اسرائيل تخترق الخط التقني وتباشر ببناء موقع عسكري قرب الوزاني
Read this story in Englishبدأت ورشة اسرائيلية كبيرة عند ساعات الصباح الأولى الخميس، بأشغال وتحصينات على طول الخط الحدودي الممتد من الطرف الغربي للغجر وحتى موقع الحماري.
وتتضمن الأشغال سواتر ترابية وحفريات وموقع عسكري تشرف جميعها على تجمع منتزهات الوزاني.
وتضم الورشة الإسرائيلية 3 جرافات وحفارة وحوالي 30 عنصرا وتحميها قوة من 4 دبابات نوع ميركافا و3 سيارات عسكرية نوع هامر.
وتتركز الأشغال بمحاذاة السياج الشائك في هذا المحور وفي منطقة يتحفظ عليها لبنان في حين تعتبرها اسرائيل واليونفيل ضمن الخط الأزرق.
من جهته، اعتبر الناطق الرسمي باسم اليونيفيل اندريا تيننتي، تعليقا على الاعمال الاسرائيلية في محيط منطقة الوزاني، "ان اليونيفيل تبلغت بالامس (الأربعاء) من الجيش الاسرائيلي عن نيتهم القيام ببعض الاعمال في محيط عام الوزاني، وقامت اليونيفيل فورا بابلاغ الجيش اللبناني بذلك".
واضاف: "خلال سير الاعمال الاسرائيلية كان جنود اليونيفيل مع الجيش اللبناني موجودين في الموقع لمراقبة الوضع لضمان عدم حدوث اي خرق للخط الازرق"، معتبرا "ان الوضع في المنطقة هادىء".
وفي وقت لاحق، نفذت قوة من الجيش الاسرلاائيلي، مناورة في المنطقة الواقعة بين بلدة ميس الجبل وبليدا لجهة الحدود مع الاراضي المحتلة.
وقد استنفر الجيش اللبناني في بلدة ميس والمنطقة المجاورة، فيما سيرت الكتيبة النيبالية العاملة في اطار "اليونيفيل" دوريات مؤللة للمراقبة.
هذا وكان الجيش الإسرائيلي رفع فجر وصباح الأربعاء من وتيرة تحركاته على طول حدود القطاع الشرقي، بحيث سجلت حركة مكثفة لدوريات راجلة ومدرعة على مقربة من السياج الشائك، وتمركزت عند السابعة دبابة ميركافا خلف ساتر ترابي في محور العباسية.
في حين دخلت 3 سيارات "هامر" الى الشطر اللبناني من الغجر عند حوالي السابعة والربع تعمل على مراقبة المنطقة المحررة المواجهة خاصة قطاع نبع الوزاني.
Good boy FT, don't you have anything better to say? now go play in the corner....
Of course, the "Zionist enemy" moves along the border and the Lebanese army scrambles to "monitor the situation and guarantee that there won't be any violation of the Blue Line"...but when our "sister" syria shoots at our vilages, kidnaps or kills our citizens, insults our pride and chaces "terrorists" into Lebanon without the approval of the Lebanese government, our army is nowhere to be seen...
What a bunch of hypocrites....the army should protect all our borders, not just the south borders...an aggressor is an aggressor, no matter where they come from....Syria was and still is the worst enemy we will ever have, and the biggest traitors are those who support it and stand by while the syrians trespass into our land....
Where are all those who support Syria and HA? no comments? of course you have nothing to say...brainwashed bunch....
ya mouwaten, ya ret betkhaffefo estehbel shwey w btou3o. ent shou jensiytak? shou elak be Iran w souria? moumena3it shou? wle ma tnaynetoun awalan ahamma 3omala w 7oumet 7doud israel, teniyan, za3imak hasan nesralla 3ameel yehoude ba7et. wle rou7 sheflak shi tofol be hal share2 barrat lebnen w 3ti nazariyetak. jame3a feshlin kherjiyan w dekhliyan. tdabdabo li anno nhar le byeje le7seb, ra7 ykoun 3aseer 3laykoun ento w asyedkoun w hal nhar arrab ya iraneh.
You are not at war with iran and syria, but WE are.
Anyway, we will be happy when israel will wipe out hizbushaitan.
but your pb mowaten is that you defend the syrian regime each time a lebanese is killed by them...
Stinky Israeli when he demanded the army protect all our border???????
So strange, unless if you are truly Syrian, then your thoughts become logical. Mowaten, you are the one that need to change his avatar (find a Syrian or Iranian one). Apparently you only want to protect the southern border because the rest of it is Syrian territory as far as you are concerned.
You guys (@commentators) are weak.
The second you feel a little bit of pressure, instead of uniting against Israeli AND Syrian threats... You grab each other by the throat, and insult each other. Unite, it takes a little courage, but can go a oing way.
Thank god none of you are in power. Wimps.
Ah humour... not the strongest of your talent FT I'm afraid...
But you are such a warrior...you and your friends...I just wonder why so much insults and threats, yet you don't do much...
@momo...well...you're the ones with the weapons, you're the ones "protecting us" from Israel... now stop bragging about it and do something! Aren't you supposed to liberate shebaa...?? If you're not going to do it, lay down the weapons and let your people sit down at a table and talk...
yes bravery, my bad.
@thefool ...indeed... you're a better person...that's why you call us "wimps" :) We have an army, THEY represent the people, and the state, not the hezbollah militia. If you can't agree on that...well...then you really are a fool.
@thefool; before you look at the enemy from outside. look at te ones within. da7yeh plaza , rabyeh club of patronna's, and bnesh3e club of hachich and el beik sekran. look at the crap that we have inside. unite with them how? not one of them is Loyal to Lebanon. Loyalty either gone to syria or Iran or both. so your name speaks for itself. yalle jarrab mjarreb tole3 3a2lo mkharreb.
sinboy you just hit a nerve . watch what you say.if there is a admin,i would advise you take sinboy lf 's comment off,it is disrespectful,and im not going to let it go
Slash, i don't usually comment here, i just read naharnet to get the opposing points of view, but today i had to comment. You are very uneducated, clearly brainwashed by your parents and community, and seeing that display picture of yours, i'm assuming you're still living in the past, when the Lebanese fArces had a say in the country, not because of their democratic methods, but because of their militia acts, some of which are still evident in their supporters like yourself. We all have to wake up to the fact that Israel is an enemy more than anything, and understand why Hezbollah is there, their history of torture and deprivation. This is very simple, but it seems to be too hard to comprehend by people of your like.
hizbushaitan is here not to fight israel as you say, rather to force their will on mst of the lebanese, and if you fail to see that, then you are mislead.
we know israel is one of our enemies, but they are not alone: the syrian regime and iran are more deadly than israel, at least in our eyes.
I previously explained why I call them hizbushaitan, actually they should not have called themselves the way they did, as their name assumes that if you are against them, then you are against God.
Ok, about Syria:
you should have noticed that I say the syrian regime and not syria. and there lies the difference.
as well, in another post I said clearly that we have 2 neighbours who love us so much that they want each a piece of us.
I think this summarizes my opinion, and you will find people like mowaten who accuse me of being an israeli :)
I couldn't care less. I just know that hezb are only playing with their weapons at the pratice range, in the sewer, and most probably in Syria...but not on the southern border :)
syria (the assad regime let us be clear) did more harm to lebanon than israel. and people still consider it an ally! what a logic and a farce....
when they ll understand that israel and syria are two enemies of the country then we can start to move on!
and for the FPMers aoun always said that till the assad regime is in place no good will come to lebanon...
what about the villages erased by the syrian army, the tortures the kidnappings the hundreds dead in syrian jails the billions of dollars stolen the murders of politicians the humiliation for decades
these are facts...
so israel or syria is the same towards lebanon! pro assad or pro israeli are the same...
Here's my opinion, a simplistic LF guy:
- Syria does not recognize Lebanon as an independent country. Syria will NEVER stop trying to annex Lebanon. That makes Syria (in its present regime) a mortal enemy. I hope that will change but for now this his how I feel about Syria. More then anything we need a Syrian regime that will minds its own business and leave us alone.
- Israel recognizes Lebanon as a sovereign country. Israelis are brutes if provoked, yes. But if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. Israel is not my enemy. I believe Lebanon and Israel can have normal relations and that the two countries can thrive from peace. Think tourism, trade, academic exchange... There is so much to win from peace. Breakfast in Beirut and Lunch in Tel Aviv. Why not. Is it that scary of an idea?