حملة جنبلاط على الجيش اللبناني تثير استغرابا رسميا
Read this story in Englishأثارت الحملة التي يشنها بعض السياسيين وأبرزهم رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط على المؤسسة العسكرية، استغرابا رسميا.
ونقلت صحيفة "السفير" الجمعة عن مصادر رسمية استغرلبها الحملات السياسية التي يطلقها بعض السياسيين من حين الى آخر على المؤسسة العسكرية، ملمحة في هذا المجال الى المواقف الاخيرة التي صدرت عن بعض السياسيين والنواب وآخرها ما صدر عن النائب وليد جنبلاط، ووصفه قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي بالقائد "المعلب".
وقد وصف جنبلاط في كلمة له الأحد الماضي قائد الجيش بـ"المعلب"، كما وصف رئيس الجمهورية بـ"المدولب"، متسائلا "عن أي جيش يتحدثون في غياب خطة دفاعية واضحة؟".
وتساءلت المصادر عن موجبات استهداف المؤسسة العسكرية في هذا التوقيت، "خاصة أن الجيش هو الصامت الأكبر ويقوم بالمهام الموكلة اليه سواء في الجنوب والحفاظ على الحدود ومنع العدو من قضم ولو سنتيمترا واحدا من الاراضي اللبنانية".
وأشارت المصادر نفسها الى ما يقوم به الجيش اللبناني في المدن والقرى او على الحدود الدولية منعا لاستيراد المشاكل أو لتصديرها وتهريب السلاح والمسلحين في الاتجاهين وأيضا في البحر وآخرها ضبط سفينة الاسلحة "لطف الله 2".
وقد وضع القضاء العسكري يده على ملف الباخرة "لطف الله 2" التي ضبطتها بحرية الجيش في أواخر شهر نيسان قبالة ساحل سلعاتا ثم اقتادتها الى مرفأ بيروت حيث أفرغ الجيش منها ثلاثة مستوعبات تحمل كميات كبيرة من الاسلحة الثقيلة والخفيفة بينها صواريخ مضادة للطائرات.
الى ذلك، أكدت المصادر الرسمية ان الجيش يرفض ان يكون مكسر عصا من قبل أي كان, كما لن يلبي هدف الراغبين بجره الى مهاترات داخلية تلهيه عن مهمته في حماية امن اللبنانيين جميعا من كل الاتجاهات ومنع الاخلال به ايا كان مصدره.
وختمت المصادر بدعوة السياسيين على اختلاف ألوانهم وانتماءاتهم الى إبعاد الجيش عن "بازار" الخلاف الداخلي، وتركه لمهمته من دون إلهاء وتشويش لأغراض وغايات سياسية وغير سياسية.
what did the army do when militants invaded Beirut and attacked the Jabal. that's what the army is there for.. to protect civilians not intercept an arms shipment going to Syria.. that makes the army an army with limited capabilities.. its a fact. and you flame thrower im starting to think that you are a jew and trying to cause trouble.
in MAy7 2 militias were fighting and the lebanese army protected the civilians, did you want her to team up with on of the 2 factions? in Lebanon it's impossible. and the army is intercepting all weapons weather headed for Syria, palestinian camps, LF militia... th eonly weapons allowed are those of the resistance since they are intended to protect the country from Israel
That's your opinion ... I will not forget how the great hizbshitan invaded and parilized the entire country (especially Beirut) on that may 7. They are not resistance you $)&'@&$. That is the ARMY'S job. But no no you hypocrite, the army can not touch the untouchables you say, lol. Sorry! listen to me very carefully either the ARMY IS FOR ALL or we will have many army's soon.
Unfortunetly Jumblat is much less Lebanese the Druze, and he only thinks of his community interests, he burned the lebanese flag, worked for Israel and then for Syria, and now for KSA.... the man is a living Machiavel
your comments are not even worth replying to.
all you do is distort facts, and yes the army stood by during may7.
I dare you to find one untrue statement in the above mentionned. May 7 was a war between the Harriri militia and PSP Vs HA and Amal, and the army didn't take sides, Iknow the M14 plan was to suck the army into this conflict and devide it (just like the Sunni forces did on 1975)thus making the gulf armies invade Lebanon but the LA was wiser than that and M14 lost: sad but TRUE
BTW go back to Geagea comments back then on asking arab armies to invade Lebanon and "protect it" or better yet check wikileaks, just to proove my facts
I'm sorry the two militias on may 7 WHAT!!! are you kidding me... You Call the street fights of two militias? No sir on that day only one militia was massively more powerful then the other and the only one that shut down tv stations roads airports ... The entire country .... People like you who distort the facts of history make me sick. M8 people that day were the king of the militas. And please don't say a rock fight on the mazzra that day was two militas fighting LOL!!!
I live in Lebanon and I was there!!! and Im still here!!! Hizbshitan and its cronies were the ones trying to get every other Lebanese to fight that day... Excuse me WHO HAD 10000000% control that day??? on the contrary we were the ones who held tight, but a few (who were easily overpowered by the Hizibshitan) generally speaking, remember WHO was in Who's Neighbourhood??? . it was Hizbshitan and Amal and Iranian Agents out in the streets of Beirut that were TERRORIZING the Citizen... Shooting at Balconies and calling anyone they saw a Yahoodi Tfie!!! you are the Zion helpers YOu are... P.S. Im Lebanese AND Canadian... but I live In Lebanon.
I was just having a conversation with my Durzi friend he said what business on that day did Hizbshitan have in going up into their mountains... till... BANG BANG they were SHOT DOWN!!!
WHO WAS IN WHOS BACK YARD You Lying Hypocrites and who terrorized the whole country that day. But some people had to defend there life and property from tyranny and oppression... OHHHH sounds familiar hmmmm... oh ya, like syrian people are doing now against there Tyrannical Government! The word government should not be used to reference them because a government by definition is for the people... ONLY for the PEOPLE!!!
simply walid beik knows that we are approaching a red line in the army.. critisizing is to prevent any division in the army.. the cracks are obvious, if u are inside ..we still have the central bank and the army.take care.
SlowBlower, you are pathetic idiot full of hate, I feel sorry for you ..ya haram..you wish death on people for disagreeing with you...your day will come soon :)
The Lebanese army had its glory days in the past but now its leadership is controlled by hizballa and only acts after asking permission from Hizb and defends the hizb interests...when was the last time that they stopped a single shipment to Hizballa or stopped hizb exports of drugs, it’s illegal telecommunication and money laundering?
This is too much FT.
Wishing death to others.
Congratulations to the Naharnet Editor ,you are doing a good job.
Hey FT why don t you wish another divine victory such as the 2006 ?
Pleasure to watch.
The best defense that we can offer to the army and all of the decent Lebanese is to stone this prostitute of a politician to death. And then, the same should be done with the remaining prostitutes of politicians that we have.
This is what we want from the army.
Stop arm smuglling both ways.
Do not allow the Welayat Elfaqih resistance kill other Lebanese.
Do not allow the rpesence of a State within a state.
Collect all illegitimate arms starting with Palestenian camps and welayat elfaqih resistance and ending with all others.
Do not allow Syrian army to shoot Lebanese and enter our towns at will.
Thank you Mr. sold out yourself.