن منظمة "هيومين رايتس ووتش قالت أن المعارضة تنتهك حقوق الإنسان".

وكانت قد قالت منظمة "هيومن رايتس ووتش" المدافهعة عن حقوق الانسان الثلاثاء ان المعارضة السورية المسلحة ترتكب انتهاكات خطيرة لحقوق الانسان بينها اعمال خطف وتعذيب واعدامات لعسكريين وانصار للنظام.

وهنا شدد منصور على أن النظام السوري "لا يرتكب جرائم بل يرد على المسلحين".

إلى ذلك لم يرفض وزير الخارجية والمغتربين المساعدات الإنسانية للنازحين السوريين "ولكن نرفض الممرات" كما وأضاف "ليس صحيح أن هناك اعتقالات تعسفية لبعض النارحين".

يشار إلى أنه قد وقعت خلال الاشهر الماضية عمليات توغل عدة للجيش السوري في اراض لبنانية من جهة محافظتي الشمال والبقاع تخللها اطلاق نار اسفر عن مقتل ثلاثة اشخاص.

واقدم الجيش السوري على زرع الغام مرات عدة في مناطق حدودية مع الشمال والبقاع انفجر بعضها واسفر عن اصابة عدد من الاشخاص بجروح.

التعليقات 44
Default-user-icon Abou Ali (ضيف) 23:04 ,2012 آذار 23

Another Lebanese c*nt that sold his soul to the highest bidder.
'Those who stand for nothing, will fall for anything.'

Thumb benzona 23:05 ,2012 آذار 23

mansour (such an odd name for a loser) is certainly right. Israel is shelling the Lebanese villages located far far away from the south on the Syrian border. [sarcasm]. Unless the Lebanese villagers are shelling themselves of course!

Thumb jcamerican 23:32 ,2012 آذار 23

What do you suggest Lebanon to do?

Thumb benzona 23:54 ,2012 آذار 23

Lebanon must summon the Syrian ambassador in Beirut, get an explanation and Bachar's apologies and a commitment from the Syrian regime to stop this as well a fund the repairs. Because as you know, acts of war aren't converred by insurance policies.

Missing helicopter 05:26 ,2012 آذار 24

I suggest hanging all traitors.... those that work for Israel as well as those that work for Syria and Iran

Thumb jabalamel 12:43 ,2012 آذار 24

don't ask zionists what lebanon should do. like anyone here cares.

Thumb primesuspect 01:24 ,2012 آذار 24

Liar liar liar! Not you benzona, I'm talking about Mansour!

Thumb jabalamel 12:43 ,2012 آذار 24

yes you do talk about benzona and yourself and other in zionist information war department.

Thumb jabalamel 12:43 ,2012 آذار 24

look how they give support to each other, it's so cute.

Missing peace 23:27 ,2012 آذار 23


Thumb jabalamel 18:29 ,2012 آذار 24

the filthy zionist media scum still don't know what language is spoken in lebanon

Default-user-icon Eli in Aus (ضيف) 23:31 ,2012 آذار 23

Mansour, You are pathetic.

Thumb jabalamel 18:30 ,2012 آذار 24

zionist scum talking about being pathetic.

i guess from their own experience

Thumb joeleb 00:20 ,2012 آذار 24

Ya Mansour, even if they are pursuing armed men, they have no right to go into Lebanon, or shoot into Lebanon, or even look at Lebanon!!!! If the Lebanese army did the same, chased someone into Syria and then fired on houses there, it would be a disaster right? I am sure that you would even condemn that you prick. You are a traitor!

Thumb jabalamel 12:46 ,2012 آذار 24

jowzionist is not happy with syrian army firing on our common enemy.

Default-user-icon Maroun Ali (ضيف) 00:52 ,2012 آذار 24

Syria is a sister country. Let us just get rid of Syrian fundamentalist refugees, Ethiopian maids, human rights bureaucrats and bleeding-heart liberals. All great countries are the product of genocides. The USA for example.

Thumb jabalamel 18:31 ,2012 آذار 24

the zionist scum has a recipe for lebanon.

of course it includes genocide

Default-user-icon Maroun Ali (ضيف) 01:01 ,2012 آذار 24

Also, as we all know, Mansour is Mr scruples. Hezbollah politicians never lie.

Thumb jabalamel 18:31 ,2012 آذار 24

as all we know, you and your small band of zionist propaganda terrorist never say truth

Missing minlibnan 01:09 ,2012 آذار 24

What a weak response from an official representing our country. I guess the message is clear, ' lebanons government will stand quietly in the background while it's citizens and it's Sovereignty are being harassed,bombed,or any thing that comes to mind. Long live the blindfold That is so well Worn by our self appointed officials!! Fellow readers I ask you this In 2013 elections what will you do for your country???

Thumb primesuspect 01:28 ,2012 آذار 24

In2012, we'll be voting for the current winners that were denied leadership. Ya3ne M14! Amin.

Thumb jabalamel 12:49 ,2012 آذار 24

in 2012?
your mossad friends gave you wrong information about elections in lebanon

by the way, a little secret, the jews don't vote in lebanon, so you will not vote...

oh i understand now...the zionist entity is pretending to have elections in 2012??? that's why you will vote than...

Thumb jabalamel 12:47 ,2012 آذار 24

the filthy zionist trash scum and filth is not happy because lebanon is not willing to help their mercenaries.

Missing realist 19:29 ,2012 آذار 24

The zionists are pro bashar idiot, him and his dad were their good servants in the golan for over 40 years, the dictatorships in Syria started with the help of the CIA, if the US/israel were so displeased with your bashar he would have been dead by now, the Russia that you like so much was the first country in the world to recognize israel, go read some history you are just too ignorant and very embarassign to yourself.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 02:43 ,2012 آذار 24

Just looking at your face is an insult because I wasted a minute looking at it and how disgrace you are to our country, what a waste for the Lebanese tax payer you are, it would have been way much better if we had no minister like you and the position was not filled.

Thumb jabalamel 18:32 ,2012 آذار 24

the filthy zionist scum cannot look at the face of our foreign minister

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 03:54 ,2012 آذار 24

Man-sewer, you are Assad's number one mouthpiece. You look real happy thinking about that big paycheck you've earned on behalf of the killer giraffe.... I hope you choke on it!

Missing enough05 04:01 ,2012 آذار 24

what a joke he must be living in mars lebanon

Thumb jabalamel 12:52 ,2012 آذار 24

even when one zionist slime trash and scum stops writing hallucinations, others will continue

Default-user-icon Eli in Aus (ضيف) 04:49 ,2012 آذار 24

Mansour is better off keeping ghis trap shut.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 05:08 ,2012 آذار 24

“Human Rights Watch has said that the (Syrian) opposition is violating human rightsm,” Mansour added.

Why is it that when the HRW said this about the opposition they point it out but when they and Amnesty International, the UN and the Red Cross have mentioned thousands of cases of human rights violations by the Syrian government it's completely ignored by the same person saying they're fighting armed men.

Also, Aoun said there is no revolution so Mansour should go back to real issues.

Thumb jabalamel 18:32 ,2012 آذار 24

...and continue...

Thumb israeliconspiracy 07:09 ,2012 آذار 24

We violate your sovereignty every day, yet there isn't nearly a fraction of the ruckus as per this incident. I love it. Please, keep distracting yourselves with one another while the rest of us advance our societies. Maybe you can break a new silly Guinness record! Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Thumb benzona 12:17 ,2012 آذار 24

What do you want troublemaker? Leave us alone...we're not racing!

Default-user-icon The End of Faith (ضيف) 11:53 ,2012 آذار 24

Of all the politicians who care for the benefit of other nations before thier own, this guy is undoubtedly the worst.

Thumb jabalamel 12:44 ,2012 آذار 24

look, same mantra...this one skipped the morning briefing in zionist information war department so he repeats instructions from previous days

Thumb falanges 15:09 ,2012 آذار 24

when did you learn how to understand arabic?

Thumb jabalamel 12:49 ,2012 آذار 24

the filthy zionist scum trash and slime is asking if anyone remembers what he wrote some days ago.

we do, because you always write the same things.

Thumb jabalamel 12:51 ,2012 آذار 24

now he repeats his earlier hallucinations

Missing realist 19:31 ,2012 آذار 24

no one is as brainwashed and as hallucinator as you are thinking the whole world revolves around da7iye and qum lol.

Thumb jabalamel 12:52 ,2012 آذار 24

and hallucinations never end

Thumb jabalamel 12:52 ,2012 آذار 24

and i mean never...

Thumb jabalamel 12:54 ,2012 آذار 24

you will break olympic record in running away when your idiotic leaders send you filthy militia in lebanon again.

Thumb jabalamel 18:33 ,2012 آذار 24

oh no it's not. it's held by your LF who actually made deal with assad instead