الراعي: ليس في كل مرة نختلف فيها على أمر معين نطالب باستقالة الحكومة

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أعلن البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي معارضته لطرح إسقاط الحكومة "عند كل مشكلة تقع" داعيا إلى الحوار ومشددا على أن الجيش هو الحامي الوحيد للوطن.

وقال الراعي من مطار رفيق الحريري الدولة أثناء جولة له في أميركا الشمالية الخميس وردا على عن مطالبة البعض باستقالة الحكومة وتشكيل حكومة تكنوقراط "لست مع هذا الطرح، فإني أشبه الأمر بشخص يخضع لعملية جراحية وحرارته 41 درجة، فهذا الأمر يقضي عليه".

وكانت قد وقعت عدة توترات أمنية منذ أسبوعين واستمرت حتى صباح اليوم الخميس وأحرق على أثرها العديد من الإطارات بهدف قطع الطرقات احتجاجا.

وتابع "ليس في كل مرة نختلف فيها على أمر معين نطالب باستقالة الحكومة أو نستخدم الشارع لحرق الإطارات للمطالبة باستقالتها، إن التعاطي لا يكون بهذه الطريقة".

وإذ شدد على ان "الحكومة تحتاج إلى استقرار وثقة" رأى أنه "عندما تجد نفسها في مكان لا تستطيع فيه متابعة عملها، فهناك طرق دستورية تتحكم في أمرها".

وكرر القول أن "المطالبة باستقالة الحكومة عند كل مشكلة تقع تعني أننا لا نحترم شيئا في لبنان".

ودعا الجميع "للجلوس إلى طاولة الحوار، بعيدا من لغة السلاح"، مستنكرا "ما جرى من حوادث في لبنان لأن ذلك من شأنه أن ينعكس على الثقة بلبنان.

وطالب بوضع "الثقة بالدولة والجيش اللبناني والمؤسسات والقوى الامنية"، وقال: "نحن نضم صوتنا إلى كل الأصوات التي تنادي بحوار مسؤول".

وردا على سؤال قال البطريرك الماروني "لا أحد يحمينا ويحمي الدولة إلا الجيش اللبناني، ومؤسسة الجيش هي وحدها سياج الوطن وكرامته وشرفه. وعندما نحافظ على الجيش نحافظ على ذواتنا وقيمتنا".

التعليقات 21
Thumb geha 19:02 ,2012 أيار 24

comments like this one karim are seriously sick.
is your role just to instigate more sectarianism?
you must be young to say what you do, and have not lived the previous civil war. it started with people like you.

Missing ulpianus 20:17 ,2012 أيار 24

Samy. Perhaps they are not loosers in life. Perhaps the problem is they are not enlightened by people "like you and Geha" that claims they have lived through this kind of things. ( I´m not talking specifically about the people you mentioned but in general)

Tell your story. Dont leave a place without telling it and the new generation might know better.

Missing ulpianus 20:20 ,2012 أيار 24

By the way, Al rahi and other religous figures should try not "be visible" except on Fridays, saturdays or Sundays ( depending on religion) and on religious holidays.

This will spare us from many problems.

Missing ulpianus 21:16 ,2012 أيار 24

Well. I read what I wrote three times and I cannot find the reason for you understanding it as I want war.

I will write it in an easier manner so you understand: I think the generation that lived through the war, and has the knowledge of what the war means ( with all it´s losses) SHOULD teach the younger generations, or transfer their knowledge to them, about this.

Perhaps, as I have mentioned in other comments, its all the fault of the generation before the young one, that did not teach their sons and grandson what war means. Instead, they have made a very bad example for them to blindly follow.

Is it clear enough?

Thumb geha 22:04 ,2012 أيار 24

Ulpanus and Samy
the problem is that each time we try to explain things to the younger generation we are faced by insults.
they remind me of those stupid hot headed guys of the 70s, who thought weapons could make a change in this country.
even worse, each time their leaders say something illogical they jump to defend the leader. what a waste.

Thumb Bandoul 23:05 ,2012 أيار 24

Anyone remember where they were on the morning of 13 April, 1975? Tinzakar w'ma tin3ad, I was two months shy of my 10th birthday but these post war idots: Karim, Mowaten, FT and kesrwani and esp. rudes, have no clue what we lived through, el 2anss, el azeyef, el khatef, no bread, no water, no elec for days on end, and lets not forget the killing 3al haweyeh...ya batel!!!!

Missing ulpianus 23:33 ,2012 أيار 24

Np Samy its normal in debates.

Missing ulpianus 23:40 ,2012 أيار 24

Bandoul. True Stories like yours are what is needed for, I will say, Our generation to not fall into the same trap.

I´m sorry for my fellow countrymen who had to live through this as I´m sorry for myself not being able to see the beautiful Lebanon.

Thumb Bandoul 19:06 ,2012 أيار 25

@ulpianus, don't worry, wala yhimmak, libnan sa ya3ooud! Lebanon always survives and comes back stronger.

Default-user-icon Simon (ضيف) 20:25 ,2012 أيار 24

I am sorry to see the Lebanese never learn anything from their past; If you teach a donkey how to play the piano who would have played it by Now.

Thumb beiruti 20:46 ,2012 أيار 24

Patriarch has gone off of the reservation by saying that ONLY the army defends the state. Does this statement signal a break by Bkerki with Hezbollah/Aoun/Assad etc?

Default-user-icon Jean- Claude chalhoub (ضيف) 21:21 ,2012 أيار 24

Rahi should just zip it

Thumb geha 23:17 ,2012 أيار 24

I will try to reply to this comment by FT, although I am siure the reply I will receive is again insults:
- I cannot respect ajust anu stance of anybody whether that be a politician or a member of the cloth. I am a mature person with a mind of my own and have the right to argue any comment by anyone.
- your are totally mislead by aoun: it is proven he is an israeli agent, and pictures of him with israeli officers are on the net, and his affiliation with hobeika who was an israeli agent as well as that officer fpm did whatever to release lately.
- as for assad = aoun: man just hear aoun each tuesday, he is a syrian executor.

Thumb jabal10452 23:58 ,2012 أيار 24

Bandoul I remember april of 1975 very vividly, not least because my aunt lived in 3ain el remmeneh and my grandparents had their "winter" apartment in fourn el shebbak, i.e. very close to where the incidents happened.... Everything changed after that. Let's just say that for me it was the end innocence and the beginning of a long nightmare. A few short years after that I joined the LF and quit a few months after the Bach was assassinated - As FT would say, I just burned out. I'm proud of those years but I wish I didn't have to go through all that. I sure don't wish those years on my children or anybody's children. Please people think about what you are saying and getting into. I know I joke sometimes to lighten up the mood but we're playing with fire. All of us.

Missing forces 12:06 ,2012 أيار 25

has anyone seen a de-capitated head on a stake? thats what i remember from 1975. I would hate to think what our young kids would see this time round. While we all have differing political views, lets try to remember that the person we support should never be above the interests of our country, if we are too proud to admit when these guys make mistakes and follow them blindly then we head down the same path

Thumb Bandoul 19:17 ,2012 أيار 25

@Jabal10452, min timmak la beb el sama. I too joined LF when I become old enough, 15 LOL!!! my father returned from Italy and retaliated for my actions and shipped me to USA as if I was a parcel, no ands ifs of buts about it. One day I was in Leb and the next I was in exile. Thank God I was not there when the Bash -the only true leader who ever had a chance to unite us- was assassinated but trust me I was one block from where that car bomb took out Maya and so many of his men that fateful day in Achrafieh.

Default-user-icon FR Malak (ضيف) 02:37 ,2012 أيار 25

Anwar Al Sadat once said " take off your hands from Lebanon"..he was referring to the foreign powers who infere blatently in Lebanese internal affairs. How true this saying is...Let the Syrians, Iranians , and Americans stay away from us and we will be in a great shape. It is a shame that after a disasterous war we still look outside our bounderies for others to resolve ourproblems. No one speaks about the economic issues such as electricity, gas, inflation, social seuurity and medical insurance. Let the lebanese have a chance to build their country and enkoy poliotical stability.

Default-user-icon Alexi (ضيف) 03:40 ,2012 أيار 25

I took a visiting American colleague to Beirut airport on April 14th, 1975. We drove from my apartment in Asharafieh at 6 in the morning thru deserted streets and saw armed thugs getting ready for a fight. On my way back alone, I was topped on Rue de Damas by the same thugs and asked to step out of the car. I did not realize then that it could be the end of the road for me. One of the thugs who apparently could read noticed my italian last name on my Leb ID card and had a word with his boss. They decided to give me another chance at life. I was 27 years, married with a 3 year old girl.
I shipped my family to Europe in the summer of 1975 and myself left a few months later never to return to that land of savages. I am now a proud American and have no pity for everything you have and will continue to endure in your rotten corner of the world.

Missing realist 08:39 ,2012 أيار 25

F.T, an advice to you and nasi7a bjamal, you should pray day and night that no civil war happens in lebanon, it would be far worse than the 70's with far worse participants and it would most likely cost the christian community the most. Do not have illusions for one second that your party would prevail because you are mistaken. Civil war means everyone would lose and life would be unbearable.

Missing peace 11:17 ,2012 أيار 25

those who find manhood in holding a kalashnikov is because they have nothing else to hold to feel like a man...

Thumb Bandoul 19:19 ,2012 أيار 25

Has FT apologized for saying we should be shot in the head and dissolved in acid? NO? Then why are you still engaging him in conversation? Don't you see there is only hatred in his heart?