القاء القبض على مواطن لبناني داخل حقيبة سفر في تركيا (بالفيديو)

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القت السلطات التركية القبض على مواطن لبناني مختبئ في حقيبة سفر مواطن الماني على نية التوجه الى اليونان من معبر بازاركوله التركي.

وأفادت محطة (CNN) التركية ان مواطنا المانيا حاول تهريب مواطن لبناني من تركيا الى اليونان بوضعه داخل حقيبة سفر، من معبر بازاركوله الحدودي مع اليونان.

وقالت المحطة ان الشرطة التركية التي اشتبهت من تصرفات الشخص الذي يحمل الحقيبة طلبت منه فتحها، موضحة ان الشرطة استغربت لدى رؤيتها شخصا في الحقيبة تبين انه لبناني الاصل يبلغ من العمر 20 عاما ويدعى (ا.ج.).

ويظهر الفيديو الشرطة وهي تقوم بفتح الحقيبة وخروج اللبناني من داخلها.

وذكرت ان الشرطة اقتادت المواطن اللبناني والالماني الى مديرية الامن للتحقيق.

التعليقات 15
Default-user-icon jirssa (ضيف) 08:22 ,2012 نيسان 16

please remove it ...

Default-user-icon Kamall (ضيف) 11:24 ,2012 نيسان 16

Let the syrian dictator control syria and keep busy with his killings instead of commenting about lebanon and trying to control us.

Thumb benzona 14:15 ,2012 نيسان 16

A reminder that many Lebanese are in Lebanon against their will. Our passport is worthless, it doesn't allow us to travel to the civilized world. For this, we must thank Hezbollah terrorists for bombing the French and Americans on our soil in the early 80s.

Thumb benzona 17:40 ,2012 نيسان 16

You are a total idiot. Finish your education and learn reading properly. The guy wanted to enter the EU via the Turkish border. Yes, the actions of the Shia terrorists condemned most Lebanese to stay within the arab world. Try getting a visa to the US or France if you can. Yes, the actions of Hezbollah screwed up 4 million people.

Default-user-icon Highlander (ضيف) 17:53 ,2012 نيسان 16

Ya zakzak, the kid was trying to get into Greece - i.e., Europe proper - not Turkey. And though with enough money yes, even Lebanese are able to travel around the world without difficulty AS TOURISTS ON A TEMPORARY ALLOWANCE IN THE COUNTRY, most are not able to leave the 2araf of what Lebanon has become for good. And lashù nba33ed and speak of '82? A Lebanese Shiite was one of the people involved in the 2007 terrorist attempt on Glasgow airport; since that time the Border Control Office has become severely prejudiced against letting Lebanese into the UK (and against Lebanese already there). Welcome to the real world, "mate". Your Hizb that you're defending is, when all the cosmetics and PR is removed, a bunch of assassins and thugs that, notwithstanding the fact that they may have once upon a time - ken ya ma ken - been a legitimate "resistance movement", now are only that which everybody calls them: terrorists.

Thumb primesuspect 17:57 ,2012 نيسان 16

This story is sad because it's true. +1 benzoni for seeing the bigger picture. I'm not surprised other can't realize the extent of the damage caused by Hizballa and co.

Missing tripolian 21:49 ,2012 نيسان 16

Who gave the french and americans permission to be militarly present on our soil? Are lebanese soldiers allowed to occupy their sea and soil? Are they allowed to have checkpoints there? Your a traitor who want the entire world to occupy us as long as they arent iran or syria, only then it becomes wrong. People like you can never defeat hezballah. And im not even a fan of them.

Thumb primesuspect 03:13 ,2012 نيسان 17

Watch your vocabulary... it's extremely aggressive and unfriendly. --> Occupy, traitor, defeat. That's the main difference, you want to resort to violence to solve problems. We don't want to fight the Hezb, hence we don't want to defeat them. We want them to surrender their weapons to the army and continue their mission only through political means.

Default-user-icon Mike (ضيف) 19:49 ,2012 نيسان 16

Don't make a political issue out of it. He was running away with his boyfriend. He's only 20 yrs old.

Default-user-icon aak (ضيف) 20:12 ,2012 نيسان 16


Thumb shab 20:43 ,2012 نيسان 16

Rudes coniders Iran to be the civilized world

Missing peace 21:17 ,2012 نيسان 16

if you are from finland you can travel in more than 100 countries without a visa, if you are lebanese only 27... the image of lebanon is disastrous abroad so ask yourselves why esp. those praising hezbolla....

Default-user-icon salah (ضيف) 03:15 ,2012 نيسان 19

can you name those 27 countries please?

Default-user-icon The Palestinian (ضيف) 02:56 ,2012 نيسان 18

and if you were Palestinian...not even your neighbouring Arab countries accept you with a VISITOR'S VISA! so before you start bitching about your Lebanese passports...consider that there are people worse off than you!

Default-user-icon Ames (ضيف) 01:51 ,2012 نيسان 21

Lol we know that there are people worse off than us (like the Palestinians), but our passports still suck.

@ benzona you are, like your name, a benzona