أهالي الحجاج المخطوفين في سوريا طلبوا من نصرالله عدم الإعتذار من الخاطفين

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كشفت تقارير الجمعة أن عددا من اهالي المخطوفين في سوريا بعثوا برسالة الى الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله طالبوه فيها بعدم الاعتذار.

الى ذلك، يطل السيد حسن نصر الله، عند الرابعة والنصف من مساء الجمعة، لمناسبة الذكرى 23 لوفاة الامام الخميني.

وتقيم السفارة الإيرانية هذا الاحتفال في ذكرى رحيل قائد الثورة الايرانية الإمام الخميني في الاونيسكو.

ومن غير المستبعد أن يتطرق السيد نصرالله الى قضية المخطوفين في كلمته، بالأخص بعد التطور البارز مساء الخميس الذي تمثل بعرض مجموعة أسمت نفسها "ثوار سوريا - ريف حلب" لوثائق شخصية تعود للمخطوفين اللبنانيين الـ11 عبر قناة "الجزيرة".

وطالبت المجموعة الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" بالاعتذار عن خطابه الأخير الذي كان قال فيه إن حادث الخطف لن يغير موقف الحزب من احداث سوريا.

وكان قد خطف 11 حاجا لبنانيا في 22 أيار في حلب أثناء عودتهم عبر البر من زيارة العتبات المقدسة في إيران.

التعليقات 18
Default-user-icon No name (ضيف) 10:51 ,2012 حزيران 01

Nasrallah is putting all Shiite people around the world in danger, while he keeps hiding under ground, making statements, what a wise leader. I feel sorry for his people; soon they will be discriminated from all universe.
Gulf, Turkey, Syria, Europe, America... I wonder where a Shiite person is able to live in peace outside Dahie.

Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 16:24 ,2012 حزيران 01

@No Name

Although I dont agree with Hizbullah, I wish that all lebanese leaders were as wise as Nasrallah. This would have calmed the tension in Lebanon.
Even Israelis think he's a good and charismetic leader and give him more credits than their own generals.

Default-user-icon rami kremesti (ضيف) 12:09 ,2012 حزيران 01

bravo for the kidnappers !!! You fight fire with fire... may be the Lebanese and Syrian sunnis should unite and stand up to the Shia Hegemony in the region....

Thumb AngryLeb 13:28 ,2012 حزيران 01

Stand up to the Shia Hegemony, that's your solution ? wala you are smart ,,,,, this is not the solution Mr Rami, I would say no Syrian nore lebanese been kidnapped. Solution ,,,, Fight in Syrian or in Zimbabwe but Leave US alone,,,,,,,

Missing ulpianus 13:28 ,2012 حزيران 01

Why not the christians with them? Because they also live under the same hegemony...

Thumb bigsami 17:08 ,2012 حزيران 01

That was probably the one & only good post from CandleThrower! Not sure about his mowaten alias Motormouth....

Missing people-power 18:01 ,2012 حزيران 01

Hezbollah is sectarian, have you forgotten?

I'm sure will willl come up with some excuse claiming they are not sectarian, can't wait for that.

Default-user-icon Innocence and Guilt (ضيف) 05:23 ,2012 حزيران 02

So when Hezbollah abducted journalists, priests and university professors who were in Lebanon during the civil war living and suffering with the Lebanese, it was carrying out a justified act? Weren't those hostages, kept by Hezbollah for as long as 7 years, innocent victims who had families who worried about them? Am I to understand that only Lebanese civilians are innocent hostages while all "foreigners" are guilty and fair game?

Default-user-icon Someone (ضيف) 12:54 ,2012 حزيران 01

Lol! Why should Nasrallah apologize to filthy and uneducated terrorists? Hopefully the Syrian forces will find the abducters and duly slit their throats!

Missing helicopter 16:14 ,2012 حزيران 01

If he is capable of doing all that, why then he did nothing to save the hundreds of Lebanese prisoners in Syrian jails? Maybe he values the Syrian regime (his protege) more than his fellow country men? It makes me sad.

Default-user-icon bangbang (ضيف) 15:15 ,2012 حزيران 01

"nasrallah said in a speech that his party would not change its position concerning the conflict in Syria". nasrallah, how many children need to dye? and how many mothers need to morne their slaughtered children for u to change ur position?if the situation continues like that ther will b no children left.
the same applyes to aoun

Default-user-icon bangbang (ضيف) 15:17 ,2012 حزيران 01

this girl in the picture looks like she s climaxing.

Default-user-icon bangbang (ضيف) 15:18 ,2012 حزيران 01

this girl in the picture looks lioke she s climaxing

Default-user-icon bangbang (ضيف) 15:50 ,2012 حزيران 01

to the sick people of lebanon( all of the above names)
i read ur comments, u r talking about killing, kidnaping, sliting throats, abducting... as if it is a game .
there s people s human life and dignity on the line .
we deserve beeing ruled like sheep and by an iron fist. we have no respect to human life. god help us

Thumb beiruti 15:51 ,2012 حزيران 01

Why do you still refer to these 11 as "pilgrims". That is not a relavent term to this story. They are not being held because they are "pilgrims". They are being held because they are Hezbollah insurgents fighting in Syria killing Syrians. This is the relevancy of their detention.

Thumb beiruti 01:09 ,2012 حزيران 02

@rudes, or is that rubes. Where do you get the information that the 11 Hezbollah officers went to Syria with the 40 women. How do you know that they were not already there, doing their killing and that the way to get them back into Lebanon was to put them with a bunch of women pilgrims??

During the war in Lebanon, any time you had to get through enemy lines along a major road, we always picked up old women who were going our way. Its less suspicious for the guys at the checkpoints when they see old women in the car. This is probably what these guys were doing. Hiding behind the skirts of old women pilgrims.

Thumb shab 16:58 ,2012 حزيران 01

King rat never had a job

Thumb bigsami 17:13 ,2012 حزيران 01

Why should the kidnapping of 'shia" be "headline" news and importance for HA and not all other Syrian/Assad kidnapped-Lebanese? I think most of us know the answer. Get rid of the one & only true axis of evil....Iran/Assad/HA....and the world will see peace!