تقارير تتحدث عن انضمام مجندين إلى "الجيش السوري الحر" والجيش اللبناني يوضح ويتمنى عدم التضخيم
Read this story in Englishكشفت تقارير الأربعاء أن "مجندين لبنانيين اثنين تم تمديد خدمتهما العسكرية، فرا من الخدمة العسكرية وأصبحا خارج الأراضي اللبنانية وانضما إلى الجيش السوري الحر"، فيما أوشح الجيش اللبناني أنه لا يعلم مصير الجنديين متنيا عدم التضخيم.
وأوضح مصدر واسع الاطلاع لصحيفة "السفير" أن "المجندين (ز. أ.) و(إ. ع.) اللذين يخدمان في موقع عرمان في البقاع وبعد حصولهما على مأذونية راحة، غادرا ولم يعودا إلى الخدمة، وبعد اتصالات مع ذويهما في منطقة وادي خالد في عكار، من قبل الرتيب المسؤول عنهما، تبلغ الأخير ان الأهالي لا يعرفون شيئاً عن مصير ولديهما".
وتابع "ولكن بعد أيام عدة، تلقى الرتيب المسؤول عن الخدمة رسالة قصيرة (SMS) عبر الهاتف الخلوي للمجند (ز. أ.) تضمنت "تحية خاصة من بلدة القصير السورية". ويقول فيها "أنا وزميلي (ا. ع.) التحقنا بـ"الجيش السوري الحر» ونقاتل حاليا ضد النظام السوري".
وأوضح المصدر أن "عملية الفرار حصلت بتاريخ 1/4/2012 وقد أبلغت الجهات السورية بالأمر، من أجل اتخاذ الإجراءات المناسبة والعمل على توقيفهما وتسليمهما إلى السلطات اللبنانية المختصة".
وردت مديرية التوجيه في قيادة الجيش على هذه المعلومات إذ أشارت إلى "أن المجندين المذكورين غير مثبتين في الجيش وهما في وضع تمديد الخدمة لفترة مؤقتة، ويقيمان بصورة ثابتة في سوريا، وقد تغيبا عن مركز عملهما منذ مدة من دون أن يحدد مصيرهما لغاية تاريخه".
وبعد كشف محاولة اختراق المؤسسة العسكرية، عبر "جهات تكفيرية ارهابية" كانت تعمل على استهداف أمني واسع لمواقع حساسة تابعة للجيش اللبناني، تكشفت حادثة اخرى تمثلت بسرقة أسلحة من مخازن تابعة للجيش اللبناني وبيعها الى جهات تعمل على نقل السلاح إلى المعارضة السورية.
وقالت المصادر المعنية بالتحقيق لـ"السفير" إن "الأسلحة الرشاشة التي فقدت من المخازن ليست كما أعلن عبر احدى وسائل الاعلام (أي 90 بندقية) بل لا تتجاوز عشرين بندقية".
وأضافت المصادر أن "العملية محصورة بين ثلاثة أشخاص فقط وهم أمين مخزن السلاح في اللواء اللوجستي في كفرشيما وأمين مخزن الكتيبة 68 في اللواء الثامن في البقاع والوسيط بينهما".
وقد ذكرت صحيفة "الأخبار" الثلاثاء أن عدد البندقيات التي تمت سرقتها وبيعها بلغ عددها الـ 90 بندقية.
كذلك أوضح الجيش بعد ظهر الأربعاء أن "هذا الأمر قد حصل منذ فترة طويلة، وتولّت الشرطة العسكرية في حينه التحقيق به، حيث توصلت إلى نتائج قاطعة محصورة بالمكان والأشخاص المعنيين، وليس هناك أي تداعيات إضافية على ذلك".
كما لفت إلى أن هذه النتائج أصبحت في عهدة القضاء العسكري المختص "فيما تم إنزال أشد العقوبات التأديبية بحق المسؤولين والمقصرين في أداء واجباتهم".
وعليه دعت مديرية التوجيه وسائل الإعلام المعنية عند نشر أي معلومات تتعلق بالمؤسسة العسكرية إلى "عدم اللجوء إلى تضخيمها بما لا يتناسب مع الواقع".
وجزمت "بأن مثل هذه الحالات الفردية والمحدودة، والتي قد تحصل بين الحين والآخر، تتم معالجتها بشكل حاسم، ومحاسبة فاعليها على الفور وفقاً للأصول العسكرية والقوانين المرعية الإجراء".
يشار إلى أنه تم القاء القبض على أعضاء "الخلية التكفيرية" ما عدا قائدها أبو محمد توفيق طه الموجود داخل مخيم عين الحلوة بحسب تقارير سابقة، والاتصالات مع الفصائل الفلسطينية لالقاء القبض عليه لا تزال جارية.
Good for them, what good is this army and its weapons anyway? only good against the 3rd class citizens of lebanon i.e the not hizbustanis. At least the weapons stolen this time would be used in good cause.
Not our problem, let the Syrians deal with it. Let's hope not many of my countrymen make that decision, we have lost enough blood through wars, let's sit this one out.
We're involved... Whether you like it or not is your problem. The Syrian government of Lebanon sided a long time ago with Bashar. Sme of us have a conscious, and a few are courageous enough to go fight the murderers in Syria. Once the Baathist regime collapses, Lebanon will witness a rebirth of its own citizens. The world will be a better place.
why they flee the lebanese army?why they joined the free syrian army?as long as the butcher in damascus stays...the danger is increasing for the whole region.
closing our eyes is not an option.
poor boys, they are about 18 years old sunnis and there Da3ya convinced them it's Jihad to fight along with their Salafi brothers in Syria. they are headed for certain death just so that their da3ya gets more points with KSA. god have mercy on them
kesrweneh... ahhh so you were there? and your sure they are salafis and heard that was the promise made to them?... Bashar is EVIL man... We are Muslims! and IRAN, ISREAL, USA, RUSSIA... etc are in full agreement behind the scenes on how they can prolong our suffering to break our will... i.e and KOFI Anan goes to Iran and asks for help ... Kofi Anan says it would be Disastrous to arm the FSA ... Before the yesterday (10th) I swear I expected it WOW... only Evil helps Evil... 30 years the Baath Butchers helped Israel, 30 years not a single shot was fired in the Golan............ Iran and the Americans (including KSA) play the Palestinians like a game all to well, in reality they are liars and hypocrites and we Muslims have ZERO leadership anywhere ... Inshallah one day...
lebcan I am Lebanese and I love my religion as long as it doesn't heart my country thus when I see 2 Lebanese soldiers deserting the army to fight along the Syrian salafis it makes me sad. My frustration would be the same if they 2 Christian soldiers deserted to fight with Christian salafis aka LF (remember whebeh aticha?)
If this story is accurate which I doubt due to the usual inaccuracies of the AsSafir informed sources this is desertion pure and simple just like Michel Aoun's in 1990 and they should be court marshaled.
Everyone should read what Salim Kallas and Rene Ala wrote about that day my fellow Shiite brother in revisionist history.
BTW it took the magnificent GMA AKA the deserter and coward longer to complete his I will die fighting speech a few hour earlier than it did to capitulate.
The magnificent GMA AKA the deserter and coward called the French ambassador 45 minutes after the attack stated to inform him of his wants a cease fire.
Ala got back to him minutes later to inform him that the fighting will not stop until the magnificent GMA AKA the deserter and coward made a public statement to the fact. But instead of doing it right away and save lives and as magnificent GMA was a coward he first ran away, that's when he became a deserter as well, to the French embassy were he was safe and made the public statement from there. That took a few hours, causing the deaths and executions of hundreds of the true heroes.
You are full of crap Flamer, your little general deserted the army and left his men to die. Don't try to suger coat it, the soldiers die fighting his war and if that was not bad enough he jumps into bed with Assad when he comes back to Lebanon... Aoun is a 2 time Losser!
Many Lebanese are in Lebanon against there will. Our passport doesnt allow us to travel to the civilized world. It wasn't always like this, it began when Hezbollah bombed the American and French in the early 80s. Thanks to them...
Why am I not surprised by your apology of terrorism. ? You can label terror with other names.... WE KNOW THE TRUTH!
The only thing better would be if some Hezz members saw the light of truth and left the Hezz to fight for the FSA. Either way I salute their courage.
They were told, the pay is better with the FSA. It is an opportunity to strike it rich, and buy their dream home.
anonymetexasusa, you are a true fanatic and full of hate, a typical M8 supporter, ignorant and full of it. What do you think about hizballah, Amal etc... thy are armed to the teeth and declare their blind support and loyalty to Iran NOT LEBANON but I am sure using the isareli excuse, that's ok with u? hypocrits...
Why are the last two sentences of the article there? these two soldiers joining the Free Syrian Army has NOTHING to do with the takfiri network which targeted soldiers like themselves. Is the author trying to imply that they are extremists too?
The magnificent GMA AKA the deserter and coward's stupidity, incompetence, collusion call it what you will cause the red lines that had protected the Christian area to be lifted by the US and international community who now had Iraq's invasion of Kuwait as a priority and needed Syria. To further complete the damage the magnificent GMA AKA the deserter and coward ran away as soon as the attack started opening the doors wide to the invasion, he could've done it a day earlier I wonder why he didn't. Also my fellow Shiite brother in Ashura murdered brain cells, the LF never surrendered to the Syrians but to the Lebanese army the Syrians never entered the LF controlled areas.
Traitors?you mean like Michel aoun when he did the Speedy gonzales to the French embassy?
Double standard? Hypocrite.
flame stop twisting the truth.
Michel aoun declared that he is the captain of the ship .Right or wrong?
Michel aoun said he will be the last to leave.Right?
Michel aoun said he will be buried here (he meant at his command location).right?
Facts no fiction.
Of course you will never admit it
BTW you M8 Cunt,u call the marines and french troops THE ENEMY.
But with all the terror the Syrians brought on us for more than 30 years you still call them your masters.
M8 simpletons...it's really very simple ...this government is allienating a major section of the population. The Sunnis and the majority of Christians...Doubke standards and hypocracies...Hizballa openly serves Iran and no M8 dares mentioning them as traitors...what a sad sad sad bunch M8 are...
when hezbi members go and help bashar do his dirty deeds by killing torturing innocent people i guess M8 calls that divine resistance and not treason...
double M8 standards as usual....
anonymetexasusa, of course I agree with you on that but I also like to mention that most Sunnis are moderates and no Salafis, Qaada etc.. as keep being applied by most M8 suppoters.
this is great news.....may this war in syria never end and all the grubs go there to DIE!what better way to get rid of thrash from lebanon than just export it to syria keep the fire burning guys we got plenty of rubbish to go your way.