المولوي أخرج بكفالة مالية: اوقفت لانني ساعدت النازحين السوريين

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وافق مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر على قرار اخلاء سبيل الموقوف شادي المولوي بكفالة مالية قدرها 500 ألف ليرة.

ولدى وصوله الى طرابلس وتحديداً الى مكتب مؤسسة وزير المال محمد الصفدي قال "اوقفت لانني ساعدت النازحين السوريين".

وكشف عن أنه اعترف بامور "تحت الضغط والتعذيب وتوقيفي هو توقيف سياسي".

وكان قاضي التحقيق العسكري نبيل وهبه قد عقد جلسة استجواب المولوي، في المحكمة العسكرية، في حضور وكيله المحامي محمد حافظه، وسط إجراءات أمنية مشددة.

وبعد الاستجواب قدم حافظة طلبا ثانيا لتخلية موكله وأحاله القاضي وهبه إلى القاضي صقر لابداء الرأي.

وقد ترافق صدور قرار اخلاء سبيله باطلاق المفرقعات ابتهاجاً في ساحة النور في طرابلس.

وكانت قد رجحت أوساط طرابلسية، لصحيفة "النهار"، تخلية المولوي الثلاثاء لعدم ثبوت أي اتهام ملموس في حقه، في حين أبدت مصادر أمنية معنية بالملف تخوفها مما وصفته بتسييس الملف واعتبرت ان مضمون الملف مليء بمعطيات عدة ولا أساس لكل ما تعلنه عائلة مولوي وعدد من النواب والافرقاء السياسيين.

وقد ادى توقيف المولوي سبت الاسبوع الفائت الى اندلاع اشتباكات في طرابلس، تركزت بين منطقتي جبل محسن ذات الغالبية العلوية المؤيدة للنظام السوري وباب التبانة ذات الغالبية السنية المؤيدة لحركة الاحتجاج السورية.

وبدأت الاشتباكات رفضاً للطريقة التي اعتقل فيها المولوي، "عبر استدراجه الى مركز الخدمات الاجتماعية لوزير المال محمد الصفدي في ساحة النور ظهر السبت، من قبل جهاز أمني بواسطة اتصال هاتفي به بحجة منحه مساعدة صحية".

من جهة أخرى، نفى وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور لصحيفة "الجمهورية" أن "تكون قطر قد هدّدت بطرد اللبنانيين العاملين فيها إذا لم تُحلّ قضية المواطن القطري من آل عطية".

وعطية هو أحد أفراد الشبكة السداسية التي تضم المولوي ولبنانيان آخران وأردنياً وفلسطينياً، بتهمة الانتماء الى تنظيم ارهابي، الا أنه أفرج عن عطية، بسبب اجراءه جراحة في الكلى.

ونقلت "الجمهورية" عن معلومات أن منصور التقى خلال زيارته لقطر بالمواطن عبد العزيز العطية، وأنه سمع من المسؤولين القطريين استياءً عارماً من ذكر اسم الرجل الذي لديه مصالح وشركات كبيرة وتربطه صلة قربى برئيس الوزراء القطري، أي ابن عمه.

وسأل المسؤولون القطريون وزير الخارجية "كيف يتمّ القبض عليه ونشر اسمه كاملاً قبل التأكد من المعلومات؟ ولماذا لم يقتصر الأمر على نشر أول احرف من اسمه كما هو متعارف عليه؟".

كما تبلغ منصور من المسؤولين القطريين أن كل ما في الأمر هو أن العطية رغب في مساعدة النازحين السوريين إنسانياً وصرف لهم لهذه الغاية مبلغاً بقيمة أربعة آلاف دولار، وإنّه سمع من الذين أبدى أمامهم رغبته في التبرع أنّ هناك شخصاً يدعى شادي المولوي وهو من يتكفل بإيصال هذا المبلغ إليهم، من دون تحديد ما إذا كانت وجهته للنازحين أم للمعارضة.

وأفاد المسؤولون أن "علاقته بالموقوف المولوي تقتصر على هذا الحدّ وليس هناك لا شبكة إرهابية ولا من يحزنون".

التعليقات 56
Thumb shab 12:22 ,2012 أيار 22

Get a shave, you filth

Thumb Chupachups 12:42 ,2012 أيار 22

We should create a "shave the filth off your face" day in lebanon!

Thumb geha 16:21 ,2012 أيار 22

ignore comments from the following:
their comments are full of hatred and insults. they do not deserve we waiste our time on them.

Missing realist 19:12 ,2012 أيار 22

You are very racist shab, sorry to say that. Why so much hate?

Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 13:00 ,2012 أيار 22

Hope he will detonate himself in a suicide bomb attack on the ones who got him free

Missing realist 19:13 ,2012 أيار 22

Die in your hate and racism.

Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 09:42 ,2012 أيار 23

I feel lots of hate and racism in your post! ;)
But if being against Al Quaeda is racism then I m prout to be a racist.

Default-user-icon Luis (ضيف) 13:21 ,2012 أيار 22

Only in Lebanon are Al Qaida sympathizers supported by right-wing Christian (Geagea & Co.) groups. Only in Lebanon.

Thumb thepatriot 14:30 ,2012 أيار 22

Stupid comment!Al Qaida supporters and hezb suporters are two sides of the same coin!

Thumb thepatriot 14:32 ,2012 أيار 22

Geagea and this animal only happen to have one common goal: The fall of the syrian regime...but not for the same purpose or the same ideology...at all!

Missing realist 19:17 ,2012 أيار 22

I agree, but this dude was not charged with a terrorist ACT and you should refrain from using alqaida term towards any suni religous man as it frankly reflects total ignorance/arrogance, there was no terrorist ACTION being committed by mawalwi here and please remember that the suni community stood behind the success of the army in naher barded. So yes mawlawi was arrested to scare people from helping the refugees and make an example, it backfired on the idiots. If you consider sympathizing/helping the syrian refugees as act of terror then 90 percent of sunis in lebanon are terrorists.

Thumb thepatriot 19:07 ,2012 أيار 22

Lool mowaten... I guess those hezb guys arrested in iraq, phillipines, egypt, us, thailand, and south america were jailed because they lacked a visa hehehehe...

"resistance against israel"... Hehehehe...yeah right!

Default-user-icon sami (ضيف) 23:52 ,2012 أيار 22

it's not geagea who released but hezbollah government - think about it

Default-user-icon ex pat (ضيف) 13:24 ,2012 أيار 22

it seems all you need in this country is a few idiots with guns and you can begin to write your own laws. Weak action like this from the Lebanese judiciary proves they are corrupt and that anyone with wepons stands above the law. What a joke this thug is being hailed as a hero not condemed for the criminal he is. Lebanon will never be a state free of corruption that will stand up to the criminal element, thet can't for they then would have to stand against them selves. Clean out your closets Lebanon its time to take out the trash if you ever want your citizens to live as human beings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thumb sophia_angle 14:01 ,2012 أيار 22

Go back to your home country you filthy animal!

Missing ulpianus 14:18 ,2012 أيار 22

Sopiha, no offence but this man is called Shadi which sounds much more Lebanese than Sophia:-) although I question is second name, al Mawlawi. Doesnt sound too Lebanese:-)

However, I, like you , fear the Salafist rise going on in Lebanon. We dont need another Hizbul. in Lebanon which will lead to a disastrous war. We dont need another group supported from abroad and we dont need a War between the Gulf leaders ( I say leaders because not all of the Gulf countries represent their people) and Iran on Lebanese soil.

Missing lebanese88 16:09 ,2012 أيار 22

Ulpianus, could you tell what sounds "lebanese"? There is no such thing as lebanese names. Our first names among muslims, druze, alawites, orthodox, are mostly arabic (such as the name shadi) while our first names among maronites are mostly french or english (say as roy). As for the last names almost all have arabic ones, regardless of religion/sect. Some have turkish, syriac or persian names but thats it. A name can not sound lebanese. El Hariri family is originally from the arab penninsula, sinno family is originally from maghreb, el hajj yemen, berri family name is from the arab penninsula originally, nasrallah is an arabic name that means God's victory, tuwaini family is yemenite, people with the last name haddad are split between aramaic origin and arab penninsula origin, qahwaji is a turkish last name, miqati is arabic last name, abou jamra is an arabic last name etc etc. And all of these last names exist among neighbouring people, they are not "lebanese" in any way.

Missing ulpianus 16:37 ,2012 أيار 22

Maronites in general going back just 50 years did not have "mostly" french names as you say it. This is a modern phenomena created in the post colonial era. It´s a sign of how some powers succeeded in spliting us up fully comparable with how some (for example) maronites associate themselves with france and "feels" they are culturally connected with France which I find laughable.
As for the name Haddad, it has a clear meaning in arabic.
While I dont think that its anybodys bznz what name you choose ( as a parent) I question the general direction of names nowadays. In many cases you can see that politics are affecting the names more than culture.

Missing ulpianus 16:39 ,2012 أيار 22

Comment 2 for Lebanese88

..While among maronites you could find names like Charbel, Elias and Philemon in the past the names of today are totally unconnected with Lebanon or the area in names like John, Albert or Claudyne.
Same among muslims of course. Like who called his child Saed or Bahaa in Lebanon before? Shadi, Ziad and Talal were for example more typical for Lebanese muslims ( and christians dont forget ).
To sum it up. I think we should be proud of ourselves and dont let politics affect our names, or try to distance ourselves from "other filthy sects" with choosing totally unconnected names, showing our lack of culture and creativity. Lebanon is a country with at least as long history as France ( certainly longer)

Missing lebanese88 17:32 ,2012 أيار 22

Ulpianus, ziad, talal and shadi are all arabic names. I dont know how you got the idea that saad and bahaa are new names for lebanese. Arabic names have been in use in lebanon for 1300 years, whether its talal, muhammad, kamal, shadi, adnan, saad eddine, bahaa eddine, salah eddine, abdallah etc. There is not a single name that is "lebanese". Lebanon has been part of empires for thousands of years. There has never been an lebanese identity per say until after lebanon became an independant state.

Missing ulpianus 17:43 ,2012 أيار 22


I did not in any way say that they are Lebanese names of Lebanese origin. What we are discussing here ( I think) is what names is traditionally used in Lebanon, and so can be called Lebanese.

Some of the names you mentioned, can be traced back to an era even long before the arabs....
( and about Saed and Bahaa I didnt say they are new names, but they were not as popular before as they are now, for political reasons. That was my point).

Anyway! Interesting discussion but I think we are out of the subject of the article:-)


Default-user-icon Cana dian (ضيف) 14:15 ,2012 أيار 22

Did this guy ever took a shower? I thought lebanese they are very clean and they take shower,use perfum,sun tan.... What is weong with u lebanese..... I go back to my vodka and pork ribs....anyone wants to share...

Thumb kesrweneh 15:17 ,2012 أيار 22

yes please!@!

Missing lebanese88 16:10 ,2012 أيار 22

Jesus had a beard according to the bible. Was he dirty according to you?

Missing realist 19:10 ,2012 أيار 22


Default-user-icon guest (ضيف) 14:16 ,2012 أيار 22

wtf is this bulshit !!! 500000 ll, tfeh

Thumb lebneneh 14:19 ,2012 أيار 22

Not many will understand what you just said...even if they understood they will brush you off

Default-user-icon JK (ضيف) 14:29 ,2012 أيار 22

that's actually an old photo of him. when he was arrested he simply had a 2 day growth.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 15:05 ,2012 أيار 22

anybody is beginning to understand that wahaby and farsi are the same devil?or u need more time and more military equilibrium on the ground?????

Thumb kesrweneh 15:17 ,2012 أيار 22

great day for lebanon! now al Qaeda can run free, do all the bombings it wants, knowing since it has the support of Harriri Geagea and co. they will be unpunished. sad sad sad

Default-user-icon Greenie (ضيف) 15:20 ,2012 أيار 22

MAzbout Muowate
But you forgot to add :
Hizbolla = iranian agents=syrian agents=drugs=car theft=assasination.

Thumb geha 16:00 ,2012 أيار 22

reading the above comments.... you are the same ones who said: wait for the judicial decision.....
what happened to you guys?
you decided this guy is al qaeda and decided to throw all sorts of comments on him!
decide, what is it you want?
I for one hate all extremists, and do not approve any of their actions, but that does not mean, that I consider each and every one as a terrorist.

Missing lebanese88 16:12 ,2012 أيار 22

Would you say the same to jesus who also was a bearded man?

Missing peace 16:52 ,2012 أيار 22

M8 along with their syrian masters have been putting in people s minds that the north of lebanon is an al qaeda hideout and that M14 is the only responsible for what is going on in syria...
reading some comments above it seems they have achieved their goal! all that because syria is in a bad position and are trying to involve lebanon in their fate.
so short thinking proves how narrow their minds are and lack clever analysis of the situation! if there are some extremists in the north they exaggerate their influence on purpose to scare people!
they just forget on purpose what kind of regime the syrian regime is and what their goal is...and soon will tell us that in syria it s the best democracy in the world just like orangina the clown did!

Missing lebanese88 17:37 ,2012 أيار 22

Is this how you talk to people in real life as well? You sound like a bigot. And yes, it appears you would say the same rude things to jesus for his beard, his teachings and his orders from God.

Default-user-icon Luis (ضيف) 18:58 ,2012 أيار 22

As usual, the cheap rhetoric permeates through every comment. Why are people saying "go hang yourself" ... everyone needs to relax. And yes, the Christian right in the country is a tool for the Salafi sponsors, the days of Camille Chamoun, Pierre Gemayel, Raymond Edde, even Bachir are over. Michel Aoun tried to take the Christians somewhere but the ego got the best of him and the rest--- wake up, and stop supporting Salafi's, these people will destroy everyone.

Thumb jabal10452 19:14 ,2012 أيار 22

Yiiiiii! wlék shou jébo haida 3a baladna ya 3ammé?

Missing 3akkari 19:39 ,2012 أيار 22

His family have been in lebanon for hundreds of years so ma 7ada jebo. There are maronites whos families have been in lebanon for less than 100 years yet they are still considered lebanese by you so dont be a hypocrite.

Thumb jabal10452 19:56 ,2012 أيار 22

bass ana ma b7ébbon hawdé les bedouins. Ktir sa2ilin yé2né!

Missing marounlebz 20:12 ,2012 أيار 22

kell el meselmin bi lebnen bedouins, tla3o barra 3a s3oudiyi aw shi. Lebnen Masi7eh we lal masi7iyyi.

Missing realist 19:19 ,2012 أيار 22

I am disgusted at the amount of racism and hate people have on this board

Missing kiserwaniaseel 20:27 ,2012 أيار 22

Judge Saqr Saqr decided on Tuesday to release Shadi al-Mawlawi after over a week in custody.

He declared upon his release that he was “wrongfully arrested for aiding Syrian refugees in Lebanon.”

“I was forced to make confessions under pressure and torture,” he added on his arrival in the northern city of Tripoli.

Islamist al-Mawlawi was released on bail of L.L. 500,000 after a hearing that was held on Tuesday, reported LBC television.

this comes out after march 8 supporters and especially illiterate FlameThrower came on here convicting the man before investigation was done! perfect example of why you should ignore such illiterates on this site...

Missing allouchi 21:19 ,2012 أيار 22

ft, shame on you and the likes of you..nothing is worse than a stupid bigot..I even pity you…

Missing peace 22:54 ,2012 أيار 22

if mawlawi was shia he would belong to hezbollah...

Default-user-icon Leo (ضيف) 23:09 ,2012 أيار 22

Your comment is curious. Putting the words "islamists rugheads" and "sane society" in the same sentence. Also, a question to ponder on. Should a person be "found innocent" or proven guilty in a "sane society?"

Default-user-icon Toufic (ضيف) 20:56 ,2012 أيار 22

Why would $400,000 be distributed by the Qatari sheikh directly to the refugees by an individual? Why don't that many be given to the UN agency who is currently in charge.

$400,000 with no accountability..WOW! Where is the logic in that...

Thumb libnani 22:14 ,2012 أيار 22

mawlawi the hero of tripoli

Thumb phoenician 22:38 ,2012 أيار 22

I have to disagree with you my friend regarding lebanese names. Most Christians names in Lebanon might sound french or of french version but in reality they are all hebrew, greek, and aramaic. For example Maroun( maron) is aramaic, goerge is greek(yorgo), ellie or Elias ( elia) is hebrew, boutros is greek and so on. As for haddad its an assyrian name its mentiones in the bible on many occasions. And i would say about 80% of names of our towns and cities are hebrew or aramaic (syriac). Aramaic is the official language of the church in Lebanon and the entire eastern church apart from Egypt which is coptic.

Missing lebanese88 23:01 ,2012 أيار 22

Lol phoenician, i expect such a comment from someone who thinks he is phoenician. However you twist things, neither of these names are lebanese. By the way, in case you didnt know, there saudis and other khaleejis with the last name haddad. Part of the haddad family in lebanon came from arabia and part of it came from aramic people from iraq. Also, most christian do use the western versions of these names and not the hebrew, greek versions of it. The point is whether a lebanese is called george or muhammad, neither of these names are lebanese. Whatever the language of the church is, the only people in lebanon who speak aramaic are the syriacs (siryen) and some priests, inother words, less than 0,1 %. Dont twist facts and stop inventing a false history for your family.

Missing ulpianus 00:26 ,2012 أيار 23


nobody has monopoly on the truth.

Missing peace 22:57 ,2012 أيار 22

nasrallah also has a beard...forgot that?

Default-user-icon sami (ضيف) 23:50 ,2012 أيار 22

you can only blame the government - they arrested and then released him

Default-user-icon phoenician (ضيف) 00:19 ,2012 أيار 23


I am sorry to say that you are blinkered and your opinion is based on sentiment and not fact. Neither history nor geography indicates that Lebanon is an Arabic country. The arabs arrived 1300years ago but we have 4700years of history before them. As for surnames you have Aoun surnames even in Iraq because of intermarriage, i was talking about the origin of names and i agree with you there is no such thing as Lebanese names any more but the same thing goes to the rest of the world. Furthermore i am in a position to tell you that i am 100% of phoenician decent because ive had DNA test. As for the Aramaic language all priests have to speak Aramaic and not just few,i do and so does my family because this is who we are.

Thumb phoenician 00:30 ,2012 أيار 23


Read books and follow documentaries and dont base your oponion on sentiments. And for the record i can confirm that i am of phoenician decent because ive had DNA tests to confirm.

Default-user-icon Maronite Jack (ضيف) 03:03 ,2012 أيار 23

this guy and his friends are heroes in my eyes .Thumps up from me.

Default-user-icon JK (ضيف) 05:05 ,2012 أيار 23

he is on bail pending trial he CANNOT talk about the case!