رئيس الحكومة الاسبق عمر كرامي حذر من فشل الحوار الوطني
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس الحكومة الاسبق عمر كرامي ان ظروف الحوار الوطني لم تنضج بعد، مشدداً على أن النسبية هي القانون المناسب لانتخابات 2013.
وشدد في الذكرى الـ25 لاغتيال أخيه لرئيس رشيد كرامي على خشيته من فشل الحوار مرة أخرى الامر الذي لا يتحمّله لبنان.
وعن الانتخابات النيابية عام 2013، قال كرامي "موقفنا جازم من أن النسبية تتيح التمثيل الصحيح وتسهم في الحد من المال السياسي". ورأى ان أي قانون آخر كقانون الـ1960 مثلاُ هو قانون تعيينات.
وأكد كرامي أن "واجبنا ان نكون في الجبهة الامنية للدفاع عن دور وهيبة الجيش، آخر صمام أمان لهذا البلد".
وقد تعرض الجيش لحملة اثر مقتل الشيخين احمد عبد الواحد وحسين مرعب على حاجز في الكويخات بعكار وشاب على حاحز المدفون في البترون.
ورأى ان لبنان "في طريقه الى الخراب، وان المؤسسات تتجه نحو الانهيار"، وأشار الى ان القوانين نصوص شكلية يتم خرقها.
وفي مؤتمره، قال كرامي "شجعنا سياسية النأي بالنفس لاعتبارها تحفظ لبنان من العواصف المحيطة"، مشدداً على أن "النأي لا يستعمل للهروب من الازمات الحاصلة".
وطالب كرامي "القضاء أن يعود عن قانون العفو الذي اصدره على رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع" المتهم بتفجير مروحية رشيد كرامي عام 1987.
كما قال كرامي، أن أخيه الرئيس رشيد كرامي "كان رجل دولة عظيم يحترمه الاصدقاء والاعداء".
Karami is a dreamer and an illusionist. He would sell himself to keep the Syrian regime alive because from there he acquires his political might, if he still has any. After all, he's a very old man and should respect whatever is left of his years on earth by saving us his mantra of failure that he's famous in preaching alongside his old man Aoun. These two are so predictable and boring I simply don't even read what they say. If only these two could disappear from the face of this earth. Or better so, show us their backs.
don t worry mowaten only M14 politicians get killed in lebanon... never M8 ! i wonder why? hahaha!
mowaten, NAME for me a single M8 figure that was assassinated after Hariri???? and keep in mind I'm not asking before the time of Hariri's assassination. because that was a different time (i.e. AOUN was Anti Syrian before he came back to Lebanon) So just give US an answer to just ONE guy who was assassinated after hariri... OK?
I thought we kicked you out in 2005! You resigned after you forbid a demonstration and over 100,000 people showed up despite the intimidation of the army. You are not wanted anymore...or have you ever been...
LF mentality. Jesus said turn the other cheak, forgive, love. LF says kill murder torture. What a shame.
well you turn the other cheek. I know for a fact if i do, i'll get slapped again. so no thanks
Yeah right, dont exaggerate and pretend to be a victim that everyone is out to get. Dont attack others and in 99% of cases, you dont get attacked. But its impossible to explain this to LF. You guys are trained to hate, kill and rape in the name of christianity which is innocent of your thuggery. LF is like alqaida.
I disagree with Rudy here. Turning the other cheek does not mean you will get slapped again. AND, more importantly, we do not turn the other cheek for our own sake, or to change the other person, but because of who we are. We turn the other cheek because we follow Jesus.
Good point lebanese88, anyone who teaches 'revenge' and 'killing' is not teaching and living what Jesus taught, and the word 'Christians' MEANS 'those who live like Christ'.
PS: I am neither M8 nor M14, but I am with the only one who is worthy of being followed and never makes mistakes: Jesus.
in response to peace lets analyse the assasinations....when m14 was in charge...gmayell a minister killed in his own town..his assisans knew him because they stopped greeted him then killed him and left to disappear??? where was his protection that should have been provided? wissam eid head of INTELLIGENCE blown up in his car alone and carrying sensitive files...has does the head of a countries intelligence be in this position? where was his protection? why wasnt his car searched before he gets in it everytime? francois haj head of army blown up in his car how does that happen where was his protection ? again why werent necessary security measures taken before he moves? eido minister blown up again car bombing why wasnt necessary protection and safety measures taken place? who are the people that can get that close to people of this importance? just a thought
all i m saying is that the majority of those who opposed syria or its friends here got killed these last years...that is strange !
Yes, of course Alex, M14 killed their own people, that makes the most sense. It had nothing to do with the remnants of the Syrian regime that still maintained controls on the security apparatus. It nothing to do with the Iranian controlled militia that had means and motive to carry out the assassinations.
Even if M14 could have replaced the Syrian and Hezbollah controlled security officers, there is still no way to stop all murder attempts from a persistent criminal.
When will the Hakim terminate this other Karame? Why doesn't he terminate everybody?
@lebanese88, rashid karame was a traitor and he divided the lebanese army in a time that we should have been united against the palestinians. He sided with them and divided the army. So personally, its good he blew out in thousand of pieces in his escape helicopter whoever killed him is a hero.May he rot in hell and next to him soon his brother Omar lebanon's most incompetent prime minister.
all his political life rachid karame advanced the pan-arabist and palestinian causes ahead of lebanon's welfare..
he supported nasser's push to make lebanon part of the united arab republic,
he defended the plo's uprising in 1968 that lead to the 1969 cairo accord
he sided with arafat's terrorists against the lebanese army in 1973
he refused to send in the lebanese army in 1975 to try and curtail the war
he was the syrian hegemony's best friend until he got so deservedly whacked
the lebanese would have been better of without him
Michel Aoun 18 May 2005: "Keeping Geagea in prison is an injustice. I declare my solidarity with him until he is released."
Just for the record...Geaga is not allowed in Tripoli. Even his M14 allies who won the elections in Tripoli advise him not to step in Tripoli. The LF are just puppets to support the future movement.