14 آذار: وثيقة "إخوان" سوريا تاريخية وتتفّه التهويل بأنهم ضد الديمقراطية

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رأت قوى 14 آذار أن الوثيقة التي أطلقها الإخوان المسلمون في سوريا الأحد "تاريخية" تخلو من "تهويلٍ أيديولوجي أو تذرُّع بالخصوصيات" كما أشارت إلى أنها تبين أن "العلمانية التي يدعيها" النظام السوري هي "الأشدُّ عداءً للديموقراطية".

وقالت 14 آذار في بيان صادر عن أمانتها العامة مساء الإثنين "إن هذه الوثيقة التاريخية، في وقتها ومضمونها، تشكل إضافة أساسية ونوعية لوعود "الربيع العربي"، لا سيما في سوريا التي تربطنا بشعبها أواصرُ أخوَّةٍ ومصلحةٍ مشتركة".

وكانت قد اعلنت جماعة الاخوان المسلمين في سوريا الاحد من اسطنبول وثيقة "عهد وميثاق" التي حددت فيها الاطر العريضة لمفهومها لسوريا ما بعد الاسد داعية الى بناء "دولة مدنية حديثة ديموقراطية تعددية تداولية" تعتمد على دستور مدني.

وتابعت 14 آذار أن الوثيقة "واضحة الانحياز لحقوق الانسان، ذات الصفة العالمية، "كما أقرّتها الشرائع السماوية والمواثيق الدولية (بحسب الوثيقة)"، من دون أيّ تهويلٍ أيديولوجي أو تذرُّعٍ بالخصوصيات، ومن دون أيّ تحفُّظٍ عما "وصل إليه الفكر الانساني الحديث".

ولاحظت ان وثيقة الإخوان هذه "تُتَفِّهُ تلك الدعوى التي استخدمها النظام السوري في الداخل والخارج، بزعمه أن الحركة الاسلامية في سوريا معادية للدموقراطية" متابعة "والحال أن الواقع ومنطوقَ هذه الوثيقة يبيّنان أن "العلمانية" التي يدعيها نظام حزب البعث السوري والأُسرة الحاكمة هي الأشدُّ عداءً للديموقراطية".

كذلك أملت قوى "14 آذار" أن تتوصّل المعارضة السورية بكل أطيافها وقواها، في القريب العاجل "إلى الإتفاق على "إعلان دستوري" يجسّد مبادىء العقد الاجتماعي الجديد، ويبعث الاطمئنان في نفوس جميع السوريين".

وعليه شددت على "أهمية الدعوة التي أطلقتها الوثيقة الى مصالحة وطنية شاملة" لأنه "من شأنها أن تضع حداً لسياسة التقسيم المنهجي التي اتّبعها النظام السوري على مدى عقود للإستقواء على شعبه".

إلى ذلك نوهت الأمانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار "بالتفات وثيقة الاخوان المسلمين الى ضرورة إقامة "أفضل العلاقات الندّية مع الأشقاء العرب، وفي مقدمتهم لبنان الذي عانى شعبه – كما عانى الشعب السوري – من ويلات نظام الفساد والاستبداد" معتبرة أنه "التوجّه ذاته الذي أثلج صدورنا".

التعليقات 18
Thumb kesrweneh 23:34 ,2012 آذار 26

So at least now the battle is clear in Lebanon and In Syria:Laicism Vs Salafism. I only hope people will see facts and not propaganda.
Egypt: 100,000 Christians fled the country in 6 months. Threats of banning Bikinis from the beaches, azhar sheikh refusing to meet the Maronite patriarch
Libya: reinstallation of polygamy, destruction of Christian cemetery
Morocco: banning of Lebanese Christian singer from Carthage festival, adopting Chariaa as source of constitution.
KSA: women prohibited from driving and working, prohibition of all non Wahabi religious signs, nbr 1 country of terrorism export,

Missing realist 08:41 ,2012 آذار 27

In all fairness, the KSA/wahabi and the brotherhood are two different idealogies and have drastic differences. The brotherhood, having lived in the west for decades, are much more exposed to the new world order than the KSA. You gotta read thier works before you jump into conclusions. I dont think you know what you're talking about with all do respect. Having said all that, I think that all religous parties including the hizbustans will fail to deliver and the people will get bored of them and move elsewhere. Why all the fuss? Do you remember how people were crazy about pan-arabism and nasser in the 60's, nasser was like a god, who cares about him now. Thus, this is all political evolution and we should not stop the course of history..defintely this is all better than the family of dictatorships, no one can monoploize power from hereon.

Thumb kesrweneh 09:47 ,2012 آذار 27

The 2ekhwan living in the west? This is an Egyptian party created by Mr.Banna, and if some members lived in Europe or in the states it's in Arab Ghettos (so yes I do know what I am talking about). Also you have to admit that it's the KSA Wahhabis who are funding the 2ekhwan.regarding their writings I think you should focus more on their actions as developed in the 2nd part of this comment.
Finally why is March 14 defending a Salafi movement while it preaches a laic country??

Thumb kesrweneh 09:48 ,2012 آذار 27

this is a true problem and you are right, but it's also present in Akkar, in Saadneyel and other theocratic regions. so try not to focus on one side

Thumb lebnanfirst 00:54 ,2012 آذار 27

The logic presented boggles the mind! So how is that different from HA is doing in the south by forcibly attempting to ban liquor etc. Your same logic Mr. kesrweneh aptly applies to your political buddies no less than to M14's.
Mr thrower, instead of deriding the document presented by the Muslim brotherhood compare it to the document proposed by HA and against the intent to create a Faqeeh state in Lebanon. Put in thusly perspective any rational Lebanese or Syrian would prefer the former.
Wise up guys, clinging to the dangerous notion that minorities protect each other is but a pipe dream that is quickly coming unraveled. Natural law always prevails in the end. The Christians of the Middle East must secure a Modus Vivendi with the majority moslem sect. Full Stop.

Default-user-icon the canadian (ضيف) 01:12 ,2012 آذار 27

for your info the bombing against liquor establishement in the south are done by the salafist asshole who are sunni,not by HA.kesrweneh you are right,god help the christians if muslim brotherhood comes to power.people wake up and see the whole picture.

Thumb thepatriot 15:54 ,2012 آذار 27

Liar! This is not the truth. salafists and hezb are the same crap but those who burned the shops and forbiddent th BHV to sell alcohol are HEZB!

Missing helicopter 05:50 ,2012 آذار 27

Well put lebananfirst. I also like to add that it is up to the Lebanese to fortify their solidarity and stop looking for the outside to help or hurt, to build or destroy. As long as we are divided and splintered then no matter who is in power in Syria Lebanon is doomed.

Thumb kesrweneh 09:56 ,2012 آذار 27

I fully agree! so it's time for M14 to stop dreaming about a regime change in Syria that will bring'em back to power, and start thinking of polishing their image instead and this way they might have a chance of winning the elections basing thier power on the Lebanese People not on the KSA dollars

Thumb jcamerican 19:31 ,2012 آذار 27

I like your comment.

Thumb kesrweneh 09:54 ,2012 آذار 27

Please read the document signed by Hizballah and FPM, I am sure you'll find it very enlighting. Also as I said earlier the liquor problem is inherent to all theocratic lead regions in Lebanon, form Akar to Saadneyel... regrading the Modus Vivendi, did you like the modus Vivendi in Iraq, Egypt, Morroco and Lybia?

Thumb primesuspect 19:48 ,2012 آذار 27

Anyone can write things without intending to apply them later. It's called politics... it's just that some are more dangerous than others.

Default-user-icon Edy (ضيف) 08:20 ,2012 آذار 27

M14 have lost their fight against M8 long time ago. They clinch to every possible opportunity to regain their status. The good old days of M14 of the 2005 are all gone. Their leaders and especially Saad Hariri have been fooled by the calls of Peace by the Terrorist Hizbollah. There is only one language that wins in Lebanon. It is weapons. M14 are fooled to think that HizboKhomeini will ever give up their power. M14 are no more. Hail to Hassoon and his Lebanese thugs.

Thumb benzona 08:23 ,2012 آذار 27

You can't defend Aoun for his actions. He's allied to the only political faction that wants to radicalize and Islamize Lebanon. If Aoun cared about the Christians, he wouldn't have changed camp. He only cares about power and money...

Thumb kesrweneh 09:51 ,2012 آذار 27

Benzona Hizballah stated many times the opposite of what you are saying, and FPM is allied with him in a government where the Hezb has only 2 ministers compared to 10 FPM.
Also did you forget about hizb el khilafa wanting to create a Khilafa regime in Lebanon, and licensed by Dr. Fatfat? Did you forget Al jama3a el 2eslamya? Should i continue?

Default-user-icon GB (ضيف) 10:33 ,2012 آذار 27

What a shame that M14 compenents such as the LF & Kataeb join in this support of Muslim "invasion" of the region instead of rallying the internal memorandum of understanding between FPM & HA which is primarily destined at avoiding such a spread of religious ambitions, and safeguard the national unity!!!

Default-user-icon Edy (ضيف) 11:34 ,2012 آذار 27

Keserwaneh, There is no doubt that under a Sharia Rule, Alcohole will be baned. But are kidding us to believe that HizboTerorist does not know of who is behind the bombingd in Sour and Nabatiyeh? HizboTerrorist's intelligence is one of the best in the world. If a Salafi has done it, then he would have been exposed. Why can't you equate the Salafi to HizboTerorist? They both are two faces of the same coin.

Default-user-icon Wally Gastombe (ضيف) 14:20 ,2012 آذار 27

Call it the solidarity of the miscalculators, losers and dumbos.