مجلس المفتين اجتمع بمقاطعة السنيورة: مقتل الشيخ عبد الواحد جريمة اغتيال يجب إحالتها للمجلس العدلي

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أكدت دار الفتوى أن مقتل الشيخ أحمد عبد الواحد في عكار "جريمة اغتيال موصوفة" مطالبة بإحالتها إلى المجلس العدلي وداعية ً أهل عكار وكل لبنان إلى "ضبط النفس".

وقال الشيخ محمد علي الجوزو الذي تلا بيان مجلس المفتين في اجتماع بعد ظهر الإثنين "ما حصل أكبر من حادث بل جريمة اغتيال موصوفة والفتنة بعينها وعلى المسؤولين تحمل تبعات ما حصل وما قد يحصل".

وكان قد قتل الشيخ عبد الواحد ورفيقه الشيخ محمد مرعب على حاجز الشويخات في عكار صباح الأحد ما أدى الى اندلاع حركة احتجاجية وقطع الطرقات بالاطارات المشتعلة، إمتدت إلى طريق الجديدة في بيروت الى حد الاشتباك المسلح ومقتل شخصين وجرح 18 آخرين.

وطالب المجلس اليوم الإثنين بإحالة "قضية الاغتيال الى المجلس العدلي" طالبا من "أهلنا في عكار وكافة ارجاء لبنان الى ضبط النفس والتعالي عن الجراح لاحباط المخططات المشبوهة التي تستهدف النيل من وحدة الوطن واحداث شرخ بين عكار والجيش اللبناني".

وتابع البيان أنه "على السلطة السياسية مدعوة لمواصلة تحمل مسؤوليتها كاملة تجاه ما جرى ويجري في البلاد ان في طرابلس او عكار فالاجهزة يجب ان تعمل تحت اشراف السلطة السياسية المسؤولة عن الامن والتي يجب ان تحاسب وتضبط الخلل الذي يبدو انه استفحل".

ولم يخف المجلس تأكيده أن "لبنان يعاني من انعكاسات التطورات السورية وقد ظهر ذلك عبر رسالة (مندوب سوريا لدى الأمم المتحدة بشار) الجعفري المستغربة من ان طرابلس وعكار بؤرة للارهاب والقاعدة".

وجزم أن "ما يأتي في الرسالة السورية مرفوض ومستنكر جملة وتفصيلا وينبغي ان يدفع السلطات اللبنانية باخذها بالحسبان عند التصدي للاخلال بالامن".

وشدد البيان "على وحدة الدولة والمؤسسات في خدمة المواطن وان الفتنة التي عصفت بالوطن واحرقت بنارها الجميع تصدت لها دار الفتوى".

إلى ذلك تقدم المجلس "من اللبنانيين والمسلمين خصوصا ومن العلماء ومن ذوي الشهيدين ومن اهالي عكار بالتعزية بالمصاب الجلل بالشهيدين اللذين سقطا على ساحة الوطن بنيران مجموعة من الجيش" متوجها "بتحية اكبار الى اهالي عكار الاوفياء الذين وقفوا وقفة عز امام الدماء المهدورة".

وترأس الجلسة مفتي الجمهورية الشيخ محمد رشيد قباني وحضور رئيس مجلس الوزراء نجيب ميقاتي، الا أن رئيس الحكومة السابق فؤاد السنيورة قد غاب عن الجلسة بعد رفض طلبه تضمين البيان الختامي ثلاثة امور.

والامور الثلاثة التي طلبها السنيورة أن "تكون لغة بيان المفتين واضحة لناحية تحمل السلطة مسؤوليتها لناحية الاجهزة الامنية بعد الخلل الذي حصل في طرابلس وعكار ".

كذلك دعا السنيورة إلى أن "يكون هناك موقف واضح من رسالة السورية الذي ارسلها بشار الجعفري الى الامم المتحدة ولاسيما ان هذه الرسالة اساءت الى لبنان وامنه واستقراره".

وكان قد اعتبر الجعفري في رسالته الخميس أن "مقرات الجمعيات الخيرية التي تشرف عليها الجماعات السلفية وتيار المستقبل في المناطق اللبنانية المتاخمة للحدود السورية الى اماكن مخصصة لاستقبال وايواء عناصر ارهابية من تنظيمي القاعدة والاخوان المسلمين من السوريين".

وثالث مطالب السنيورة ان "يكون هناك موقف واضح من محاولات اطراف داخلية تسعير الفتنة والصراع الداخلي".

يُشار الى أن خلوة بين ميقاتي والمفتي قباني سبقت الجلسة.

التعليقات 34
Thumb Chupachups 14:39 ,2012 أيار 21

No to Sunni extremists

No to shia extremists.

Default-user-icon terry (ضيف) 16:07 ,2012 أيار 21

Brilliant avatar (icon). You should get a copyright.

Thumb Bandoul 17:19 ,2012 أيار 21

NO to Hzb El Kzb and Terror.
NO to IRAN Turbanheads.
NO to Syrian Butcher.

Missing ulpianus 01:24 ,2012 أيار 22

No to Christian extremist

No to any extremist.

Default-user-icon grumpy (ضيف) 14:45 ,2012 أيار 21

Saniora"s position is always clear,meaningful and well thought unlike majority of our politicians ( on both sides)who like to waste time by compromising on crucial issues that always end up in the traditional announcements of NOTHING.Saniora understands the grave danger this blatant and aggressive behavior by a Lebanese army check point. Someone should be held accountable and measures should be taken WITHOUT AMBIGUITY . Thank you SANIORA .

Missing allouchi 14:47 ,2012 أيار 21

No ANY extremists

Missing reformist 14:52 ,2012 أيار 21

Inta ma 7adan ahrak ella m3allmo! Ra7 ne'har el kell and we will win :) we can give you a one way ticket ;)

Missing reformist 14:53 ,2012 أيار 21

Ken mashghoul bi ser'it el masare! Ka anno his conditions now bi assro hahaha haram loser

Missing patriot 15:00 ,2012 أيار 21

I usually read the comments posted underneath the news article and i must say on poster specifically stands out; Flame Thrower your comments are sometimes seriously regrettable. i'm not trying to attack you personally but instead enlighten you of how people may view your hatred charged comments. You really discourage the chances for individuals to agree with your point of view because of the way you portray yourself. If i'm insulting you i apologize because that's not my underlining goal, instead i would ask you to look back at the comments you make and really ask yourself if that is how you want to represent yourself and the beliefs you may have. I'm not speaking about this post, but instead the general perception i got from reading many posts you made in different articles.

Thumb Bandoul 17:23 ,2012 أيار 21

@patriot, the other day he said we should be shot in the head and dissolved in acid and NAHARNET continues to let this fool and seriously deranged and mentally ill person post. Thank you for being civil to him but you are wasting your time. He has no conscience, he cannot hear you.

Thumb Bandoul 17:23 ,2012 أيار 21

Still playing with your father's PC I see. I am taking collections to buy you a PS3. Wa7ad bala akhle2, w'bala marba.

Thumb bigsami 20:01 ,2012 أيار 21

Unfortunately your opinions are baseless and full of an extremist view that belongs back in the dark ages. If your posts had substance than one could give/take but they are not as we all can see. You complain about this site and what they write but you continue to come back for more. As I have said repeatedly...you are one pathetic individual.

Thumb lebneneh 22:15 ,2012 أيار 21

@patriot this hateful speech is an internsic part of the Lebanese culture unfortunately. 90 percent of comments are completely dismissive of the other half of the Lebanese and sometimes to the degree of wishing death to the others. I have no idea how all these guys here believe that they want the good to this country while they are full of hate to half it's people.

Thumb lebneneh 22:16 ,2012 أيار 21

Khalleh 2allbak kbeer wou listen to patriot

Missing patriot 15:00 ,2012 أيار 21

My political view is that both M8 & M14 are the reasons of our current instability and its a shame that such a beautiful country is left in the hands of such politics. Everyone here, please learn form the mistakes of our politicians and let us try to adopt a more professional, patriotic approach of how to best handle the lively hood of our fellow citizens.

Default-user-icon Gaby (ضيف) 10:20 ,2012 أيار 22

@patriot. Yesterday evening I heard some people say: let's burn the war lords instead of burning tires. something like that.... I do not want bad things to any person, but I truly believe it is time that we work on having others in their positions. It is time that they leave, they only want power, they are all in possession of weapons, they do not care how many young Lebanese will be wasted if another war errupts.

Thumb geha 15:02 ,2012 أيار 21

No to all extremists.
extremism creates extremism....

Default-user-icon grumpy (ضيف) 15:33 ,2012 أيار 21

in my humble opinion I think that PM Saniora Is one if not the only one out of all previous and current so called Lebanese leaders who expresses himself clearly and without ambiguity calling things as He sees them.Accountability is warranted in this case and no more compromise on the sacred national issues like this one ,whoever responsible should be punished.

Thumb beiruti 15:38 ,2012 أيار 21

Yes, of course it was an assassination of the Sheikh. It was executed in order to bait the Sunni of the North, Tripoli and Akkar into sectarian retaliation. It was executed by elements in the LAF that are responsive to Hezbollah.
We all know why it was done and who did it. Assad is now on his way down. The US has green-lighted defensive arms and funds to the FSA so that the offensive arms and funds flowing to the Assad Regime from Iran and Russia, which is the life blood of the murderous regime, can be confronted and the Syrian people defended. Assad is desperate and is playing his Lebanese Card. Though this is hurting Hezbollah domestically in Lebanon, Hezbollah will do this to preserve its logistical lifeline for its weapons.

Thumb Bandoul 17:38 ,2012 أيار 21

@beiruti, you give us (Americans) way too much credit, our actions on the ground, most often than not, contradict what we declare in the news media and such because our regional interest don't usually align with what is in the best interest of Lebanon. The USA is neither foe nor friend to Lebanon and we should always remember it serves its ally ISRAEL first and if that translates into not a single shot fired from the Syrian border into Israel then the USA will continue to look the other way while Assad is butchering thousands of people. As an American tax payer, I find this scenario regrettable because Lebanon is the victim of its circumstance: sharing a border with ISRAEL and having an enemy within, the so called Party of God.

Default-user-icon Leo (ضيف) 18:44 ,2012 أيار 21

This is the first sensable shit I have read in a while. You should write more. Most of the comments here are focused on FT that they forget about the issues.

Thumb geha 17:09 ,2012 أيار 21

by the way guys, have you noticed that things are called by their name today? everyone is talking about assassination, and there are 3 officers and 20 soldiers arrested.
it is also confirmed that the main officer was acting on orders from hizbushaitan.
moreover, what happened in beirut, was also confirmed that it was initiated by hizbushaitan followers, shooting at people, and a unit of hizbushaitan came in under heavy fire to retrieve their guy.

Thumb lebneneh 22:10 ,2012 أيار 21

Where do u get ur information from?

Thumb Bandoul 17:13 ,2012 أيار 21

@slash, I understand your frustrations...please keep in mind that even though they were in charge on paper for a little while, on the ground they were under the gun of The Party of God aka the "Party of Intimidation and Terror". It is easy to say that they let us down when they had the chance to lift us up and fight back the “Party of Thugs and Murderers” but in reality, dying in a car bomb is not worth it, right?

Thumb Bandoul 17:16 ,2012 أيار 21

Still playing with your father's PC I see. I am taking collections to buy you a PS3. Wa7ad bala akhle2, w'bala marba.

Thumb Bandoul 17:42 ,2012 أيار 21

My comment above is to reformist, NOT Slash. Thumbs up to Slash.

Missing lebanese88 17:25 ,2012 أيار 21

Question for fpm followers, are all of you as rude, racist and secterian as this flamethrower ? If not, i urge you to speak up against this filthy person. If you read his comments around naharnet, you will see what i am talking about.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 18:26 ,2012 أيار 21

@reformist, go reform the 400 million that minister fatoush is stealing for 2 years of compensation for the closure of his ma7massa ya ahbal. go reform the 60 million gebran bassil was going to take as commission on the power vessels. Go reform the 3G telecommunication minister Sehnaoui installed over the 2G lines and now 1/2 times you cannot even make a proper call.Go reform the syrian ambassador's letter that Lebanon harbors terrorists and hinting he wants to come back to Lebaanon. Go reform Gabby Layyoun your SSNP minister 's false history book that could have passed if not for the Kataeb who shouted it outt loud for Aoun to reject it... And specially, go reform the 13 october, when your speedy gonzales general ran like a cockroach to the french embassy afraid of beeing terminated by the syrians.

Missing peace 19:03 ,2012 أيار 21

it was clearly stated that the sheikh was murdered... it shows who M8 are obeying and the divisions they are trying to create to serve the interests of syria but not lebanon...

Thumb bigsami 19:57 ,2012 أيار 21

Siddo! Your annoying!

Thumb Bandoul 21:24 ,2012 أيار 21

@tonyfarris, I don't know the truth and I wasn't there. We should go out of our way and apply all reasonable means not to vilify our legitimate institutions before uncovering the truth. The Lebanese Army is not above reproach or above the law, I grant you that, and if one or a few of its members are compromised, we should not declare open season on our beloved Army and all of its honorable members who sacrifice with distinction for our security and future. Let's exercise restraint and compassion and wait for the facts. If we can’t trust our legitimate institutions we are doomed forever. Please always keep in mind that no Army in any modern country serves within their borders. Only in Lebanon we burden our Army to play judge and jury between irrational uncivilized hateful citizens when in reality it is a Police/ISF function.

Missing ulpianus 01:28 ,2012 أيار 22

Guys. I wish that all of you supporting different parties to; 1. not write rubbish like "we will win". Its NOT a football game. Thikn about what we will win means. It means lots of dead people. Lots of fatherless children. Lots of jobs lost. Lots of Lebanese leaving the country etc etc.

2. On this specific issue, it´s is totally clear that it is an attempt by somebody ( some group or country or whatever) to bring closer the rest of the Sunnis with the small Salafi group. To make a "united Sunni Case" in the country. As it was before this incidenet, most sunnies were against the salafis. This is an attempt to change that, and changing that would most certainly later lead to a Sunni/Shia clash.

Who will benefit most from this is up to you. My view is that all countries involved will benefit except of Lebanon.

So dont fall for this. Up to you to save your country.

Missing helicopter 05:03 ,2012 أيار 22

When we unite as patriotic Lebanese all conspiracies weaved are doomed to fail. When we promote moderation, extremism will extinguish itself out in due time. Persist on demanding the removal of all arms. Insist on being pro-Lebanon and not anti and for foreign entities. Lets build on what unites us and downplay our differences. Constitution, Institutions and the Army are our salvation.

Default-user-icon gaby (ضيف) 10:21 ,2012 أيار 22

Very well said, hope someone is lestening.