جرحى في إشتباك عائلي مسلح في الشياح والجيش تدخل لضبط الوضع
Read this story in Englishوقع إشكال بين عائلتي فاضل والمصري في منطقة الغبيري -الشياح تطور إلى إطلاق نار مساء الخميس.
وادى الإشكال الى سقوط جريحين نتيجة تعرضهما لطعنات بالسكاكين بحسب الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام".
وحضرت قوة من الجيش اللبناني، وعملت على ضبط الوضع.
وأفادت قناة الـ"MTV" عن ثلاثة جرحى.
وللمفارقة صودف وقوع الإشتباكات عشية الذكرى السابعة والثلاثين للحرب الأهلية التي اندلعت ظهر 13 نيسان 1975 في منطقة الشياح - عين الرمانة.
I envy those who lived before these 37 past years. The people that saw the civilized country of Lebanon.
We should remember April 13 as the americans remember 11 september.
Although, the disastrous proportions of our "april 13" is far bigger than 11 september, we could still learn from the americans in this aspect.
Hm. I dont understand how people can dislike my comment? I mean who is with the Lebanese war? What kind of monsters read this newspaper??
Yes, I do remember the good old days. Lebanon now is like a hooker, working the corners of the streets, looking for customers anyway they can. Pitty the nation ..........
people like you are awsakh el nass becuase i donot see you comment on daily clashes that happen all over lebanon ..
It's funny how they can carry guns and shoot each other and then tomorrow, everything goes back to normal... Shouldn't their guns be removed from them and from everybody apart from the armed gouvernment forces?!? Same garbage goes on in the palestinian camps and in the Bekaa valley, aka britel! Who's in charge of this country?!? Oh yeah, they are in the same areas where the shootings take place! They are called the "resistance".
Nahatnet remove min-canada's comment!! Shame on you for cursing your own creator. Your worse than a murderer.
min Canada. Alla ma 3amal el tawa2if. Nahna 3melnehon.
in Quran, ma mazkour Sunni and shi3a ( not to mention all the mazahib).
In the bible, ma mazkor Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox.
All this, I believe are invented by politicians through all times. Invented by powerful people, taking their struggle to religion, and making the poor people divide in different "sects" among the religions.
...and in areas with not much religion, the human divides himself according to scin color, races and more.
Sho badak fihon. ma3ak ha2 tarksheen. Bas fi shaghle mana mazbouta.
El shi3a, metl kel el lebneniye, sho ma 3amal za3imon byelha2o 3al 3emyene. hata lw hasin eno ghalat. So mankon aswa2 ( el aktariye ya3ne) wala ahsan.
eli lezim ysir, howe eno eli bifakro metlak, men kel el tawa2if yejtem3o w ya3mlo shi sawa. Azde ya3ne, eli byestarje eno ma yelha2 "za3imo" kif ma yekhdo el rih....
ana bet7addak t2elle esmak we win sakin kermal barke ba3mellak zyara we a3millak test sghiir ana wil shabib ...