"التحقيق" مع عناصرالجيش المسؤولة عن مقتل الشيخ عبد الواحد ومشايخ عكار يحذرون من تصرفات بعص العناصر "المرتهنة" ويدعون لإضراب عام غدا
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أكد مشايخ ومفتي عكار أنهم لن يسمحوا لأي جهة بإحداث فتنة وشرخ بين المواطنين والمؤسسة العسكرية، محذرين من تصرفات بعض العناصر بالجيش، و دعو لاضراب غدا الإثنين في كافة الأراضي اللبناينة، في وقت باشر القاضي صقر صقر بمعاينة مكان الحادث وبالتحقيق مع عناصر حاجز الجيش.
ونعا مفتي والمشايخ وفعالياتها في بيان صادر لهم "الشيخ أحمد عبد الواحد ورفيقه اللذين استشهدا برصاص الجيش اللبناني"، مؤكدين أنهم "لن يسمحوا لأي جهة أن تحدث فتنة بين المواطنين والجيش" على الرغم من استنكارهم "أن يقتل الشيخ ومرافقه على يد من يفترض بهم أن يحافظوا على أرواح الناس".
ولقد قتل صباح اليوم الإحد الشيخ عبد الواحد باطلاق نار قرب حاجز للجيش في الكويخات في عكار، أثناء توجهه للمشاركة في مهرجان الذي دعا اليه النائب خالد الصاهر وأهالي شهداء 7 أيار 2008.
وأشارت معلومات أن سيارة الشيخ عبد الواحد لم تمتثل لاوامر حاجز الجيش في الكويخات، ما اضطر عناصر الجيش لاطلاق النار أدى الى اصابة الشيخ وأحد مرافقيه وهو محمد حسين مرعب، اللذين نقلا الى مستشفى رحال، حيث ما لبث أن توفيا.
ولقد أدى الحادث الى توقف المهرجان المقرر للجماعة الاسلامية في ذكرى ضحاياهم.
من جهته، أكد أحد مرافقي الشيخ أن السيارة امتثلت لأوامر الجيش الا أن عناصر الحاجز "تعمّدت" اهانة الشيخ وقاموا باطلاق النار عليه وعلى المرافقين.
وإذ اعتبر المشايخ أن "ما حصل سابقة خطرة وتنذر بشؤم كبير"، رأوا أن "هناك بعض ضباط وعناصر مرتهنة داخل المؤسسة العسكرية تريد أن تحدث شرخا كبيرا بين المؤسسة والمواطنيين بهذا البلد ولا سيما في هذه المنطقة".
وعليه طالبت دائرة الأوقاف في عكار ومن اجتمع معها "إانطلاقا من الحرص على السلم الأهلي وحتى لا يتكرر العمل المشين، بإجراء تحقيق دقيق وشفاف وانزال أشد العقوبة بالفاعلين بحق من ارتكب الجريمة التي هي جريمة بحق السلم الأهلي في البلد".
هذا ودعا "المجتمعون إلى إضراب عام يوم غد الإثنين على جميع الأراضي اللبنانية"، في حين أعلنت دار الإفتاء في عكار "ايقاف العمل ثلاثة أيام حدادا على الشهيد ورفيقه وتقبلها التعازي في مركز دائرة الأوقاف في حلبا نهار الخميس المقبل".
يشار الى أن مجلس المفتين يعقد اجتماعا طارئا برئاسة مفتي الجمهورية الشيخ محمد رشيد قباني عند الحادية عشرة والنصف من قبل ظهر يوم غد الاثنين في دار الفتوى، للبحث في الشؤون الإسلامية والوطنية.
ولقد أفادت قيادة الجيش - مديرية التوجيه في بيان صادر لها أن " مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر إلى منطقة الشمال، حيث عاين مكان الحادث، واطلع على الأدلة المتوافرة".
وأكدت المديرية أن القاضي صقر قد باشر التحقيق مع عناصر حاجز الجيش للوقوف على ظروف الحادث وملابساته وإجراء المقتضى القانوني".
هذا وطالبت كتلة نواب عكار كل من الرؤساء الثلاثة وقيادة الجيش "باتخاذ جميع الاجراءات الفورية والصارمة بحق الضباط والعناصر الذين ارتكبوا هذه الجريمة النكراء وصولا الى توقيفهم واحالتهم على القضاء المختص لانزال اشد العقوبات بهم"، داعية في الوقت عينه أهالي عكار الى ضبط النفس وفتح الطرقات.
وقالت الكتلة بعد اجتماع لها: "المسؤولية لا تقع فقط على من ارتكب هذه الجريمة النكراء، بل على من أعطى الاوامر والتوجيهات، فضلا عن المسؤولية المعنوية التي تقع على عاتق الحكومة اللبنانية ورئيسها وعلى قائد الجيش اللبناني، لا سيما تصرفات بعض الضباط المنحازة لفريق ضد آخر بالرغم من المراجعات المتكررة لنواب عكار لقائد الجيش فيما خص تجاوزاتهم وانحيازاتهم دون الوصول الى اية نتيجة".
وإذ طالبت "بفتح تحقيق فوري بهذه الجريمة يتولاه قاض"، رفضت الكتلة أي تحقيق يجريه عناصر الجيش وضباطه، معتبرة أن التحقيق سيكون "غير موثوق به ومخالف لمبدأ الحياد لأنه لا يجوز لمن هو متهم بجريمة ما ان يحقق بها".
كما قررت الكتلة في هذا الاطار أن تتقدم الى الهيئة العامة لمجلس النواب بانشاء لجنة تحقيق برلمانية لكي تحقق، وتواكب التحقيقات القضائية توصلا الى تحميل المسؤليات الملقاة على عاتق كل من تورط في هذه الجريمة مهما علت رتبته وشأنه.
وناشدت الكلتة أهالي عكار "المحافظة على أقصى درجات ضبط النفس والهدوء بانتظار صدور نتائج التحقيق، وعدم الوقوع في فخ كل من يريد ان تنزلق عكار الى الفتنة البغيضة التي هددنا بها النظام السوري ومندوبه الى الامم المتحدة"، مؤكدة
بدوره، أعلن مفتي طرابلس والشمال الشيخ مالك الشعار ، أنهم أبلغوا عن توقيف عناصر الجيش المسؤولة عن "جريمة قتل الشيخ عبد الواحد وأن التحقيق يتم معهم"، مناشدا الدولة للعمل الجاد على احتضان أهل طرابلس والشمال.
ودعا الشعار بعد اجتماع لسياسيين وفعاليات طرابلس، الأهالي الى "ضبط النفس والتزام الهدوء العام، وفتح الطرقات وعدم إحراق الإطارات"، مطالبا "بإعطاء الفرصة الكاملة للقضاء بالقيام بواجباتهم"، مضيفا: "هذه الجريمة لن تمر من دون عقاب وحساب".
وأردف: "نطالب الرؤساء الثلاثة بمحاسبة الفاعلين المسؤولين عن هذه الجريمة النكراء التي صدرت عن عناصر الجيش والتي لا تمثل مناقيبة المؤسسة العسكرية التى نراهن على دورها في مسك الأمن".
كما طالب الشعار "الدولة بالرد الحازم على افتراءات سفير سوريا في الأمم المتحدة والرامية لاتهام الشمال بأنها بؤرة إرهاب ومكان للقاعدة".
هذا، وأبدى رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال سليمان ارتياحه لتأليف قيادة الجيش لجنة تحقيق لكشف كل ملابسات وتفاصيل الحادث الذي حصل واتخاذ الإجراءات المناسبة بأسرع وقت ممكن.
وإثر الحادث طلب رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي تشكيل لجنة تحقيق في الحادث لكشف ملابساته.
كما تابع مع وزيري الدفاع فايز غصن والداخلية مروان شربل ومع القيادات الأمنية تفاصيل ما جرى . واتصل بالنائب خالد الضاهر الذي اعتبر أن الحادث "مقصودا"، معزيا و مبديا أسفه.
وتمنى ميقاتي على الجميع المساهمة في تهدئة الأوضاع ومعالجة الأمور بحكمة وروية.
ورأى الضاهر أن "اطلاق النار جاء مقصودا والنية مبيتة علينا"، محملا مسؤولية مقتل الشيخ عبد الواحد الى قيادة الجيش والحكومة ورئيسها، "لانهم لايقومون بدورهم بحماية لبنان بل يمارسون انتقائية ويعاملون اللبنانيين كأنهم مع فريق ضد فريق آخر".
وقال أن "الجيش اللبناني اطلق النار على الشيخ احمد عبد الواحد واصابه في رقبته ما ادى الى مقتله"، مطالبا "كل المخلصين لنا أن يأخذوا حقنا"، مشددا على أن "الامر لن يمر ببساطة".
وأضاف: "هناك من يقف مع النظام السوري ويريد اضعافنا كلامنا"، مؤكدا اننا "لن نرضى بهذه الممارسة الوحشية التي حصلت بحق".
كما شدد على أن "هناك اوامر صدرت لهذا العمل بحق الشيخ والمعتصمين"، لافتا الى أن " التهديدات وصلتنا سابقا من عناصر وضباط الجيش اللبناني ونحمل قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي والجيش مسؤولية هذه الاعمال الوحشية".
وأصدرت قيادة الجيش بياناً أسفت لمقتل الشيخ عبد الواحد وأعلنت انها بادرت على الفور الى تشكيل لجنة تحقيق من كبار ضباط الشرطة العسكرية، وبإشراف القضاء المختص.
في حين أفاد مصدر امني للـ"MTV" أن "الجيش تعرض لاطلاق نار في حاجز الكويخات ولم يبادر باطلاق النار على الشيخ عبد الواحد ومرافقه".
ولقد أقدم أهالي عكار على قطع الطرقات استنكارا لمقتل الشيخ عبد الواحد ومرافقه.
كما أقدم الأهالي على قطع اوتستراد الجنوب بيروت عند نقطة الناعمة استنكارا لمقتل عبد الواحد، إلا أن الجيش نجح بفتح الطريق بعد حين.
واستنكارا للحادث قطع أهالي المرج في البقاع الغربي طريق المرج جب جنين بالإطارات المشتعلة.
وكات الاهالي قد طالبوا بطرد الجيش وايعاز المهام الامنية لقوى الامن الداخلي، بحسب ما أفادت وسائل أعلام.
يُذكر أن مهرجان الحزب القومي السوري، الذي كان متزامناً مع مهرجان الضاهر، انتهى قبل الاعلان عن وفاة الشيخ بقليل وكان مخصصاَ لذكرى "مجزرة حلبا" والتي وقعت في 10 ايار 2008، وقضى فيها 11 شخصا من الحزب القومي.

in 1975, the army killed Maaroof Saad in Saida, and that started the civil war then.
today, once more, the civil war is starting again, and in the same manner.
what a waste.....

Yeslam hal temm FT! la' bass geha (we cannot expect more from this nickname...) seems to hold the truth :) Arrar khaweja khaled el daher enno the army prepared for this murder!!! metel bel case of ba3ba3. Mr Al daher elo 3en to accuse the only institution in leb that is still respected by all parties.... :)

flash: sources inside the investigation team: this was a premeditated murdor.
they are now trying to know who is behind giving the orders.

There are many ways to stop a car and even to shoot at a car without killing.

Wla???? Ya mowaten Irani, are you ever capable of saying the truth about anything? What are members of your Party of the Devil doing in Syria? Spectating as neutral observers??? Ati3a to2ta3ak shou innak khabiss w'sakhif!

I hope they finish them all, starting with the boss of crazies Daher. Don't they miss Big Mafioso Rafic?

This is a very dangerous situation. The Shia-Sunni tensions are burning hot from the Gulf to Iraq to Syria, and all the way to Tripoli. Unfortunately, people in Lebanon can't sit on the sidelines for once. They're always more Catholic than the Pope. I'm sorry to say, but you're all idiots for taking sides. Accusing the other of being Qaeda scum or an Iranian agent does what exactly? Feeling better about yourself while your country is burning?

"LBC later reported that Residents of Akkar, with the support of MPs from the region, took the decision to block all Akkar roads, kick the army out of the region, and hand security duties to the ISF." Kick the army out? No one can touch the army especially that it was doing its duty to safeguard the country...and that is what this investigation if conducted properly will show!

Hey Neon.You didn t say the same when Samer Hanna was executed .Did you?
And yes,politicians in both camps should shut up and keep quiet,They are dragging the country towards a civil war.
And no we do not want hizbolla protecting a regime that slaughtered thousands of lebanese you Flame Traitor.

Here's a stupid solution.. install video cameras at all checkpoints.

Go Lebanese Army!! Allah ye7meekoun bhal zourouf el sa3be w ma yrakboulkoun kameen tet2etalo ma3 7adan metel 1975 w 1988... Trekouwoun y2atlo ba3doun erhebiyye b erhebiyye. Khallikoun 3a janab w Good Luck!

yes and protect the Syrian Regime who slaughtered thousands of lebanese.
Thank you hizbolla

Same Like Lebanese Forces who had a real reason for owning weapons to protect Lebanon from Syrians but later had members of some outlaws that ruined their name and official mission and finally handed their arms, Hezbollah who had a real reason for owning weapons to protect Lebanon from Israelis now has members of some outlaws that are ruining their name and official mission and will be finally handing their arms due to this.
But before.... Palestinians will be kicked out of Lebanon. AND LEBANESE WILL LIVE HAPPY EVER AFTER

If a car drives past a checkpoint, you shoot to stop the car, not to kill those inside. At least you try.
Knowing the penetrating power for assault rifles, such things can happen. Yet the damage and death toll is such that it has to raise suspicions.

Yes Hizbolla are also in Iraq being caught by the Marines and released by the Iraqi government while monitoring the Iranian weapons, they were also caught by the Philipines Government luring them into the Iranian weaponry transfer. The fact is very simple: Weapons + money = brainwash Lebanese. In the end the entire Leb country pays the price of the Israeli jets for a single entity serving the Iranian masterminds.

Absolutely tight mowaten! FInally someone a bit wise. Let's wait and see before accusing the army. Iza el zalame m7ammal weapons and didn't want to stop, he should be shot at, regardless who he is. point final!

Slash needs a brainectomy, he would feel better. Wait for the investigation my friend and then we see :) Take it easy... You believe in justice? Let it be :)

We are the ones who sold our souls to Syrians???? Who the hell helped the Syrians when they attacked Aoun??? The only thing you said that is true is "Syrian dogs" both the government and the people which caused all these conflicts in Lebanon back during the civil war and the conflicts we are reading about in the present. It is the peoples fault that made Lebanon a religion state rather than a diplomatic state, and it's the peoples fault that all these conflicts are happening.

where are the results of the wait-and-see lebanese investigations in the hariri case, sameer, walid, may, wisam 3eed and recently gaegae.. are you joking??. 'point final' lakan.. it is that cheap for you to kill people let alone clergy men. racists like you and mowaten think of others as 3rd class citizens are gona burn this country on top of everyone. It is not 'point final' unfortunately, it is prob a point start.

Aslab zalame slash. He cannot be objective ma belo ella bel msabbet wel prostitution. The guys give you facts and you make the dead people talk. They can say whatever is convenient for you dear. Just bring one single fact and then we talk :)

I would love to see one single comment from slash without insults. 3ayb wlo, lyom yom el rabb w chahr el Adra :)
You seriously think bashar would need the help of HA? hahaha! Be serious guys, proof read your thoughts before publishing, you would be more credible :)

Lebanon is in no need of having an army,it is a broken institution with no functionality,it is costly and yet it serves no purpose,the lebanese army is corrupted to the bone and cannot be salvaged, send them all home !Let us replace this no good institution by creating a brute police force that would carry orders and execute them proudly and efficiently,each police district is fully responsible to its area to implement the law without prejudice whether dealing with a big shot politician or simple Shepperd whose goats ate my cucumbers,lol

Obviously "someone" is trying to create strife in Lebanon to offer as leverage or barter in this case to save himself. Anyone old enough would remember an eerily similar thing happening in 1986 when sporadic anonymous caused unrest in West Beirut lead to the different groups accusing each others and to the Syrian army reentering West Beirut. It's known as Indirect Strategy, cause a problem and then you offer yourself as the solution. Hafez Assad was a master of this strategy it was used at various time by the Syrian to control Lebanon for thirty years.

It appear to be a simple case and responsibility should be determined rather quickly and all responsible should be dealt with swiftly,if not why not send all army home and I mean all without prejudice after all it costing the Lebanese budget a huge amount of money for nothing but more controversy and discord. all we need is a local police force who will handle all citizens needs in that location with fairness and professionalism .

the stupidity of m8 and their comments while the country is going down head first into civil war is amazing.
it is like these guys have only one wish in life: have a new civil war!
keep it up guys, it seems this is where we are going with your comments and the actions of your masters.
n wonder, stupid masters will have stupid followers: this is the difinition of m8.
all m14 are crying fowl and tying to contain the situation, while m8 are just spilling more oil on the fire.
if it is war that you want, you will be surprised by the outcome....

Geha baby. your spreading early accusations without any foundation on the most respected institution in Lebanon your way to cry fowl and contain the situation?! Calling for a free army also? :)
Please give us a break or read the news on what m14 is doing. Same scenario when harerrz accused syria of killing his father then he backed up like a chicken and said : sorry sorry it was a political accusation ;)

Then peace we agree that their weapons are not such a danger and m14 should focus on other priorities? :) Can you tell this to your friends? Khalleena nrakkiz on what matters?

Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait! we want a new civil war? Are we the ones who are shooting at Alawi neighbourhoods for no reason? Are we the ones who shoot at the Lebanese army? Are we the ones who are disobeying the laws of the Lebanese army? Are we that stupid that we don't stop at an army checkpoint and then get shot to pieces? Get your facts straight before commenting bro.

No you are angels, you pay your bills on time, you dont build illegaly and you dont burn police cars if they show up to enforce the law.. bro lol...and.. you can invade beirut at will, close the country down treat people like 3rd class, not to mention money landry and the army is part of your equation people-army-muqawama.. BRO lol.. you killed r hariri, hid the 4 holly culprits under the nose of the government..you hide the data in the gaegae assasination attempt, and thousands of other examples.. oh and you only sentence fayez karam to two years in jail lol. you have such a racist mentality (if you only listen to urself) and you think you are above everyone else..you get your FACTS STRAIGHT..bro

geha bek you are now burning the country... cos the army probably did their job... You didn't even wait for the investigation

you dont get shot in the head and neck by 'mistake' and not by shooting at a car passing by. I am sorry, that is simple physics.

why don t you wait for more information? some say he stopped at the checkpoint and was shot, others that he didn t stop, others that he was taken in an ambush and that the army had to open fire...
so please, wait for credible info before resorting to insults or accusations! the exact thing M8 and syria are waiting for...

M8 are just waiting for akkar to blow up to accuse them of wanting civil war in lebanon and thus justify the help of the syrian army in akkar...
pro syrian lebanese asked for that recently no? and they belong to M8 ....

meen bi koun fares? m8 partisans were the first people who wanted syria out of leb, right?

Now lets say he was a shia clergy or a christian, what would the reaction be.

See what a GCC newspaper is talking about us
What a shame! every year when summer is around the corner, our vital tourism industry gets shot right in the heart! Apparently no one, NO ONE, puts our country before their political or sectarian stupid interests! Then everybody starts lamenting about the ever growing debt and the ridiculous income per capita. If there's a country in the world that needs an earthquake is Lebanon to swallow all the rotten parties and institutions!

saying that the other side (M8) is neutral is total delusion... they are complicit in providing cover and support to the regime

See what a GCC newspaper is saying about us:
It is really infuriating that every year, when summer is around the corner our poor tourism industry gets shot right in the heart. This reflects the fact that no one, NO ONE, puts our country before their political or sectarian interest. And ironically does who lament about unemployment, inflation, low income, unfair treatment, then go and vote for the same politicians who are the very rotten roots of these problems. If there's a country in the world that needs a major earthquake, that is Lebanon by excellence. We need something to sweep and swallow all our decayed political parties and institutions.

you remember also what aoun always wanted? Did he ever say he was a supporter of syria inside leb?

be3tizir slash you are right in everything you say... if this makes you feel better :)
I will never let myself be dragged to your level of ignorance. When you start making sense, I will comment :)

Ya jame3a roo2o, ne7na 7a2 3leina killna. Kill wa7ad ra7 ma3 masla7et diino rather than masla7et watano. But how can you defend the sheikh? If he respected the army, this tragedy wouldn't have occurred.

"A security official said army troops shot dead Abdul Wahed when his convoy failed to stop at the checkpoint in al-Kweikhat".. This reminds me (of many times) of what the blood thirsty American imperialists did in Iraq and NO US killer was ever punished since the natives have no say in prosecuting the killers. We can not have this happen again in Lebanon. There must be a complete investigation.
The worthless Lebanese Army is only good at firing at fellow Lebanese and Palestinian refugees. It never fired a shot at invading Israeli enemy

Then why didn't he stop? What other reason is there than trying to smuggle weapons?

Yalla... Everybody is playing with us like they always did and we seem to be willing game. The situation in Syria is changing. The Saudis and Qataris are now more important to the Syrian opposition than the West since the Russian veto. So now the bedouins are using the Lebanese Sunnis to directly assist the Syrian opposition and the Iranians and Baathis are Using the Shia to try to stop the Sunnis. Everything is happening in our country and the best we can do is hurl insults on each other. And the Christians... Alla yese3edon: sandwiched, divided and powerless. Ya jamé3a let the Syrians sort their problems out and let's stay out of it. Don't we have enough problems already?

Jabal is right, but believe me nothing will happen to the Christians, since they are split in half, neither the Sunni nor the Shia will attack the Christians and gain another enemy.

Long before the first tire burned in 3akkar, it had been burning for ages in the shiite slums. Now go worship an iranian majoosi shiite shrine and leave serious talks to adults.

you mean the same army who watched hizbustan invade beirut on May 7th? the army who is just shater on one 3rd class citizens while a whole militia controls lebanon

@ reformist, did you see me cussing the army?? why are you cussing. This is a free country and i can opine about the army all i want. And yes the army is only shater at invading majdel anjar, arresting 3rd class citizens, and what about the 4 culprits who are wanted by the WORLD for a terrorist act in beirut?? I am saying opressed people can not be passive with the army's impotence and clear sliding with hizbustan. Remember reformist that the suni community gave the army the political cover for success in naher bared. This is a golden chance for the army to prove me wrong and i hope i am wrong.

I read all these comments and my conclusion, I miss my beloved country Lebanon, but i don't miss it's people, you guys are amazingly destructive,all of you,Lebanese people can coexist only BLMAHJAR,Wbi Lebnen Never,you guys made me give up hope on all of you......

ya albe this is the only institution that is kind of trustworthy! They lack capabilities? Big time?! Bass from here to say let's irradicate the army? :) please a bit of non sense. ok ok it's something you don't have. You are a frustrated moujahid... go burn tires bass ntebeh ma te7ro' asabee3ak kiddo

dont worry, if a christian is an LF he can be screwed too, this is lebanon 1st and 3rd class citizens.

and thus here we have it, M8 on one side and M14 on the other talking trash, like anyone here on this comment list knows any of the facts to anything that is happening or has happened in Lebanon, half truths and hidden conspiracies that all boil down to who is making the most money out this situation and who has the most to gain. that all what the Lebanese are good for talk talk talk and any of you who thinks they know whats what, feels more superior that the others, like any of you can even be productive within the confines of your own home, work or society, instead you wasting your energy with this... what a loss

All sides have committed wrongdoings. All those who care for Lebanon should mourn the loss of any soul from civil strife. Now is the time for men to behave like men. Love their neighbors as they love themselves, forgive, and keep trying to keep a stable Lebanon. Let not one child relive the dark experiences of their fathers. God bless All Lebanese and bring peace to their hearts.

Pity the nation that is full of beliefs and empty of religion.
Pity the nation that acclaims the bully as hero,
and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice
save when it walks in a funeral,
boasts not except among its ruins,
and will rebel not save when its neck is laid
between the sword and the block.
Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox,
whose philosopher is a juggler,
and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking.
Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpeting,
and farewells him with hooting,
only to welcome another with trumpeting again.
Pity the nation whose sages are dumb with years
and whose strong men are yet in the cradle.
Pity the nation divided into into fragments,
each fragment deeming itself a nation
Khalil Gebran

Or how will you tell your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye;’ and behold, the beam is in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.
Matthew 7 , 4-5

I dont recall the existence of the army , when Hezbushaiitan invaded Rafik Hariri airport and protected the notorious fugitive Jamil Sayed , i dont recall them stopping on the airport check point and none of their had papers number other than weapons with each body guard who were about 20-30

And all of this happens 24 hours after Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE ask for their citizens out of Lebanon... strange coincidence...

Coincidence?? May 12, 2012 Tripoli trouble begin, May 16, 2012 Ahmad Jibreel visits Nasrallah, May 19, 2012 Nasrallah meets with representative of Iran's supreme leader. the clarion call has gone out assad's in trouble!!! DO SOMETHING!!!

reports from inside the investigation tem confirm it was a murdor. they are cornering the one who is behind it now and most probably we will hear about a "suicide" in the army soon.
by the way, as expected, the officer is shia.....

ya reformist , the army is no longer respected by all parties, haida hake, in fact it's disrespected by most parties.

You guys remember how Hezb el shaitain shot down the Helicopter , yalla min hoone

ألم نتعظ بعد كل هذا ... وهل تعلمون بأن العدو الإسرائيلي يرقص فرحاً وإبتهاجاً لما يحصل هو أكبر خدمة نقدمها الآن لهم ... يجب علينا أن نحمي أنفسنا ووطننا بدل عرض العضلات على بعضنا البعض ونعطي إنتباهنا وذكائنا ونستفيق لما يحاك ... هناك أعداء كثر وليس إسرائيل فقط والسلام

Lebanon has always been the playing field for double agents to settle other countries wars and a pressure relief safety valve to alleviate the stress on other regional countries fracture points. This is only possible in Lebanon because there is not a definite majority in Lebanon any more. And there was not a clear winner of the 75-90 wars. Education with no strings is the only salvation.

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