جنبلاط: من يعتقد أنه بالامكان الوصول الى تسوية مع عائلة الأسد مجنون

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رأى رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط أن من يعتقد أنه بالامكان الوصول الى تسوية مع عائلة الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد "مجنون".

ودعا جنبلاط في خلال مشاركته باجتماعات اللجنة الخاصة للاشتراكية الدولية المعنية بالعالم العربي في تركيا روسيا الى اخراج آل الأسد وأتباعهم من بلاد الشام.

وتوجه الى المجتمع الدولي بالقول "افضل حل اذا كانت روسيا تريد مصلحة الشعب السوري ان تأخذ هذه العائلة الى مكان ما في روسيا او غير روسيا وتترك الشعب السوري يقرر مصيره المستقبلي بالحرية والكرامة".

وكان جنبلاط قد دعا "روسيا التي دعمت الشعب السوري في بناء سد الفرات وقدمت الآلاف من المنح الدراسيّة وساهمت في دعم سوريا عسكرياً وإنمائيا، أن تقوم بمبادرة سياسيّة مع الدول المعنية لاخراج سوريا من هذه الأزمة".

وكان قد جزم في وقت سابق أن "سوريا ستنزلق إلى الحرب الأهلية إذا استمر النزف فيها"، مشددا على أن الشعوب العربية "لم تعد تقبل بالحزب الواحد والحاكم الأوحد" وأن "تسويق" نظريات الإرهاب لم تعد تقنع "الشعوب الغاضبة".

وأسفر قمع الحركة الاحتجاجية في سوريا التي انطلقت قبل عام عن مقتل اكثر من تسعة الاف شخص، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان.

التعليقات 24
Thumb primesuspect 10:00 ,2012 آذار 24

You, my friend, deserve to be our next president. We need to modify our legislation, make rotations between sects for the head of state and government and parliament.

Thumb benzona 12:31 ,2012 آذار 24

You mean Hariri president, Gemayel Jr prime minister and Jumblatt head of parliament ? We need a Shia representative, too bad there isnt any decent one in Amal/Hezbollah.

Thumb primesuspect 04:13 ,2012 آذار 25

and I thought Lebanon was mature enough to evolve. The current system is archaic, don't you agree? The president is always Christian, fine... but who picks (elects) him? not me, not you! Aren't you sick of having the Berri thug at the parliament? you should know that the day he dies, his son will be in charge.... Failing to evolve will eventually create more troubles. Do you want all the good people to leave Lebanon? Aren't you tired of this exodus? I want the Christian diaspora to return, we need to make Lebanon is decent country for them. At this rate, the Shias (like the Palestinians) will pop out children tenfold... you'll be outnumbered 10 to 1. Good luck with that. well anyway, democracy rules but I do hope that people think about these things before it gets too late...

Missing ReaLeb 04:55 ,2012 آذار 25

Those days are gone forever. The Christians will never be a majority in Lebanon again. But one thing for sure, Bkirki will be there for a long time to come if that means anything.

Thumb justice 10:02 ,2012 آذار 24

You are the last person on this planet to talk about ethics, morals, and principles! You single handedly aborted the cedar revolution and changed the course of history and brought back the dark ages by allowing the Farsi thugs to rule our nation!

Thumb benzona 10:06 ,2012 آذار 24

He did so to spare the druze a bloodshed. I can understand and forgive that. Not forget though.

Thumb jabalamel 12:09 ,2012 آذار 24

the filthy zionist slime trash and filth wants to defend jumblat before the other zionist slime trash and filth

Thumb jabalamel 12:08 ,2012 آذار 24

but some other filthy zionist media slime scum and filth cannot forgive and forget jumblat

Default-user-icon John Williams (ضيف) 11:47 ,2012 آذار 24

Luckily there are lots of black hooded terrorists ,snipers, mercenary thugs, criminals and heartless killers who will bring peace and stability to Syria after Assad is removed. Oh and Lebanon will not be affected negatively either. Lebanese politicians say the darnedest things. Apparently they don't live in the real world . They open their mouths and miracles occur. Fantasy becomes reality and quite naturally there are plenty of fools to agree with them.

Thumb beiruti 14:49 ,2012 آذار 24

Jumblatt is 100% totally absolutely correct. There is no such thing as a discussion even between Assad and any center of power outside of the Assad Regime. Assad knows only one approach to another power center and that is to shell it, not dialogue, not talk, not discuss and surely not to share power with it.

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 15:26 ,2012 آذار 24

Jumblat is right on the subject and has the stamina to declare it in full mouth that he wants the regime in Syria to leave. Imagine for a moment if this does really happen: Lebanon will ultimately be free from its shackles. lebanon will become a free country enjoying a close but country-to-country relationship with Syria. The Syrians would need Lebanon's help to restructure and become an affluent nation. The 2 countries would enjoy a period of significant prosperity and Huzbullah would be forced to relinquish its arms and become a genuine political party away from all sorts of threats and armoury. Just imagine for a second. Jumblat knows this well and he's imagining like I am doing and all others who love that Syria and Lebanon be finally freed from the regime's shackles.

Default-user-icon pier (ضيف) 15:54 ,2012 آذار 24

You guys are so hateful of one another. It is really a shame that Naharnet even posts your garbage comments.

Missing minlibnan 16:36 ,2012 آذار 24

Jumblat is correct because it is obvious to see. But those hating on him are only doing it because they know he is right. Regardless, the idea of Syria getting more attention than our own issues 'HA-electricity-food safety-corruption-banking sector-borders-jobs-health......... and so much more. Screw Syria ! Screw everyone that puts lebanon second. And if you are down with Assad and his gang, screw you too!

Thumb jabalamel 18:28 ,2012 آذار 24

some more zionist hallucinations

Missing minlibnan 17:13 ,2012 آذار 24

But dont blame this government for not doing anything about this weapons bust. It's not like when tge m14 gov was majority, murr never had the balls to do a damn thing. And whom ever was before murr as defense minister was the same weak scared politician.

Default-user-icon bendiblue (ضيف) 18:10 ,2012 آذار 24

Please ask this embodiment of filth to tell us as of what date cause we are... confused? Dizzy? Feel like barfing? Expect nothing good to come out of filth like him? Any date would do as long as the embodiment of filth is... inconsistent? Disgusting? Insulting himself? Has a following of lower lives than he?

Thumb jabalamel 18:29 ,2012 آذار 24

and more and more, never stop hallucinating

Missing realist 19:25 ,2012 آذار 24

i really think you are the only one hallucinating over here lol

Default-user-icon abuzayn (ضيف) 22:39 ,2012 آذار 24

"the filthy zionist slime trash and filth"? that's too much filth, unless zionist filth is different than your average filth. is zionist filth better than regular filth, meaning its worse, right? just wondering.

Default-user-icon abuzayn (ضيف) 21:57 ,2012 آذار 24

"filthy zionist slime trash and filth",?. thats too much filth or is zionist filth different than your average filth? is it better, that means worse, right? I know I know, I am a traitor, right?

Missing peace 22:11 ,2012 آذار 24

“Anyone who believes that a settlement can be reached with the Assad family is crazy.”

funny isn t it? he is repeating what aoun used to say before getting married with iranman! ...:)

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 23:46 ,2012 آذار 24

Jumblat's words are true, tyrants do not negotiate away their control. I give him a lot of credit for finding the courage to stand up... Especially since he is not telecasting his comments from the safety of an underground bunker.

Missing mansour 00:12 ,2012 آذار 25

jabalamel atleast Bashir stood for something and had pride and dignity,whether you like him or not he did not and never sold out lebanon,o just keep listening to your leaders who keep promising you Allah is coming to save you cause he is not and will never save the devil worshippers you have a better chance at your Mutah.

Default-user-icon Henry Gaston (ضيف) 04:28 ,2012 آذار 25

Anyone who thinks Walid Jumblat needs a haircut is definitely not crazy. But anyone who thinks Walid Jumblat deserves any respect is definitely crazier than he and a lower life than he, too.