إشكال بين طلاب الكتائب وحزب الله في الجامعة اليسوعية والقوى الأمنية تفضه
Read this story in Englishحصل إشكال بين طلاب "الكتائب اللبنانية" وآخرين من "حزب الله" علم أن أسبابه تعود إلى إشكال آخر على شعارات دينية الإثنين الفائت في الجامعة اليسوعية "هوفلان" بعد ظهر الأربعاء.
وتطور الإشتباك إلى تضارب بالأيدي مما دفع القوى الأمنية إلى التدخل في محاولة لفضه.
وعلم أن جرحى سقطت من الفئتين.
كذلك استقدم الجيش تعزيزاته إلى محيط الجامعة لتطويق الإشكال.
وحصلت إتصالات بين قيادات المنظمات الطلابية في الكتائب والقوات وحزب الله من أجل التهدئة.
وقال رئيس مصلحة الطلاب في "الكتائب" باتريك ريشا لقناة الـ"LBC" أن "الظرف المشحون يؤدي الى تطور اي اشكال بسيط" مشيرا الى ان "الشباب في جامعة القديس يوسف انقسموا بين 8 و14 اذار".
وأشار إلى أن "ما يهمنا انه كان هناك تواصل مع مسؤولي حزب الله لتهدئة الامور لان البلد والجامعات لا تحتمل هكذا اشكالات".
بدوره أشار مسؤول الشباب في حزب الله يوسف بسام للقناة عينها أن "شبابنا ليسوا بوارد الإحتكاك بأحد".
وتمنى البسام على "الآخرين عدم الإحتكاك بنا ونحن نمتص أي إشكال يحصل ويجب على المعنيين أن يضعوا الشباب في هذا الجو" في إشارة إلى القادة السياسيين.
وشرح رئيس مصلحة طلاب القوات اللبنانية شربل عيد أن الإشكال كبير جدا مشيرا إلى أن "هناك تعليمات من قيادتنا للتهدئة واتصلنا بحزب الله وتمنينا تحقيقا سريعا من قبل الجامعة".
وأوضح أنه الإتصال الرسمي الأول لتدارك إشكال يتم بين القوات اللبنانية وحزب الله.
وقال أنه أثناء الإتصال كان يقف إلى جانب بسام.
من جهة أخرى، أصدرت مصلحة الطلاب في الكتائب بيانا شرحت فيه أنها "سعت الى تدارك الإشكال الذي حصل بعد ظهر اليوم في جامعة القديس يوسف – Huvelin بين طلاب من حزب الله وطلاب من الكتائب كي لا تتطور الأمور الى ما لا تحمد عقباه وخوفاً من إمتدادها الى جامعات أخرى".
وأشارت إلى أنها "تواصلت مع مسؤولي الطلاب في حزب الله لتنسيق التهدئة بين الطرفين لما في ذلك مصلحة لهما".
وطلبت من جميع طلابها في المدارس والجامعات ضبط النفس والابتعاد عن التشنجات أيّا كانت كي لا تكون الجامعات منطلقًا لأي توتر نحن بغنى عنه في الظروف الحالية.
there is one of two solutions left if things continue this way and they are bth bad:
- civil war.
- taksim.
hizbushaitan actions are no more acceptable by a large portion in the country, and fr them our behavior is not acceptable to them.....
Ignorant statements. Civil war with who??? HA is not in the North or in Christian areas. If battles break out in Christian areas it will be between the LF against FPM, Marada, and SSNP, which will not happen. There is no one for Ha to fight with, which will only last a few days. Where are you going to have Taksim??? The enemies of Lebanon always want taksim and civil war and it will not happen.
unfortunately we are so quick to forget this country still has not recovered from the last civil war that lasted over 20 years im sure there were people back then in denail say what civil war and with who. This country is already divided against its self political factions at war with eachother and hiding behind barriers of religion in order to ignite the people. Unfortunately an all to familliar senario in a country thats seen it all before
Who are you to talk about the "large portion in the country"?
Geha, you are really a nuisence. Although you are entitled to your opinion, but please do not talk about the "large portion" of a country where you have absolutely no proof.
You are talking like a 5-year old. Actually, my 5-year old cousin discusses and expresses his opinions in a more educated manner than you.
That's how it starts, a gun fight, a fist fight, a dispute etc etc....a lot of small events leading to a big and catastrophic big one!
I am sorry to say that Lebanon, my beloved country, is a failed state, one that has no control over it's citizens and where the citizens feel that there is no law to protect them....Some people feel that they are above the law (Hiszbullah, Amal etc etc), and others feel threatened by that....if things keep going that way it's not going to end well....God help us....
I guess controlling the Lebanese university in Hadath and desecrating the grounds of the Antonine University is not enough for the filthy Iranian militias.
The Hezbullah Shiites (assuming all Shiites are for Hezbullah) are fifty percent of the population and get, under the Taef Accord, maybe twenty percent of power. The Christians altogether are maybe twenty percent of the population and get fifty percent of the power. What is the puzzle about this fight? The puzzle is why don't the Shiites just murder all their oppressors? Why doesn't this hand-wringing and everybody just make them go crazy with rage?
You know what the US Supreme Court's rationale was for its unanimous decision (9-0) in Brown v. Board of Education? As silly as it sounds (you'd think they'd find a stronger constitutional imperative), they said the African-background children couldn't learn properly in a segregated, under-financed learning environment.
chrisrushlau getting injured in Iraq does not excuse stupidity, shiites are not even 50% of Muslims numbnut
20 percent ????????? Your claims can't be true there hasn't been any consensus for too long. there is no reliable data so we can't talk about real numbers and even if they are 20 percent there is a huge diaspora, which is almost christian so they have they right to be represented in equal numbers. No matter what say in the future Lebanon is in need of a secular system where religion should not be important
Tayyar, no data is needed except a visit to lebanon. The so called lebanese christians in the diaspora you talk of, many of them are SYRIANS, and a large portion of the so called lebanese christians in the diaspora do not even consider themselves to be lebanese, their grandparents left lebanon almost 100 years ago when lebanon was still syria and their offspring have the identity of the country they live in (just go see how it is in south america). You will find "lebanese" called juan, carlos and antonio telling you they are brazilian, columbian etc. To them, lebanon is a poor village their ancestors left back when they were still syrians. Its nothing they identify with. Reality is muslims are a majority in lebanon, 75% on its way to a higher percentage. And if the diaspora wants to vote then they should at least have the decency to have a lebanese passport, instead they are all naturalized citizens of other peoples countries so they should vote in those countries instead.
I donno where you got your figures from Chris but according to fresh figures I have Kurds and Caldenian together are about 73% of the Lebanese population and Jehovah's witnesses the remaining 48%. However the Assyrians, Whirling Dervishes and those who celebrate Festivus are 54% of the Lebanese population with Methodists making that number a cool 69%, I got all the numbers crunched right here and ready to go.
correction: shias account for less than the sunnis in lebanon and the source is the national registrar by a difference of about 50K.
just to correct the above statement :)
unfortunately our government websites are ... well you know :)
but you can check the figures of the last elections.
Even if Shia are really 50% of the population, if they try to take over the whole country by force and expel Sunnis, Christians and Druze from power it will lead to civil war and Sunni muslims from all over the world would come to fight to stop that from happening and we all know Shia are only about 10% of muslims in the world. Not to mention that US, EU, Gulf States would all work to prevent a Huzb Allah take over of Lebanon in that fashion.
Well said Slash. And may i say that there are two solutions here,the secong coming of JESUS christ or partition because we have been at each others throats for 1300years enough is enough we just cant live together.
How very sad and backward your thinking is. It is people like you that promote hatered and bigatory, people like you that crave for unrest. Unfortunately your small mind seems to forget that war has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with greed. It is people like you who are so easy to brainwash into believing that this is for religious and not a monatary gain. Open your eyes and your ears keep your mmouth shut and you may one day actually realize the truth. Its not about Christian and Muslim or Muslim and Jew its about MONEY AND POWER!!!!!!
@ everybody talking about civil war and all the blabla, and partition, let me tell you something, i am in canada now, its been a few years since i have left Lebanon, all lebanese here are with some group but we all have fun whether chiite , sunnite, christian or druze. Back when i was in lebanon, i never knew nor chiite,sunniite or druze friends. This is how the situation is dangerous right now. Nobody wants to head to the others regions because they are scared. Here it is different because we are all equal in the eyes of the law. The only solution for Lebanon is and i repeat is THE STATE, THE PEOPLE , THE ARMY, one authority, weapons free cities. The diplomatic dealing to get back our lands and not give an inch of gas or land to Israel. If we have to deal with them, let it be as lebanese ( christian, sunnite,chiite, druze) under one army. But i guess its too difficult to ask for in Lebanon with all those filthy groups
Sometimes it makes me want to bang my head on the wall, what obliged us to leave exept blinded hate between a big majority of lebanese towards each other? we should vote all of us to see if we want just one army, one authority, or several militias controlling our areas. The solution is not simple but it is crystal clear. Removal of all palestinians weapons, integration of hezbollah in the lebanese army under a regiment which can be considered the regiment that protects south Lebanon, and the removal of all weaponry of any lebanese militias left. This is what we all want ( i guess ), no interference from Syria, Iran, Israel, USA. If we get shot at in our borders , we must retaliate EVEN if we dont have the necessary means. We are not cowards and we have resisted civil wars and oppression for hundred of years together while we werent even armed as much as our opponents. So lets nut up or shut up
The abnormality is the politization of the educational system. Sure, USJ is Christian and should remain so, but the students shouldn't be affiliated to any political faction. Students are there to study, nothing else. They can do their z3rané at home, not in college.
"between Phalange Party and Hizbullah students"? Even the media is a mess. How can Naharnet write the article in this way? They are student and have opinions that is good, but to say Phalange and Hizbullah students! Sounds like militant school, and that is not the case. Shape up Naharnet!
Since when HZ and shiats has students in universities. These retarded people used to ask for chewing gums on streets to eat. This is where they belong and should be , not in universities.
I have to ask everyone of you what's your personal opinion what will happen to Lebanon are we heading towards a new civil war or is there an oppurtunity to end these actual crisis please respond seriously without any insults ?
So we the economic situation in Lebnon should improve in order to offer them appropriate jobs and an appropriate way of living. So they wouldn't even think about to take a gun because they have no reason to fight for right?
Well, no one should take FT's opinion as fact ever. Yes, Lebanon's economy is not good and the distribution of wealth in the country is lopsided whereby about 4-6% of the population control upwards of 90% of the wealth. It is NOT that the young guys are sheep as stated by FT quite the opposite as it is the young educated guys that are loath of the political situation with warlords controlling most of the wealth and running a system of nepotism u parallel since Iqta3yeh. Those educated guys are leaving at the first chance they get not fighting as FT wrongly states. Continue...
Flamethrower, have you ever been to a palestinian refugee camp? No you havent, go visit one and see how they live and then come claim they are loaded but pretending to live in misery you racist bigot. And i dont know what help you think they beg from the government because they dont get a single cent from the government. Its the other way around, the government gets money from the UN which pays the rent for hosting the refugees. With people like you, lebanon will always be in this mess we have. May God free lebanon from the garbage scum we have, such as yourself.
It is the poor and uneducated young masses that are the problem. Those are the ones that are lured by Hizb and even some Sunni organizations to carry arms and fight for a meager sum because they can not command more money elsewhere.
Hijab, however, is the biggest abuser of our youth as it systematically brainwashes them to buy into martyrdom etc. investing the country and Shi'te's precious resources - young men and women - in building a fighting force instead of educating them is the First and MOST dangerous threat to Lebanon's social fabric. I remember the flourishing state of Lebanon during the middle 50s and all of the sixties where we had a vibrant middle class and money was much more equitably distributed. Then came the cursed civil war founded on the now tired and obsolete - except for Hizb & M8 nincampoops - free Palestine banner. One could go on but that sums it I think.
karim_m1, nah, the Christians came as invaders with the Byzantine empire according to Sayyed Hassan so we will send them back to Asia minor.
We don't deserve this country as a people. We act like animals, eventually we will be treated as such.
Well said, Lebanons best and brightest run as far and as fast as they can at the first chance without a second glance, look at what we are left with to lead the next generation.......
@ Karim_m1, go back to your hole idiot. All should be suspended. there is equal treatment for all or none. and u seem to like Riyadh a lot, i suggest you visit Iran as well khameinei must be jealous you just polished king abdullah's shoes , he needs you to remove the filth from his booty which people like you do perfectly .
karim sidd ni3ak! Do you even notice what you say, back to Riyadh, false lebanese citizenship, geagea having saudi citizenship, born in s3oudiyye?! He was born in ain el remmane. You're so full of propaganda, brainwashed fool. You'd believe Aoun is a re-incarnation of Jesus, if your masters told you so!
i live in the united state . i tried to register on the embassy web site to vote and could not register . the web site is not operational , so you can legislate until die , if they don't want you to vote you not going to vote . there is about 7 million Lebanese expat around the world and it seems Aoun will have his way to silence us by not allowing us to vote
We should deport muslims from Lebanon, terra santa... disturbed by islam's presence on its soil. you and your family should live in the desert. idiot!
Now that some time has passed, I just want everyone to know that I didn't mean a single word of what I wrote... I just wanted to give the idiot karim_m1 a glimpse of what intolerence is. Of course, Lebanon is for everyone as long as they respect each-other.
where do u get shiites 50% of lebanon? the dahiye the bekaa and south lebanon? do not double count the jnoub and the dahiyeh as they the same people registered to vote, no one in the dahiyeh votes in beirut they vote in the south lebanon. you have tripoli a city of 600000 to 750000 people with a 90-95% sunni population, akkar region ( 330000 to 380000 people govt estimates) has the largest population of country areas ( refer to lebanese govt stats) and highest birth rate in the nation , and again 90% sunni and then you have west beirut , saida , mount lebanon and the bekaa region with a significant sunni population. Govt estimates and independent groups estimate sunnis at 29% to shias 27%
A brain is a terrible thing to waste Karim .... and yours is in the sewers of human intellect.
You said most Christian Lebanese in the diaspora are syrians????????????? What an imbicile you are sir.
No your the imbecille you fake phoenician. And actually i said, many of those counted as lebanese christians in the diaspora are descended from syrians. This is a FACT and its not something you can debate about with your fake history and fake nationalsm invented by the french colonialists. Its a fact.
just we tired from hezbollah that are domain every aspects in our live even in the universities,they want to do problems.HEZIB PRESENT PROBLEMS EXIST.
what a civilised conversation!! reading all of you makes me sick!! why don't you go and burn some tires too... if you are not already??!!
The parents of these kids should get together and agree to have all the kids live together for 30 days in a camp setting. That will give them a new perspective on what is important in live. Have all the Lebanese live for Lebanon, pull together and knock off the kid games.
Confessionalism already divides the country. Politicians and their brainwashed supporters reinforce this division by stoking fears of civil wars to keep ordinary citizens pre-occupied while they scramble to pick up crumbs of the ever shrinking and crumbling pie. Besides, many lebanese politicians are relics of the civil war so it's not surprising to hear the same old tired speeches.