نواب 14 آذار ينتقدون أداء الحكومة وبري يحذر بتمديد الجلسات الى السبت

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استئنفت الدورة الثالثة من جلسات المناقشة النيابية الاربعاء برئاسة رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري وتهجم نواب المعارضة من خلال كلماتهم على أداء الحكومة.

ومن أبرز المتكلمين عضو كتلة "المستقبل" النائب عمار حوري، الذي تساءل كيف "ستجري الانتخابات عام 2013 في ظل سلاح غير شرعي يصادر ارادة الناس بين ترهيب وترغيب". (في اشارة الى سلاح "حزب الله").

وقال "اذا سئلنا كيف خضتم انتخابات 2009 والسلاح كان موجوداً نقول ان تسوية الدوحة نصت على التعهد بعدم استخدام السلاح والعنف لتحقيق مكاسب سياسية".

ولفت حوري الى أن "الحكومة تدفع ثمن ولادتها غير الشرعية وضمن سياسة الكيدية يتم الاكثار في الحديث عن بطولات مزعومة بينما ينتقدون الحكومات السابقة باشخاص رؤسائها متناسين من تعاقب على مسؤولية حقائب معينة من فريقهم السياسي ليسجل هؤلاء الوزراء رقما قياسيا في الفجور السياسي".

بدوره قال عضو الكتلة نفسها النائب خضر حبيب، "نحتار عن ماذا سنتكلم وما اذا كان من داع للكلام، هل نسأل لماذا لم تقوموا بالانقلاب منذ زمن وجعلتم ننتظر كل هذا المدة كيف يكون مشروع انقاذ لبنان من المستنقع؟".

وتابع "لا احد يأخذ هذا الكلام على محمل الجد ونقول شكراً لكم على انقلابكم فانتم بإرادتكم توفرون على اللبنانيين عناء ان يتوهموا انه من الممكن ان يكون لـ8 آذار مشروعاً، اثبتم انكم لن تحملوا اي مشروع لبناء لبنان".

ولفت الى أن "الحكومة بسياستها الخارجية تقدم نموذجا سيئا وليس من احد نسي بعض السياسات الخاطئة التي قامت بها الحكومة في بلدان التي كادت ان تؤدي الى نتائج كارثية على اللبنانيين الموجودين هناك".

وأشار حبيب الى أن "ثمة الالاف مهددون بالترحيل من الخليج العربي نتيجة انهم يدفعون غياب الرشد الدبلوماسي فهذه الحكومة يبدو انها لا يمكن ان تصل الى حد البلوغ لا اليوم ولا بعد سنوات".

من جهته قال عضو كتلة "القوات اللبنانية" النئب انطوان ابو خاطر أن "كل فريق في الحكومة يريد ان تكون الحصص له ولكل فريقه وجماعته".

وأردف قائلاً "ثمة انقسام في البلد وحدثت اغتيالات واتى ما اتى بعدها من تحاليل"، وأسف أن يكون هناك "فريق مع الدولة والمؤسسات والاخر مع مؤسساته الامنية".

وفي مستهل الجلسة الاربعاء، قال رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري "اذا لم يسحب احد من النواب كلمته، فإنني مضطر لعقد جلسة يوم السبت قبل الظهر وبعده".

في حين كان قد طلب بري من جميع الاطراف اعادة النظر في طالبي الكلام، بدءاً بكتلته، لتأمين انتهاء الجلسة مساء غد الخميس، الذي أعلن أن 20 نائبا تعاقبوا على الكلام منذ بدء الجلسات الثلاثاء.

وبقي على لائحة طالبي الكلام لليومين الثاني والثالث 53 نائباً، اضافة الى رد الحكومة على المداخلات.

التعليقات 28
Missing peace 13:46 ,2012 نيسان 18

FPM deliberately forget that their friend from M8 shared and ruled lebanon along with rafic hariri... and only blame M14 for all the problems = typical coward behavior.
FPM forgets that aoun said the corruption system was put in place by the syrians and ALL the MPs and ministers had to participate or else DIE... = typical alzheimer behavior...
FPM forgets that M14 had the courage to go against syria when they left but M8 thanked them for all the problems syria did to lebanon... = typical stockholm syndrom...
FPM forgets that rafic hariri got killed right after he said no to the syrians and even the puppet said that the syrians were the killers = again typical alzheimer behavior...

Thumb kesrweneh 14:11 ,2012 نيسان 18

Nice one peace but hear this:
Harriri and co were PM and had the major posts such as the ministry of finance so they are hen one top be blamed: if a ship sinks you blame its captain not the sailors, nor the passengers.
FPM is M14 since 1989 back then Harriri was PM and was Syria n1 one man, but when the Syrian occupation ended we were bound to make peace with our neighbors
Rafic Harriri got killed after he said no to the Syrians but before that he was their n1 one man and he did all their dirty work, so should we forget or just forgive?

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 15:53 ,2012 نيسان 18

Hariri might have been their #1 man ... but your Aoun is currently their #1 man (using the term man very loosly here). For that it is very soon for us to either forgive nor forget he direct switch. ba3den before you run and make peace with your neighbors (nazzalteli dame3ti) let your neighbors return all the Lebanese prisoners they have in their jails and let them apologize for the madabe7 they did in Lebanon during their time of occupation.

Missing peace 16:23 ,2012 نيسان 18

oh then i guess your sense of justice make all the hariris ministers that are now M8 innocent of corruption because only one man is to blame... they were just passive and victims? ROFL
funny sense of justice you have... M8 double standards as usual...

Missing peace 16:24 ,2012 نيسان 18

funny how reminding you the facts make you aggressive and impolite... typical of a man who cannot assume and finds no arguments to defend himself....

Thumb bigsami 18:39 ,2012 نيسان 18

Peace actually complemented you Candle thrower....he called you a 'man" but little does h knows that you are anything but a man.

Missing peace 13:47 ,2012 نيسان 18

FPM forgets that they blocked the political life by shutting down the parliament preventing any urgent reforms to be implemented and now accuse M14 of having done nothing = typical hypocrit behavior...
FPM forgets their chief was an ally of the USA, praising the USA and spitting on syria and now they do the contrary = typical opportunist and coward behavior...
i suggest to the FPM to go and get checked by shrinks....

Thumb kesrweneh 14:14 ,2012 نيسان 18

the parliament was blocked for less then a year what about the other 5 years? why didn't they present their budget and their accounts?
GMA was not a friend of USA remember they were the one who kicked him out of Baabda and replaced him by their puppet Rafic Harriri, he was friend with some of the american politicians, and he only became friend with Syria AFTER they ended their occupation (typical war hero behavior, remember DeGaulle, Cesar...)

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 16:00 ,2012 نيسان 18

Sorry ... I really tried holding back ... WTF are you talking about War Hero?! This is a typical coward behavior ... this regime has killed Lebanese citizens ... Lebanese officers who were executed by them ... I was tortured by them for 3 days ... many others were nto as lucky as I was.
War HERO!!!!! lik roo7o ma ahbal minkon illa yalli byemshe ma3kon ... cowards following a coward.
W seriously ... you are comparing Aoun to Cesar??? what next?? Jesus?? or God??? msateel walla!

Missing peace 16:25 ,2012 نيسان 18

"what about the other 5 years?" ohhh you d better then refresh your memory and look what happened during those years....

Missing peace 16:27 ,2012 نيسان 18

"you ally yourselves with the worst kind of foreign fundamentalists"

oh? funny argument forgetting that you main ally is allied with an islamic republic and call themselves "islamic resistance" and not lebanese resistance....they pledge allegiance to an fundamentalist country not to lebanon...

i wonder who is the idiot if not you....

Missing peace 13:50 ,2012 نيسان 18

and finally FPM forgets that they used to bark at their current allies for allying with syria and called the hezb a terrorist party only good at blocking lebanon
and now they praise the very same they used to accuse of preventing lebanon to move forward...

i guess because their leaders have big bank accounts now.....

Thumb kesrweneh 14:17 ,2012 نيسان 18

our current allies and ennemies were all at some point Assad minions: Harriri for 15 years, geagea for 5 years, Gemayel for 6 years...now that the Syrian occupation has ended their are new rules: no to Salafis weather Saoudi or 2ekhwan, no to Israel and US domination... and most certainly no to those who stole your money for years aka HArriri family

Missing allouchi 14:47 ,2012 نيسان 18

Vive la France....HAHAHA

Missing peace 16:20 ,2012 نيسان 18

oh, no money stole by berry frangieh wahhab lahoud and co? funny guy kesrweneh , soooo funny how you suddenly forget parts of the facts!!!!

Default-user-icon NoSense (ضيف) 08:08 ,2012 نيسان 19

agreed no to any of those occupiers .. but your forgetting another one .. or do all M8 always forget to mention no to Iranian and shi3a domination.

ONE STATE. ONE MILITARY INSTITUTE. ONE LEBANON. Thats the only thing we need. forget ALL these politicians. but we still need a ONE UNIFIED STAND.

Missing peace 16:18 ,2012 نيسان 18

funny how M8 supporters twist the facts to satisfy their lack of courage to assume that they are part of the pb lebanon is facing...

typical reaction of coward populists....

Thumb bigsami 18:48 ,2012 نيسان 18

Peace don't waste your time with those easily conditioned no thanks to a limited education and background. I'm quite surprised they actually are capable to operate a PC let alone post messages here.... :-)

Missing peace 16:32 ,2012 نيسان 18

oh by the way FT: if sinioura is guilty of theft why don t you produce evidence to accuse him instead of barking and throuwing the blame on him?
courts of justice exixt in lebanon so why don t your friends sue him and bring evidence???
i am not against bringing him to justice if he s guilty, but if M8 truly seek for justice then they shall also bring thefts in their own ranks and stop blaming the others !!

this is what normal people do when they are sure of themselves and don t bark like you and your friends to try to look like bulldogs when only chiwawas....

Missing allouchi 17:26 ,2012 نيسان 18

Aansou what a joke...Allah yiqnsak enti wi weh...you are becoming stupider by the second..FT "qansou in parliament, uncovered" you can't possibly believe that...he reminds me of "zanga zanga" LOL

Thumb jabal10452 17:32 ,2012 نيسان 18

FT: I want our country to be strong and independent with a government that is able to think about Lebanon first and last. I want the Syrian stranglehold on the country to End. In my mind the Syrian occupation of Lebanon never ended. In my mind, Syria's supreme goal is to swallow Lebanon and digest it. They killed Bachir and Gebran and so many bright and promising people. They have their clients in our Parliament and in our government: Hezbollah, Aoumieh, Baath, you name it. To me, this is the core issue. We cannot independently make foreign policy decisions: They have to be OK:ed by Damascus. Heck we can't even form a government without endless shuttles to Damascus. I admit that the Syrian's influence is somewhat degraded (they have so many issues to deal with at home), but I accuse Hezbollah of being a direct extension of Syria's chockehold on the country. Large areas of the country are under the direct control of Hezbollah's gunmen. Is this natural? How can you accept this?

Thumb jabal10452 17:32 ,2012 نيسان 18

Please don't hit me with the argument that many of the M14:s where also sitting in Syria's lap at one point in the past, because I agree with with you on this one: everybody at some point did business with the Syrians. Some due sheer lack of spine and some because they needed to survive under the occupation. So how do we make Lebanon a normal country, a country for all its citizens? I don't want Lebanon to be part of the "Axis of Resistance", nor do I want Lebanon to become a Beduin country, nor an American or french protectorate. Just Lebanon. I keep looking at the many years that so many of us invested in this vision and we're not even close to it. How are we going to get there?

Missing helicopter 22:07 ,2012 نيسان 18

Well said jabal.

Missing allouchi 21:09 ,2012 نيسان 18

Are you and kesrweneh the same person???

Thumb shab 21:42 ,2012 نيسان 18

filthy Persian militia

Default-user-icon John Williams (ضيف) 23:34 ,2012 نيسان 18

This is what Lebamese politics is all about. An exercise in futily. Arabs are primitive . Incapable of clear thinking, Factional bickerers. SALAFISTS ARE CORRECT DEMOCRACY DOES NOT SUIT ISLAM. So you should whine, point fingers and complain. It is no wonder that the British, Americans, Israelis and Billionaire thieves find it so easy to manipulate you.Truth.

Missing ReaLeb 03:43 ,2012 نيسان 19

jabal10452, you da man!!!!!

Default-user-icon Snatch (ضيف) 15:00 ,2012 نيسان 19

can t stop laughing me head off.
the best i have ever read on naharnet.
Aoun is a War hero.
Are we talking about Speedy gonzales who made the runner to the french embassy????
A war hero !!!!
Keserweneh ,good job, keep us entertained.