الراعي: سقوط النظام الديكتاتوري لن يؤثر على وجود المسيحيين في سوريا

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أكد البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي أن سقوط النظام السوري لن يؤثر على وجود المسيحيين في هذا البلد، معرباً عن خشيته من الحرب الأهلية أو التقسيم أو وصول نظام أكثر تشدداً.

وقال الراعي في حديث لصحيفة "السياسة" الكويتية الأربعاء ان "النظام السوري ديكتاتوري ولقد عانى منه اللبنانيون الأمرين، ورحيل (الرئيس بشار) الأسد لا يؤثر بتاتاً على وجود المسيحيين في سوريا، لأنهم بطبيعة الحال يوالون السلطة أياً كانت ولا يوالون الأنظمة السياسية".

واضاف البطريرك ان "رحيل النظام في سوريا لا يقلقنا بل نخاف من ثلاثة أمور أن تحدث هناك: حرب أهلية وتقسيم الدولة ووصول نظام أكثر تشدداً"، مشيراً إلى أن المسلمين بكل طوائفهم هم معتدلون، "لكن المتشددين والأصوليين هم للأسف من يتولى السلطة بدعم من بعض الدول وذلك من أجل زعزعة الاستقرار".

وفي الشأن اللبناني، شدد الراعي على أن الدولة هي التي تحمي المواطنين لا الدويلات المسلحة، مشيراً إلى أن المشكلة تكمن في ولاء اللبنانيين لاشخاص وأحزاب وفئات بدل أن يكون ولاؤهم للدولة.

وأضاف ان "الدولة معطلة بالخلافات والصراعات ولكن مهما بلغت حدتها يجب أن يكون سقفها لبنان نفسه، إذ أن العالم العربي يغلي وعلينا الإبتعاد عن التصرف اللامسؤول، لأن العنف يولد العنف".

وإذ اعتبر أن الصراع هو بين المسلمين فقط مستبعداً أن يمتد إلى المسيحيين،أكد الراعي أن "الدولة هي التي تحمي المواطنين لا الدويلات المسلحة"، مضيفاً ان "مظاهر حمل السلاح توحي وكأننا نعيش في الأدغال".

ووجه البطريرك رسالة إلى جميع اللبنانيين دعاهم فيها إلى الوحدة واحترام الاختلاف في الآراء والخيارات والقرارات، وعدم فرض الآراء بالقوة، كما وجه نداء إلى السياسيين داعياً إياهم إلى عدم التدخل في الإدارة لأن ذلك يعطل عمل الدولة.

التعليقات 20
Default-user-icon James (ضيف) 09:02 ,2012 أيار 23


Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 19:03 ,2012 أيار 23

This is to satisfy the Israeli lobby in America so they will not smear him.

Default-user-icon Qawmi Bashar (ضيف) 23:16 ,2012 أيار 23

The Maronite Patriarch wants to satisfy the Israeli lobby, wow my Qawmi friend you have outdone yourself.

Default-user-icon RIP (ضيف) 09:02 ,2012 أيار 23


Missing lf911 11:32 ,2012 أيار 23

kil yom bi ray

Thumb geha 09:09 ,2012 أيار 23

as advised previously: Rahi got a big slap on the hand and is correcting his comments finally. Rome's instructions are clear and should he go back to his previous refrain, expect his resignation soon.
christianity has never been about supporting the oppressors and the murderors.

Thumb cedar 09:15 ,2012 أيار 23

I dont understand, wasnt he saying that assad was keeping the christians in peace in Syria before?

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 09:53 ,2012 أيار 23

Late as though this might have been, Al Rai has finally adhered to the voice of reason and justice. It's unfair to see more than 20 million Syrian nationals brutally macsacered by a regime which is made of a handful family members. These kinds of regimes are extinct in today's society. We need to be on the side of justice and fairness no matter what this might have been. I am a Christian but most of my friends are Muslims. I value people based on their quality not religion because this is how life works. We in the ME have swayed from what's right and what religion is. We could have been a beacon of equality rather than a hub for illusionists fundamentalists who mainly use religion to thrive with their wayward ideas. The assad regime will go, if not now certainly later. Justice will prevail.

Thumb geha 09:59 ,2012 أيار 23

some people have really a habit of twisting reality!
didn't rahi previously say the syrian regime is the closest to democracy?
how is it in line with what he is saying today? he is a worse flip/flopper than jumblat!

Thumb sophia_angle 10:01 ,2012 أيار 23

Al Rahi always said that extremist should not rule, he doesn't mind the regime to change especialy being our neighbour...because you can say if they reached to power as in Egypt n other places goodbye to democracy n freedom of thought !!!!!

Missing ulpianus 11:06 ,2012 أيار 23

His comment is totally ungrounded taking in consideration that christians have been here for a loooong time and even under strict muslim rulings.

His usual comments, does actually "cut out" the christians from the rest of the population, in some way showing the rest of the population that christians need what they do not need. In other words, that christians need bashar to stay while the rest of the population is oppressed by the same.

This isnt a healthy situation....

Thumb phoenician 11:31 ,2012 أيار 23

Iran only two months ago excuted by hanging a convert to Christianity, so much for tolerence.

Missing peace 13:43 ,2012 أيار 23

"we said syria is the closest thing to democracy " did FPM said that to the mothers of the lebanese kidnapped in syria because their only fault was to criticize the regime?
how can a terrorist regime become the closest thing to democracy in 7 years?
by defending the syrian regime you are just killing another time the FPMers murdered in the syrian jails defending aouns ideas before he prostituted himself to hezb and syria....no dignity whatsoever!
FPM are just insulting the intelligence of lebanese people and don t know how to justify their allegiance to their new master...

Missing helicopter 15:22 ,2012 أيار 23

He is as steady as the wind in his stances ..... almost outdoing Jumlat.

Thumb Lebanon4life 16:36 ,2012 أيار 23

ya Patriarch don't confuse us xD

Default-user-icon le phenicien , paris something something (ضيف) 16:54 ,2012 أيار 23

Nice avatar Tayyar now do you have a picture of GMA from the back as he's running away.

Thumb Lebanon4life 17:16 ,2012 أيار 23

absolutely ;D

Thumb Lebanon4life 17:16 ,2012 أيار 23

absolutely ;D

Default-user-icon doureid (ضيف) 17:04 ,2012 أيار 23

Al-Rahi: Collapse of Syria’s Dictatorship Won’t Affect Christians

in other word Oops!!!

Missing realist 00:07 ,2012 أيار 24

Rahi has realized that there is no life for the syrian regime in the long run, taking sides with a butcher is extremely dangerous for christians, the revenges in syria will linger for several years to come and things will not end simply by the regime's demise. The Syrians will need a treaty of their own to live together again. Rahi did the right thing for the chrisitans with this smart position. Everyone on here needs to remember that in the 50's Syria had a chrisitian prime minister with muslim consent.