قهوجي بأمر اليوم: أحداث الشمال أكدت الرهان على دور الجيش في وأد الفتنة

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شدد قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي على أن أحداث الشمال أكدت الرهان على دور الجيش في وأد الفتنة وفرض الاستقرار.

ودعا قهوجي العسكريين في أمر اليوم، لمناسبة الذكرى الـ12 لعيد المقاومة والتحرير، ، أن يكونوا على "قدر هذا الرهان واحرصوا أشد الحرص على ارواح اهلكم من خلال اداء مهماتكم بمنتهى الدقة والمسؤولية".

وأكد أن "مهمتي الدفاع والامن تتكاملان معا في سبيل الحفاظ على السيادة الوطنية والمصلحة العليا للبلاد".

وشدد قهوجي على أنه "كما لا يجوز على الاطلاق التفريط بذرة واحدة من ترابنا الوطني وقطرة واحدة من مياهنا وثرواتنا الطبيعية، كذلك لا يجوز لأي كان العبث بأمن المواطن ورزقه وكرامته واستغلال مناخ الديموقراطية والحريات العامة التي ينعم بها لبنان وما يعصف بالمنطقة العربية من أزمات للايغال في تهديم اركان الدولة وتصديع وحدة الوطن وضرب مكتسباته والتلاعب بمصير اجياله".

وشهدت طرابلس اشتباكات اثر اعتقال شادي المولوي الاسبوع الفائت، لاتهامه بالانتماء الى تنظيم ارهابي الذي ما لبث أن أفرج عنه الثلاثاء، ما اعاد الهدوء الى عاصمة الشمال.

كما شهدت عكار والطريق الجديدة وعدد من المناطق اللبنانية حركة احتجاجية تمثلت بقطع الطرقات بالاطارات المشتعلة، الى حد الاشتباك المسلح في الطريق الجديدة الذي أودى بحياة شخصين وجرح 18 شخصاً، احتجاجاً على مقتل الشيخين أحمد عبد الواحد ومحمد مرعب بالرصاص على حاجز الكويخات للجيش اللبناني بعكار.

التعليقات 18
Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 14:23 ,2012 أيار 23

The army should be keen on the lives of the Lebanese and reply in kind on everyone who dares undermining its authority.
Dont backup on pressure. We are tired from having a weak army. This is what causing all the unrest in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:33 ,2012 أيار 23

the media has an important role in saving the country,it can enormously help the army by shutting the hot heads.

Missing helicopter 15:11 ,2012 أيار 23

Qahwaji Calls on Army to be Keen on Lives of Lebanese and be Responsible......
This is all fine and good, and now to the other parts of the equation.
Armed groups and parties, give up you arms and be keen on the lives of the Army personnel and those of your fellow citizens.

Missing Perestroika 16:02 ,2012 أيار 23

Monsieur Qahwaji : l sha3eb bado menak te7mi, l sha3eb bado menak l 2este2rar!!!
l jesh houwi l wa7id l mokalaf ye7mi l mowaten w y2amin l 2este2rar w yemna3 kel ta3adi 3al 2anoun bi trablos 2aw bi 3ekkar 2aw bel da7yi 2aw bi me3rab 2aw bel ne2oura 2aw bi za7li 2aw bi zgharta 2aw bel jabal...

Inta mas2oul ya Quahwaji 3an kel khalal bel amen. Inta mas2oul 2edem l ness 3an kel darbit baroudi bi 3ekkar 2aw bel da7yi!

tfadal t7amal mas2olitak!

Thumb benzona 17:10 ,2012 أيار 23

T'as raison pérestroïka. Monsieur, mais avec un 'm' minuscule... Dès que ces gens goûtent au pouvoir, ils perdent la raison et oublient ce pourquoi ils occupent de telles fonctions. Longue vie à l'armée syrienne libre. Amen.

Missing Perestroika 17:17 ,2012 أيار 23

moch hek Benzona. Je ne lui ai pas manqué de respect et je ne cherche pas à le faire. bass 7ebet wadi7 mas2oliyto bi kel 2e7tiram. Ma darouri etzalamlo w 2e3tebro za3im ...

Thumb sophia_angle 16:23 ,2012 أيار 23

Long live our army, to hell all traitors who do not let him reach advanced weapons n whom are trying to break his 'Honor' code, this army who is 'Sacrificing' every second & true 'Loyal' to his country!!

Thumb Lebanon4life 16:31 ,2012 أيار 23

I think the time has come to accept the army as the only resistance :/ Maybe we could integrate Hezbollah as a special fighting forces against Israel but under the command of the Army this should be a solution we could all agree up on I think ;D

Missing vaclav_havel 16:44 ,2012 أيار 23

ana kamen ma3ak. Li bado dawli awiyi hek bi faker! 2arar l selem wel 7areb bi 2id l dawli. w lesh la2 yet3alam l jesh men tari2et kitel HA!

Thumb sophia_angle 16:59 ,2012 أيار 23

In my modest military pt of view;) wen you place a resistance in an army that means you have opened up the army cover; in that case the army in a war will be targeted n analiated especially by the superpower that israel has...

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:49 ,2012 أيار 23

good idea
bilad el arz is prevailing no worry

Default-user-icon eli (ضيف) 16:46 ,2012 أيار 23

we do not need a strong army.what we need is a strong internal security force.Armies are to defend a country from outside threat.not intrnal strife.We need honest politicians that do not answer to foriegn powers.We need courts that upholds the law equaly to all citizens.We need all weapons to be taken fron all citizens and parties.No more weapons in the hands of the people and thugs of all affiliations.A large army is expensive.We simply cannot afford it.WE NEED PEACE WITH ISRAEL.Without peace Lebanon will never be a prosporous country.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:56 ,2012 أيار 23

we need peace with ourselves .. then all our neighbours including the palestinians in their own country,taking all the refugees.. as for israel:LET THEM ASK FOR PEACE B4 GIVING IT FROM US.

Missing jesuswasaprophet 21:58 ,2012 أيار 23

No such thing as peace with israel. Never gonna happen.

Missing jesuswasaprophet 21:59 ,2012 أيار 23

No such thing as peace with israel. Never gonna happen.

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 17:41 ,2012 أيار 23

In no way should the army be used for external purposes like spreading the war in Lebanon for the sake a appeasing the Syrian regime. Lebanon is a sovereign country and has laws that protect its people not like the butcher of Syria. We need to extricate ourselves from the Assad family and their craziness. This family is the cause of Lebanon heartache. The time has come for them to leave and save us the hassle of even looking back at their atrocities in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon EAGLE EYES (ضيف) 18:44 ,2012 أيار 23

My congratulations to the officers of the LAF that gave the 2 thugs masquerading as religiou clerics a well deserved dirt nap till eternity.If they were not up to some illegal activity,they would have abided by the officers orders and not try to escape.No need for an apology by the general.All these warlords of Lebanon from the left and the right deserve similar fate,their hands are drenched with the blood of the innocent for 20 years.It amazes me they returned to power instead of being brought to justice for crimes against humanity.Some in Lebanon bark like dogs about what they do if this or that.May you receive the same dirt nap your bretherns received.Free speach does not give you any right to threaten anybody.

Default-user-icon EAGLE EYES (ضيف) 18:58 ,2012 أيار 23

My congratulations to the officers that gave the 2 thugs masquerading as religious clerics a well deserved dirt nap.If they weren't up to some illegal activity and trying to escape they wouldn't have been sent to meet their creator.Soon another dirt nap is needed to the guy that made a speech threatening the general of the LAF if in a week.....Lebanon need to bring the civil war warlords from the left as well as those from the right to justice,whose hands are drenched with the blood of the innocents.I'm amazed that they returned to power instead of rotting in jail or executed for commiting crimes against humanity.