ميفدون تشيّع شهيد "الجديد" علي شعبان
Read this story in Englishأقيمت صلاة الجنازة على جثمان مصور "الجديد" علي شعبان امام النادي الحسيني في بلدة ميفدون الجنوبية.
والقى الشيخ احمد نصار مجلس عزاء ضمنه خطبة شدد فيها على اهمية الحرية للاعلاميين، مدينا بإسم الحضور "الجريمة النكراء التي أدت الى استشهاد شعبان".
وكان قد وصل الجثمان الى البلدة حيث كان في استقباله عدد كبير من أهالي البلدة وبحضور ممثل عن الرؤساء الثلاثة النائب عبد اللطيف الزين وممثل وزير الاعلام المدير العام لوزارة الاعلام الدكتور حسان فلحه، وممثل الامين العام لحزب الله النائب حسن فضل الله وممثل حركة امل رئيس المكتب السياسي جميل حايك وممثلون عن كافة الاحزاب والقوى الوطنية.
ووصلت اكاليل بإسم الرؤساء الثلاثة ووزير الاعلام ومن النائب هاني قبيسي والسيد نصرالله، ومن القوى السياسية وعدد من الاعلاميين.
وتعرض فريق عمل تلفزيون "الجديد" المؤلف من 3 أشخاص لاطلاق نار من الجهة السورية على سيارتهم، خلال تغطيتهم الاحداث على الحدود في وادي خالد ما ادى الى مقتل المصوّر علي شعبان.
ofcourse if you read Tayyar website , it would have a total different spin of the story. RIP.
You got my thumbs up on your comment above. I agree M14 and M8 need to reconcile but I may add under some basic principles: Army controls all weapons. , Conspiring with ANY foreign country or getting paid by any foreign country shall constitute treason, and Major political reform instituted.
Are you comparing yourself to an elephant ? You must know that an elephant's brain is tiny.... LOL.
Flame Thrower. Stop throwing dumb comments and wake up to the fact that M8 are nothing but a bunch of Terrorists, Murderers and corrupted Politicians who sell empty slogans all in the name of the biggest lie called: Resistance.
But they are noy yje first to be killed across the border. Why this bog show? because they are Awta nass ?
I am sure there is a significant sector in the she3a community sympathetic with their syrian brothers and anti syrian regime. What happened would reinforce their voice. The she3as and sunis of lebanon have to end their cold civil war and enter reconciliation. I hope we don't go through another deadly civil war (much worse than the 70's) to realize this fact.
Can someone tell me what the big deal is? Who really cares when there are 1000 being killed on a weekly base
The hand that you are unable to break, kiss it and ask god to break it for you. This has been our policy for years.
Only Allah will deal with the terrorist regime that kills innocent people including children fishing in Tripoli, Lebanese border towns violated and shot at daily, Leb Army positions shot at and ignored.
God Bless the Lebanese Reformed Army trained in the West.
A wreaths from Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah... You Iranian hypocritic, his death like so many other Lebanon's is by the hand of your friends the Assad's!