معلومات عن أن تسجيلا صوتيا سيصدر للمخطوفين قريبا وغليون يعلن تلقيه أخبارا أن "المخطوفين عناصر بحزب الله"
Read this story in Englishلا يزال الغموض يلف مكان تواجد اللبنانيين الـ11 الذين خطفوا الثلاثاء الماضي في سوريا، بالأخص بعد الإعلان عن تحريرهم وعودتهم الى لبنان، فيما تناقلت معلومات عن أن المخطوفين "ليسوا مدنيين بل عناصر في حزب الله".
وكان من المنتظر صدور "تسجيل صوتي لهم خلال النهار"، بعد تصريح أفاد به العميد السوري المنشق حسام الدين العواك عبر قناة الـ LBC، نقلا عن رئيس حزب الأحرار السوري الشيخ ابراهيم الزعبي ، وبحسب ما كشفه سفير المنظمة الدولية لحقوق الإنسان علي عقل خليل أمام الأهالي في الضاحية الجنوبية في هذا الخصوص.
ونفى رئيس المجلس الوطني السوري برهان غليون في حديث مقتضب الى قناة الـ LBC أن يكون المجلس على علم بمكان المخطوفين، مؤكدا ان لا معلومات واضحة لهم حول الجهة الخاطفة.
وقال غليون: "لا علم لدينا حول الخلفيات التي أدت الى خطف اللبنانيين في حلب، أو لدى أي فصيل هم موجودون، ومعلوماتنا ليست وفيرة عن الموضوع أو واضحة عن هوية الخاطف ومكان وجودهم".
وإذ أشار الى أن "المجلس الوطني أصدر بيانا وطالب فيه باطلاق سراح كل المدنيين"، أكد غليون "ليس للأصل الديني والمذهبي أي علاقة بعملية الخطف ولا ينبغي أن يكون له بعد في أي عملية"، مردفا: "ولكن وردتنا أخبار تشير الى أن المخطوفين ليسوا مدنيين مئة بالمئة بل شاركوا في تدريبات ونحن ننتظر نتيجة التحقيقات".
وكشف العواك في مداخلة له عبر الـ LBC أيضا، هو احد الوسطاء في قضية المختطفين اللبنانيين أن هناك 5 قياديين من "حزب الله" ضمن اللبنانيين المختطفين في سوريا من بينهم حسين حمود".
وأفاد أن "هذا الباص تم توقيفه لأنه توقف مرات عدة في مراكز خاصة بالجيش السوري الحر"،كان هناك شبهات حوله انهم كانوا يستعملون منظارا للمراقبة".
كما أشار الى أن "قائد الكتيبة التي قام بعملية احتجاز اللبنانيين" اتصل به، وهو تدخل على الخط لانهاء الموضوع نهاية سعيدة".
وأعلن أن "قائد الكتيبة طلب طلبات متعددة ونحن نتفاوض مع أفرقاء لبنانيين"، موضحا أن "الوساطة تتم بين حزب الله وحلفاؤه مع بعض الأشخاص ويتدخلون في الموضوع بشكل خاطئ مع المجموعة الخاطفة.
وشدد على أن الجيش السوري الحر هو جيش وطني ويدافع عن سوريا".
من جهته، أكد سفير المنظمة الدولية لحقوق الإنسان علي عقل خليل أن المخطوفين اللبنانيين الـ11 "ما زالوا بين الأراضي التركية والسورية ضمن الحدود المتداخلة"، معلنا أنه سيتم بث تسجيل ضوتي للمخطوفين بحسب ما قال رئسي حزب الأحرار السوري الشيخ ابراهيم الزعبي.
وقال خليل أمام أهالي المخطوفين في الضاحية الجنوبية : " ما يهمنا عودة المخطوفين إلى لبنان ساليمن"، مضيفا: "الشيخ الزعبي حسين يقول إنّ جميع المخطوفين بألف خير".
ونقلت "المؤسسة اللبنانية للارسال" صباح الأحد عن مسؤول تركي أن المفاوضات لا تزال مستمرة وحتى مساء السبت لم يكن المخطوفون اللبنانيون قد عبروا الحدود السورية.
هذا نفى "حزب الله" في بيان صادر له أن يكون ابن شقيقة الأمين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصرالله او أي من أقاربه في عداد اللبنانيين المخطوفين في سوريا.
من جهتم، أكد أهالي المخطوفين في الضاحية الجنوبية عبر القناة عينها أن المخطوفين لا يزالون في الأراضي السورية، ونقلوا عن مصادر سياسية أنهم سيسمعون أخبارا سارة في وقت قريب جدا.
وكان قد خطف اللبنانيون بعد ظهر الثلاثاء الفائت في بلدة عزاز في حلب أثناء عودتهم من زيارة دينية إلى إيران ومرورهم في سوريا.
الى ذلك، ألغى وزير الخارجية والمغتربين عدنان منصور زيارة الى تونس كانت مقررة الاثنين للمشاركة في اجتماعات المنتدى الاقتصادي الصيني العربي الذي سيعقد في العاصمة التونسية، وذلك نظرا للتطورات االحالية التي تمر بها البلاد.
وكلف الوزير منصور السفير اللبناني في تونس فريد عبود بحضورالمنتدى والمشاركة في اجتماعاته.
وقد واصل منصور اتصالاته لجلاء الصورة النهائية حول مصير المخطوفين اللبنانيين، في حين امتنعت دوائر الوزارة عن اعطاء أي معلومات قبل حسم الامور بشكل نهائي.
وكان قد ألغى رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي أيضا زيارته تركيا حتى جلاء مصير اللبنانيين المخطوفين.
من جهته، قال الناطق الرسمي باسم الخارجية السورية جهاد المقدسي في مؤتمر صحافي: "نحن ندين عملية خطف اللبنانيين ولن نوفر جهداً في مساعدتهم لعودتهم الى أهلهم، ولكن الموضوع هو بيد الدول التي تحاور".
They were probably being sent to turkey then killed on the way in one of the border village bombing. Its like a child who breaks a vase and then hides it and pretends it never existed hoping his parents will forget about it. maybe..
rudy.... you mean like what happened to Joseph Sader and many others like him. If you show concern for one show concern for all. I want those hostage returned to their families, but I also want all other hostages and prisoners of the Syrian regime returned to their families as well. All Lebanese lives are our concern
There are 1000 Syrian workers who have been kidnapped and missing since 1975 in Lebanon. The lives of 100 Lebanese who are believed to be in Syria are not worth more you bigot!
The main goal of the geopolitical orchestrated accidents in Lebanon, is to start a sectarian war. There were a few attempts already in the past 3 years. Now, they are even willing to use /sacrifice pilgrims to achieve their goal.
Are all the sectarian divided people who live in Lebanon ready to change there identity to the "Lebanese", to prevent this? I hope. Wake up people and stand for your beautiful country!
As a European currently in Beirut, can someone please explain to me why nobody knows where these Pilgrims are now? How is it possible that Governments of three countries cannot locate these people and collaborate to return then home? Sorry if this is a naive question.
I can understand why the families are very worried and angry. I do not understand why there is not an immediate explanation and solution.
with what is going on in syria it is very hard to tell how many groups have broken off on their own. People are re adapting to the laws of the jungle where each takes his own defence into his own hands. In short, they might have been kidnapped by some random group and everything we are seeing about contacts and release and negotiations is a big charade to control the situation on the streets
dakheelak ana and what can hizbustan do to the 20 million Syrians?? You FPM are so brainwashed with the size of hizbustan that is demographicaly small in the greater region. I think that there will be a prisoner swap at the end of the day between the regime and the rebels.
Sad that people still are toys in politicians hands the year 2012.
This could be the same as 200-300 years ago for example under ahmed el jazzar, nothing has changed.
Lebanon is more than ever a sectarian divided country. Any sparkle could ignite the emotionally loaded streets. This is what the Syrian regime has always counted on and seems to attempt to exploit today.
Not just the Syrian regime, but other foreign powers as well. I really don't trust any foreign regime, whether it be Syria or Saudi or Israel. Unfortunately, ALL of our politicians continue to identify themselves as whose country they serve, be it Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, the West, and so on. We as a Lebanese have a duty to hold them accountable for this, but unfortunately we have been incapable of doing so.
The problem is that among those taken is a hezbolli who was active in assisting the Assad regime in killing Syrian Nationals. They want to keep the Hezbolli and release the others, but the others will not leave unless all, including the Hezbolli is released too. So, in a sense, they are still being held as hostages by the hand of Hezbollah.
beiruti is right , there is 5 hizballah commanders among the "pilgrims"..among them two important ones:abbas shouaib and hussein hammoud
Lebanon is what you say it is, and actit is. Each one is playing their role.
Ian making sure to party, live & love life, hope the best for the Lebanese worldwide, hope the safe return of the pilgrims, stay the f out of Syria (as their are doing their part ingoingto hell) BUTwe Lebanese are different, a separate and independent, sovereign nation who work, say and listen to news that are the best of Lebanon.
You commentators have improved from the last few years, there is less cursing, and least you read half of the others comments, still need to feel you have to answer each other, but please do the nation some good, and get out of the way of those helping and improving the livelihood and image of Lebanon.
We have become immune to propaganda.
It is simple.. there was light at the end of the tunnel between sunna and shia.. Saad's move was grand and of a high calibor as always by the sunna... but The israelis don't want to see any type of common ground during these times. And the turks work for them.. Those 11 pilgrims are GONE.. sorry but true
It seems that the arrested chiites are as pilgrims as the two Hezb members who died in Antelias with a grenade in their hand recently...Maybe they should ask Charbel about his opinion on this pilgrimage...!
or perhaps the 'pilgrims' are not that innocent after all. What the hell are they doing in Syria in such circumstances? HIzbustan is clearly helping the syrian regime in the butchering campaign. My guess is that the massacre of 7oula and the arrogant comments made by nasralah screwed the whole deal. The rebels probably want to trade them for their own prisoners and given the fact that hizbustan is in defacto war state with the syrians rebels that is not an unfair deal.
Your statement would have been more credible if you included Syria and Iran, but as it stands now it is just a typical M8 position. Once you include Iran and Syria then I am with you.
Saudi Arabia's hand is nowhere to be seen in political assasinations around the world, from Argentina, to Uzbekistan, to Egypt, to Thailand, everywhere the same terrorist fingerprints are to be found. The pilgrims are the same who were dressed up as women when the STL investigators went to Dahyié, the same who dressed up in black shirts on the eve oh the Hariri government downfall, the same who stoned the UNIFIL when suspicious arms caches bleu up in the south: one hand, many faces.....
Dont you people find it weird Hezbollah commanders be caught that easily? my guess is that Bachar sold them out to the free syrian army by giving them their locations via someone that still works for Bachar inside the FSA. This is clearly an attempt by the syrian regime to ignite strife in Lebanon and as well as get Hezbollah to enter directly the conflict, like that Hezbollah will maybe have a reason to go up north and erase the syrian opposition friends ( salafis or pro FSA sunnis). The mistake of the FSA is to have fallen in this trap and having kidnapped them anyways knowing the outcome might be terrible for Lebanon. Nobody cares about our country and if we dont realise that we have arrived to a dangerous stage, we will live bad moments again. And by the way, to all that think a war is coming, my guess is that there will be problems, but not a real war.
My guess is that there will be at most , fights in some regions of Lebanon. But no more than that. Sadly of course there will be lots of casualties. But i dont think we will witness a return of tanks , mortars, rockets etc... It will be a muscle flexing dominion of some regions and thats it. I hope the army cleans up extremists in the north, and deploys on the border to halt intruders into lebanese soil AND stop the syrian army's cowardly shots at our civilians. This is the best solution to avert civil strife.
I agree Skyfall that the syrian regime is a master of manipulation, and lies. But this doesn't mean their plans work perfectly, they're in control of everything, otherwise what is happening in Syria wouldn't have happened. That Hezbollah is helping syria is only in it's own interest, and a phone call away from Tehran orders. Who uncovered them is irrelevant. They were there. And not praying.Probalby preying, on syrians. The Hizb has taken the country hostage to its own agenda: my ends under the threat of arms.Anything else is called strife. Those 5 operatives, are no more important than Hariri, and all the other assassinated political figures.Let them go to hell if they were indeed caught red-handed!
What's interesting about all this, is that, number one, most politicians have fallen into the trap, and the Hizb manipulation, since, even Saad Hariri was reported to have sent his plane to repatriate the socalled pilgrims before reports saying that they may not be as holy as one would have thought! Number two, it's interesting how the Hizb has been using the sanctity of religion , and culture practises to cover up for their filthy unspeakable acts: Operatives dressed up as women, putting their ' honor ' across, to bar access to information by the STL investigators in Dayie , and now, under the cover of holy practices, commanders from Hizbollah siding up with the renegade baath regime and taking part in the repression! Masters of deception and creativity !