جعجع ينفي تسرعه في إطلاق التهم السياسية: نقطة القناصة قد جرى اكتشافها

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أكد رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع أنه لم يكن متسرعاً باستنتاجاته بإطلاق التهم المبنية على التطورات السياسية على خلفية محاولة اغتياله برصاص قناصة صباح أمس الأربعاء في مقره ببلدة معراب كاشفا أن "نقطة القناصة قد جرى اكتشافها".

وقال جعجع في حوار تلفزيوني بحسب بيان رسمي صادر عن الحزب ان "القوى الأمنية والجيش استمروا بتمشيط الأحراج وما تبيّن ان الفاعلين أتوا من جهة الغرب وليس من الجنوب او الشمال اذ سلكوا طرقات الأحراج لفترة ساعتين ونصف الى 3 ساعات ولم يكن من الممكن رؤيتهم من خارج الأحراج".

وأضاف أن "وسائل المراقبة التابعة لهم كانت متواجدة على بُعد 3 او 4 كلم وان جهاز مراقبتهم مستقل عن الأشخاص الذين كانوا يتحركون على الأرض أي مطلقي النار".

وإذ نفى مجددا خرق أمن معراب تابع ان "أجهزة مراقبتهم كانت على تواصل مع غرفة عمليات ومع المنفذين ومع جهة كانت تحمل كومبيوتر يُشغّل القناصات ويُعطي الإحداثيات"، لافتاً الى ان "نقطة القناصة قد جرى اكتشافها".

ورداً على سؤال، أكّد جعجع انه "راضٍ عن عمل الأجهزة الأمنية"، مشيراً الى انه لم يكن متسرعاً باستنتاجاته بإطلاق التهم المبنية على التطورات السياسية".

وهل خطاباته الأخيرة هي سبب هذه العملية أشار الى ان "التحضير للعملية استغرق من 4 الى 6 أشهر".

وعن قصده من قوله بأنها "كانت هذه المحاولة الأخيرة"، قال "قصدتُ بها أنهم أرادوا منها أن تكون الضربة القاضية ولكنني أطمئنهم أنني مستمر وسوف أتابع القضية حتى النهاية".

من جهة أخرى قال جعجع أمام وفد من طلاب القوات اللبنانية زاره في معراب الخميس أن "محاولة الاغتيال لم تستهدف القوات اللبنانية كحزب بحدّ ذاته بل أتت على قدر ما القوات اللبنانية وثورة الأرز وقوى 14 آذار مع كلّ حلفائنا يُمثلون الحرية في هذا البلد، فما حصل هو عبارة عن اعتداء على حرية كلّ مواطن حرّ".

وسأل "ماذا سيفعلون مع أي مواطن حر؟ فإذا كانوا اليوم يستهدفون القوات اللبنانية فغداً سوف يستهدفون أي مواطن لديه رأي مغاير حتى لو بالكهرباء أو بالمياه أو ببدل النقل أو بأي أمر آخر".

إلى ذلك تواصلت الاتصالات المهنئة بالسلامة أبرزها من رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، رئيس الوزراء القطري الشيخ حمد بن جاسم بن جبر آل ثاني، الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس، المطران الياس عودة، مفتي الجمهورية الشيخ محمد رشيد قباني وسفراء مصر وبريطانيا وتركيا.

التعليقات 38
Thumb geha 17:49 ,2012 نيسان 05

let it known that since the status quo has been broken, now it will be one for one: each leader f ours assassinated will result in repercussions.
the green light has been given, and it looks like the decision has been taken to uproot the terrorists from lebanon.
I know the usual stupid guys will say a lot of things now, but who cares?....

Thumb geha 18:37 ,2012 نيسان 05

there goes nothing
first stupid guy on the list to talk BS. :)

Missing youssefhaddad 18:09 ,2012 نيسان 05

Like him or not, Geagea has proven to be stauch in his beliefs, stubborn in his struggle and wise in his politics.
He is pragmatic in his tactics but never compromising of his principles.
His allies and his foes know exactly were he stands and that his calculated words represent always his true committments.

Missing forces 20:34 ,2012 نيسان 05

sure flame under the rule of syrian authority..etc etc etc but you don't need a history lesson just a reality check. also Geagea chose to confront his accusers not run, those accusers however now allies and foes ie hezb did play a role, but we are not living in the past are we, well at least some of us are not. Otherwise we would still be harping on about mr mcgoo-aoun and his back flip on armed militas in lebanon, and how his un compromising beliefs lead to deaths of thousands etc etc. how about you surprise us and say something intelligent.

Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 12:42 ,2012 نيسان 06

All leaders are sectarian warlords in lebanon from M8 to M14

Thumb bigsami 18:23 ,2012 نيسان 05

Just a simple question: "They concluded that the assailants came from the west, not the south or north".....How can one tell and what is the point?

Thumb bigsami 18:46 ,2012 نيسان 05

LOL....I get a thumbs down (probably CandleThrower) for simply asking a question? Can anyone enlighten me....really? :-)

Missing youssefhaddad 19:04 ,2012 نيسان 05

The trajectories of the bullets show which direction they came from.

Thumb bigsami 19:12 ,2012 نيسان 05

Thanks Yousseff but I thought by "assailants" they meant "the attackers" and not bullets..... ???

Thumb bigsami 20:28 ,2012 نيسان 05

That would make a great story for one of the episodes for Spartacus: Vengeance....LOL. You are indeed a clown Mr. Pebble Thrower...

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 22:15 ,2012 نيسان 05

this is the best you can come up with ? it seems every time you open your mouth you sound stupider then the last time

Default-user-icon Hepto Sofradi (ضيف) 18:26 ,2012 نيسان 05

Hasty or not, whatever leaves his lips is pure nonsense that only entertains the retards of the Lebanese Takfiri Forces.

Default-user-icon Georges zahle (ضيف) 18:46 ,2012 نيسان 05

is it their way to win the elections of 2013 ?by assasinate the strong leaders?
i am sur it would change the results it they would succeed ,so thankx God it passed that way to confirme for those who has doubt that 14 march are still in danger ,and they will always be as long as the criminals are free .

Missing forces 18:52 ,2012 نيسان 05

there was a dream that was Lebanon. Bashir Gemayel started us on this journey, this journey was all inclusive not sectarian and exclusive. It spoke in the name of Lebnan el Watan and it fought for the right to exist as a free and peaceful nation. He was killed for his views and his un-wavering stand on this. Geagea has taken up this cause once more, and once more Lebanon is being confronted in it's push to be a free and peaceful nation. Those that have killed and plotted will not win as lebanon will ultimatley realise this dream. Those who do not speak out against such crimes have already lost. Long live Libnan god bless it's people.

Default-user-icon Yousefbeik (ضيف) 19:41 ,2012 نيسان 05

Cause the LF have NEVER staged anything before huh! "bent over to pick up a flower...... BAHAHAHAHAHA ... Which movie did he get that from? Geagea has committed atrocities during the war and have a lot of enemies. I can't imagine how many lists this criminal thug and war lord is on! They left him alone all these years. What made them go after him now? The LF were propaganda kings during the 80s and this fool thinks he can bring it back...

Default-user-icon Amsterdammerung (ضيف) 19:47 ,2012 نيسان 05

That's odd. Nobody from the March 8 camp appears to have called and asked if he was well. I wonder why that is...

Default-user-icon Muhamada (ضيف) 19:49 ,2012 نيسان 05

It is clear that Syria has influence in this with the help of its Allies,like Hezbollah and others who support the regime.

Missing Perestroika 20:47 ,2012 نيسان 05

C'est certainement pas mon politiciens type, mais je reste de bonne foi et j'avoue qu'il est très logique dans son discours, il maintien ces principes dont je partage : Construire un État fort, désarmé toute milice ou organisation en dehors de l’état, soutenir la liberté...
Merci à FT de ne pas commenter sur mon message!!

Default-user-icon jack (ضيف) 21:16 ,2012 نيسان 05

Too bad they missed....

Default-user-icon Leo (ضيف) 21:47 ,2012 نيسان 05

Since we're all really speculating, has anybody considered the attacker(s) might just be in his own party. Possibly a traitor? Who would really know his movements around is home more than someone that is close to him. "Keep you friends close, and your enemies closer" Does anybody remember Michael Coralone's brother....Alfredo?

Thumb jcamerican 22:26 ,2012 نيسان 05

What is stopping you? Very nice comment.

Default-user-icon Hopla Darky (ضيف) 22:28 ,2012 نيسان 05

ya nousak shou sat7eh wbeyekh wmoumassel feshel

Default-user-icon noel (ضيف) 23:14 ,2012 نيسان 05

Just compare the reaction that followed Geagea's assassination attempt to the one that followed an unsignificant TV comedy show on Hassan Nasrallah few years ago, in order to understand the difference between these two groups.

Missing sergio 23:45 ,2012 نيسان 05

Yes dahiye will be in flame again & inchallah hassouni & his paid thugs will too.. (ma tel3ab bilnar tehrok assabi3ak ) they are playing with fire now but soon will burn in hell.

Default-user-icon pete (ضيف) 00:10 ,2012 نيسان 06

flame your comments dont make sense dude...lol
you write trying to confuse pple but you have no idea

Default-user-icon JP (ضيف) 00:54 ,2012 نيسان 06

Notice how quiet Hiballah about this!

Thumb Chupachups 01:57 ,2012 نيسان 06

Aywa ya zahle lol

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 02:26 ,2012 نيسان 06

Saved by the hand of God from the devil in Damascus and Dahye.

Default-user-icon isabelle (ضيف) 02:36 ,2012 نيسان 06

For all Geagea lovers, maybe you need to remind yourselves that he is a war criminal and like many war criminals (still in politics) he and them are supposed to stay in jail as a living example for the lebanese to understand the repercussions of leading one of the lowest and most disgracefull of wars, a civil war.. Its you (the lebanese citizens) who lack principles following leaders that lead your country to war for 30 years and still blindly believe they care for your interests while its only politics..

Default-user-icon Eddie (ضيف) 03:29 ,2012 نيسان 06

What can I say when I read your comments? I wish you can be more civilized in your comments. Why we joke about serious incidents?

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 05:10 ,2012 نيسان 06

Hahahahaha......enjoy the truth fellas:



Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 05:18 ,2012 نيسان 06

Save some for Aoun... El General might run out of mouthwash.

Thumb arzz 07:13 ,2012 نيسان 06

Boumeh is a loser. It would be higher risk for M8 if a real leader emerges in the case he goes down. Makes me think LF pulled this out to gain public support and sympathy. Especially that tale about him bending down at the split second he was shot at. hoooooooooooot hoooooooooot

Thumb shab 10:43 ,2012 نيسان 06

What puzzles me from the above posts is that all the Geagea haters obviously approve the assignation attempt. All comment primitively and no condemnations. What sick sectarian mentality is that? How low can you sink?

Thumb arzz 09:32 ,2012 نيسان 07

bwahahahaha .. so shab hates people like himself .. bwahahahahahaha

Default-user-icon Joe (ضيف) 11:12 ,2012 نيسان 06

It's time for all the old politicians to move aside and dissolve all parties, and to let the Lebanese people think for themselves and try to make a better Lebanon. (By move aside, I don't implicate that they need to be assassinated, they need to move on; we shouldn't move backward and it shouldn't be the same game they played in the 80's)

Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 12:53 ,2012 نيسان 06

I m not sure if Aoun had principles at first place. I cant imagine how someone can turn against his principles that much. From wanting the head of Hafez al Assad to backing up his son's regime nomatter what. di3an el shabeb yalli ra7it bi 13 Octobre la2an ra7o di3an! if he cant fight, he should have left instead of counting on the red lines imposed from abroad.

Default-user-icon jack (ضيف) 23:48 ,2012 نيسان 06

Hahaha...gold bubbaman...that was just gold!