"الكتائب" يحذر من تعميم ما جرى في "الأنطونية" على الجامعات الأخرى

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حذّر حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" من "تعميم" ما حدث في الجامعة الأنطونية في بعبدا على الجامعات الأخرى داعيا الحكومة في مجال آخر إلى "عدم التراجع في متابعة فصول الخلية التكفيرية التي ضبطت في صفوف الجيش".

ولفت الحزب بعد انعقاد مكتبه السياسي بعد ظهر الإثنين "الى المراوحة الحكومية في بتّ قضايا سياسية وحياتية أساسية ومنها وقف استقبال مرضى الصندوق الوطني للضمان الاجتماعي في المستشفيات الخاصة مما يحرم ثلث اللبنانيين حق الاستشفاء ويعرضّهم لمخاطر قاتلة".

كما دعا الحزب إلى "إخراج المضمونين من هذا السجال ومتابعة استقبالهم الى حين التوافق على تعرفة جديدة بين الجهتين".

كذلك طالب بقوننة الانفاق الحكومي الاضافي ومواجهة التقلبات الاسبوعية لاسعار البنزين ومشتقاتها بخطة جدية ومعالجة موضوع الكهرباء "الذي يرهق كاهل المواطن ويسحب منه 45 سنتاً عن كل ساعة عمل للمولدات الخاصة ويحمّل الخزينة عجزاً سنوياً يقدر بنحو 2.5 مليار دولار".

ولاحظ أن "محركات الحكومة تبدو عاجزة عن متابعة ملفات أساسية بينها قانون الانتخاب والتعيينات الموضوعة تحت مقصلة المحاصصة وملف التنقيب عن النفط والغاز مع ما يحمله من مهمة شاقة في ترسيم المنطقة الاقتصادية الخالصة".

وفي مجال آخر حث حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" "الحكومة على عدم التراجع في متابعة فصول الخلية التكفيرية التي ضبطت في صفوف الجيش ويحذر من التجمعات العدائية ضد المؤسسة العسكرية في محيط مخيم عين الحلوة".

واستنكر المكتب السياسي "ما جرى في حرم الجامعة الأنطونية عبر قيام عدد من الطلاب المعروفي الانتماء بتخطي القوانين الخاصة بالمؤسسة" محذرا من "تعميم هذا المنطق خاصة في الجامعات التابعة لرهبانيات مسيحية لا سيما بعد رصد محاولات للقيام بخطوات مماثلة جرت في جامعات اخرى".

ووفق بيان الجامعة الأنطونية، تقدمت مجموعة من الطلاب من إدارتها الأسبوع الماضي بطلب تأمين مصلى للطلاب المسلمين الراغبين بتأدية صلاتهم في أثناء الدوام الجامعي وبعد عدم استجابة الإدارة لهذا الطلب نظرا لخصوصيات الحرم الجامعي التابع للرهبنة الأنطونية، إخترق سبعة وثلاثون طالبا هذه الخصوصية وعمدوا إلى أداء الصلاة في الباحة الداخلية للجامعة، "مفترشين الأرض أمام مدخل الإدارة ومدخل كنيسة الجامعة (سيدة الجامعة) في طابع من التحدي والاستفزاز".

التعليقات 34
Thumb benzona 22:08 ,2012 آذار 26

What happened in the end to the 37 troublemakers? Any follow-up?

Thumb libnani 22:10 ,2012 آذار 26

Anyone who wants a prayer room should get it you bigots.

Thumb geha 22:17 ,2012 آذار 26

you can have it in iran.
the antonine is not iran, so go and practice your extrmism in iran :)

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 22:45 ,2012 آذار 26

There are Churches and Synagogoes in Iran and also Christian and Jewish Members of Parliament.

There are also women ministers.

Can the same be said of saudi arabia the people who have the kateb, lebanese forces and the feb14 criminals in their pockets?

Missing ulpianus 06:00 ,2012 آذار 27

Well said Luxembourg Bob

Missing helicopter 05:53 ,2012 آذار 27

And anyone who wants to open a liquor store is Sour should also be able to do it.

Missing ulpianus 06:01 ,2012 آذار 27

eh, if not something is wrong right? fakir fiha;-)

Thumb benzona 08:09 ,2012 آذار 27

Tyrian: helicopter is right, 100%. There used to be liquor shops but people were intimidated and were forced to shut down. If the hezbollahi mercenaries don't want to drink, it's their problem. They're shouldn't impose their limitations onto other people. I'm sure thigh, that those who kill and terrorize in th name of Allah do drink from time to time. Lebanon is regressing... It's scary.

Missing ulpianus 16:20 ,2012 آذار 27

I know Benzona but if you want to drink in "muslim" areas, you should be able to pray, without disturbing anyone in christian areas. That is what I meant. You cant have one of those.

Thumb thepatriot 11:20 ,2012 آذار 27

Oh! Then churches should be alloud in Islamic universities... bigot!

Missing ulpianus 17:05 ,2012 آذار 27

Of course there should be praying rooms for christians if they ask for it in muslim universities.

Default-user-icon Abu Pierre (ضيف) 23:28 ,2012 آذار 26

libnani take your islamic filth out of our country.Is that what you want don't forget the past 30 years because we will NEVER FORGET.

Missing ulpianus 16:20 ,2012 آذار 27

Seems you already forgot Abu stone.

Default-user-icon majd (ضيف) 23:44 ,2012 آذار 26

this is the only way to go for a forget about the rest



Default-user-icon majd (ضيف) 23:52 ,2012 آذار 26

listen and learn from the master you fools


Missing trigger 00:19 ,2012 آذار 27

Ya luxembourg...
Do they have a church in tehran muslim university ya tachmeh??!!!!!!!

Missing ulpianus 16:23 ,2012 آذار 27

Wrong argument. Yes they have both synag. and churches in Tehran. Actually they are treated better than sunnis in Iran....
Overused, wrong argument:-)

Thumb israeliconspiracy 05:07 ,2012 آذار 27

Lebanese people are proud of renovating the old synagogue in Beirut, yet when a group of their Muslim brethren want to pray in school they are considered to be extremists? Too funny. I'm flattered you're learning some of our tricks, though. ;)

Thumb benzona 08:19 ,2012 آذار 27

What do you do to help the 100 Lebanese Jews that stil live in Lebanon? Isn't this synagogue useless if there isn't the minimum requirement for the minyan? I strongly encourage Lebanese Jews to return to Lebanon. They belong to here, to our culture, to our people. They founded le commerce du levant among otther things that still remain until today. For more about the history of our lebanese Jews. Read this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Lebanon

Missing ulpianus 16:24 ,2012 آذار 27

There is a ctually an organization started by Lebanese students a couple of years ago trying to "bring back" the Lebanese jews to Lebanon.

Hopefully they will, as we wish for every Lebanese.

Missing maroungeorges 17:40 ,2012 آذار 27

The so called lebanese jews are of yemenite origin, not lebanese. If they chose to be part of israel then this means they didnt value neither lebanon nor yemen. Rather they are a bunch of racists who took it upon themselves to join zionism instead of stay in their original countries with their christian and muslim fellow ethnic people. They chose the european racist zionist movement, this prooves that jewishness is more important to them than roots. Both arab christians, jews and muslims have suffered tuff times in the middle east but we didnt betray our roots and people by changing our identity like these arab jews did. Imagine if a christian state would be put in the majority muslim iraq, the arab christians would not go there to live at the expense of the other religions, nor would the arab muslims go to live in some majority christian country turned muslim by force, yet this is exactly what most arab jews did.

Default-user-icon Edy (ضيف) 08:02 ,2012 آذار 27

Antoine University means Antoine University. It is a University that has Christian Values. I am not sure about the identity of the Muslims. If they are Sunnis, let them go to Makka and pray there. If they are Shiaas, let them go to Qum or to Ali Khameni's palace and pray at his feats.
I believe that that these 37 students were politically driven to show that their affiliation have some Balls. Yaaaah, They got Balls alright. What a bunch of morons. Are we suppose to believe that the Lebanese people are so faithful that they have to fight endlessly for the sake of Jesus or Allah? Wake up Lebeees for Jesus and Allah have forsaken you long time ago, when you have chosen to mix Politics and Religion. What a bunch of Hippocrates.

Default-user-icon Non-Beleiver-Edy (ضيف) 08:51 ,2012 آذار 27

BenoZa, I totally agree with you. But my friend we live in Lebanon. Jews will be massacred if they ever show their identity. Being blinded by Religious fanaticism, the Lebanese will surely declare a Holy War or a Crusade on the Lebanese Jews. Their justification is their sweat Palestine. For everyone's info, Jews lived there before the Muslims and before Jews' conversion to Christianity. So Oh you who believe in the Day of Judgment and in God's Messengers and all of His Holly books, treat thy Semitic Jew brother as an equal or you will all burn in Hell. Well same goes to the Israelis who discriminate against their Palestinian Brothers. Wallah shee bedda7ik.

Missing firas_khrais 17:23 ,2012 آذار 27

Non-believer-edy, you are completly wrong. Before jews ie the ancient israelites lived in Palestine, the Canaanite-Philistines-Phoenicians did and they were pagans. If we are to go by your logic then all pagans should be allowed to take over Palestine because their faith was there first! Thats idiotic thinking. Palestinians are descended from the ancient people who lived in Palestine since thousands of years, meanwhile the jewish immigrants who immigrated under the banner of zionism are not, they arent even israelites, they are ashkenazis (khazars) or sephardi (spaniard origin) or mizrahi (oriental origin). Very few of them have anything to do with the ancient israelites. If everyone were to go by such logic then the world would be turned upside down and the only ones who would be left with land would be the pagans since they were the majority in the past.

Missing firas_khrais 17:24 ,2012 آذار 27

Zionists are not our semitic brothers, they are invaders and murderers who have stolen and comitted endless of crimes against the natives in Palestine and Lebanon, they are foreigners and colonializers who have no common history with us, they did not come from neither palestine nor lebanon but they came from outside the levant to occupy and terrorize. So who are you to come claim that we will be sent to hell for not accepting them as our brothers? Especially when you got your information all wrong!

Default-user-icon Non-Beleiver Edy (ضيف) 08:52 ,2012 آذار 27

They worship God's Religions, yet they kill and butcher each other in HIS HOLLY name. Jerusalem or the City of Peace has always been a place of Massacres and Blood shedding. There is anything but Peace between the Monotheistic Brothers. What a BIG LIE.

Default-user-icon Edy (ضيف) 09:11 ,2012 آذار 27

Luxemburg BOB- In what planet do you live in? Iran has a shameful record of discrimination against its minorities. Just look at the region of Ahwaz where the population is being ethnically cleansed because they speak Arabic, despite the fact that they are Shias. This raises the question about the real motive behind Iran's obsession to protect the Shias in the region!!!!. If they persecute their own Shia Citizens, just because they speak Arabic, then how could any Shia believe that Iran is their savior? I am going off topic here, but to say that Iran respect Multiculturalism is just being insane.

Default-user-icon Le Dude (ضيف) 11:47 ,2012 آذار 27

No denying this was a political act maybe testing the waters and see how ppl would react to it .. having said that i believe that there is a chance to show how Lebanon is different than the other countries in the region, more open than western countries, and the answer is easy, just open churches so that Muslims can pray in it and let Christian pray in mosques

Missing ulpianus 16:28 ,2012 آذار 27

How unrealistic that might be, it is a beautiful thought and actually possible if you just look at the holy books.

Not possible, if you let the morons controlling the explenations AND the politics decide.

Default-user-icon Fratch Lokoman (ضيف) 14:22 ,2012 آذار 27

SO what will these callers for the respect of the "governmental institutions" do now? Start a new civil war? la t3allamo wall bi 3omron ra7 yet3allamo. ortet mjedib dejjelin kezzebin feshlin

Default-user-icon Edy (ضيف) 15:17 ,2012 آذار 27

Le Dude. Dude in your dreams:). As long as Muslims do not accept Jesus as the God of Christians, and as long as Christians do not accept Mohammad as a Messenger of God, your wish will always be a dream. Dude, why don't we just ignore Religions and live in Peace once and for all.

Default-user-icon Edy (ضيف) 16:51 ,2012 آذار 27

Ulpianus> Holly Books should inspire their readers to be Holly. I don't see it anywhere. As time goes by and as Science progress, people will stop believing in such primitive explanation of the world : IE Religions.

Missing ulpianus 21:21 ,2012 آذار 27

Holy books are read and explained by unholy men. That is the problem.

Then, religions does not interfere with Science. Religon does not tell you whether you can cure cancer or not for example. Its more like a philosophy.
you can believe in Science, and in a secular state, while at home between you and yourself, you have your own "Life philosophy" believing in a creator.

Some people read about, and abide by some great philosophers views. Some just live.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 17:27 ,2012 آذار 27

This is a private university. Whether it is Christian, Muslim, or Jewish, the rules of the PRIVATE institution must be respected. And, first and foremost, youre not required to attend it. If you want to pray in a prayer room, and did not like the rules of the university, why do you attend it? I dont care if Islamic universities allow Christian prayer rooms or not, its not a religious question, it is a respect for private institutions regardless of their affiliation. ANybody here making it a religious thing is a sectarian cancer who are the reason for Lebanon's fractured and disastrous society.