الراعي يحث المغتربين على تسجيل عائلاتهم في السفارات للحصول على جنسيتهم الام
Read this story in Englishدعا البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي الكغتربين اللبنانيين الى "الاسراع في تسجيل اولادهم وزيجاتهم في السفارات والقنصليات اللبنانية للحصول على جنسيتهم الام".
وخلال ترؤسه قداسا احتفاليا في كنيسة رعية مار شربل في العاصمة الكندية اوتاوا، أشار الى"تعاون السفارات والقنصليات في كندا في العمل على تسجيل الاولاد والزيجات في احوالنا الشخصية اللبنانية".
ونوه "بما تقوم به المؤسسة المارونية للانتشار التي تعمل من اجل تحقيق هذا الهدف حفاظا على الرباط العميق عبر الجنسية اللبنانية بوطنكم الام لبنان".
وأوضح الراعي أن "الانتماء الى لبنان يبدأ بأن نكون مسجلين في قيود نفوسنا اللبنانية لكي نتمتع بكل الحقوق والواجبات".
ووصل الراعي الى اوتاوا حيث اقيم له استقبال حاشد في باحة الكنيسة وحمل ابناء الجالية الاعلام اللبنانية ورتلوا الاغاني الوطنية يتقدمهم كاهن الرهبنة المونسينيور ريمون حنا ورئيس المجلس الرعوي انطوان سلامة .
وبدأ الراعي زيارة راعوية الى كندا في نيسان الفائت والتي تستمر شهراً.

i wish he could ask the right for the lebanese women to be able to register their foreign husbands and children to get the nationality...

I think "peace" commentator is right in allowing lebanese women married to foreign men to be allowed to register not only their children but also their husbands. i for one has been married to a greek woman while living in Canada. When we came back from Canada to Greece, our children owing to their mother's being a Greek national, were registered as Greek nationals in one day. we were welcomed and were given the nationality for my kids. While I was allowed to gain citizenship, I opted to remain Lebanese/Canadian since I could not be more than dual citizen. however, I got for free a 10 years residence permit allowing me to live and work in Greece. Most countries of the world do so without discrimination between genders.

I welcome the suggestion of our patrack for expats to register their kids at Lebanese embassies to gain citizenship. It has been christian drain since Lebanon's independence which vacuumed lebanon from Christians leading to power switch in favor of Muslims. While I am not a person who place much emphasis on religious orientation but on personal abilities, the situation in Lebanon which is greatly religious oriented leaves little chance of us thinking neutrally. I think Christians abroad count 8/10 of the Lebnaese expats. We need to regain our stature in lebanon even if this meant we become religiously oriented.

Not to sound sexist but I actually like the way things are handled towards Lebanese citizenship. If lebanese women marry foreign men then the population in Lebanon would be transformed to the extreme putting too much pressure on Lebanon's government and economy.