14 آذار: فريق حزب الله - عون مسؤول عن شحن الأجواء لحساب النظام السوري
Read this story in Englishحملت قوى 14 آذار فريق "حزب الله-عون (رئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب ميشال عون) "مسؤولية شحن الأجواء لا سيما لحساب "النظام السوري المترنح"، مؤكدة أنها ستتحرّك تحت عنوان حماية سلام لبنان وذلك بكل الأشكال الديموقراطية.
وشدّدت القوى بعد اجتماعها أمانتها العامة الدوري الأربعاء على "تواصل اللبنانيين في ما بينهم لبناء سدّ منيع في وجه التلاعب بالمصير الوطني، معتبرة أن "السلطة مسؤولة عن لعب دورها في منع الفريق المذكور من جرّ البلاد إلى الفتنة".
وذكرت الأمانة العمة أن قوى الرابع عشر من آذار وفي مؤتمرها بتاريخ 14 آذار 2012، أطلقت دعوة في سبيل عمل لبناني مشترك لبناء سلام لبنان.
وفي هذا السياق، تابعت القوى اليوم أن "بعد هذه الدعوة بشهر ونيّف أتى الردّ تهديداً بتجديد الحرب الأهلية، وكانت جلسات المجلس النيابي الأسبوع الماضي مسرحاً لهذا التهديد الذي سمعه اللبنانيون عبر الشاشات".
وأشارت إلى أن "نواب 8 آذار والعونيون في مقدمتهم عبروا عن هذا التهديد بوضوح، في دعوتهم الصريحة المباشرة إلى إستنفار العصبيّات الطائفية، وفي إحيائهم مشروع حلف الأقليات ضد الأكثرية".
"وقد واكب نواب "حزب الله" هذا التهديد العونيّ بتصعيد بشأن أبدية السلاح الذي بات اللبنانيون على إختلاف إنتماءاتهم يعتبرونه مصدر خطر على العيش المشترك وعلى قيام الدولة وعلى أمن البلاد واستقرارها وسلمها".
وبالتالي، رأت الأمانة العامة أن "هذا الردّ على الدعوة إلى بناء سلام لبنان، يعني أن الفريق الذي ربط مصيره بمصير نظام على طريق السقوط، يجد في تجديد الحرب الأهلية سبيلاً إلى الخروج من أزمته على حساب لبنان واللبنانيين".
الى ذلك، أكدت قوى 14 آذار أن "التهديد بالحرب الأهلية لا يمكن أن يمرّ"، داعية إلى "إستنهاض لبناني عام دفاعاً عن سلام لبنان".
يشار الى أن مجلس النواب عقد جلسات مناقشة عامة على مدى ثلاثة أيام بدأت في 17 نيسان، شن فيها نواب المعارضة حملة واسعة على حكومة الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي.
so everytime FPM will talk about accountability regarding the dark Rafic HArriri era The Sunnis and 14M in general will talk about "The session helped regain memories of the dark chapter of Lebanon’s history, which those two political blocs have resorted to in order to threaten the country’s future,”
What a brilliant analyst you are...yet M14 is not in the government and has no weight on its output. hmmm...di3ank fina...wasting your talents. We are not worthy of your insights!
Harriri's era is a million times better than your so called Party of God aka the "Party of Dissinformation and Lies" nightmare era! At least Harriri didn't cause the death of 1200 civilians, the oblitiration of the airport, 70 bridges, infrastructure, etc, etc, etc...keep eating your oranges!
@ LiesThrower, you have a majority in both houses and thus can pass any piece of legislation you want. If you can't convince your allies to vote with you, that is your problem. You've rigged the chess board to your advantage yet you still can't manage to win! Instead of questioning the intelligence of your player, you blame his opponent. How moronic is that?
Guys keep the debate professional! Bandoul. You really believe that M14 cannot delay anything? Did you watch the electricity episode? No decision could be taken because of (or you would say thanks to) them? Read about the constitution and then we can talk...
so funny FT... easy to block the gvt for 6 years and then saying they didn t work!!!
hypocrisy at its best!!!
"PS: i'm enjoying your weak posts."
yeah that s why each time i send you links or evidence of your lies you never have the courage to anwser back...
and just go back to the facts and you ll see that your friends blocked the previous gvt from doing any reforms... but no use of wasting my time because you always deny the facts...
in the previous gvt you blocked everything, any reforms to be done, no budget could be voted, ministers resigned but still went to their offices, hezb made a fatwa forbidding any chias to replace the resigning ministers: you don t call that blocking the gvt? the parliament was closed, economy was destroyed in 2006 thanks to your hezbi friends...
and you boast that they didn t do anything? of course M8 didn t want them to do anything...
stop your hypocrisy and be honest for once....
Flamet is aperson with issues... let him make comments on whatever he wants cuz whatever u say it will never change.. these hizb and aoun supporters r all like this.. They look straight no matter whats left of right...if nasrallah comes up and says the sky is greeen then thats it, every1 supporting him will believe it is..same goes to aoun.the aouns get bribe easily and cheaply... i told u before and ill tell u again m8 will go down will go down in history as bunch of idiots wannabe..
Yet smuggling weapons from Iran to your party of terror is perfectly legal. Keep it up...we're on to your double standards.
Produce the legal document that authorizes your Party of God aka the "Party of Lies and Disinformation" to smuggle and possess weapons or kindly do not open your mouth anymore because nothing truthful ever comes out of it. You just lie and lie and lie.
Schooled? wow, the talent on this forum is blinding. You guys should be lawyers and politicians and not wasting your time on us ignoramus fools....
The day you learn what the word "schooled" means is the day I bow to you. All you and your cronies are good for is spreadind lies and disinformation and livning on Mars, you get A+++ for that and nothing else.
@ FT, liar liar pants on fire...Your so called Party of God aka the "Party of Lies and Disinformation" caused the WAR not Israel. You will lie thru your teeth because that is all you know, lies and deception till the end. Your problem is that we are not stupid enough to be led like sheep.
You can't debate the facts so you resort to insults. I feel sorry for you and I pity you. Deny that your Hassouna didn't say "If I knew it would have caused all this, I wouldn't have done it" Get a life you liar!
Bandoul ya bandoul. Israel themselves admitted they were preparing for this war for ages... and they lost it!
Now you think hezbollah forced them to admit such facts? He terrorized them?
2 soldiers only 2 soldiers were taken... to negotiate the liberation of 1000s of others who were deprived from their basic rights :)
@ reformist, ok I will play your game. Who authorized your Party of God aka the "Party of Lies and Disinformation" to take any solider from any military, friend or foe? Fact: NOT THE LEGITIMATE LEBANESE GOVERNMENT! In fact, NO ONE LEGITIMATE! Everything after that is BS and you can't admit that to yourself because you would rather cut off your own nose to spite your own face rather than admit you are wrong. The Israelis lost? Really? Countless loss of Lebanese lives, destroyed infrastructure, ruined economy and the ISRAELIS LOST IT? Keep drinking Kool-Aid, you're beyond being taught anything.
flame you are doing it again, always in denial. unlike lebanon israel and all western countries hold the saftey of their citizens above all considerations, so yes i do believe this caused the war.. to say israel has been preparing for this war is another example of your choice to only use part of the information that best helps you sleep at night. Israel is constantly on the state of high alert thanks to the unprovoked agression by that illigimate child lebanon unfortunatley has inherited called hezb. and before you start spinning your BS about them if you feel and any other lebanese feel strongly about the palestinian cause that much you should apply for a visa to gaza and do something about it.
Slash! This is a proof? lol You would be a good lawyer to the TSL! The best actually!
Proofs are facts, just like M14 was not able to bring one single datapoint in the parliament... What would be more credible? Your story or thinking mmm 'the poor gangster of maarab just paid some people to shoot from far and create some noise while he was having a drink inside... I mean come on guys : he really bent to pick a flower at the very moment he was shot??? hahaha and and and look at this : M14 say the shooter was such a professional! Imagine he is from Hezbollah you really think that ba3ba3 bending would have made them miss the shot??? WAKE UP :)
I like the articulate part ;)
just like for the TSL. No valid data point...
What I love most is geagea bending to take a flower and God saved him! May he be blessed and still believe he can make it to president!
Ladies, Gents:
Let's stop being foolish and base our accusations on pure facts. I would be the first the accept accusation against 8 in case they are not based on speculations.
But come on accusing m8 of wanting to kill geagea just because he happened to be out when super professional shooters tried to kill him and guess what? These shooters missed him simply because he was bending??? Such a well-prepared act would fail au nom de la rose? :)
I thought lebanese people are the smartest... Well well well...
Bandoul please teach me facts. I am all ears... real facts just like anyone would expect
Fact number one: The weapons in the hands of the Party of God are illegitimate. Period, the end! Not open for discussion or interpretation until such a time a legal and binding paragraph in the Constitution or the Taef Accord shows otherwise no matter how many lies are told to obfuscate the truth.
rudes: the facts are if any gvt tries to disarm the hezb or declare it illegal, the hezb will take arms against it as in 2008! that s a fact not an opinion! it is called taking a country hostage by threat...
this also is another example of you choice to only use part of the story that helps you sleep at night, man you must sleep like a baby:). Firstly if we were run by a government that was under house arrest by syria and didn't have any say in their own affairs this does not constitute consent, but rather duress. also this period does not represent m14 so get your story straight. M14 was born out of a new direction for lebanon in line with a democratic process. Agai after Syria left hezb was too powerful to disarm by force as this risked civil war, and we know all about the democratic process your opposition followed during that period do't we. did anyone say veto? If you support hezb weapons then this legitimises everyone having weapons, we are just going back to aouns initial stance of one country one armed forces, but he doesn't support that now does he? so i guess he relies on people like yourself to justify this for him.
The glorious party of God is nothing more then an Irianian payed gunmen... Even the Rat king does not bother to deny it.
The brave defenders of Hizbullah think it natural to live under the so called protection of a foreign militia, what a joke!
The Party of crap, that so many people make fun of, is a foreign militia who's only purpose is serving Iran. Go make your speeches of how benign Hizbullah is to the famalies of the Lebanese they murdered.
Your beloved militia needs to come up with a new line. "Defending Lebanon from Israel" is worn to rags. Especially since Hzb invited the Isrealies back into Lebanon in 2006. I am sure you remember The Party of Gods last Glorious victory... Funny, I thought in a victory you advanced into your enemy's country and defeated them?
The only coward that stays at home hiding (in an underground hole) is Nasrallah.
Rudes: the international community considers your hezbollah a terrorist organization and theres no post of yours or flameboy that can change that. its only allies are the iranian regime, syrian regime, and chavez maybe. Day by day your hezbullah heros are losing support from the lebanese community, come to lebanon and see instead of hiding behind your computer abroad. and Flameboyblower, dont be too happy with the expatiots voting because its going to be a huge loss on your side if your boys dont fix the results as they are planning on doing with the "mechanism"
This is a very good point, that you make. And I am beginning to agree with it. As more info is coming out we are seeing that many people are guilty of flipping around on this issue. It is causing more secterian problems for us. As it is said "there is no angels in hell."