قهوجي يؤكد أن "الجيش للاهالي وليس على الاهالي": لن نسمح للفتنة في أية منطقة

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شدد قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي على أن الجيش لن يسمح بالفتنة " لا في الشمال ولا في أي منطقة لبنانية"، مؤكداً على أن "الجيش للاهالي وليس على الاهالي".

ولفت في حديث الى صحيفة "الجمهورية" على أن "ما يصيب أهلنا في عكار وطرابلس وكل مدينة وقرية في لبنان يصيبنا، والجيش للأهالي وليس على الأهالي".

وأشار قهوجي الى أن "ما حصل في عكار هو نتيجة الاحتقان السياسي الموجود في المنطقة".

ودعا اهالي عكار الى "عدم الانجرار وراء الفتنة فأبناء الجيش اللبناني هم أبناؤكم، وعكار هي الحاضن والخزّان البشري للمؤسسة العسكرية".

كما دعا "السياسيين الى إطفاء نار الفتنة لأن اللبنانيين لا يريدون العودة ببلدهم الى الوراء وهم يتمسكون بالدولة وبالجيش، ولكن المشكلة هي في بعض الخطاب الذي يكون أحيانا سبباً للتوتير والفتنة".

وقد أدى مقتل الشيخ احمد عبد الواحد ورفيقه الشيخ محمد مرعب، الاحد أثناء توجهه للمشاركة في مهرجان دعا اليه النائب خالد الضاهر وأهالي شهداء 7 ايار 2008، بالرصاص على حاجز الكويخات في عكار، ما أدى الى قطع طرق وحرق الاطارات احتجاجاً.

وانتقل الاحتجاج الى عدد من المناطق اللبنانية، تركزت في طريق الجديدة اثر اندلاع اشتباك مسلح أدى الى مقتل شخصين وجرح 18 آخرين.

وتوجّه قائد الجيش بالتعازي "الى أهل الشيخ عبد الأحد وأقربائه خصوصاً والى أهل عكاّرعموماً".

وطلب، عبر "الجمهورية"، من الجميع عدم التسرّع واستباق التحقيق وليأخذ القانون مجراه، مشيراً الى أنه "سيتم توقيف المتورطين بالحادث أيّاً تكن الجهة".

الى ذلك، أكدت مصادر عسكرية عبر صحيفة "السفير"، أنه من غير المعقول ان يُطلق عناصر الجيش النار على أحد من دون سبب.

ولفتت الى أن أحد الجنود أصيب وتضررت بعض الآليات نتيجة الحادثة، ما يعني أن تبادلاً لإطلاق النار قد جرى وأن الموكب كان يضم عناصر مسلحة.

يُشار الى أن أحد مرافقي الشيخ عبد الواحد قد روى أن ما جرى هو أن "الضابط المسؤول عن حاجز الكويخات طلب من الشيخ النزول من السيارة، الا أنه رفض ذلك، فقام السائق بالترجل للتكلم مع الضابط، في حين عمد عبد الواحد الى إبلاغ الضابط أنه قرر العدول عن المشاركة في اعتصام حلبا، وسيعود أدراجه الى بلدته البيرة".

وأضاف انه "لدى محاولته (الشيخ) قيادة السيارة والاستدارة للعودة، بادر عناصر الجيش الى إطلاق النار بغزارة في اتجاهها، فقتل عبد الواحد مع مرافقه محمد مرعب فوراً".

من جهتها لفتت المصادر العسكرية عبر "السفير" الى أن "حواجز الجيش تنتشر في مختلف الأراضي اللبنانية، ولم يشهد أي منها إشكالا مشابهاً".

وشددت على أن "الامر الذي يعني أن شيئاً ما قد بدر عن الموكب وأدى الى حدوث إطلاق النار".

التعليقات 30
Thumb geha 09:26 ,2012 أيار 21

all seem to have realized the army is on the verge of breaking down, and they did not expect that.
that reminds me of suleiman frangieh in 75, who did not expect the army would break down.... his grandson is doing the same thing now.
let us hope they come to their senses and know how to manage what they did.

Missing reformist 10:49 ,2012 أيار 21

Yeee 3a geha! Habibi as we told you just wait for the inveatigation... Many of us have so much faith in the army! Have some common sense :)

Default-user-icon Horus (ضيف) 09:55 ,2012 أيار 21

God Bless our Army the only legitimate authority. HA and all PLO militias go to hell.

Default-user-icon NoName (ضيف) 09:58 ,2012 أيار 21

The Army is the one helping the situation to deteriorate. Lets not kid ourselves, Lebanon has no real Army in any true sense. It cannot wage a real war. It's a loosely held group of sectarian interests and it will fall apart just as easily as it did in the 70's.

The only answer is partition. Lebanon is no country.

Missing reformist 23:33 ,2012 أيار 21

Lebanon has no real army? AGREED. The army is killing innocent people and serving one side against the other? BS :)

Thumb geha 10:15 ,2012 أيار 21

once again cal down. the ones who are a state within the state are hizbushaitan and allies.
m14 inisistance on the existance of the state is what is holding the state together.
so stop your misinformation and calm down.

Missing reformist 10:51 ,2012 أيار 21

Chiddelna 7alak geha there has never been any m14, farta abel ma tballish and last gathering showed it... Saro ydoubbo el karase abel ma yejo el 3alam so get a life and leave the army in peace

Thumb kesrweneh 10:45 ,2012 أيار 21

Let’s hope people like DAher, Merehbi and Katicha would settle down shut their mouths and leave our beloved army alone. Do they even measure the consequences of a weakened army?!!

Missing reformist 10:52 ,2012 أيار 21

Exactly!!!! They cannot understand the risks behing their silly acusations! Then they claim justice :)

Thumb geha 10:57 ,2012 أيار 21

keep dreaming fpmers: you will soon realize your loss :)

Missing reformist 11:16 ,2012 أيار 21

Ayya dreams ya sa7be? We are telling you that your accusations againts the army (with zero ground) will kill the country cos your followers have zero education...

Missing realist 19:15 ,2012 أيار 21

let's hope people like nasralah and hizzie thugs would stop killing our free men and trying to kill those who survived. That is the root of the problem, the hizzie weapons, you are being very tangential you should address the center of the problem.

Missing reformist 23:34 ,2012 أيار 21

You seriously think hezb would kill innocent people just like this? Like seriously? :)

Missing reformist 10:50 ,2012 أيار 21

Ma ma3'oul ya zalame chou hal 3alam! Now they are blaming the army! Tfeh 3a hek 3alam!

Default-user-icon KS (ضيف) 11:31 ,2012 أيار 21

The Lebanese army strength, integrity and unity should be the main purpose
and only Goal of All Lebanese citizens including Politicians and most importantly the religious Leaders of All Sects.
The death of any religious figure is deplorable, his death should lead to more unity similarly to the death of the late Rafic Hariri who united the whole country.
Moreover, Lebanon armed forces require more than ever the support of its Arab/neighbors friends, the western nations, the US and Russia to train, refurbish , and provide needed equipments/hardware to carry out its expanded duties on Lebanese territories. Let us all work towards peace and building harmony in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Flame Extinguisher (ضيف) 11:41 ,2012 أيار 21

FlameThrower... Dude I've been reading you're comments all over Naharnet for days now... You seriously need to get a life. I suggest you pop a Xanax Pill before veins start popping in your brain due to excessive pressure and borderline insanity ;)

Default-user-icon Ronaldo (ضيف) 12:10 ,2012 أيار 21

Most of the Lebanese enjoy being under the Syrian shoes, reading the above comments it makes me sick ,enough with your dumb comments let the army do there job.God bless the army ISF AND ALL TRUE lEBANESE PEOPLE THAT ONLY CARE ABOUT LEBANON........ Naharnet please post my comment

Thumb lebneneh 13:00 ,2012 أيار 21

Protect the army...it's the only national institution that exists one way or the other.

Default-user-icon BraveHeart le Phénicien (ضيف) 13:55 ,2012 أيار 21

L'armée est dans son droit d'abattre ceux qui tirent sur elle. Et peu importe que l'abattu soit un chef religieux, de parti politique ....etc. Avis aux amateurs.

Missing peace 19:34 ,2012 أيار 21

c est pour cela que l armee n'a rien fait hier soir pour arreter les incidents a tarik jdide...

Missing reformist 23:36 ,2012 أيار 21

slash est super interessant! Il a un probleme de 'chiens' :) C'est assez amusant j'admets. Mais t'es completement a cote de la plaque mon gars. Tu donnes une reponse politique et completement decorrelee de la question. Le Phenicien t'a simplement dit que l'armee a probablement fait son boulot et abattu quelqu'un qui n'a pas respecte les regles... point final! Reponds a ca au lieu de parler de ta haine...
l'armee ne doit faire la difference avec personne, point final :) Arretons les conneries un peu!
A bon entendeur... salut :)

Missing big-pap 14:25 ,2012 أيار 21

The hell with M14 & the hell with M8 including their ministers & MPs.
It's a pity 99% of the Lebanese still believe in them. Never learned from their mistakes & Never will.God bless Lebanon

Thumb beiruti 15:45 ,2012 أيار 21

Count on this. If it comes to it, and surely it may, Hezbollah will attempt to divide the LAF, if that is necessary to give aid and assistance to Assad. For Hezbollah, none of Lebanon is behind a red-line. It will sacrifice all of Lebanon, all of her people if this is necessary to preserve Hezbollah's interest in preserving its weapons as ordered by the IRG in Tehran. Nasrallah is under the orders of the man whose ring he has kissed.
If the Assad Regime goes down, with it will go Hezbollah's ability to be resupplied which means that rather than living on a river that sends it resupplies, Hezbollah will be stranded on an island, at the mercy of those who control the sea.

Default-user-icon Thruth (ضيف) 17:56 ,2012 أيار 21

Very interesting statement from Kahwaji. People get kidnapped at an eyesight form an army checkpoint (Joseph sader) , people get assassinated by army members, army steps back when the thugs are looting private property, on the grounds the incidents are part of
'political security ' ! Will the army only intervene against unarmed weak civilians because it cannot confront thugs who have become stronger than it is? Is that what is called political security?? Has the army become a manipulated tool in the hands of the hizb thugs ??

Missing realist 19:10 ,2012 أيار 21

"death to m14" you just confessed who is behind all the assasinations. Thanks a lot racist thug, this is why the civil war is starting.

Missing reformist 23:32 ,2012 أيار 21

Amazing sense of observation realist! You caught the guy :) He is now responsible for the civil war? Have you read all what your 'friends' write? How they encourage hatred? Please give us a break :)

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 23:19 ,2012 أيار 21

@ Qahwaji, we are all for a FAIR army. But when Samer hanna was shot down by the divine resistance , what did the army do ? when Hezbollah was invading Beirut what did they do? When private properties in the south were flourishing one above the other what did they do? when the pro-syrians were supporting Bachar and shooting around what did they do? Yes i want an army, A FAIR ONE, that treats every piece of shit from any religion the same. Not going beating up christians, sunnites, and druzes but not daring to touch chiites affiliated to hezbollah. If the army persists protecting a portion of Lebanese and beating up another portion, we will witness the rise of past militias to create an equilibrum of power and the army will disappear. So i suggest qahwaji u should nut up or shut up.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 23:24 ,2012 أيار 21

@ Flamethrower, you and slash are using words of hate, which is not the proper way. everybody has the right to support whoever he or she wants, but we should all support the idea that nobody whether syria-israel-iran-USA or others should play with Lebanon. And it is clear as daylight that there is a Syrian-Iranian-Zionist scheme looming over Lebanon. Israel wants to keep Bachar after the rise of extremists in Syria , and is not against him coming back to Lebanon, on the condition he cleans the north from extremists and stops the arms smuggling to Hezbollah. Iran wants bachar to stay cause it needs help againt a strike that is coming up. But i guess Bachar will take the Zionist proposition anyday , becauuse he has already lost a lot and Israel is impatient to destroy Iran. this is the big picture and lebanese are merely a tool ( well they want to be )..

Missing reformist 23:40 ,2012 أيار 21

Soyons francs les amis. Ce qui fait chier M14 c'est d'etre en position de faiblesse. Ils ont la rage que M8 ont ete bien plus malins dans leur alliance politique. On l'a toujours dit on ne partage pas necessairement l'ideologie du hebz mais c'est notre allier. Et c'est logique d'etre l'allie du plus fort surtout qu'il n'a commis aucune corruption qu'on le sache. Il derange? Tant mieux! C'est mieux que l'indifference... Et puis il represente une part non negligeable de la population... Desole mais faut vivre avec :)
Alors laissez passer votre frustration et acceptez les faits, avancons pour faire avancer le pays :)

Missing peace 00:53 ,2012 أيار 22

celui qui crie fort masque souvent ainsi sa faiblesse....