14 آذار ترد على باسيل: نحذر من الاستخفاف بمحاولة اغتيال جعجع
Read this story in Englishحذرت الامانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار من التعاطي باستخفاف بملف محاولة اغتيال رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، رداً على كلام وزير الطاقة والمياه جبران باسيل الذي أعلن "ما دامت القضية في دائرة جعجع ومعلوماته وأخباره، فلنا الحق في أن نشكّك إلى حين إثبات العكس".
وفي بيان صادر عن الامانة، التي حذرت "الدولة اللبنانية بكل تراتبيتها الدستورية، بدءاً من فخامة رئيس الجمهورية (ميشال سليمان) وصولاً الى الجسم القضائي مروراً بالوزير المذكور (أي باسيل)، من التعاطي باستخفاف بملف محاولة اغتيال جعجع. حيث لا تخفى على أحد الغايات والأهداف السياسية من وراء محاولة الإغتيال هذه".
وكان باسيل وفي حديثه الى صحيفة "الاخبار" الاثنين، قال "كلامهم عن الاغتيالات ككلامهم عن البواخر ومقدّمي الخدمات. والخوف الأكبر هو أن يكون هذا الكلام لتبرير عمليات اغتيالات يُعدّ لها كما حصل بعد عام 2005".
وتابع "كلما كانوا يريدون إمرار أمر ما تحدث عملية اغتيال. وكون القضية صادرة عن جعجع وتدور حوله، تخوّفنا أكثر. فهو الذي أعلنها، وهو الذي أطلع الرأي العام على الرصاصات".
وشدد، قائلاً "حين يعطي الجهاز الأمني تحقيقاته لكل حادث حديث. لكن ما دامت القضية في دائرة جعجع ومعلوماته وأخباره، فلنا الحق في أن نشكّك إلى حين إثبات العكس"
وتعرض جعجع لمحاولة اغتيال في الرابع من نيسان على يد قناصة في مقره في معراب والتحقيقات لا تزال جارية لكشف الفاعلين.
A killer wouldn't have taken 6 months to spray 3 shots so poorly. They would have established tendencies and made a more serious attempt. Snipers are trained and disciplined. This "assassination" effort wasn't even amateurish. So Bassil is correct to suggest waiting for the results of an official investigation. This is really quite obvious.
The son-in-law sure knows how to steal, lie, and kill. Like father-in-law, like son-in-law.
Bassil is being coached by his Father-in-law to carry the legacy of saying more non sense. What a sad bunch.
Bassil can talk this way because those who shoot the assassin's weapons are his patrons.
How would Thibran speek if he were the guy in the cross hairs? We will never know because M14 does not resort to this sort of thing. If he fears that the 2005 assassination rash will return at the hands of the M14, this is an incredible statement. Is he under the illusion that M14 ordered the assassination of its best and brightest people? Is this it? The victim is the suspect and Aoun and Hezbollah were merely the observers on teh sidelines as M14 set about the process of self liquidation? What kind of infantile talk is this?
And yes, the reports from Miraab come from Geagea. As most assassinations go, only the shooter and his victim are aware of event. Usually the shot hits its mark and the assassin does not speak. But he missed and the victim has spoken. Deny the bullets that were found. And stop obstructing the investigation and we will see what we will see.
ents like that? it shows how he doesnt care about human lives... iGebran can talk like that because M14 is so weak. Gebran is the killer's slave. the killer is so powerful that gebran can unfortunately get away with such comments. Do you people realize that despite all the human losses in M14, Gebran can still make statemf he was a good person/politician he would have the decency to SHUT UP because he knows perfectly that his masters killed every single M14 official
yes beiruti, it seems that M8 arrived in lebanon only this year and were not here before and never participated in all what happened in the country: their logic is:
- M14 killed M14 people.
- all the economic pb is from M14 as they never participated in any gvt since 1992!
- syria was in lebanon for the good of the country and how could M14 kick them out as they were so nice and generous to the country!
- they are the good and M14 the evil, they are victims only and M14 are the bad guys.
in one word : a typical george bush junior logic...
I wonder if any of his followers actually support his statements that somehow assume that M14 is killing its own leaders in order to pass laws.
Kindly take it as an honest question. I am just curious about the matter.
oh FT what an argument you have! so just ONE minister is responsible for everything? a whole gvt and no one ever did a thing to prevent that? if i recall you had M8 ministers at the time... no one resigned to protest against what you are saying? strange isn t it? or were they so weak or afraid of that minister? even hezb did nt ask their friends to resign like under the M14 gvt? oh... come on and think a little bit beyond what your orange puppet tells you to say...
until 2005 who resigned from your M8 friends to denounce what you pretend? read more carefully next time instead of reading what arranges you... who stole the country from 1992 till 2005 if not your friends the syrians as aoun said before and M8 people along with other M14 ?
stop your denial....
The killer, assassin, plotter has been "One" since "day 1". And Bassil is on the side of killers. I know FPM is not doing the killing, but it provides political coverage for all the killings since 2005.
So Bassil, you are rejected by your own people in Batroun, you couldn't even win a PM seat. If it wasn't for your father-in-law's insistence on making you a minister or else all hell break loose, you won't qualify to be a doorman!!
Bassil you little pip-squeak. You should keep your mouth shut... If a gun went off near you or your demented general you would both die of fear.
I am schocked by the level of ignorance in my beloved country Lebanon. I am neither for M14 nor for M8 but I must admit that the remarks coming from M8 followers are pure ignorance. Please wake up and look outside the box which your lunatic leader has put you in.
FT, thought you were brighter than this, to cut a long story short, all ministers and all MPs take bribes. I'll just add an important one on top of the finance ministry, how about public works? that's a biggy i guess, any issue in the government that requires a permit or approval, will only go with bucks under the table, or a healthy commission.
Your great lessons are as usual....pathetic.