الراعي يأمل أن تنجح طاولة الحوار التي دعا اليها سليمان
Read this story in Englishأمل البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي أن تنجح طاولة الحوار التي دعا إليها رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان.
وتمنى الراعي في عظة القاها خلال قداس الأحد في كنيسة الصرح البطريركي الخارجية في بكركي أن تؤدي طاولة الحوار "إلى وضع ميثاق وطني جديد يقود البلاد إلى ربيع لبناني يحتاج إليه الربيع العربي المنشود".
كما لفت إلى أن "لبنان بمكوناته ونظامه الميثاقي يشكل عنصر استقرار في الشرق الاوسط".
وكان قد جعا سليمان في حديث تلفزيوني مساء الخميس جميع الأطراف السياسية في لبنان الى طاولة حوار جامعة دون شروط.
وقد أعلن كل من رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط، رئيس حزب الكنائب أمين الجميا والأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصر الله، ترحيبهم بدعوة سليمان ومشددين على ضرورة تلبيتها.
لكن قوى "14 آذار" وكما أعلن رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع الجمعة، أعلنت رفضها المشاركة بطاولة الحوار إلا بشروطها، وأبرزها طرح سلاح "حزب الله" على الطاولة.
For crying out load why do they still refer to Hizbullah's armery as resistence. IT IS NOT RESISTENCE ARMS ITS ARMS THAT WILL ONE DAY BE USED TO ACHEIVE THE ONE UMMAH AND ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF LEBANON. Most politicians buy's his lies and deceit,if Mr Nassrallah really cares about Lebanon's sovereignty than he should hand his entire arsenal to the army and let them defend and protect our land.
Where are your sources for claiming that Hezbollah seeks an Islamic state? I am not even Muslim, but through my extensive research on published papers in universities on Hezbollah, I see no reason to worry about these alleged ambitions.
In fact, Sobhi Tufayli left the group because he felt like Hezbollah was becoming more pragmatic and less religious. He was seeking an Islamic state and was an influential figure in Hezbollah, but when Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah took over Tufayli felt like the group will not seek an Islamic state and thus abandoned the party. You may have the right to believe that weapons should be controlled by the state only, but to say that Hezbollah still seeks an Islamic state is kind of out of touch with reality.
Read, read, and read. Knowledge is key to understanding politics. Religion is an artificial barrier that is preventing us from understanding one another.
Distinguish between "selling one's loyalty" and political alliances. If you perceive Hezbollah's alliance with Syria and Iran as selling one's loyalty, then I could say the same about many other politicians not just in Lebanon but around the world.
Phoenician, with all respect, that is your opinion. It is hard to have faith that Israeli weapons are not for Lebanon's defense.
Hezbollahs weapons are to defend Lebanon, if you don't understand it, read it again.
I wish political debates did not involve childish accusations, for this only is a reflection of the low intellectual level of our talks in Lebanese society. Unfortunately, our politicians on both camps do this the most, and its followers follow their lead...
u cant make hizballah weapons as a package deal:defense against israel and destroying the lebanese state,its aquestion of trust and trust is gone starting may 2008..
when arab spring started, we approved the revolution in tunis against ben ali to free the people not because ali is sunni or shia...the same for kaddhafi .. the same for hosni ..why not for bashar? because he is alawi?twisted people working to go back 1400 years like the salafis..farsi wahabi are from the same family:SATAN
Hezbollah cannot make Lebanon an Islamic state or now Salafists also have said they don't (can't have) Lebanon a Muslim state. Honestly Christians have more of a chance of making Lebanon a Christians state, but nobody wants that because diversity is the spice of life.
Those who say Kebanin will be an Islamic/Christian state is trying to scare you, and when you are afraid... I can convince you on many things.
"the adoption of a new national pact that would create a “Lebanese Spring.”"
a lebanese spring would mean that the weapons of hezbollah be transferred to the army. that only the gvt has the right to launch a war, not a political party like hezb.
it also means NO MORE SECTS: secularism as the base of everything. you are chosen on your skills not on your religion!
no more religious parties like hezbollah, no more religious clerics in political life.
it means that all the politicians that have participated in the civil war be removed from political life and that the parties that took part in the civil war should be rebaptised.
but this is impossible because no politician would accept and no religious clerics either... too much power and money to lose!
i like your ideas Peace , i also like the idea of Disney building a theme park in southern Beirut .
I agree with you that religion is bringing the whole country down, and not only Hezbollah but in other parties, the religious rhetoric is dividing this country. I think if Hezbollah would drop its religious rhetoric and be seen only as a Lebanese armed group rather than a Shiite armed group, it would be a lot more accepted in Lebanese society, although I have nothing against Shiites.
I also don't believe Lebanese society is ready to accept a secular country. Whether we like it or not, the Lebanese people still see each other through sectarian lens, and this above all is a problem.
that s why i say for now it s impossible, lebanese are too servile and blinded by their sects to think otherwise and the sects do everything to keep them blind! lebanese have the country they deserve...and are happy to think in terms of sects not nation...