مجهولون أطلقوا الرصاص باتجاه مقر جعجع في معراب والمراجع الأمنية باشرت التحقيق لمطاردة الجناة

Read this story in English W460

أطلق مجهولون الرصاص اليوم الأربعاء باتجاه مقر رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع في معراب، وكشفت العناصر الأمنية أن الرصاصات تعود لبندقية قنّاصة.

وبحسب البيان الصادر عن الدائرة الاعلامية في حزب "القوات البنانية" اليوم، فعند الساعة 11:33 ، أُطلقت رصاصات باتجاه معراب، فتوجهت العناصر الأمنية المولجة حماية المقرّ فوراً الى مكان اطلاق النار.

ووجدت رصاصات فارغة تعود لبندقية قنّاصة من نوع 12.7.

وأفادت معلومات أمنية لـ"LBC" مساء الأربعاء أن "الرصاص أطلق من الغرب في إتجاه الشرق ، ورُصد موقع محتمل على بعد كيلومتر ٍ ونصف يرجح أنه أطلق منه".

ويعتبر الرشاش من عيار 12,7 الذي دخل الى الخدمة قبل ثمانين عاما ً وتطور تباعا ً من الرشاشات المتوسطة حيث يتراوح مداه بين ألف وثمانمئة الى ألفي متر على الأقل ، وهو كان يوضع على آلية متحركة وتطوّر في السنوات الأخيرة حيث بات بالإمكان وضعه على سيبة ثابتة يوضع عليها منظار دقيق لتحديد الهدف وإصابته.

وبحسب القناة عينها فإن "رشاش ال 12,7 و رشاش ال 14,5 مللمتر من صنع أميركي أو روسي وباتا ايضا ً في الآونة الأخيرة يستخدمان كسلاح قنص متطور للمسافات البعيدة".

وعلى الاثر تمّ الاتصال بالاجهزة الامنية وبوشرت التحقيقات لاجراء المقتضى.

ومساء الأربعاء أصدر جهاز الإعلام والتواصل في "القوات" كشف فيه أنه "فور تبلغ المراجع القضائية والأمنية خبر محاولة اغتيال الدكتور سمير جعجع بواسطة قناصة ارهابيين، تحرك باتجاه معراب مدعي عام جبل لبنان القاضي كلود كرم، ومدير المخابرات في جبل لبنان العميد الركن ريشار الحلو ممثلا قيادة الجيش ومديرية المخابرات، ورئيس شعبة الخدمة والعمليات العميد سامي نبهان ممثلا اللواء اشرف ريفي، وقائد منطقة جبل لبنان في قوى الامن الداخلي العميد جوزيف الدويهي، ومدير المخابرات في قضاء كسروان العقيد طوني جريج، وقائد سرية جونيه في قوى الأمن العقيد فؤاد خوري ورئيس فرع المعلومات في القضاء المقدم جوني داغر. وقد بوشر التحقيق والتدقيق ومتابعة الادلة بهدف مطاردة الجناة".

وعلق عضو كتلة "القوات اللبنانية" في حديث إلى قناة الـ"الجديد" على الحادثة قائلا أنها "ليست مجرد توجيه رسالة الى معراب بل محاولة قتل مباشرة تم التخطيط لها بعناية".

وأضاف أن "العملية مدبرة ومحضرة على مدى طويل وبدقة فثمة استطلاع للموقع وطرق الوصول اليه" لافتا إلى ان "الرصاصات التي استخدمت ليست متوفرة بالسوق التجاري".

وشدد على أنه "لو لم يكن حجم العمل كبيرا لما كنا أعلنّا عنه، لكن هذه العملية مدبرة بعناية".

التعليقات 58
Default-user-icon Mar maroun (ضيف) 13:23 ,2012 نيسان 04

@inveritas: you are a very intelligent man

Missing inveritas 17:19 ,2012 نيسان 04

Thank you! But how do you know I'm actually not a woman?

Default-user-icon SameDitNewShay (ضيف) 13:31 ,2012 نيسان 04

In related news, an orange-coloured skull was found at the doorstep of Mr. Miqati's residence. Looks like certain parties are opting for less traditional forms of terrorizing all those who oppose them into submission. In that regard, security apparatus have been deployed around the residence of one politician, identified only by his initials W.J., in attendance of the inevitable attacks he will be subjected to.

Thumb kesrweneh 16:22 ,2012 نيسان 04


Default-user-icon Muhamada (ضيف) 13:34 ,2012 نيسان 04

This Geagea is dangerous himself, he would manipulate all this, just like the Zionist and Hezbollah. Lebanese are sick and tired from war criminals

Default-user-icon sho fi (ضيف) 04:59 ,2012 نيسان 05

and dirty muslims that wish they were lebanese
You meant to say war hero!

Thumb joesikemrex 13:40 ,2012 نيسان 04

May GOD protect you, you are the only true voice of free Lebanon. We are ready to die for our freedom and our leader.

Thumb jcamerican 13:56 ,2012 نيسان 04

You must be very disturbed person. Dying for your leader?

Thumb primesuspect 14:03 ,2012 نيسان 04

I agree with you.... I wouldn't die for any leader or faction.... No country in the entire world deserves my blood.

Thumb primesuspect 14:48 ,2012 نيسان 04

Thumb up for you but as stated below I wouldn't die for anyone... :-)

Thumb Captain 13:42 ,2012 نيسان 04

Some politicians in Lebanon resort to these methods to show that they are important. Thanks Naharnet for making me laugh today.

Default-user-icon CedartheGreat (ضيف) 13:45 ,2012 نيسان 04

Inveritas I can tell from my best friend this really happened. Have you heard of intimidation or warnings??? Anyway let's the cowards reveal themselves if they dare. The LF does it's business bravely and is ready if they dare

Missing inveritas 17:09 ,2012 نيسان 04

Your best friend? My best friend tells me he's bedded Megan Fox. I hope we don't have the same best friend. By the way, it's not "does it's business" but rather "does its business". Looks like y'all need to go back to school and learn some grammar and punctuation!

Thumb kesrweneh 17:57 ,2012 نيسان 04

and ur best friend is sure this really happened because?...

Default-user-icon FirkhTays (ضيف) 22:01 ,2012 نيسان 04

How do you know when exactly the bullets were fired????? but please first clarify whether he was shot at or not coz you seem to be contradicting yourself... better yet you are just typing to brag about knowing how to tyBe on a comButer

Default-user-icon FirkhTays (ضيف) 22:11 ,2012 نيسان 04

How do you know when exactly the bullets were fired????? but please first clarify whether he was shot at or not coz you seem to be contradicting yourself... better yet you are just typing to brag about knowing how to tyBe on a comButer

Missing biche 13:59 ,2012 نيسان 04

To comment on inveritas: you would rather have him assassinated like PM Hariri and the other Martyrs assasinated by Siria and co.: that would please you obviously. You disgust us and make us sick.

Missing inveritas 14:39 ,2012 نيسان 04

No one in this world should die as a consequence of another's actions WHOEVER that might be. As your 'leaders' have taught you in absolutes, you are with us or against us. I never said anyone should be killed, but you have twisted my words because your little puny brain can't handle anything that might not agree with you. By the way looks like you need to go back to school, it's spelt "Syria".

Default-user-icon biche (ضيف) 16:25 ,2012 نيسان 04

You are very smart to have noticed the typo for Siria ... congratulations, that was difficult!

Thumb thepatriot 15:58 ,2012 نيسان 04

"you get shallower each day... looking at the above 'post', one can only be 'enlightened' by such profound political insight (:"

Right back at you FT! Great one!

Thumb primesuspect 14:03 ,2012 نيسان 04

Haven't you heard of intimidation and the power such practices have?

Thumb thepatriot 19:51 ,2012 نيسان 04

Archive FT?? That was Today... you either have Alzheimer or you're a bunch of 2 or 3 dudes relaying yourselves pathetically :)

Get a life now!

Default-user-icon Erasmus (ضيف) 14:11 ,2012 نيسان 04

These were clearly warning shots for Geagea to "behave". A .50 caliber sniping rifle is not easy to get obtain, and is a formidable weapon for assassinations.

Missing biche 14:18 ,2012 نيسان 04

Dying for the leader is an expression. What he means is dying for the cause the leader is defending...

Thumb joesikemrex 14:30 ,2012 نيسان 04


Default-user-icon ghassan (ضيف) 14:49 ,2012 نيسان 04

The most important piece of this story is that the LF contacted the security forces to conduct an investigation. The LF does not act the same way Hizballah does in similar incidents. Hizballah does not allow the lebanese security forces to get to any crime scene that involves its memebers or if it is in area under its control.
As of today, we still do not know how and who assassinated Imad Moghnieh. The lebanese authorities are not involved in the investigation of this assassination nor any investigation about the mysterious explosions that keep happening in Hizballah's controlled areas. If they get involved, it is only to read the press release written by Hizballah.

Thumb benzona 14:58 ,2012 نيسان 04

so why do you keep coming here? to 'convert' us to terrorism?

Default-user-icon John Holmes (ضيف) 15:01 ,2012 نيسان 04

Instead of dying for our country we should live for our country, build a just society, build a beautiful place, educate people, civilize people, respect each other, embrace diversity, retain our most brilliant minds, artists, writers, industrialists and and and...now back to reality...this place looks like its beyond repair...heaven on earth yes, but with people who make the devil look like a clown in a second rate circus.

Missing allouchi 15:27 ,2012 نيسان 04

Allah yihmeek ya Hakim; look at the M8 culture; they support assasinations, corruption, the traitor Karam, against Syrian refugees etc... The world is moving forward and they will be left behind...May God bless you ya Hakim.

Thumb kesrweneh 18:02 ,2012 نيسان 04

Yes might god all mighty bless him with:
1- a real PHd not just a nike name
2- a logical mind
3- a good oratory skills
4- a long trip anywhere

Thumb sophia_angle 15:33 ,2012 نيسان 04

Obviously, he desired a strong attention, some kind of action around so someone could see him ,listen to him, at least after all his speeches someone to answer him back. He got so tiered being unnoticed, ignored...haram lady ga3ga3 so down in the dumps as usual in the presence of GMA, bearing him mind and watching him at his best all the time..:S

Thumb geha 15:36 ,2012 نيسان 04

the syro/iranians seem to have lost their edge once more to resort to assassinations again :)
they know the syrian regime is at its end and they want to eliminate the opposition so they gain more time, especially they know that they will not have the majority in the next elections.
this government is enough proof they are not fit to govern, as well, the economic situation deteriorated draamatically after the salary raises, and many companies have fired a lot of employees.

Thumb geha 16:31 ,2012 نيسان 04

you are so full of s..t! do you believe yourself when you speak?

Thumb thepatriot 16:00 ,2012 نيسان 04

Yes inveritas...welcome... FT the buffoon was starting to feel lonely...

Thumb thepatriot 16:02 ,2012 نيسان 04

Funny how the ones murdered and threatened are always on the same side, hmmm....

Default-user-icon biche (ضيف) 16:29 ,2012 نيسان 04

Murdered and threatened are of the same side - where are you living¨?!!!

And the murderers are the ones you are defending - shame on you!

Default-user-icon Ioggallo (ضيف) 16:07 ,2012 نيسان 04

What a stupid stunt be Geagea. After he lost or credibility, he is trying to get attention by sending one of his guys to fire a few shots at his home.

Missing people-power 16:15 ,2012 نيسان 04

FlimflamThrower is a paid Persian propagandist, plain and simple. That is why he is here 24/7 commenting on every article. His lame explanation that he comes here for "entertainment" or "LOL" is more BS and not a believable story.

Thumb ado.australia 16:18 ,2012 نيسان 04

I hope and pray that no Lebanese is killed. Even though I might not agree with hakim geagea's political views, I reject any forms of violence and attempts on Lebanese lives. 

I might disagree with geagea, but I support freedom of speech, and any atttempt to silence someone through violence and murder is totally regected. 

Pope John Paul 11, "Lebanon is more than a country. It is a message of freedom and an example of pluralism for East and West"

Thumb geha 16:32 ,2012 نيسان 04

Explain that to hizbushaitan followers.

Thumb ado.australia 16:56 ,2012 نيسان 04

Geha, just as the same thing happened when they blamed hezballah and Aoun's FPM for the murder of sheik Pierre and the maytre Antoine Ghanem. Think about who is to benefit? The martyre Antoine Ghanem was a good friend, that was trying to bridge gaps... Then he was assissnted. The martyre hariri was a builder of gaps and he was assassinated. Most people killed were working on unity... Why would those that they were working to bring together, be killed ?? Who killed general francouis el hajj?? There is a conspirscy to kill unity. Please don't fall for it.

Thumb geha 17:09 ,2012 نيسان 04

@Ado. the quawmieh were the ones who did these assasinations, and they are another face of hizbushaitan :) the days the quawmiyeh were a good party ended long time ago :)

Thumb ado.australia 17:54 ,2012 نيسان 04

Hakim should apologise for his anti batrak rant, this is his only chance. United we stand, divided we are weak and have attempts on our lives

Missing allouchi 20:30 ,2012 نيسان 05

I agree with you ado.

Thumb kesrweneh 16:34 ,2012 نيسان 04

that was so expected, anytime M14 start loosing votes they resort to such tactics! and this is a well known propaganda technic that is supposed to create reactions such as " bel ru7 bel dam nafdika ya..." after his public support ot Takfiris Geagea lost a lot of supporters and mainly almost all of neutral christians who voted M14 in 2009 and had previously voted FPM in 2005 (as stated by M14 statisitics, report to Future report regarding restructuring of M14 general secretariat)thus in order to regain some support he's trying to create some pitty feelings, will it work? only time will tell but it really depends on the propaganda effort they put in it, let's watch Mtv editorial tonight

Thumb geha 17:11 ,2012 نيسان 04

to the contrary Mr. Kesweneh....
anytime hizbushaitan and allies are threatened because they know they are losing ground they try to silence the opposition. :)
get your facts straight, especially after this magnificient salary raise and all the issues in this government, the people are so disgusted, they are leaving hizbushaitan and their allies.

Thumb kesrweneh 17:52 ,2012 نيسان 04

oh well, all you have to do is read more and u'll see the stats I presented are all true, knowledge is power.
PS: the salary raise was to be much higher it's M14 and Mikati who refused it, both are capitalist and megacompany owners , and everyone knows that expet some M14 zealots so...

Default-user-icon Dasto Vollante (ضيف) 16:43 ,2012 نيسان 04

This criminal and lunatic should be arrested and hanged next to Jumblat, the epitomes and embodiments of filth. Nothing good ever came out of this disgusting pair that collaborated with every enemy of Lebanon, be they the Syrian occupation or Israel. And their followers are nothing more than uneducated low life thugs.

Default-user-icon biche (ضيف) 17:11 ,2012 نيسان 04

keserweneh : Killing of all of the 14 March leaders is NOT a dream - IT IS ABSOLUTE REALITY - Enough ignorance!!!

Thumb kesrweneh 14:46 ,2012 نيسان 05

why would they kill them? KSA will just create new ones (samy, Nayla...), instead we beet them in the elections (yeaah go Kesrwen) and voila

Default-user-icon biche (ضيف) 17:20 ,2012 نيسان 04

Killing of the March 14 leaders is not a Dream - It is absolute realy - stop your ignorance!

Thumb kesrweneh 17:59 ,2012 نيسان 04

ouuu Benzon is using big words, terrorism, wylayat al fakih, red diesel hehehe love it the copy past mind

Default-user-icon Patricia (ضيف) 18:14 ,2012 نيسان 04

It's obvious that the March 14 people made their reply a while after the article was published and so it was added after the original news was released otherwise how would they have known about the assassination before it happened????????

Default-user-icon Truly lebanese (ضيف) 19:00 ,2012 نيسان 04

well we all know the perpetrators.
Strange that it is always the same camp that is targeted i thought M14 were allied with extremists lol
Just give me 1 pro syrian regime politician murdered in Lebanon since 1990.

Lebanon (and i mean the whole Lebanon irrespective of the sect) will not have peace until Baath is eradicated and a friendly regime is put in place in Syria.

If Hezb were allowed to keep their weapons it is again becoz of Assad becoz he knew that if he had to pull out from Lebanon there will be a thorn left that would not let the Lebanese state rule its own territory

Thumb shab 20:17 ,2012 نيسان 04

Again a ridiculous picture

Thumb cedar 07:42 ,2012 نيسان 05

lol! - it makes things more interesting

Default-user-icon FirkhTays (ضيف) 22:30 ,2012 نيسان 04

till now Firkh Tays aka FartThrower is in number one position of the amount of comments on every article, 11 coments from him so far on this article only replying on every other comment and he keeps complaining that naharnet is not posting his comments, and still has time to read other news sources as he claims.... i wonder how he gets money to pay for his electricity bill... hold on i have a call.... what?... oh he doesn't pay his bills... ashraf ennes?... oh ok sorry... my bad
by the way in the second place comes keserweni :).. hold on i have another call

Default-user-icon Snatch (ضيف) 13:31 ,2012 نيسان 05

Yes flim.you sound like an expert sniper.no surprise there.M8 murderers,drug dealers,car thieves,highjackers.
Wy s that any and every crime is somehow related to the terrorist organisation of hizbollah?