مواقع الكترونية رسمية تتعرض للقرصنة للمرة الثانية

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قامت مجموعة أسمت نفسها "ارفع صوتك" بقرصنة بعض المواقع الالكترونية التابعة للدولة اللبنانية الثلاثاء، احتجاجا على الوضع الحياتي والمعيشي.

ونشر القراصنة على صفحات المواقع الأولى صورة كاريكاتورية تظهر رجلا نحيلا (يمثل الشعب) يطعم رجلا بدينا وصف على أنه الحكومة.

وشرحت المجموعة على صفحات المواقع من تكون وما هدفها.

وقالت "إلى حكومتنا اللبنانية العزيزة. نحن "ارفع صوتك" ونحن مجموعة من الناس الذين لا يستطيعون تحمل البقاء في الصمت، ومشاهدة كل الجرائم والظلم في لبنان. لن نبقى ساكتين أو ننجر وراء إعلامكم. لن نتوقف حتى يتحرك الشعب اللبناني، ويطالب بحقوقه ويحصل عليها. لن نتوقف حتى يتم رفع معايير الحياة إلى حيث يجب أن تكون في لبنان. لن نتوقف حتى تحل الحكومة مشاكلها التي تفتعلها بنفسها مثل نقص الكهرباء والماء وارتفاع أسعار المحروقات وأسعار المواد الغذائية. نحن "ارفع صوتك"، توقعوا منا أن نكسر الصمت، إن على الطرقات أو على الانترنت. السكوت جريمة".

وفيما أشارت ال "MTV" إلى أن هذه المجموعة قامت بقرصنة موقع التلفزيون الالكتروني، نفت "ارفع صوتك" أي علاقة لها بقرصنة موقع الاذاعة.

وقد قامت المجموعة بجعل صفحتي موقع وزراة الطاقة والمياه سوداوين، مضاءين بمصباح، وعليهما رسالتين تقولان "الكهرباء مقطوعة" و"المي مقطوعة".

وهذه هي المواقع التي قامت هذه المجموعة بقرصنتها.
















تجدر الاشارة إلى أن المجموعة نفسها قامت بقرصنة بعض المواقع الرسمية في 2 آذار الماضي.

التعليقات 22
Default-user-icon El justiciero (ضيف) 07:59 ,2012 نيسان 17

Thank GOD! People Are Waking Up

Default-user-icon Rami (ضيف) 08:47 ,2012 نيسان 17

Someone on this forum has been praising the performance of the FPM ministers, he was saying that even during Hariri's time, they were the ones doing the best jobs. Guess who??? This someone will either recognize himself, or deny it as it looks like Alzheimer has started its effects on him. His initials are FT, a born loser.

Default-user-icon Joelle (ضيف) 09:31 ,2012 نيسان 17

As interesting as it is and as supportive as I am; I can only you guys are wise enough to do it right and not throw the country into the wind with big motto's and silly movements...

Fight through whoever represents you in parliament; if no one does (same as my case since I hate them all) then be wise to elect properly and direct your project in the sense of raising awareness amongst the Lebanese society to understand the importance of elections and select the right people for the job; not for the money or prestige but for the job!!

Good Luck

Default-user-icon lucy (ضيف) 09:54 ,2012 نيسان 17

Finally a group of people following a good cause not a leader with some personal interest!! LOVE what you guys did we got your back!

Default-user-icon mow (ضيف) 10:47 ,2012 نيسان 17

The websites brought down include:


Default-user-icon mow (ضيف) 10:48 ,2012 نيسان 17

The websites brought down include:

Thumb Captain 12:21 ,2012 نيسان 17

Great job! You should also hack the sites of the ministers or political parties and post their 'behind the scene' achievements.

Thumb lebneneh 13:03 ,2012 نيسان 17

At last someone has raised their voice in this cattle country!

Default-user-icon Ashrafieh late. (ضيف) 16:18 ,2012 نيسان 17

Good job guys ,
But during election vote for a program not persons or zu3ama at least when you vote for a program you can sanction the guy who does fulfill his promises and program but if you vote for zou3ama or leaders by buying your vote you will do the same mistake again
God bless Lebanon

Missing gcb1 18:59 ,2012 نيسان 17

This is actually sad. A group of people are united to raise everyday concerns of ALL Lebanese, and attacking issues that were created by ALL governments on BOTH sides of the political spectrum. And yet, you people still turn this into a M8 vs. M14. Honestly, the problem is the followers of those politicians that are doing this to the people.

If RYV was backed by M14, they would've said so. Man, they're only raising concerns, and yet people have the decency to bash them and say they're political agents? The violent, immature political culture of Lebanese has left no room for concerns to be heard, and that is the real underlying problem of Lebanon.

Missing gcb1 22:16 ,2012 نيسان 17

Is this the only sentence you caught on in the whole comment? The issues RYV is pointing out are issues that were brought on by all politicians on both sides. If RYV was merely an M14 movement, they would've deliberately accused only the CURRENT government's miscues and actions. But read closely, they are accusing long-standing issues that have haunted Lebanon since the days of the civil war.

Default-user-icon OH (ضيف) 19:25 ,2012 نيسان 17

I do hope people are waking up.

Down with M8 and M14 who have are busy with God knows what.

And thank God, there is no mention or demands for the usual BS issue of Palestine/Israel which is a total waste of time when it is not outright destructive.

Missing gcb1 20:28 ,2012 نيسان 17

I think it's safe to say that there are some honest officials on both sides that have good ideas for Lebanon. Unfortunately, they are unable to triumph in a corrupt environment, especially if the people show them little support and are stuck on ideological party lines.

Missing ulpianus 20:34 ,2012 نيسان 17

Being always against illegal actions, I cant but say this is nice. Yes they did not obtain anything beneficial out of their actions, directly, but just the fact they are putting the suffering of the Lebanese in the spotlight is an achievement in itself.

Default-user-icon هيلدا باشا (ضيف) 21:13 ,2012 نيسان 17

الحمد لله ارفعوا الصوت اعتقدت ان لبنان مات ولكن يبدو ان هناك امل

Missing samiam 21:56 ,2012 نيسان 17

Too bad no one actually goes to these websites, but you have to give them credit for trying to send a message (the power one was pretty cool). Politicians don't really give a crap about it though because the way the system is rigged in this country you can be a corrupt ineffective minister and still somehow find your way to a post because they know somebody.

Default-user-icon Yousefbeik (ضيف) 00:46 ,2012 نيسان 18

Where was this group during the father and son Hariri cabinet that spent over 50BILLION on nothing?? OOOOH they are a hariri funded group. I get it now... Sorry for asking LOL

Default-user-icon Yousefbeik (ضيف) 00:47 ,2012 نيسان 18

Neon!!! No one goes on the LF sites!! So why would it matter? LOL

Default-user-icon procrastinator (ضيف) 23:56 ,2012 نيسان 18

the sites seem to be back online though.. what happened?

Default-user-icon pictureperfect (ضيف) 23:38 ,2012 نيسان 28

at harriris time or not .. at least they are doing something about the people of the country.. they have the skills to hack and they are using it to try and persuade the gov to try to feel what the people are feeling.

who knows maybe they might "stop stealing and start giving" and possibly start to eliminate poverty within our beautiful country .. that is if they turn out not to be heartless.

god bless the people of Lebanon..

Default-user-icon Moe (ضيف) 07:16 ,2012 أيار 20

i hope who ever is doing it is a free person not a sheep belonging to 14 or 8 of march, coz lebanon needs more than civil war criminals to rule it again other wise its waste of time and energy

Default-user-icon Moe (ضيف) 07:18 ,2012 أيار 20

and for everyone who is balming the goverment for this , its not their fault ones b4 werent much better its the whole system we only got 2 choices and its time to have new decent educated ppl who doesnt run businesses for their own benifits and treat ppl equaly with just and fairness i hope one day what a shame ppl here show off " we are lebanese " while we must be ashamed of our selves for what we are doing until we do it right