التحقيق مع أصحاب أرصدة في "الفايسبوك" من جزين يثير الشبهات
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تنشط مخابرات الجيش في منطقة جزين منذ فترة في استدعاء شباب وشابات من مدينة جزين وقرى المنطقة للتحقيق معهم في ثكنة زغيب في صيدا، حول أرصدتهم الإلكترونية وتحديدا "الفايسبوك" وما تتضمنه من معلومات خاصة بهم وبالأصدقاء الموجودين على صفحاتهم.
وكشفت صحيفة "النهار" الأربعاء أن الاستدعاءات تشمل تحديدا الشباب المثقف والمتعلّم، والذي يشغل وظائف محترمة في المجتمع وليس عليه أي شبهات أو مخالفات.
ومن بينهم أخيرا استاذ في إحدى الجامعات الخاصة وموظفون في القطاعين الخاص والعام وفي أحد المصارف.
ويعاني المستدعى، إضافة الى الضرر المعنوي والمادي بحيث يضطر الى التغيّب عن عمله والانتقال الى مدينة صيدا، الى تحمّل الإجراءات المتبعة في التحقيق مع المطلوبين والمجرمين، بدءا من الثامنة صباحا بحيث يبقى المطلوب قيد التوقيف حتى قرابة الثانية بعد الظهر، ليطلق بعد إنهاء الإجراءات المطلوبة.
وتشير المعلومات الى أن عدد الأشخاص الذين تمّ التحقيق معهم حتى الساعة تخطى العشرة من مدينة جزين، علما أن لائحة بـ86 إسما أعدّت ليتمّ التحقيق مع اصحابها تباعا، من دون وجود أي تهمة على هؤلاء سوى أنهم يملكون رصيدا خاصا على "الفايسبوك"، بحسب "النهار".

I guess, most of the lebanese will be questioned soon, specially the commentators on naharnet. lol

The Army Intelligence officers are the biggest retarded loosers in this country.

I will respect them when they start teaching them in their military school on how to respect and tolerate FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
Note: Im a US citizen too, and i know what it means to have freedom of speech.

this doesn't list the entire story, do you know why they were summoned?
obviously it's not for having a facebook account, hence the reason makes a difference.
for example, summoning people because they post statuses supporting the murder of someone or supporting kaeida, is different than summoning them for dissing a politician!
i'm all for the first, though obviously against people being summoned for the second.
so once again, this story (should be labeled as hear/say) isn't clear...

I'd like to know why were they summoned? because of their criticism and voicing their political opinion?

Interesting development. I think after my comments here on Naharnet, I dont have any friends amongst our politicians.
Wait, someone is knocking on my door...
...Sidon here I come!

Lebanon's democracy and freedom is in mortal danger by a government formed by a criminal regime and a criminal organization. How long would it take people to realize that Hizbollah is not much different from the oppressive regime in North Korea and Aoun is another copy of mad Kaddafi. They are both leading their communities to the abyss instead of Lebanon being the shining star on the hill, guiding the Arab Spring to freedom and democracy, modernizing our laws, joining the global village of civilized nations, becoming an effective member of the global economy, and transforming Lebanon into the Silicon Valley and Intellectual Hub of the Middle East. . But first we need to stop Aoun & Hizbollah’s poison and their mafia from killing everything good in Lebanon and transforming us into another Somalia.

who wrote this awful piece?! seriously?! the police didnt just arrest poor people who no one cared about?! they arrested middle class people who have a job and a professor?! this is a classist way of reporting news and it's totally biased. being interrogated because of facebook is certainly an appalling thing that should be discredited but reporting the news this way makes it even worse. God forbid a middle class person is persecuted, but who cares about the "poor people". fuck this.

"The investigation did not spare well-educated people, with respected jobs including a professor at a private university, employees in the private and public sectors, and an employee bank, reported the daily."
what is more appalling than the investigations is this paragraph
should only poor people with bad or no jobs be interrogated and investigated??? so having money and a social stature give you the right to be a class A citizen. this paragraph summaries all that is wrong in Lebanon

So if you friend an Israeli Arab, then that is enough for the Lebanese Gestapo to haul you in? Democracy my ass.

I think we have a problem here. Many Lebanese who study abroad for example, or even take part in discussions on the internet could have israeli friends on facebook.
This can be treason yes, if you live in Nazi germany or the Sovjet Union ( of the past).

Dont worry man, My joking comment was anyway removed in some suspicious way by Naharnet.
I still hold, you could love your country and have "friends" from everywhere.
This is really an insult to the personal freedom of all Lebanese.

How many Israelis have been questioned for befriending a lebanese on facebook ? None. What a load of BS!

way to go leb army. u really have nothing else to do? no criminals, drug dealers? or rapest left in the country?they r all arrested i take it.u r a joke

well mowaten, based on your comment: you and FT should not post here as you are both not lebanese! one is iranian and the other syrian....

guys, don't you feel freedom of expression is getting really smaller since this government took over?

guys, don't you feel freedom of expression is getting really smaller since this government took over?

Geha: "Iran" and "freedom of thought" are not exactly compatible concepts.

To be Fair : "Most of the arab countries (including Lebanon)" and "freedom of thought" are not exactly compatible concepts.

uh... you know exactly my opinion of the bedouins. It doen't make the Iranians any less evil. Their agendas and mentalities don't belong here. We Lebanese are crazy and we like it this way. We don't like to conform to the disciplines that others are trying to impose on us. La wahabi wla ayatollah wla battikh. 7éllo 3anna. 3réft kif?

God forbid they might happen to have a facebook friend with a Jewish-sounding last name.

Surveillance is happening in every country,
for security concerns. In the US, Britain, Germany,
all countries. Let the Army do its work and stop
theorizing..."itnazro" yalli ma fi salli ta7t batto ma tene3ro.
Shatreen n'alid el gharb bil habbal, leish ma menshouf
7alna bi moukhabartna el sehrani 3ala ammen el Wattan.

According to this article the people were summoned "over information and friends listed". If I have to take a wild guess, I ll say that one of their friend is suspected to have collaborated with Israel.

This is rediculous if we didnt know any better we would have thought that Lebanon is cracking down on Facebook. Really pathetic......who wites these articles?

The collaborators with Israel and the spies are from Hizballah and FPM. Israel is not going to recruite a spy who can't infiltrate Hizballah. The Hizb and FPM are both filled with spies and collaborators.

you realy have nothing more impiortant to do.
we r under constant threat from a syrian invasion and the army are busy pocking their nose in our private business.who cares who s my facebook friends are. apparently the army is. what a joke

If you don't know the reason why they were summoned, don't jump to conclusions. I understand your old memories, but they are just that, old memories.
These guys were not pulled out from their houses, they were served notices.
Even in the USA, if you have a Facebook account with pictures or writing that are considered a threat, they also call you for an investigation. Especially now with the new FBI that roams the Internet.
Having said that, let's find out what the reason is for these people to be summoned and we can take it from there.

The title of this article is so wrong and misleading, it's not even funny.
The content is even more vague.
But, at least it triggered a waterfall of amusing comments.

The internet scares the hell out of Dictators! the dictators wannabes in lebanon tremble when they read common sense criticism . What the hell is the army intelligence doing in this?