شاب اطلق النار ابتهاجا في سعدنايل فأردى والده

Read this story in English W460

توفي المواطن سعيد القصاب الملقب بالبدري من عرب سعدنايل مواليد 1960، فجر الاثنين متأثرا بجراحه بعدما أصيب بطلق ناري.

وفي التفاصيل، انه وخلال وجود القصاب وولده في عرس في البلدة حاول الاخير اطلاق النار ابتهاجا، فاراد والده ردعه الا انه انطلق من مسدسه رصاصة عن طريق الخطأ فاصاب القصاب اصابة خطرة نقل على اثرها الى المستشفى اللبناني-الفرنسي، وما لبث ان توفي فجرا متاثرا بجراحه.

وفي البقاع أيضا، أطلق مجهول النار في شتورا ليل الأحد على واجهة محلات عفيش لأسلحة الصيد، مما أدى إلى انهيار الواجهة بالكامل.

والتحقيقات جارية لمعرفة الفاعلين.

التعليقات 22
Thumb shab 10:25 ,2012 نيسان 30

Primitive inbreed sect

Thumb Bandoul 15:58 ,2012 نيسان 30

@shab, I usually agree with your posts but this one insults an entire group of people and is not a nice thing to say or do...you are better than that and we as a group are better than people like FT, rudes, mowaten etc...so please let's not sink to their level. Focus on Hzb el Kzb & Terror, they are the problem.

Thumb Bandoul 18:00 ,2012 نيسان 30

@rudes, not sure who you are calling a dummy but if you stop starring at yourself in the mirror long enough, the problem will go away fairly quickly. If you even go just a bit further and consider getting a job, earning some money and paying your bills, you might even start to love yourself and feel a little smarter when you look in the mirror the next time. Your manner however will continue to leave something to be desired but hey, baby steps right? Gotta crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run...ok, now go play outside, grown-ups are talking.

Thumb Bandoul 18:07 ,2012 نيسان 30

@mowaten IRANI, it has been a while since I've had the displeasure of correcting you like the errant spoiled child that you are but I guess it was going to happen sooner or later. Listen, your masters in Iran are creating an internet which is FREE of western influence, porn and politics. I am sure you are going to love it when you start posting from there. Until then, please spare us your BS and sanctimonious sarcasm et Bon voyage, ok 3ammo?

Missing ReaLeb 22:41 ,2012 نيسان 30

bandoul, u da man. Your words are nice to hear especially on this site.

Thumb shab 11:59 ,2012 أيار 02

sect is not a religion so it's only their family

Default-user-icon eli (ضيف) 14:15 ,2012 نيسان 30

They realy need to stop these celebrations.Haram his own son killed him.alla yerhamo.maybe now it will sink in that these customs are very dangerous.

Thumb jabal10452 16:19 ,2012 نيسان 30

What's wrong? Budgetary problems forcing the hizb to cut down on training in safe weapon handling? When someone can't manage to fire in the air without hitting someone then it is time for hassouna to get on the horn and signal "teheran, we have a problem".

Thumb jabal10452 17:25 ,2012 نيسان 30

Wlek uuuff shou bek bidall msakkar rasak? It a joke, laugh a little and make fun of the LF the next time. That's OK. I won't freak out!

Thumb geha 16:56 ,2012 نيسان 30

all that matters in these events and so many others like this, is the fact that the spread of weapons in lebanon is high and mostly in the hands of people who should not be having weapons.
as long as hizbushaitan is keeping their weapons, we will see more and more people arming themselves....

Thumb jabal10452 17:30 ,2012 نيسان 30

Guns are everywhere regardless of political affiliation. The problem is that it is hard to convince people to give up their weapons while hezbelwhatever have guns pointed at everybody. And Mowaten, spare me the "resistance" argument.

Missing peace 21:42 ,2012 نيسان 30

i don t have any...and proud of it

Default-user-icon tanous (ضيف) 17:37 ,2012 نيسان 30

Wow poor family, really tragic... this kid musta been aouni to do something as stupid as this

Default-user-icon tanous (ضيف) 17:46 ,2012 نيسان 30

Wow so sad, realy tragic..... this pkid musta been aouni to do some thing so stupid

Default-user-icon Observer (ضيف) 18:05 ,2012 نيسان 30

Have you guys ever thought about meeting up somewhere? seriously comments take no directions in many times here. Criticizing the latest parliament session... hello?? Don't we all agree that firing into the air on occasions is a silly habit in Lebanon? Period

Thumb Bandoul 18:11 ,2012 نيسان 30

Stop starring at your reflection. Just imagine how you would feel for one second if you accidentally killed someone you love you douche! Nevermind, it would imply 3indak e7sess...

Thumb jabalamel 19:27 ,2012 نيسان 30

it's all one idiot, under 100 nicknames, from occupied palestine, a stinking jew pretending to be lebanese

Thumb jabalamel 19:28 ,2012 نيسان 30

that is an interesting view

Missing ulpianus 23:57 ,2012 نيسان 30

Say what?

Missing ulpianus 23:59 ,2012 نيسان 30

Anoonym. Everything is possible. In the end, not a single one of our politicians has served anything else thant foreign interests in the country. With no exception.

Thumb Bandoul 17:18 ,2012 أيار 01

@RealLeb, thx, I am just keeping it real. Our enemies do not have a just cause, they do not have a moral stand and they certainly do not have the support of people who are free to make their own decisions, that is why they resort to insults.

Default-user-icon ReaLeb (ضيف) 00:10 ,2012 أيار 02

You need to be clear in what you post. Most of us do not have a crystal ball.