تقارير: ميقاتي يرحب بدراسة إقامة مفاعل نووي سلمي للبحوث العلمية في لبنان
Read this story in Englishرحب رئيس مجلس الوزراء نجيب ميقاتي بفكرة اعداد دراسة جدوى لإقامة مفاعل نووي سلمي للبحوث العلمية في لبنان.
وأفادت صحيفة "النهار" في عددها الصادر صباح الاثنين أن ميقاتي وافق أثناء استقباله وفد الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية وشخصيات لبنانية علمية على إعداد دراسة جدوى لإقامة مفاعل نووي سلمي للبحوث العلمية في لبنان.
ورحب ميقاتي بالفكرة ودعا الى إعداد الدراسة خلال ستة اشهر.
يذكر أن بلدانا عربية مثل السعودية ومصر والامارات العربية المتحدة والمغرب والاردن سبقت لبنان في هذا الحقل.
yes this will facilitate Israel's Job, one bomb and the whole country is destroyed for centuries, no more Tawteen issue, no more water issue, perrrrfect
Stop being stupid, this is a wonderful idea, it was about time!!!
Cheap energy that lasts, we deserve this and we should ask the french to help us in this since they are the experts.
For once let's put political issues aside and work for the good of the country.
get ur facts straight? nuclear energy is not cheap... else everyone would adopt it... put aside the disasters that can come of it if anything goes wrong...
water, solar and wind power can be used in our country and would give more than we need...
ok MArio I will try not to be stupid, sorry for my low IQ and all, now listen: after the Japan earthquake France is trying to lower it's dependance on Nuclear power. and since Lebanon is also a country with frequent earthquakes Nukes are not the best idea. Also can you really protect ur factory from Israel, terrorism, ...
What part of "for scientific research" didn't you guys understand? These are much smaller by nature and are not used for public generation of power. They can be used for medical research which some researchers in Lebanon could highly benefit from.
Peaceful nuclear research. You know, like what they do in Tehran... You will still be in the dark 20 hours a day, except when the israeli flares will give a shred of light!
Going nuclear in Lebanon? Aren't they very expensive to build? Maybe renting a nuclear ship would be cheaper. lol
North American and European institutions are full of Lebanese researchers. Maybe its time to keep some of them home for the benefit of Lebanon
Yes, but you forget history: remember Hasan Kamel el-Sabba7, Lebanese guy who invented Solar electricity: when he wanted to return to Lebanon from the U.S. of A. his car - driven by his Federal-appointed "bodyguard" - got into a "mysterious" crash in which he alone died. Once the Lebanese do some good in the West - where they go because nobody in Lebanon appreciates their work - they become "owned" by the West...
i am all for advancing the country, but b4 we speak of nuclear reactors lets get our electricity up and running.
@kesrweneh: Technically, bombing it, would affect Israel almost as much as it would us
Maybe you can help him burn those burgers and potatoes with your flamethrower,Flamethrower
Lebanon has great natural resources... We should focus on water, solar, and wind. And hopefully some natural gas... I don't think a nuclear plant is necessary, especially if have new power plants to back us up as well (politics aside)
geha mabrouk the new avatar. a nuclear research facility is a nuclear facility only smaller, so if it explode it will only destroy about 10450 m2 instead of 10452m2 pray to god u'll be standing on the remaining 2m2 hehe
lebanese governments cant even take care of lebanese roads, you expect them to handle a nuclear reactor - God Forbid!
What a stupid idea. Let's recap:
- There is no chance on earth that the US, EU or Israel will let this happen.
- Where will the Lebanese population go if there's a radioactive leak?
- A nuclear reactor requires a buffer safety zone of at least 17 kilometers radius. Where in Lebanon is there space for such a plant?
- Why is it for "scientific research" and not for power generation?
- Where will the nuclear waste go? Do we even realize that people charge money for taking that waste off of our hands?
- Do we even understand that such a reactor gives Israel the ability to destroy Lebanon in three minutes (especially if we put the thing far enough from their border)? Look at what they did to the Jiyeh fuel reservoir. Imagine the same hit on a nuclear reactor.
- Oh, let me guess: this was all an April fool's joke!!!
Oh, oh, and:
- Who will supply the fuel? Do we really think that any country would be willing t supply yellow cake, enriched uranium, plutonium, or any such radioactive materials to the hands of Hizbullah? Not even Iran would do that. (Their earlier promise/offer was nothing more than background talk for a photo op)
- Let's say a decision is made to go ahead with such a project. Where will the reactor be located? In the South? In the Christian North Metn? In the Druze South Metn? In the Sunni North? In the bekaa?
- What profit can be made from such a "scientific research" reactor? Or, to put it differently: How much will it cost each year? Do we have the money to spend on this?
- Who will supply the fuel? Do we really think that any country would be willing t supply yellow cake, enriched uranium, plutonium, or any such radioactive materials to the hands of Hizbullah? Not even Iran would do that. (Their earlier promise/offer was nothing more than background talk for a photo op)
- Let's say a decision is made to go ahead with such a project. Where will the reactor be located? In the South? In the Christian North Metn? In the Druze South Metn? In the Sunni North? In the bekaa?
- What profit can be made from such a "scientific research" reactor? Or, to put it differently: How much will it cost each year? Do we have the money to spend on this?
This is one of the most retarded ideas I've heard in a long time! With so many options for clean energy, such as wind, solar, hydroelectric (which would also be part of a much needed national water management plan), and residential/commercial energy conservation, Lebanon should never need to build a costly nuclear power plant. Besides, look at how poorly managed EDL and every other government institution is in Lebanon.... the idea of having these same clowns managing a nuclear power plant is frightening.
This has to be an April Fool's Day joke! Of all the things our little country needs, our Prime Minister is concerning himself with a feasibility study for a nuclear research facility?!?!? How about focusing on what we need NOW? I guess a functioning electrical grid, coherent tourism strategy, ubiquitous high-speed Internet, affordable housing, accessible healthcare, agricultural competitiveness, environmental protection, and the rule of law are all peripheral issues that can wait. FCUK YEAH! LETS BUILD A NUCLEAR RESEARCH FACILITY!!!!!!!!!!
All talk no action, typical government worthless goals. First fix electricity, roads, security, economy........stupid fat cats, busy talking and stealing