الحكومة تخفض وزن ربطة الخبز وتقر آلية اقتراع المغتربين في انتخابات الـ2013
Read this story in Englishأقر مجلس الوزراء في جلسته الاربعاء آلية اقتراع المغتربين في الانتخابات البرلمانية عام 2013، وتخفيض وزن ربطة الخبز الى 900 غرام مع ابقاء السعر ذاته.
وخلال الجلسة التي عقدت صباح الاربعاء في بعبدا برئاسة رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، أقرت الحكومة آلية اقتراع المغتربين في انتخابات الـ2013 على ان تتم مناقشة التفاصيل في جلسة أخرى الاسبوع القادم.
وأكد سليمان على ضرورة اجراء الانتخابات النيابية في موعدها مهما كان الثمن وأكد أهمية التعالي عن أي مصلحة من أجل مصلحة لبنان وأكد أهمية مشاركة المغتربين في الانتخابات.
بدوره شدد رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي على ضرورة الاسراع في انجاز مشروع قانون الانتخاب علما ان الحكومة لا تتحمل وحدها مسؤولية ذلك لان مجلس النواب سيكون له الكلمة الفصل.
وأشار الى اهمية التواصل مع اللبنانيين في دول الاغتراب وحثهم على الاستمرار في التواصل في وطنهم الأم.
وقرر مجلس الوزراء أيضاً خفض وزن ربطة الخبز الى 900 غرام مع الابقاء على سعرها 1500 ليرة لبنانية.
وكان اتحاد نقابات اصحاب الافران في لبنان قد أعلن الاتفاق مع وزير الاقتصاد نقولا نحاس، معلناً "الاتفاق قضى بتسليم الافران طن الطحين بـ440 الف ليرة لبناني بدلا من 510 الاف ليرة اي ان الدعم هو بمعدل 70 الف ليرة للطن".
وتطرق سليمان الى مرسوم الـ8900 مليار ليرة واقترح اعادة صياغته وارساله الى مجلس النواب. وأكد انه لم يتم التوقف عن دفع رواتب الموظفين لاي سبب كان.
وطلب من وزير المال محمد الصفدي، خلال جلسة الوزراء في بعبدا الاربعاء، الاستمرار بدفع الرواتب والاجور وملاحقتها. وتمت الموافقة على زيادة التعريفات الطبية والاستشفائية.
ودعا ميقاتي الى عقد جلستين الاسبوع المقبل، الاولى بعد ظهر 2 ايار في السراي الحكومي والثانية بعد ظهر 3 أيار في القصر الجمهوري في بعبدا.
Mabrouk exapts now you can finally vote, only problem is, Harriri won't have to offer his supporters free rides back to the country. Tahnk you FPM and allies
This is the biggest news in the past few years....and they bundle it with 3 other stories?!
We demand a full explanation to this law for Expats to vote (from their residing countries).
Bye Bye M8 and their corrupt thugs, The executive branch is just implementing what M14 worked hard to pass and your foreign minister tried so hard to block....regardless, this is a historic day for Lebanon and bye bye M8.
What do you do for a living ya FT? Seems to me like you collect broken records, and spend your time copy pasting the same old propaganda...
I will refrain to contradict your pathetic lies, I have done it too many time especially on this topic. You have zero credibility and you're the only one convinced of your pathetic arguments. At least Jabal amel was entertaining...you're boring! Get a life dude! So long!
I said it already... too many times...but you're brainwashed my friend...and you think you can get others to follow you...well...nope! ;)
M8 supporters seem to think that this issue is only discussed by this gvt and nothing was done before...
again twisting facts to make people believe that they are the only ones to do something... soooo funny!!!!
Homeless (friendless) Pebble Thrower....I found the place where you will be accepted and maybe find some friends... www.english.moqawama.org now go away!
I'm expecting a "thank you" reply!
ya FT, even during M14 reign, the foreigh minister was from Haraket Amal, he had all the time in world (as you said) to legalize expatriates voting, why didn't he? When you present an argument don't hide some facts hoping that everyone else won't notice and will believe you. We are not dumb. Yesterday GMA was saying that expatriates voting isn't worth it, in fact it is the president who made this whole thing happen.
hahaha.. poor FT always denying truth... to refresh your alzheimer memory once again:
the expats were granted the right to vote in parliamentary elections in 2008 – and were told that the process wasn’t ready for them in time for the polls that took place the following year.
The Foreign Ministry submitted to the former Cabinet a report in 2009 on the feasibility of out-of-country voting and apparently it was negative.
Baroud then studied the feasability and said that there were no obstacles and even studies by EU an UN were made to amount the costs per embassy..
and each time who blocked anything to be done? amal s ministers...your allies no? and now you boast that you are the first cabinet to do something? soooo funny...
FT, 90% (remember Jumblat) and this is why the Butcher Assad is threatning Lebanon now!
There are talks about attempts not to allow easy access to Lebanese abroad so they eliminate the numbers of voters, whether it is done on purpose or the lack of organizations within the embassies staff. Aoun continues talk about that abroad people are not interested is a big lie or cover for their attempt to have it failed.
FT...I am not pro any political party or person in Lebanon.. I ve been living overseas for a while and never voted in any election..but this time I will.. I am voting for the lesser of two evils...I will support anybody against ur devil Hizbiran..ur Hizb of thug will still wanna control lebanon with his weapons even if they loose the elections...nevertheless, losing the election will be a big blow to the morale of this M8-Fia ( if they have any morale!)..but will be just the start... many people here feel the same way
Why don't we give credit where credit is due? This government actually approved the mechanism. Government approval is essential for the mechanism to be implemented. So, grudgingly, well done and thank you. Just make sure to see it through.
Nicely said FT.
I still have yet to see any replies other than @jabal10452 that has any worth.
Kudos to M14 for starting the process and Kudos to M-8 for finishing. It is a good thing and both sides can get credit for it (it really does not matter who gets the credit part o it, or most of it). What is important is that a good thing has happened and lets be happy about it and stop the sniping.