ديبلوماسيون غربيون: أحداث طرابلس بداية ثورة سلفية تهدف الى تسليح المعارضة السورية
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رأت أوساط ديبلوماسية غربية مراقبة للوضع اللبناني، في الحوادث التي شهدتها مدينة طرابلس على مدى أسبوع، "بداية ثورة سلفية ليست الا لتأمين ممر آمن لإمداد المقاتلين السوريين في "الجيش السوري الحر" في محافظة حمص بالسلاح وبما يلزم لإتمام ثورتهم ضد النظام السوري".
وأوضحت هذه الأوساط عبر صحيفة "السفير" السبت أن هذه الثورة تنطلق من عاصمة الشمال طرابلس وتتوسع تدريجياً لتمتد نيرانها الى عكار.
واذ اعتبرت دوائر ديبلوماسية غربية في بيروت أن الحوادث الطرابلسية هي "صفعة موجعة" لرئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي من قبل "قوى 14 آذار"، فإنها تلحظ أيضاً بأن الصفعة مزدوجة لـ"حزب الله" وحلفائه من "قوى ٨ آذار"، "لأن هذه القوى فشلت في الوقوف سداً منيعاً امام المخطط المرسوم لسوريا والتي يبدو أن طرابلس وعكار هما جزء من مكوناته".
وفي القراءة الديبلوماسية الغربية أن "الثورة السلفية" المستمرة حالياً، في طرابلس، "ليست الا لتأمين ممر آمن لإمداد المقاتلين السوريين في "الجيش السوري الحر" في محافظة حمص بالسلاح وبما يلزم لإتمام ثورتهم ضد النظام السوري".
وبحسب هذه المصادر، فإن الدول الغربية لا تتبنى أي مسؤولية في نقل السلاح إلى سوريا عبر طرابلس، لكنها تتحدث عن "حسابات غربية وأميركية" أيضاً تركز على الداخل السوري ولا ترى في مدينة طرابلس إلا "ممراً" لتحقيق أهدافها الكبرى.
أما في الحسابات الداخلية، فرصدت الأوساط الديبلوماسية الغربية رغبة "حريرية" في إسقاط حكومة ميقاتي قبل الانتخابات النيابية المقبلة، مشيرة إلى أن طرابلس "هي نقطة ضعف ميقاتي أولاً... وليس الحريري".
الى ذلك، تساءلت الأوساط الديبلوماسية الغربية حول كيفية تجاهل المسؤولين اللبنانيين لخطر "السلفيين المتصاعد".
وقد ادى توقيف شادي المولوي الى اندلاع اشتباكات في طرابلس، استمرت عدة ايام واسفرت عن مقتل تسعة اشخاص وجرح حوالي 50 شخصاً، وتركزت بين منطقتي جبل محسن ذات الغالبية العلوية المؤيدة للنظام السوري وباب التبانة ذات الغالبية السنية المؤيدة لحركة الاحتجاج السورية.

mowaten soury tsk tsk you usually claim never to trust "anonymous sources" whenever they are the source implicating the Iranian militia and the syrian regime, but now you jump on this one as if it was gospel.

I agree, all m8 guys seem not t understand what they read, and are blind sheep following what they are told blindly.
mansour, hizbushaitan, and their followers actions to help the syrian regime, brought this on us....

We know every move they're making and tactic they;re trying to execute. They will fail and fail miserably. They should not be listening to foreign Intelligence especially Arab. That said, they have nothing to lose and they will be slaughtered by the pure Lebanese.

Vous avez allumez le feu en Syrie. Et bien, le retour de flamme se fait ressentir au Liban. Avis aux apprentis sorciers et aux amateurs

Eliminate the Salafis, Wahabis, and Hezb ..... make Lebanon normal again and a nation for the intellectuals/patriotics/moderates.

it is too late.. the hizbustan has dirven the sunis off the cliff.. hariri will be old news unfortunately..unless the Syrian situation is solved by the world powers in the next few months i see she3a canton in the south and suni one in the north and fighting for the rest.

M14 are just puppets executing the Israeli partition plan. I was M14, not anymore. God help us

M14 are executing Israeli-US partition plan. Nothing less nothing more. Pity some still think they are patriots

shut up mowaten! Moderate sunnism was faught by people by yourself who encourage Hezbollah and Aoun... you gave birth to salafists as a reaction to your support to another evil...stupid!

Lol realist. Mousa sadr was a tool for iran just as much as hezballah lest you have forgetten. It was iran who sent him to lebanon to start the work which led to the events we see today, i.e shiites taking over lebanon. Mousa sadr was also a tool for hafez al assad so no we dont say Allah yer7amo over an evil shiite. Sadr even legalized shirk, according to islam he was not a muslim and the shiite faith is not islam.

How can you call yourself a revolutionist, when you are supporting a terrorist organization, and defending a party that stole billions of dollars from the people???? You're just a wannabe. You should be supporting peace and equivalence between people which the salafists are against. At least Hezbollah and Aoun both fought foreign countries while the other parties only fought themselves.

listen idiot, the suni fandamentalism is a result of she3a fundamentalism: assasination of rafic hariri, may 7th, toppling of saad hariri, Killing so many politicians (and please dont tell me israel, that shit only flies with brainwashed people like you), the truth is hizbustan did a great job killing the moderate suni voice, idiots like you think that people can keep taking shit forever, blind people like yourself think that oppression breeds submission, a country where some people (3rd class) held for 5 years without trial while fayez karam, guilty of treason with 'israel' gets out of jail after one year, what do you expect?? you expect to have one sect in lebanon armed to the teeth treating people like 3rd class citizens and subjecting the politics to the power of its arms?? . The solution is no more arms for ANYONE, dialogue, peace, no civil war. Screw all fundamentalists she3a and sunis and quit being RACIST.

And keep the hizbustan armed to the teeth subjecting people to terror and treating them like 3rd class, you are such a racist idiot im sorry

@mowaten of Iran: you are a pitiful thug whose allegiance is to filth, hate, and sectarianism. Stop giving lessons in morals when you have none!

The report is BS! When did western diplomatic sources start talking to Assafir!!! This is coming directly from their masters in damascus!

So all you guys agree that it's al right to go and shoot at Lebanese Alawites, just because Bashar Al Assad is an Alawi. These Salafists are a bunch of radicals. Nothing more and nothing less. When did Hezbollah ever attack the Lebanese army? The Salafists want Lebanon to become a Sunni state without Christians and Shias. Look what happened to Egypt after the fall of Mubarak, it went to a state of anarchy caused by the same organisation. The same thing happened to Iraq. Please, someone tell me how can you defend Shiekh Ahmad Abdel Wahid allah yer7amo, after his action, ask yourselves, Why didn't he stop at the checkpoint?