نتانياهو يدين المجازر في سوريا ويتهم ايران وحزب الله بالتورط فيها

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اعرب رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو عن شعوره بـ"الاشمئزاز" ازاء المجازر المرتكبة في سوريا، متهما ايران وحليفها حزب الله اللبناني بالتورط فيها.

وافاد بيان اصدره مكتب رئاسة الوزراء في اسرائيل ان نتانياهو "يشعر بالاشمئزاز ازاء المجزرة المستمرة التي ترتكبها قوات الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد ضد مدنيين غير متورطين (في النزاع)، مجزرة تواصلت خلال اليومين الماضيين في الحولة وطالت عشرات الاطفال الابرياء".

واعتبر نتانياهو ان "ايران وحزب الله جزء لا يتجزأ من الفظائع السورية وعلى العالم التحرك ضدهما ايضا".

واسفرت مجزرة الحولة عن سقوط 108 قتلى وفق ما ابلغ رئيس بعثة المراقبين الدوليين في سوريا الجنرال روبرت مود مجلس الامن الاحد.

وكان وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي ايهود باراك اعتبر مطلع ايار ان الرئيس الاسد "انتهى امره"، داعيا المجتمع الدولي الى زيادة الضغط على نظامه.

التعليقات 15
Default-user-icon alex (ضيف) 07:48 ,2012 أيار 28

yes just like sabra and shatila ..qana 96,06

Default-user-icon LarryJ (ضيف) 13:50 ,2012 أيار 29

These massacres were done by Lebanese militias. But the Israeli government had allowed them into the camps and accepted indirect responsiblity for not anticipating the possibility of Phalangist violence. As a result Gen. Raful Eitan, the Army Chief of Staff and Defense Minister Ariel Sharon resigned. When will Iran accept responsibilty for it's part in the Syrian atrocities?

Thumb geha 08:24 ,2012 أيار 28

we do not forget the massacres you did in lebanon too.
unfortunately we have 2 neighbors that love us so much they each want a part of us.
lebanon is for the lebanese people, and I hope one day the lebanese will reject allegeances to foreign countries like iran,syria,israel,...

Thumb Bandoul 10:23 ,2012 أيار 28

We should make peace with Israel on the condition it allows the return of all displaced Palestinian refugees to their homeland. If this happen the Party of Lies and Intimidation will have to come up with a new story to keep its illegal weapons.

Thumb geha 15:38 ,2012 أيار 28

you seem to forget your trials to steel the water from lebanon?

Missing ulpianus 18:05 ,2012 أيار 28

Funny to read asafs comment about the "Lebanese apartheid regime". Hello wall builders!!

Read the UN recommendation on the israeli wall then come back.

...and dont forget. Time does not change that the palestinians came from Palestine.

Geha. your comment was simple, but very good. Lets start digging away Lebanon from it´s neighbours, in order to get some peace!

Thumb Bandoul 22:43 ,2012 أيار 28

@asaf, Sure, that's your opinion but please educate me on your reason for why you feel this way. I have many Israeli friends- and for those who will call me a traitor, I am proud to have Israeli friends so shut it- back to asaf, it sounds you don't want a two state solution that guarantee the right of return just like the united nation guaranteed your people's right to return from eastern Europe, why the double standard? Did I misunderstand you?

Missing forces 23:32 ,2012 أيار 28

the israelis and palestinians are the same beast and both deserve each other, take back your filth and leave lebanon alone, we have enough problems without you two.

Thumb arzz 09:51 ,2012 أيار 28

Are you not that same Nuttin-yahoo who is part of the zionist regime occupying Palestine, opressing them for the past 60 years and commiting tons of massacres year in and year out? The one running the apartheid state. The one who killed the Turkish activists? commited crimes against children in gaza, and threathening a pre-emptive strike on Iran. As they say: "Hypocrisy has no limits"

Thumb geha 15:40 ,2012 أيار 28

in reply to this one, you relocated palestinians confiscating their lnd, and actively pushing them out of their land, while getting as many people from outside as possible in in an effort to change the balance.

Missing ulpianus 18:08 ,2012 أيار 28

Asaf. You fail to understand taht the whole world already can see through your lies.

Who is denying Gaza supplies again?

There is so much out there to use against your arguments...

Start talking about peace instead of attacking others with things that you do best.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 10:21 ,2012 أيار 28

The Syrians have committed more war crimes against their own people, than Israel has ever committed against them. Between ennemies one would expect an outpouring of violence, and this is what we have been witness to, but between so called brothers it is more difficult to understand...Has the Israeli army ever crushed with tanks and heavy artillery local demonstrations, even those opposing its actions ?

Missing visitor 11:37 ,2012 أيار 28

where does israel get of commenting on syria at all get the hell out of palestine and stop slaughtering women and children in Gaza give the palestinians back all their land and then kiss ever arab on the ass then maybe and thats a big maybe you can have your turn to speak. This is like the devil telling the demons to stop being naughty boys

Missing cedars 15:21 ,2012 أيار 28

When it comes to power struggle, every regime in the world has been thru history ruthless and massacred innocents.
US, Russians, Germans, Israel, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi, Iran, Bahrain, Kuwait and etc..
Making peace treaty is the only way to avoid conflict despite the fact that we could loose some but the gain is greater.

Default-user-icon emilio (ضيف) 22:56 ,2012 أيار 28

To Natenyahoo and all the criminals like you: "He who is without sin throw the first stone"