الجيش: لا صحة لخبر منعنا من تفتيش شاحنة أسلحة في خربة قنفار

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نفت قيادة الجيش الخبر الذي أشار إلى أن عناصر من "حزب الله" منع القوى الأمنية من الاقتراب من شاحنة محملة بالأسلحة تعطلت ليل الجمعة في منطقة خربة قنفار.

ويهم قيادة الجيش أن تنفي جملة وتفصيلا ما ورد في الخبر، وتؤكد بأن أي جهة حزبية لم تعترض عناصر الجيش، كما أنه لم يكن لقوى الجيش أي وجود في المكان المشار إليه"، بحسب البيان الصادر مساء السبت عن مديرية التوجيه.

وأضاف "البيان تأمل هذه القيادة من وسائل الإعلام المعنية، توخي الدقة والموضوعية في بث أي خبر يتعلق بمهمات الجيش أو بالوضع الأمني عموما، وتدعو إلى الرجوع إليها في هكذا حالات لاستقاء الحقائق من مصادرها".

وقد تناقل بعض وسائل الإعلام خبرا مفاده أن عناصر ينتمون إلى جهة حزبية محلية، قد حالوا يوم أمس الأول في منطقة خربة قنفار - البقاع الغربي دون قيام عناصر الجيش بتفتيش شاحنة تحتوي على أسلحة لمصلحة الجهة المذكورة.

التعليقات 23
Default-user-icon Chris (ضيف) 07:35 ,2012 آذار 25

MTV should be held accountable for their provocative, intimidating and false reporting.

Thumb Bandoul 04:37 ,2012 آذار 26

just like we should stop mistaking you for a human being.

Thumb geha 07:46 ,2012 آذار 25

it would have been better they did not issue such a comment as it shows they received instructions to deny the now obvious :)

Thumb sevilla 08:27 ,2012 آذار 25

No dear: it is part of the co-ordination that exists between the two national security agencies. The people of the village who saw it all and were ordered to stay in doors by the thugs are all "hallucinating" and are a bunch of zionists who are only instigating sectarian hatred!

Thumb primesuspect 10:09 ,2012 آذار 25

Hezbollah breaks a glass, the army picks up the pieces... so much for the jeish al watan.

Missing gq_leb 10:42 ,2012 آذار 25

I think we should change our nationality to Hizbulastani!!

Thumb jcamerican 11:23 ,2012 آذار 25

God help you guys. One minute for the army, one minute against it. You have to stand by it, no matter what happens. In the end will be always your army. You want to empower it, show some respect, even if Hizballah is breaking the rules.

Thumb Bandoul 04:40 ,2012 آذار 26

I thought a priest commanded the devil to leave your body...my bad, I guess we need to schedule anthor exorcism you, you fake american you.

Thumb jcamerican 12:43 ,2012 آذار 25

As some of you say to me. What do you suggest? Getting the army in a battle with Hizballah? Then how do you see it developing from there? Americans fought Taliban in Afghanistan, then they wanted to sit with them and negotiate. I prefer diplomatic solutions not wars. The civil war in Lebanon, what did it accomplish? I feel you are setting yourself up for another one. Plus what are you afraid of guys? The syrians ruled you for 30 plus years and you got them out without one bullet being fired.

Thumb jcamerican 13:18 ,2012 آذار 25

You contradict yourself. You said don't blame the west, but they told Syria to leave. I guess they wanted it to stay and do the killing before, as long it suits them. And you call me hypocrite.

Missing ulpianus 15:17 ,2012 آذار 25

Again, Lebanons problems are not mainly from the inside but from the hands stretched to the outside. Be it Iran,Saudi, France,US,israel or whatever. All of them do not care about Lebanon.
Lebanese civil war, was not a Lebanese war. At one time, there were 25-28 different countries supporting different militias in the country ( and hence, having power over them, controlling their decisions).
you want to stabilize your country? Join your army. Bring all your kataeib members to join the army, and in case of problems, you know that at least these members (their divisions) will not "split" the army in case of confrontation.

Missing anonymoustxusa 17:57 ,2012 آذار 25

May I remind those that seek direct confrontation. It took the army 3 months and 160 martyrs to overcome 300 foreign terrorist hankered in a small camp - Nahr el Bared. Now think how much will it take to take on 4000 armed Lebanese shia very well armed&equipped and spread throughout the Lebanese territory...it can't, and it will certainly degenerate into sectarian civil war if they did. The sad fact is Lebanese army is not well equipped to confront Hizbullah, thanks to Izrael's efforts to block the heavy equipment promised by France, US, Germany, Belgium, and even Russia.

Missing ulpianus 20:45 ,2012 آذار 25

Well said. Actually is the "Blockade" from West that is allowing organizations as Hezb to grow stronger.

One cannot but wonder why.

Thumb benzona 18:24 ,2012 آذار 25

I like your analogy --> Hezbollah and Taliban.

Missing gq_leb 13:36 ,2012 آذار 25

Hizbullah's days are numbered when our dear syrian brother depose of the tyrant in Damascus. I am for the lebanese army, the lebanese government, for being lebanese and being proud of it. I am sick of these thugs (Hizes) that claim to be the resistance. I speak for all lebanese when i say, we don't need them to protect us. Their ideology as brought as more harm than good. Long live the red, white and green!!

Default-user-icon Leo (ضيف) 13:55 ,2012 آذار 25

The cure is worse than the disease.

Default-user-icon eli (ضيف) 16:57 ,2012 آذار 25

have peace with Israel.Egypt and Jordan did it. Lebanon would not need a big army or a resistance after that.Imagine the touristic posibilities from Lebanon through Israel all the way to Egypt and back.Have peace and prosper.Where are the politicians that have the guts to do that?All Lebanese know that peace is the only solution,why delay it any longer?

Missing ulpianus 20:43 ,2012 آذار 25

If you want a 100% christian army and Christian government then you dont belong to this area and this country.

Thumb primesuspect 21:16 ,2012 آذار 25

Tyrian, you hit the nail right in the middle, bullseye!

Missing ulpianus 01:11 ,2012 آذار 26

ooops. He removed his comment. Feels like we have done something nice today!!

Missing ulpianus 20:46 ,2012 آذار 25

....yeah and we will not have an important army unless we abolish the sectarian/stonage system (+thinking)

Thumb primesuspect 21:19 ,2012 آذار 25

Plenty of people think like you, and I share your view. At the very least, there should be a rotation in power if not abolishing completely this outdated system. Meritocracy should be the only criteria of selection and beleive me, none of the current generation of politicians would get a pass. That's why it's impossible, why would they change the constitution to evict themselves?

Thumb shab 23:29 ,2012 آذار 25

Lebanon has enemies in the east, north and southern borders. But worst of all, the Persian militia, the enemy within.